Bread - how to get over it?



  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    Raises hand... 53. Nothing wrong with having just about any food. I still love bread, but I don't eat much of it. Weight loss is about the calorie deficit. As long as you fit bread into your calorie count, you can lose weight while still having bread. For instance, I have been having a bagel or banana bread for breakfast every day this week. Therefore, enjoy what you like in moderation.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Nothing wrong with bread. It's your calorie total you need to watch -- and you are only going to be miserable if you make your cuts in the areas that give you the most pleasure. So, rather than avoiding bread altogether, I would recommend only eating REALLY GOOD BREAD.

    Like, buy from an artisan baker, or, better yet, bake your own! Don't waste calories on stupid spongy factory bread, rather include in each day a sensibly sized piece of well-made, delicious, chewy, crusty BREEEEEEAD. Eat it slowly and without distraction. Enjoy every bite. Refuse to feel guilty, you planned for it!

    weigh your food and log everything...I bet you'll find a daily treat of deliciously crafted bread can fit in to most days if you're willing to cut elsewhere.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eat bread, eat at a deficit. Be happy.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    How much bread do you really eat though? Is it every meal? Snacks? I can't see even the highest of calorie breads being a major issue provided you're not overeating it. I'm guessing there's more to this equation than bread.

    Exactly. Plus, you have to read the labels on your bread. Some carry a lot of added sugar and sodium. It may not just be the fat and/or calories that cause a dietary problem. Reading labels and comparing is very important to fit bread into your daily goals.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    Um. I'm almost 45, just had a hysterectomy, and have lost almost 80 pounds. Guess what? I did it eating bread, and potatoes, and rice, and pasta.

    Wait, WHAT? Isn't that going against everything that the universe is telling us???

    No, it's not. It's not about denying yourself the foods. It's about learning to eat the right amounts of those foods as well as other healthy ones. It's about finding a balance that works for you. I would look for healthier versions of the foods you like and occasionally allow yourself the less healthy versions as long as it fits into you daily range. Do that and you'll lose weight while eating the foods you love.

    Good luck to you! You can do this and live too. ;)
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I'd also like to say that typing out my previous post made me want bread IN MY MOUTH RIGHT NOW.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    For me , bread is a bit of a treat now. I dont find it very filling and at 120-140 calories a sclice then a 2 slice sandwich is a calorie investment. Every week I throw most of a loaf away, which is a shame.

    120-140 cals per slice??? Wow, that's a lot....I use rye bread. A fairly large piece is only 70 cals. And I've even weighed it to make sure.

    Perhaps find different types of bread that will be a little easier for you to fit in. :)

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with bread. It's your calorie total you need to watch -- and you are only going to be miserable if you make your cuts in the areas that give you the most pleasure. So, rather than avoiding bread altogether, I would recommend only eating REALLY GOOD BREAD.

    Like, buy from an artisan baker, or, better yet, bake your own! Don't waste calories on stupid spongy factory bread, rather include in each day a sensibly sized piece of well-made, delicious, chewy, crusty BREEEEEEAD. Eat it slowly and without distraction. Enjoy every bite. Refuse to feel guilty, you planned for it!

    weigh your food and log everything...I bet you'll find a daily treat of deliciously crafted bread can fit in to most days if you're willing to cut elsewhere.

    Yes! OP, focus on quality and not quantity. Go for good, nutrient dense bread and please, for the love of god, do NOT eliminate bread and eat rice cakes instead! I'm not hating on rice cakes, but if you are going to eat carbs, eat wholesome, satisfying ones.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    bread is the staff of life, and it really isnt very calorically dense for the average white roll or hunk french bread loaf.

    I personally love bread,potatoes, and rice, and I eat all three of them nearly everyday. I have a carb centric way of eating, that makes me happy. I see others on here who have a gelato based diet and they love that.

