Eating fats within 3 hours either side of a workout.

Hello. Does anyone know if this is a myth or if it is something i should try and stick to? I was told it slows down getting any nutrients into your blood so not a good idea too close to a workout - before or after?


  • Abstraktimus
    Abstraktimus Posts: 213 Member
    edited December 2014
    PWO feeding should be rich inprotein and carb, this meal should be fat free. The consumption of essential fats is one of the most overlooked areas of daily nutritional intake but during the post workout period, eating fat can actually decrease the effectiveness of your PWO beverage. Since fat slows down transit through the stomach, eating fat during the post workout period may slow the digestion and absorption of carbs and proteins.

    But let's be honest, before whey people would sit down and eat eggs and nail milk. There isn't going to be a massive hinderance to your gains or muscle repair.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    never heard anything like it

    the closest I've heard is eating protein within 30 mins of strength training helps with muscle repair, supposedly
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for the reply's. I cant find the articles now but i remember reading an article of Ben Palkuski a while ago on it.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    It's the forest and doesn't matter at the end of the day, everything gets assimilated. True that fat slows absorption, but it does not stops absorption.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    It's the forest and doesn't matter at the end of the day, everything gets assimilated. True that fat slows absorption, but it does not stops absorption.

    I was going to say the same thing. Fat slows absorption, but I don't think it's gonna be a deal breaker.

    Honestly, some days I have a carb/protein shake within an hour of lifting, some days I fast and just take BCAAs until 6 hours later when I finally eat, and some days I just have coffee and heavy cream (all fat) directly after lifting.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited December 2014
    The 30 minute anabolic window is way overblown. If the protein is not in your amino acid pool within this window you've missed it and that means make sure you have enough protein beforehand. Carbs and protein are your friend but fat isn't bad either. Just eat normally and you'll be fine.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I wouldn't bother worrying about this at all.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Myth pushed by supplement companies to push their low fat whey protein powders. Yes, fat slows down absorption, but if one were to follow the thinking of optimal muscle building only, then the question becomes why eat fat at ANY meal? So it is obvious that, apart from dietary fat being an essential macronutrient, PWO feeding isn't as important as total macronutrient intake for the day. My PWO feeding can be protein and carb rich, but if my overall intake is sub-optimal, I will experience sub-optimal results.

    Bottom line - focus on total intake, not nutrient timing.
  • leanmuscleway
    leanmuscleway Posts: 72 Member
    thanks very much for the replies B)
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited December 2014
    Lowest on the totem pole in terms of importance ( I mean that in regards to nutrient timing and specifics ).
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    dieselbyte wrote: »
    Myth pushed by supplement companies to push their low fat whey protein powders. Yes, fat slows down absorption, but if one were to follow the thinking of optimal muscle building only, then the question becomes why eat fat at ANY meal? So it is obvious that, apart from dietary fat being an essential macronutrient, PWO feeding isn't as important as total macronutrient intake for the day. My PWO feeding can be protein and carb rich, but if my overall intake is sub-optimal, I will experience sub-optimal results.

    Bottom line - focus on total intake, not nutrient timing.

    How could you possibly take the idea of limiting fat intake in the post workout window as a suggestion that ALL fat intake limits muscle growth? Fat is of course necessary for growth and health. It will also slow digestion of the protein post workout and blunt insulin response, which is not optimal for muscle growth.

    Bottom line - mind your total intake, but for optimal results nutrient timing is very important. Carbs and protein pre and post workout, BCAAs and carbs intra workout if you're training high volume and long duration, and keep fats to your other feedings when slower digestion and minimal insulin release are desirable.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    feralX wrote: »
    dieselbyte wrote: »
    Myth pushed by supplement companies to push their low fat whey protein powders. Yes, fat slows down absorption, but if one were to follow the thinking of optimal muscle building only, then the question becomes why eat fat at ANY meal? So it is obvious that, apart from dietary fat being an essential macronutrient, PWO feeding isn't as important as total macronutrient intake for the day. My PWO feeding can be protein and carb rich, but if my overall intake is sub-optimal, I will experience sub-optimal results.

    Bottom line - focus on total intake, not nutrient timing.

    How could you possibly take the idea of limiting fat intake in the post workout window as a suggestion that ALL fat intake limits muscle growth? Fat is of course necessary for growth and health. It will also slow digestion of the protein post workout and blunt insulin response, which is not optimal for muscle growth.

    Bottom line - mind your total intake, but for optimal results nutrient timing is very important. Carbs and protein pre and post workout, BCAAs and carbs intra workout if you're training high volume and long duration, and keep fats to your other feedings when slower digestion and minimal insulin release are desirable.

    I'm pretty sure he was being facetious.
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    feralX wrote: »
    dieselbyte wrote: »
    Myth pushed by supplement companies to push their low fat whey protein powders. Yes, fat slows down absorption, but if one were to follow the thinking of optimal muscle building only, then the question becomes why eat fat at ANY meal? So it is obvious that, apart from dietary fat being an essential macronutrient, PWO feeding isn't as important as total macronutrient intake for the day. My PWO feeding can be protein and carb rich, but if my overall intake is sub-optimal, I will experience sub-optimal results.

    Bottom line - focus on total intake, not nutrient timing.

    How could you possibly take the idea of limiting fat intake in the post workout window as a suggestion that ALL fat intake limits muscle growth? Fat is of course necessary for growth and health. It will also slow digestion of the protein post workout and blunt insulin response, which is not optimal for muscle growth.

