Beginning runner using C25k



  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    wulfax wrote: »
    In the end I do beleive that the C25k puts you at about a 10:00 min/mile. I am not even close to that. At my fastest pace I was at 14:53 min/mile.

    There are a lot of factors to look at though. I am about 60 lbs. overweight, 40 years old, and until recently, the most exercise I got was walking to the printer/copier.

    My theory on all of this is that I didn't get this unfit in only a few months, it took over a decade, so if it takes me a year or more to get in shape, so be it. My tenative goal is that when October 2015 rolls around (will have been running for 1 year at that point) I will be at the 10 min/mile. So I still have about 9 1/2 months to loose 5 mintues off my mile (hopefully losing 60 lbs. will help). :smiley:

    How very rational. You're a tower of sense, as always.

    It can be funny when some of us, myself included, want to see changes once we finally decide to make changes!

    My aim at the moment is for 10min/km for my first 5k.
    For sponsorhsip, my borhter has suggested an interesting twist - he'll start the sponsorship at 49.59 with 10 quid.
    Every minute off that gets another ten - 48.49, 47.49 etc.

    I'm hoping to get around 45/46 for the 5k, which I think is achievable.

  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    edited December 2014
    Program: 26th 5k Run in All; RunDouble 5k Improver
    Date: 12/11/2014
    Start time: 7:21 pm

     &nbsp• Increase my pace

    Distance: 3.1 miles
    Duration: 47:56 (2nd out of the 26 I have done)
    Ave Pace: 15:28
    Change from last attempt: -00:38
    Change from W1D1 of C25k (Oct 7, 58:58): -11:02
    Change from fastest time (C25k W8D3, Dec 04: 46:08): +01:48

    I got my 2nd fastest time on this run, so that is better than my last outing. Sometimes I get a bit down on myself for my pace, but then I look at the change from W1D1 and see that on this day, I ran it 11 minutes faster than I did 2 months ago.

    My organized 5k is next Saturday on the 20th of December. I am excited for it, but I also have a bit of trepidation as well. I have never run with others and, to be honest, I still feel very self-conscious when I run. I know it is all in my head and that no one really cares about the fat guy sweating and struggling along, but it is there in my head nonetheless.

    I will run three more times before my organized event. I will run on Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I don’t plan on doing anything but resting on Friday. I am going to try to push myself these next three runs, I want to do better on each one. My goal for Saturday is to have another run with a pace of under 15 min/mile.

    Good luck to all of you out there. Remember this is a process, or to use the old cliché, it is a marathon, not a race. :smiley:

    Goal Achievement:

    • Increase my pace
      o I did my 2nd fastest time. I am happy and not happy at the same time. I felt there were moments where I had mental lapses. I would notice that my body would slow down while my brain was asking “WTF?” However, once I noticed I did not push though it and that is a mental breakdown. I need to remind myself of that when I am running, that I am mentally tough and that I can push past what is torturing me at that moment.
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    Can't wait to hear about your race! All sorts of people run/walk/jog/crawl 5Ks so no one will be looking at you--everyone's running their own race! You'll do great.
  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    Had an awful run this morning. Every minute was a struggle.
    Went from running 24 minutes straight on Thursday to wanting to keel over after 3 minutes this morning. :(

    How is everyone else doing this weekend?
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    Had an awful run this morning. Every minute was a struggle.
    Went from running 24 minutes straight on Thursday to wanting to keel over after 3 minutes this morning. :(

    How is everyone else doing this weekend?

    Aw, it happens! I was dying during two miles on Tuesday night and then breezed through four miles yesterday.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I breezed through 5 miles on Saturday, then struggled to finish 3 on Sunday. It happens. Don't get discouraged.
  • VoodooChummy
    VoodooChummy Posts: 53 Member
    Updates folks.....where are the running updates I've grown to expect and love?
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    Had a great 4.5-miler this afternoon and second 5K on Sunday! Couldn't have done any of it without C25K.

    Happy weekend running!
  • IndigoSue13
    IndigoSue13 Posts: 99 Member
    Can't wait to hear about your race today, Wulfax! I hope it went well. :)
  • SlimSonic
    SlimSonic Posts: 127 Member
    How did the race go? Have just read your info & it's great encouragement. I plan to start in the new year. Thank you. :D
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Can't wait to hear about your race today, Wulfax! I hope it went well. :)

    Yes, enquiring minds want to know!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    edited December 2014
    Program:  Jingle Bell Run 2014
    Date: 12/20/2014
    Start time:  8:00 am

    I haven’t posted since December 12th, so 10 days, but this is the season where my wife plans my life out and I run out of time for anything other than work and holiday activities.  I ran on the 11th (my last post) and then unfortunately I didn’t run again until the 18th.  That run on the 18th was brutal, I don’t know if it was because I hadn’t run for a week or if the cold was just too much for me, but it was rough.

