


  • Bonustools
    Bonustools Posts: 56 Member
    Your hand can never leave you.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    You just need to find the right person who compliments your comic-book-villain grin.

    Cat woman would be ideal.

    Ohhhhhhhhh I was born there, and only live about 100 km away from the border.
    Dating and relationships aren't worth the effort. So much effort and all you get is drama.

    You're better off waiting to find someone who just wants sex. Meet, having fun for a few hours, then go your separate ways. Repeat once a week.

    Either that, or get into kink. That stuff is fun too.

    I'd take what I can get at this stage, but apparently I'm just as bad at being that person people will have flings with as I am at being that person people will have a relationship with. I'm not exactly lonely as I'm a bit of an introvert and somewhat comfortable being all 'every man is an island and this one isn't served by any ferries'. But it occurred to me at some point I might like to give the being with other people thing a try.

    If you go into it with an "I just want sex attitude," then girls who want more than that will sense it and punt. If you go into it with an "I need to be in a relationship" attitude off the bat, then that might be panic inducing. Relationships take time to grow - I say, just be yourself and, most importantly, be true to what you want for yourself. And there's no need to rush into any decisions.

    I think that's what I've learned, anyway. Dating is hard stuff.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    searching for relationships never works imo

    better to just date , get laid whenever you want and eat food & watch cartoons alone like me

  • I have had relationships but they all seem to fail. I have kinda just stopped looking and figure that the right person will find ME when the time is right. I still go on dates but lately I have been meeting a bunch of *kitten* haha.

    I'm so with you on this one... I figure my Cowboy Prince will find me someday. Until then, I'm on a campaign for free dinners. :stuck_out_tongue:

    Haha you are so my new favorite person like ever!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    Is this forum for people wanting to announce that they are single? If so I must say *ahem*:

    I am Single!

    That is all....
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    *Raises hand*

    Single for 4yrs over here... Let's all 'out' ourselves shall we.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    searching for relationships never works imo

    better to just date , get laid whenever you want and eat food & watch cartoons alone like me

    Get laid whenever you want? How do I sign up for this? It must be something that women can do and men can't...
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member

    Get laid whenever you want? How do I sign up for this? It must be something that women can do and men can't...[/quote]

    .....VERY single over here..... *raises hand*
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    <--- taken but in it to see how the other 1/2 lives :)
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I tried dating and that failed horribly. I either get told I'm too busy because I have children or because I spend "too much time in the gym". ;) This is normally from men that have children of their own and won't go out on a date when they have their child(ren). Excuse me, single parent here, their father is NOT in the picture.

    So I have just stuck with "talking" to an old friend from high school. We talk/text everyday, set plans to spend the weekend together, exchange Christmas gifts, go to movies and dinner and hey...we sleep with each other. Unless that's dating?? Cause we are both very "chill" about our companionship and nothing is official. Heck, we haven't even discussed going public with our relationship although it is known between us and close friends that neither of us are seeing other people.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I tried dating and that failed horribly. I either get told I'm too busy because I have children or because I spend "too much time in the gym". ;) This is normally from men that have children of their own and won't go out on a date when they have their child(ren). Excuse me, single parent here, their father is NOT in the picture.

    So I have just stuck with "talking" to an old friend from high school. We talk/text everyday, set plans to spend the weekend together, exchange Christmas gifts, go to movies and dinner and hey...we sleep with each other. Unless that's dating?? Cause we are both very "chill" about our companionship and nothing is official. Heck, we haven't even discussed going public with our relationship although it is known between us and close friends that neither of us are seeing other people.

    I would actually call this a relationship....
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    I tried dating and that failed horribly. I either get told I'm too busy because I have children or because I spend "too much time in the gym". ;) This is normally from men that have children of their own and won't go out on a date when they have their child(ren). Excuse me, single parent here, their father is NOT in the picture.

    So I have just stuck with "talking" to an old friend from high school. We talk/text everyday, set plans to spend the weekend together, exchange Christmas gifts, go to movies and dinner and hey...we sleep with each other. Unless that's dating?? Cause we are both very "chill" about our companionship and nothing is official. Heck, we haven't even discussed going public with our relationship although it is known between us and close friends that neither of us are seeing other people.

    I would actually call this a relationship....

  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    and all your (my) friends are getting married and you're single , you just gotta love life -__-
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    karyabc wrote: »
    and all your (my) friends are getting married and you're single , you just gotta love life -__-

    And have a laugh. One of my buddies on my FL sent me this gem.
  • karyabc wrote: »
    and all your (my) friends are getting married and you're single , you just gotta love life -__-

    I know this feeling all too well. Hell, my younger brother is getting married before me -_-
  • Ripfit138
    Ripfit138 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have a friend that's been married 3 times since I've known him. I still am not. Must be that rockstar lifestyle, lol
  • Ripfit138
    Ripfit138 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well then...I guess I feel pretty today!
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    karyabc wrote: »
    and all your (my) friends are getting married and you're single , you just gotta love life -__-

    And have a laugh. One of my buddies on my FL sent me this gem.

    hahahahahahhaaha !! that's so me on every level :D
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I used to think I was terrible at relationships. Then I met the perfect man (for me.) Now I'm convinced that it really is just about meeting the right person. At least you're not all caught up in 12 years worth of wrong people.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    karyabc wrote: »
    and all your (my) friends are getting married and you're single , you just gotta love life -__-

    I know this feeling all too well. Hell, my younger brother is getting married before me -_-

    i knowwwwwwww!! i have 3 brothers younger and older; all married thank you! plus i come from a Hispanic to make it worst where being single for too long is like a sin :|