    Its all calories in vs. out, so only eat the stuff you love.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I bake my own from scratch. It's a lot harder to overeat bread when it takes several hours to make it first.
  • ToddPa12
    ToddPa12 Posts: 61 Member
    I can relate, as bread/pastries were a huge weak point for me. My problem in the decision on whether to have it or not, is do I want to waste so much of my calorie intake on bread, which will be burnt off in no time, plus not fill me....temporary satisfaction? I've had this thought with a number of food products. I like the input from others about low cal breads, which I may look into, but for me it may cause the desire to eat it regularly again. If you are on a regime of burning a lot of calories a day, it shouldn't be a problem, but I don't have that luxury. I'm burning about a meals worth a food a day to get my deficit where it needs to be, and yet enjoy some of my luxuries I know would be tough to beat. It comes down to what you want to sacrifice the most, and what you can do without. Just remember, there are alternatives and if you decide to say no, it does get easier once you know what your daily caloric intake is, and is it worth having that indulgence?
    I promised myself to lay low on those items that negatively affected me until I get to my target weight, and then I could see about getting them back into my diet when I am at a maintaining point.
    Good luck!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    the sweet multigrain rolls I buy at walmart are 80 cals a piece, and their brand french bread is only 900 for the whole damn loaf. A loaf of supermarket cheap-o bread is about 1500 for the whole loaf....
  • CraigShift
    CraigShift Posts: 69 Member
    The real bad thing about commercial made bread, well most of them anyway, contain L-cysteine
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Bread used to be my go-to food. If I ate mindlessly, I could easily finish a loaf in a day. I keep the bread in my freezer now and take it out one slice at a time. Now I likely eat one slice of bread and various crackers in a day.

    I love different textured breads. Try a Silver Hills Squirrely or Little Big. I am fond of sourdoughs, rye, and pumpernickel. When I could not find a decent pumpernickel anywhere, I found a recipe and made it at home, slicing it thin.

    I find the Weight Watchers breads too insubstantial to hold up a sandwich.

    ....and I am in Menopause range too!
  • Petzwv
    Petzwv Posts: 24 Member
    wow, 48 old? This 57 yr old doesn't think so ;-) I agree with finding some really good quality breads. As long as its in your calorie range, Log, plan and enjoy :-)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited December 2014
    When I figure it out, I'll let you know!

    Bread is so good! Even the Italian one, with all it's lovely sesame seeds, at the grocery store is good. I just cut the white bread out.

    I switched over to whole grain stuff - it took me a long time to find even one thing that had any little bit of whole grain in it that I liked, but I've found one. It's quite tasty and I never have the urge to pop four of them in the toaster and chow down.

    Rice cakes really are great, if you happen to like them. They're not too hot for sandwiches, though.

    IMO, 48 doesn't count as "older." 52 begins "older." It's subjective, but you're not there yet, lol. :)
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I very much like bread also I have not cut it out completely but I have dramatically reduced my intake. My go to sandwich was PB and J. I did have to cut that out.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I can see bread being a problem. Some of us don't get a lot of calories for weight loss. Bread is high calorie and not filling. For the calories in two slices of bread or a roll, I'd rather have something with more fiber and protein, or even fat, that would leave me fuller, longer.

    Do I avoid it completely? No. But during weight loss, a daily sandwich isn't on my wish list. And forget heading to the bread bin for snacks. A slice of pizza now and then- yes.

    I agree with this completely. I'm not even in weight loss mode. In fact, I'm bulking at the moment. I still avoid bread/grains 90% of the time.

    I love good bread, and I love pasta. I think it and pasta used to make up a large % of my diet. It just doesn't do anything for me hunger-wise and tends to make me crave more bread. I pretty much eliminated it in May 2013. I wasn't overweight but I did drop 10 lbs pretty easily by making this one switch. Why? I think it allowed me to eat more food with less calories and less hunger.

    I don't miss it any more. I eat way more vegetables and fruit than I used to. I don't get tired/groggy after eating. The biggest pain is eating out while avoiding it, especially if you want something quick, like fast food. However, I don't have any allergies, so if I really want pizza or a bahn mi or whatever, I have it. Most of the time though, it just isn't worth the extra calories for me so I skip it.

    It was hard for the first couple of weeks. After that? No big deal.

  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I would not survive without bread! I would only suggest buying better quality bread. Whole grains instead of white. And eat it in moderation. I am not a salad person. I prefer a yummy hot sandwich. I have switched to gluten free bread, but that is just because of my digestive issues. I could not eliminate bread. In fact, I could not eliminate anything I like. I think the key to long term success is to upgrade, i.e., find healthier ways to still enjoy the things you like. If you can afford it, buy better quality items of the things you like and moderation in all things. If its a trigger for you, don't keep a lot of it at home.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    St Joseph's makes a really good whole wheat & oatmeal pita as well as a lavash bread (for making wraps) that are delicious, soft, and VERY low cal... only 50-60 per generous serving. I have found them at Walmart and at Martin's grocery stores near the deli section. The only drawback to them is that they are on the high side in sodium. But if you are careful with your fillings, they work VERY well into my daily goals. I can make a pita sandwich or wrap that comes in under 200 calories and WAY HIGH in flavor.
  • LITtlerMeCO
    LITtlerMeCO Posts: 130 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Unless you have carb/gluten sensitivity issues or it's starting to mold, bread isn't bad for you. If it's a trigger food for you, I wouldn't buy it, and instead look for lower calorie tortillas/wraps.

