Adopt a Noob - Official MFP thread



  • CamoteKid
    CamoteKid Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all!

    To say I would love a mentor is a total understatement! I think I really need one to help keep me motivated!

    I've tried weight loss in the past and just overwhelmed myself with fads and crash dieting. To be honest, I wasn't ready and I was binge eating any chance I got. I started therapy to work through those larger issues and am really ready to focus on my weight and developing a healthy lifestyle. I just got married and became a step mom, I want to spend as much life as possible with my family.

    I started at 340 pounds two weeks ago and I am now at 330. I've been counting calories, eating kinda paleo and working out regularly. I got sick this past week though with an awful flu and I am still recovering it and sitting around and being lazy is taking it's toll on me a bit, and I'd just love someone who can encourage me and remind me not to give up! Please feel free to message or add me. I'd love to hear from you!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Those looking for mentors, please look at the first post and feel free to reach out to a few people.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I've been waiting for this post to make the rounds again because I would love to mentor a few people.

    I've been on MFP since March of 2012 and have lost a grand total of 170 pounds. I am 52 yo and am a marathoner and Ultra marathoner. Love, love, love running. When I started on MFP, I could barely walk across a room let alone run, so this site has been wonderful for me and my way of life.

    I love chocolate and beer. Good stuff! I make allowances each day in my diary for those two items. It is a very strange day when you do not see at least one of those two items in my diary. Just a heads up there.

    The other thing you will notice is that I talk about MFH (My Favorite Husband) a lot! He is my life and the reason I have tried to improve myself. I would do anything for that guy. He's the best!

    I tell the world's worst puns and jokes on the board. You have been warned! HA!

    In all seriousness, though, it took about 2 1/2 years for me to lose the majority of my weight. It was a slow process. Nothing wrong with that! If you are struggling with your weight loss and not seeing fast results, I hear you there! I had spots where I went 3-4 months without any loss at all. Very disheartening! It DOES come off, though! Trust me! It IS worth it!

    I have a new lease on life and would like to see you succeed as well.
  • cdenae79
    cdenae79 Posts: 12 Member
    Greetings and Salutations! My name is Carrie I am 35 and am new in my weight loss my journey. I lost my dad just over a year ago to a heart attack, he was only 67. After grieving and dealing with the settling of his estate ( almost done just have to sell the the house) I decided it was time to take care of me. My dad always took care of everyone else and never himself. I know that if I do not take care of me I can't be there for the ones I love if I am not in good health.

    I have 2 wonderful boys age 2 and 13 and I have an AMAZING man who I have been with for 4 years. He fully supports my weight loss journey. I started my fitness pal after I had already lost 9lb so I am down a total of 18 lb now. I am trying not too get flustered with the weight fluctuations. I know with hormones and my period etc there are fluctuations that I can do nothing about, but knowing I am doing the rights things and still not losing and in fact gained 3lb in 4 days when I stayed at or below my calories and am drinking my water, it can be disheartening. I am looking for a mentor who can help encourage, offer advice and lend an ear when need be to vent.

    Good Luck to all of you in your journey! 06jqhgyhyr6i.gif
  • ambywams
    ambywams Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking for anyone knowledgeable in weight loss after bariatric surgery. I am about two months post op.

    I have spent a good chunk of my life struggling with weight. At 23, and finally with good benefits, I stepped up my game. My pre op weight was 298. My one month post op weight was 270. My current weight is now 257. I'm still learning to use this site and trying to get into the habit of logging.

    Any kind of mentor would be grand, even without bariatric knowledge.
    Thanks :smiley:
  • PerfectMisfit
    PerfectMisfit Posts: 360 Member
    Looking for someone to adopt me :) I would love to have someone to ask advice who knows what they're doing. I want to get strong!

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Razmataza wrote: »
    Looking for someone to adopt me :) I would love to have someone to ask advice who knows what they're doing. I want to get strong!

    You can look at programs like strong lift 5x5 or new rules of lifting for women... it's a good place to start.

  • PerfectMisfit
    PerfectMisfit Posts: 360 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    Razmataza wrote: »
    Looking for someone to adopt me :) I would love to have someone to ask advice who knows what they're doing. I want to get strong!

    You can look at programs like strong lift 5x5 or new rules of lifting for women... it's a good place to start.
    I've read new rules of lifting for women, I will check out strong lift 5x5. Thanks.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Razmataza wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Razmataza wrote: »
    Looking for someone to adopt me :) I would love to have someone to ask advice who knows what they're doing. I want to get strong!

    You can look at programs like strong lift 5x5 or new rules of lifting for women... it's a good place to start.
    I've read new rules of lifting for women, I will check out strong lift 5x5. Thanks.

    I would also check out our gaining weight section because a lot of the lifters spend a good amount of time in there.

  • how do i go about being adopted... im a noob at not just this site but at the whole dieting an exercise thing..
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    sandi2369 wrote: »
    how do i go about being adopted... im a noob at not just this site but at the whole dieting an exercise thing..