    Bottom line - mind your total intake, but for optimal results nutrient timing is very important. Carbs and protein pre and post workout, BCAAs and carbs intra workout if you're training high volume and long duration, and keep fats to your other feedings when slower digestion and minimal insulin release are desirable.

    I'm pretty sure he was being facetious.

    Lol. I shouldn't post till caffeine kicks in.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    feralX wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    feralX wrote: »
    dieselbyte wrote: »
    Myth pushed by supplement companies to push their low fat whey protein powders. Yes, fat slows down absorption, but if one were to follow the thinking of optimal muscle building only, then the question becomes why eat fat at ANY meal? So it is obvious that, apart from dietary fat being an essential macronutrient, PWO feeding isn't as important as total macronutrient intake for the day. My PWO feeding can be protein and carb rich, but if my overall intake is sub-optimal, I will experience sub-optimal results.

    Bottom line - focus on total intake, not nutrient timing.

    How could you possibly take the idea of limiting fat intake in the post workout window as a suggestion that ALL fat intake limits muscle growth? Fat is of course necessary for growth and health. It will also slow digestion of the protein post workout and blunt insulin response, which is not optimal for muscle growth.

    Bottom line - mind your total intake, but for optimal results nutrient timing is very important. Carbs and protein pre and post workout, BCAAs and carbs intra workout if you're training high volume and long duration, and keep fats to your other feedings when slower digestion and minimal insulin release are desirable.

    I'm pretty sure he was being facetious.

    Lol. I shouldn't post till caffeine kicks in.

    No worries man, I'm already at 3 cups ;)
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    feralX wrote: »
    dieselbyte wrote: »
    Myth pushed by supplement companies to push their low fat whey protein powders. Yes, fat slows down absorption, but if one were to follow the thinking of optimal muscle building only, then the question becomes why eat fat at ANY meal? So it is obvious that, apart from dietary fat being an essential macronutrient, PWO feeding isn't as important as total macronutrient intake for the day. My PWO feeding can be protein and carb rich, but if my overall intake is sub-optimal, I will experience sub-optimal results.

    Bottom line - focus on total intake, not nutrient timing.

    How could you possibly take the idea of limiting fat intake in the post workout window as a suggestion that ALL fat intake limits muscle growth? Fat is of course necessary for growth and health. It will also slow digestion of the protein post workout and blunt insulin response, which is not optimal for muscle growth.

    Bottom line - mind your total intake, but for optimal results nutrient timing is very important. Carbs and protein pre and post workout, BCAAs and carbs intra workout if you're training high volume and long duration, and keep fats to your other feedings when slower digestion and minimal insulin release are desirable.

    Reading comprehension and facetious meter?? The point I'm making is PWO nutrition is not as important as TOTAL feeding. Muscle doesn't just grow from PWO meal. Muscle growth is dependent on many factors OTHER than nutrient intake PWO. If caloric intake is sub-optimal, if protein intake is less than adequate, if rest is minimal etc, - muscle growth will be sub-optimal or non-existent. It doesn't matter how much BCAA's and carbs I consume intra-workout, or what my PWO meal consists of. You're just majoring in minors with your point. (Your intra-workout example is interesting in itself, because the very thought of high volume and long duration vs cortisol effects on muscle growth doesn't seem to be an issue for you - another majoring in the minors topic that is heavily debated) Bottom line is nutrient timing comes in dead last compared to overall factors. Muscle protein synthesis isn't limited to 30 minutes post-workout. Even if nutrient timing is spot on, how much MORE muscle do you think you will build? Do you honestly think it will be a significant amount more?
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    How do you get that I'm disagreeing with you on having to have your bases covered for total daily nutrition, I never said anything remotely close to that. That's such an obvious prerequisite that I don't think it needs to be discussed in depth. I also never said that all protein synthesis occurs in the immediate post workout meal. But yes, I'd say nutrient timing is important for optimal results over the long term. If you're busting your *kitten* in the gym, why would you not dial in your diet for optimal results. I'm just stating what I and many others have found to be true in real life. To each his own I guess. Things you find to be true in your 30's may not be as applicable once you hit your 40's, then everything matters.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    So this thread is about 40 year old you, and not the 24 year old that posted the question? Haha!

    Seriously though, I think you are missing the point. What I'm saying is that the MAJORS need to be on point before even considering nutrient timing, which is a MINOR in the overall picture. For 1% of the population nutrient timing is important (ultra elite athletes). For 99% of us, sorry to say you and I are included (unless you are an ultra elite athlete, then congrats), any benefit we receive from nutrient timing will not be significant. If you and I time our meals and nutrients perfectly, over the long term (20 years?) it may result in 1-2lbs more of muscle, maybe. Now, if you argue that 1-2lbs more is significant, then that is your viewpoint and I respect it. But one can also successfully argue that with increased age brings other significant factors - lower test levels, reduced postprandial muscle protein synthetic response, increased stress etc- factors that nutrient timing may have little to no effect on.
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    Lol, def not an elite athlete. But I still have to respectfully disagree. I think the results of nutrient timing are much greater than 1-2lbs over 20 years, I'd say more in line with per year. I think this is going to have to be one of those topics where there is disagreement and no way to reach a clear and definite conclusion. Too many variables for any study to accurately determine a result for all populations.
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    And we're in mutual agreement on having the major bases covered. I'm contending that once those are looked after, why not address the minors to reach optimal results? I'd rather base my efforts on the results of an elite athlete rather than a mediocre general population. And in referencing age, I meant that as you age smaller details take on greater effect. I think similar rules apply to younger lifters, but they can get away with ignoring the finer points because they have the benefit of youth on their side.