    Great advice. I do great with sliced bread but that Artisan French Bread from Safeway, well, that is tougher for me. I've been using more tortillas and found some great recipes on Pinterest that I really like.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Has anyone noticed that the thinner wraps have no fewer calories than the slice of bread? One eight inch tortilla, 81 calories. One slice of Wonder bread, 79 calories.

    I guess you can get away with it as the tortilla will wrap itself around all that goodness, whereas with bread one would have to eat it open-faced.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    So, now you know it is OK to eat bread.
    I, over the length of my weight loss journey, lost my taste for bread as a staple in my diet. Now I only eat it if it is really tasty and special- like fresh out of the oven, or a chocolate croissant.

    As others have said, you are not old, I am 61 and not old, hahaha.

    I did my weight loss during menopause, if you need a friend who has been there, done that, send me a friend request.
    Cheers, h.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    husseycd wrote: »
    I can see bread being a problem. Some of us don't get a lot of calories for weight loss. Bread is high calorie and not filling. For the calories in two slices of bread or a roll, I'd rather have something with more fiber and protein, or even fat, that would leave me fuller, longer.

    Do I avoid it completely? No. But during weight loss, a daily sandwich isn't on my wish list. And forget heading to the bread bin for snacks. A slice of pizza now and then- yes.

    I agree with this completely. I'm not even in weight loss mode. In fact, I'm bulking at the moment. I still avoid bread/grains 90% of the time.

    I love good bread, and I love pasta. I think it and pasta used to make up a large % of my diet. It just doesn't do anything for me hunger-wise and tends to make me crave more bread. I pretty much eliminated it in May 2013. I wasn't overweight but I did drop 10 lbs pretty easily by making this one switch. Why? I think it allowed me to eat more food with less calories and less hunger.

    I don't miss it any more. I eat way more vegetables and fruit than I used to. I don't get tired/groggy after eating. The biggest pain is eating out while avoiding it, especially if you want something quick, like fast food. However, I don't have any allergies, so if I really want pizza or a bahn mi or whatever, I have it. Most of the time though, it just isn't worth the extra calories for me so I skip it.

    It was hard for the first couple of weeks. After that? No big deal.

    Same here. Once I stopped eating it I also stopped craving it. I do not miss it, nor do I miss that heavy, groggy feeling after eating it. YMMV.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    astrose00 wrote: »
    allanakern wrote: »
    i get sara lee 45 calorie bread.. its good and i can have a little more because of the low cals.

    Other than the fact that it's got a TON of unnecessary ingredients, this isn't a bad idea if bread is't a trigger food for you OP.
    As someone who's also going through menopause, I understand where you're coming from.
    I haven't eliminated bread, but I do now get that every meal doesn't need to be built around it. That said, a good sandwich is awesome. We keep 100 calorie sandwich thins (with a very small ingredient list) around, as well as ezekiel tortillas for when I want a good sandwich or wrap.
    This is a reasonable option too:

    Again, this assumes you don't find it hard to control your appetite when you eat bread.

    I've tried both. Do the sandwich thins have "better" ingredients? I never really paid attention.
    Way fewer ingredients. And no HFCS.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Why would we be giving up bread??
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited December 2014
    njitaliana wrote: »
    Unless you have celiac disease or a wheat allergy, whole wheat bread is healthier to eat than a rice cake. I have a wheat allergy, so I eat either Udi Whole Grain bread made from rice, or Paleo bread made from almonds, or german 100% rye bread. So, enjoy!

    This was my thought. I really don't get the deal with rice cakes, is it that they are low calorie? I think they just seem virtuous because they taste like cardboard (sorry, Kalikel!), but I don't see any reason from a nutrition standpoint to eat them instead of bread, and I'm not even a bread person.

    Anyway, it seems like the OP has found a resolution; I just wanted to agree.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    First let me say -- I have always LOVED fresh baked bread... more than most sweets. I fit bread into my daily calories, but don’t eat bread every day.

    At home, I do buy low-calorie bread and just because it says a serving is 2 slices is 100 calories – I have learned there is nothing wrong with sometimes just a single half-slice (25 calories) – as in the lower left-hand corner below. These are all meals I made keeping them in the 250 calorie range.

    At a restaurant, I stick to 1 or 2 pieces of whatever is being served and enjoy it as a treat.


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Why would we be giving up bread??

    read the original post
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When eating away or from a buffet, I pick ONE carbohydrate along with my vegetables and meat. Sometimes I take the crusty bun. Other times, the mashed potatoes.