    You can look at peoples profiles on the first page and send a private message to a few of them.
  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    Interested in mentoring.

    (the below is copied from my 'introduce yourself' forum post).

    I've got a long history as far as my health journey. I've been through fad diets, supplement culture, etc etc.

    My goal more broadly is around learning how to balance myself day to day so I am not dependent on exercising every day or a completely restricted diet, while having a healthy body and weight. I am hoping to compete as a bodybuilder in 2015, not as a central goal but a nice detour from the journey I am on.

    In the past couple of years I have armed myself with a nutrition qualification which has helped me filter through a lot of the *kitten* that is out there. I have a very moderate, balanced approached to food, with a focus on wholefoods and minimal to no use of supplements. I am focused on macro and micronutrients to support my personal body and needs.

    I am fortunate as well to have a psychology degree which has helped me address my food behaviours, including things like food guilt, overeating behaviours. I believe that the psychological aspects of eating behaviours are not given the importance they should by the general populous. I believe in discerning between nutritional quality and behavioural/structural fixes.

    I lift heavy, swing sledgehammers, do Latin and Jamaican dance, roller skate, and do aerial arts - not just for the exercise, but because they are fun.

    I believe that change doesn't come easy but neither does anything good.

    I take a no *kitten*, fad-free, behaviourally-based approach to my fitness and body and am interested in supporting people who are interested in the same.
  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there, I'm Sarah, 27 and from the UK. I have 80lbs to lose. I'm limited in how much time I can put into specific workouts seems as I have a 5 month old, so i'm looking for a diet coach really. I may be a bit of a challenge though as I fear I may have binge eating disorder. I don't use that term lightly: I suffered from anorexia when I was 19. That developed into bulimia... And whilst I stopped purging around 5 years ago, I still struggle with the binges.

    My weight has crept up and up for over 4 years now and I'm tired of food constantly controlling my life. I want to finally be healthy and lose weight the healthy way. I'm not looking for someone to constantly hold my hand, but I do think that given my background I may need a bit more encouragement than most.

    I have been to weight loss groups before and seem to lose weight very slowly, which in turn means I give up shortly after. I always get myself upset when others lose 4lbs+ in their first week and I only manage 1lb.

    Anyway... Hopefully someone will bite :)
  • I'm from the UK and would love a mentor to stop me from giving up, to remind me to complete my food diary every day and eat healthy and exercise.
  • Medilia
    Medilia Posts: 230 Member

    I am happy to help out and mentor.

    My name is Mel,

    I am 20 and have been on and off MPF for two years but am sticking around now that I have settled into life. I work an office job and study full time so I know how hard it seems to be able to find time to exercise. I do weight lifting and martial arts (currently taking a break from all of that save my sword fighting). I am still trying to lose some weight but I am more focused on building muscle. I am not a dietitian or fitness expert but I am a good person to talk to and give encouragement.

    So a little about me and the kinds of Mentees I would be good for.

    The Kind of Mentor I am:
    - I will be there 24/7 what ever you need, whenever you need I will be there to support you.
    - I am huge on weight lifting and toning. If you are a cardio freak who wants to be hitting the pavement for two hours every day I probably won't be able to give you anymore then "Good for you."
    - I am a foodie and I will be reading your journal constantly.
    - I like being hands on so I am looking for someone who really needs my help.
    - I am not going to offer a quick fix, there is no such thing.
    - I will help plan out exercises with you and encourage you with those. I am happy to do videos of work outs to help you out. Once again most of my exercise is weight based.

    So send me a friend request. I am going to start with accepting 5 people and see if I can keep up with that =)
  • hawkes15
    hawkes15 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! :smile:

    I'd love to be mentored!

    Love food and eating out
    Attempting to give up chocolate as its my huge downfall
    I love weight lifting
    And climbing mountains!

    I'm at 29% body fat and 12
    Stone (5'7)
    Looking to get to 10.7-11 stone and 24% body fat!
    If anyone wants to help let me know :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Updated the list
  • mpaulson89
    mpaulson89 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a new noob. Been back and forth using MFP. But this is the first time I have fully created a profile and dived in. Would be great if someone wants a partner for motivation or to check in on.
  • I just started using MFP about 3 weeks ago. So far I've lost 3lbs! I'm looking for someone to help push me. I'm 5'5 and 147. I'd like to possibly get down 20-30lbs depending on how I look at that time (I want my flat belly back) I currently have a desk job and would love to do more cardio and get more active. I am currently at 1,200 calories a day with very little exercise (I walk the halls at work) and it seems to be working. I need someone to motivate me and give me the right way to lose weight, as I have nobody in my life that knows anything. I don't want to pay for a gym membership, but I'm not afraid to work out. If you would like to help me please don't hesitate to add me!
  • beastcompany
    beastcompany Posts: 230 Member
    I'll gladly volunteer to mentor a member or two in their goals.

    For my credentials/background in training and nutrition feel free to add me/contact me VIA PM and we can discuss it further.

    Don't feel like typing out a full page write-up at the moment :p