Is A Physically Demanding Job Sufficient?



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I think what you are looking for is to lose that skinny/fat look.
    Eat all your calories that MFP allotted you for you semi physically demanding job.
    Then at home follow the, or any other strength training video on YouTube, routine to build a little more strength and sculpt your body a little. Eat back 50% of the calories burned.

    Make sure you are hitting your protein goals; this will help with your energy levels and retaining your LBM.

    If you do decide to drop your calories, stay in the losing .5 lbs a week as you are so close to your goal weight.

    Before doing anything log for 3-4 weeks and see what your current calorie intake is yielding.

    Cheers, h.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I think what you are looking for is to lose that skinny/fat look.
    Eat all your calories that MFP allotted you for you semi physically demanding job.
    Then at home follow the, or any other strength training video on YouTube, routine to build a little more strength and sculpt your body a little. Eat back 50% of the calories burned.

    Make sure you are hitting your protein goals; this will help with your energy levels and retaining your LBM.

    If you do decide to drop your calories, stay in the losing .5 lbs a week as you are so close to your goal weight.

    Before doing anything log for 3-4 weeks and see what your current calorie intake is yielding.

    Cheers, h.

    she said she is too exhausted to work out.

    calling someone skinny-fat is insulting.
  • SkinnyCandii
    SkinnyCandii Posts: 46
    edited December 2014
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    I've read through all the comments on here and to OP, it seems like you have some body issues and maybe you need to talk to someone about that. Why do you think there is something wrong with your boobs? You're a woman, you're suppose to have breasts and curves. You are by no means overly large. You have a good proportioned body. All those super skinny models with flats chests are not normal!!! As other posters have said you don't really need to lose weight you need to recomp. You need to start lifting so you will build more muscle tone which will burn body fat which in turn will make you look thinner. At 5'5" you are at a healthy weight if you were to lose 15lbs you would be looking very unhealthy. Losing weight is not going to change the make up of your body. I have thick legs and cankles.....I hate them!!!!! But I am realizing that that is how my body is made and I have to deal with it. I will never have lean, slender legs no matter how much weight I lose. Good luck to you and all the best!

    5'5" and 115 would not necessarily be uhealthy. it isn't even considered underweight according to bmi. it depends on her body type. she could look perfectly fine at that weight.

    People always say things like that, on here.
  • SkinnyCandii
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    I think what you are looking for is to lose that skinny/fat look.
    Eat all your calories that MFP allotted you for you semi physically demanding job.
    Then at home follow the, or any other strength training video on YouTube, routine to build a little more strength and sculpt your body a little. Eat back 50% of the calories burned.

    Make sure you are hitting your protein goals; this will help with your energy levels and retaining your LBM.

    If you do decide to drop your calories, stay in the losing .5 lbs a week as you are so close to your goal weight.

    Before doing anything log for 3-4 weeks and see what your current calorie intake is yielding.

    Cheers, h.

    she said she is too exhausted to work out.

    calling someone skinny-fat is insulting.

    Skinny-fat? Haha, what even is that?
    Don't worry, I'm not insulted.
  • SkinnyCandii
    I've read through all the comments on here and to OP, it seems like you have some body issues and maybe you need to talk to someone about that. Why do you think there is something wrong with your boobs? You're a woman, you're suppose to have breasts and curves. You are by no means overly large. You have a good proportioned body. All those super skinny models with flats chests are not normal!!! As other posters have said you don't really need to lose weight you need to recomp. You need to start lifting so you will build more muscle tone which will burn body fat which in turn will make you look thinner. At 5'5" you are at a healthy weight if you were to lose 15lbs you would be looking very unhealthy. Losing weight is not going to change the make up of your body. I have thick legs and cankles.....I hate them!!!!! But I am realizing that that is how my body is made and I have to deal with it. I will never have lean, slender legs no matter how much weight I lose. Good luck to you and all the best!

    As I said, I used to be 115 lbs, naturaly, 3 years ago. I just got lazy, and I'm trying to go back to that, healthily.
    This discussion was about my jobs physical demands, not my body type. Let's stay on topic, shall we?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited December 2014
    I agree with the others that a recomp is best for you. But, I think your job can be enough, if you eat within your goals, and also depending on what your goals are. If you are very exhausted from work and you aren't going to be able to do other exercise, then set your calorie goals accordingly until you are able to do more exercise someday. But, don't eat at a large deficit. Set a low deficit. You don't want to lose a lot fast because you will lose what muscle you do have. Set a low deficit, so you will just very slowly and steadily trim down. I do think it would benefit you if you were able to do some kind of strength training. You don't have to do a lot. You can even do it 2 or 3 times a week. And you don't need to do it for a long time. Like maybe for a half hour or something. You can use weights (that's the best), or machines (better than nothing), or do body weight strength training (or some combination of the three). If you do body weight training you will need to do more of it to get the benefits. With weights you can do less and get great benefits. It's just good to do some kind of strength training. Especially when you are young because this is a time in your life when you will build muscle a bit more easily and maintain the benefits as you age, and especially if you have had muscle loss from yo-yo dieting.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    At 20, you could probably maintain 115lb with an active life. You look fine from what I can see, however, and at 130 and your height, you are not overweight.
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    Cleaning apartments? How do you not have time to work out after? Are you cleaning EMPTY apartments? If so, are there so many apartments empty that you are busy 5 days a week from 8am to 5:30pm? Our cleaner is usually only on property a good few hours and then off to tend to his hobbies.