    I did do my first organized run on December 20th.  I have never done one of these and it was a good experience, I will absolutely do another one.  I signed up for this run back at the beginning of October when I started the C25k program.  I did it to give myself some extra motivation and it did work. 

    On Friday we went to the run sponsor and picked up our race packets.  My wife and I ran the 5k and our two kids did a ½ mile sprint.  We all got t-shirts and originally our kids wanted to do the 5k with us (they are 7 & 8) but after seeing us run, they realized that they would not have been able to keep up with us.  However, an additional good thing that came from the run is that the kids want to start training with us.  I told them that they can do my warm up with me for a while (I do a mile to warm-up) and once they are able to keep up with that we will work on them doing the 5k with me.

    We ended up getting a late start on the day of the race and unfortunately we didn’t get to the race until 5 minutes before it started so I was not able to warm up at all.  I also forgot my gloves and hand warmers and my hands were so cold they felt like they were burning.  The cold was a distraction to me and I do feel that I may have been able to do better if I hadn’t reacted so negatively to my fingers being cold.  There were a few new experiences for me during this race. 

    The first was that we ran on dirt (I run on sidewalk).  I actually liked running this dirt course better than running the neighborhood, the wife and I may go out there a few times a month to run it again.  I really liked running on the dirt, it was pretty well packed, not loose.  There were quite a few hills and I would slow a bit for climbing up and then relax and let gravity help me go down the other side.  That is something I had been working on in the last month (letting gravity help instead of fighting it).  I noticed many people putting on the brakes going down the hills and fighting gravity.  My wife did this, but she is a klutz and she said (rightly so) that if she tried to go down them faster she would have fallen on her face (I’ve seen her trip walking over a smooth floor).

    The second new experience was of course running with people.  There were 729 participants in the race.  I have to tell you that I got a bit of motivation when the woman pushing a double stroller ran past me.  Another ‘you gotta be kidding me’ moment happened when the 60+ year old lady speed walked past me dressed as an elf (the lady in the stroller beat me but the speed walking lady did not). :smiley: There were a few very cool moments.  There were families out there running and at one point a lady let her two year old out of the stroller and the 2-year old started running.  She was giggling and trundling along saying ‘look mommy, I’m running.’  It was very cute and heartwarming (just not hand warming).

    I am still going to try to run three times a week (Tues, Thurs, Sat) although I know that until after the New Year I will just get out when I can.  This Thursday is Christmas and I am making the main dish for dinner, so no time for running.  I lift weights on Mon, Wed, and Fri and I don’t run on those days.

    So now for my results (drum roll):

    It was my fastest time to date.  I beat my original 5k by 14:00.  So that is a reduction of 14:00 in 11 weeks.  I also beat my fastest time by 01:10.  My goal is to do this same race in 2015 and to get below 30 minutes.  As I have said before, I do not like running, but I enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from doing better and meeting my goals.

    In the end, I don’t just want to be thin, I want to be fit.  I want to be strong, that is why I lift weights.  I know that if I watch what I eat and lift, I will lose weight and be fit, but in all honestly I also want to be able to run three miles in less than 30 minutes.  We all have our own views on fitness and what that means, I guess this is mine.  I will post again, I don’t know how often.  I have a long way to go still, I am not close to being done with this.

    If I don’t post again before the new year;  happy New Year everyone, I hope your 2015 is everything you want it to be!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Thanks for the update, and congratulations on finishing the race and on beating your best time by so much! I'm sure that if you keep working on your running, you'll be able to meet your goal; even if it takes a while, as long as you're improving, there's hope. Best wishes for the holidays!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Well done that man!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Congrats, wulfax! I relate to this:

    "In the end, I don’t just want to be thin, I want to be fit. I want to be strong, that is why I lift weights. I know that if I watch what I eat and lift, I will lose weight and be fit, but in all honestly I also want to be able to run three miles in less than 30 minutes. We all have our own views on fitness and what that means, I guess this is mine."
  • IndigoSue13
    IndigoSue13 Posts: 99 Member
    Hooray!!! And congratulations! It put a smile on my face to read this today. :)
  • lesaw01
    lesaw01 Posts: 207 Member
    Congratulations wulfax!! One of my goals for 2015 is to run in at least one 5K race.
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    Congrats! So glad you accomplished your goal -- and amazing work cutting down that time.