    Other then that, if you stay active you should be good. Cleaning empty apartments even for a few hours is an energy consuming job, especially if you are lugging heavy equipment up stairs.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited December 2014
    Skinny/ fat is the term used quite often on MFP to describe someone who is within their ideal weight but still has a slightly higher BF.

    SkinnyCandii, I wasn't being rude using the phrase, you had said you weren't happy with your body shape no matter what your weight was, and that you didn't have time for the gym.
    I took it that you wanted to improve your shape as well as lose a few pounds, I offered a simple home routine that would help you achieve that.

    I worked as a 'chambermaid' in my 20's and though it burnt the calories, it didn't noticeably improve my overall physique.
    So yes, as I had posted, you could lose the weight you want eating at the correct deficit, but you would probably still be unhappy with your shape.

    By the way, I said I thought you wanted to lose the skinny/fat look. Not that you were skinny/fat.

    My advice was valid for the information I had, and the terminology I used was within the scope of common usage on MFP.
    You asked for thoughts; those were mine.

    Cheers, h.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Skinny/ fat is the term used quite often on MFP to describe someone who is within their ideal weight but still has a rather high BF.

    SkinnyCandii, I wasn't being rude using the phrase, you had said you weren't happy with your body shape no matter what your weight was, and that you didn't have time for the gym.
    I took it that you wanted to improve your shape as well as lose a few pounds, I offered a simple home routine that would help you achieve that.

    I worked as a 'chambermaid' in my 20's and though it burnt the calories, it didn't noticeably improve my overall physique.
    So yes, as I had posted, you could lose the weight you want eating at the correct deficit, but you would probably still be unhappy with your shape.

    By the way I said I thought you wanted to lose the skinny/fat look. Not that you were skinny/fat.

    My advice was valid for the information I had, and the terminology I used was within the scope of common usage on MFP.
    You asked for thoughts; those were mine.

    Cheers, h.

    yes, i know. i think that term needs to stop being used on here for people who are perfectly normal, but don't lift in order to be perfectly toned. it's just another way to body shame people.
  • SkinnyCandii
    Cleaning apartments? How do you not have time to work out after? Are you cleaning EMPTY apartments? If so, are there so many apartments empty that you are busy 5 days a week from 8am to 5:30pm? Our cleaner is usually only on property a good few hours and then off to tend to his hobbies.

    Other then that, if you stay active you should be good. Cleaning empty apartments even for a few hours is an energy consuming job, especially if you are lugging heavy equipment up stairs.

    I clean empty and new apartments, usually they are still under construction, and I clean up after construction workers and such.
  • SkinnyCandii
    Skinny/ fat is the term used quite often on MFP to describe someone who is within their ideal weight but still has a slightly higher BF.

    SkinnyCandii, I wasn't being rude using the phrase, you had said you weren't happy with your body shape no matter what your weight was, and that you didn't have time for the gym.
    I took it that you wanted to improve your shape as well as lose a few pounds, I offered a simple home routine that would help you achieve that.

    I worked as a 'chambermaid' in my 20's and though it burnt the calories, it didn't noticeably improve my overall physique.
    So yes, as I had posted, you could lose the weight you want eating at the correct deficit, but you would probably still be unhappy with your shape.

    By the way, I said I thought you wanted to lose the skinny/fat look. Not that you were skinny/fat.

    My advice was valid for the information I had, and the terminology I used was within the scope of common usage on MFP.
    You asked for thoughts; those were mine.

    Cheers, h.

    Don't worry, I wasn't offended, just confused, having never heard the term before.
    And thank you for your thoughts, much appreciated. :)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Oh my, Aviva92, I was in no way implying that SkinnyCandii should start lifting!

    The nerdfitness that I was pointing SkinnyCandii towards is a very nice set of body weight exercises that can be easily adapted and are not exhausting, but would help her change the shape of her body.

    Yes, the term 'skinny/fat' is unfortunate, but how else can one describe a body shape perception in a mass forum without using the common verbiage?

    Cheers, h.
  • SkinnyCandii
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Skinny/ fat is the term used quite often on MFP to describe someone who is within their ideal weight but still has a rather high BF.

    SkinnyCandii, I wasn't being rude using the phrase, you had said you weren't happy with your body shape no matter what your weight was, and that you didn't have time for the gym.
    I took it that you wanted to improve your shape as well as lose a few pounds, I offered a simple home routine that would help you achieve that.

    I worked as a 'chambermaid' in my 20's and though it burnt the calories, it didn't noticeably improve my overall physique.
    So yes, as I had posted, you could lose the weight you want eating at the correct deficit, but you would probably still be unhappy with your shape.

    By the way I said I thought you wanted to lose the skinny/fat look. Not that you were skinny/fat.

    My advice was valid for the information I had, and the terminology I used was within the scope of common usage on MFP.
    You asked for thoughts; those were mine.

    Cheers, h.

    yes, i know. i think that term needs to stop being used on here for people who are perfectly normal, but don't lift in order to be perfectly toned. it's just another way to body shame people.

    Well if you think about it, it's just skinny, with fat. People probably feel shamed because it has the word "fat" in it. So, it's feels like you're being indirectly called fat.
  • SkinnyCandii
    Oh my, Aviva92, I was in no way implying that SkinnyCandii should start lifting!

    The nerdfitness that I was pointing SkinnyCandii towards is a very nice set of body weight exercises that can be easily adapted and are not exhausting, but would help her change the shape of her body.

    Yes, the term 'skinny/fat' is unfortunate, but how else can one describe a body shape perception in a mass forum without using the common verbiage?

    Cheers, h.

    Yeah, haha.
    If I do strenght workouts, I wouldn't work my arms, because they are already so big from playing the accordion (they are really heavy instruments!). I might look into that, though.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Haha, you've got it SkinnyCandii.

    I am 5'1 and 100 lb and one could describe my body composition as a lot of skin and bone with a tad of muscle, and fat to round it out.
    No shame in fat; it is an essential part of the functioning body.

    Do what you want to do, and stay healthy.

    Cheers, h.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited December 2014
    Yeah, nerd fitness is good! You said you are interested in focusing strength training for the lower body. Strong Curves by Bret Contreras is a good book for that. It has a lot of different program options. A lot with weights. There is a body weight program as well. If you are doing body weight training you will definitely benefit from a well rounded full body workout.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I was wondering if this could be sufficient physical activity to reach my goal weight.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Skinny/ fat is the term used quite often on MFP to describe someone who is within their ideal weight but still has a rather high BF.

    SkinnyCandii, I wasn't being rude using the phrase, you had said you weren't happy with your body shape no matter what your weight was, and that you didn't have time for the gym.
    I took it that you wanted to improve your shape as well as lose a few pounds, I offered a simple home routine that would help you achieve that.

    I worked as a 'chambermaid' in my 20's and though it burnt the calories, it didn't noticeably improve my overall physique.
    So yes, as I had posted, you could lose the weight you want eating at the correct deficit, but you would probably still be unhappy with your shape.

    By the way I said I thought you wanted to lose the skinny/fat look. Not that you were skinny/fat.

    My advice was valid for the information I had, and the terminology I used was within the scope of common usage on MFP.
    You asked for thoughts; those were mine.

    Cheers, h.

    yes, i know. i think that term needs to stop being used on here for people who are perfectly normal, but don't lift in order to be perfectly toned. it's just another way to body shame people.

    It's not body shaming - it's the end result of bad dieting methods without the exercise to retain muscle mass - you get to goal weight with higher fat.

    It would be body shaming if someone felt they looked fine and you pointed out their flabby underarms and overhanging waist when they bent slightly.

    It's not body shaming when some already describes the results and you are merely letting them know the name of it. Or trying to warn them of the end result if they want to do the diet the wrong way.

    Because guess what, search google for improve skinny fat, you'll get some good results. And losing more weight isn't one of them.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    As I said, I used to be 115 lbs, naturaly, 3 years ago. I just got lazy, and I'm trying to go back to that, healthily.
    This discussion was about my jobs physical demands, not my body type. Let's stay on topic, shall we?

    Set MFP to honest accurate activity level for outside exercise.

    Did you select sedentary, despite describing your job as physical? Then not honest.
    Depending on how long physical (40 hrs weekly) you may be Active even.

    Set the level honestly.

    Then with so little to lose, set your weight loss goal to 1/2 lb weekly - no need losing more muscle mass than needed.

    If you are undereating too much - no wonder you have no energy.

    So the question is, do you want the scale to look better which no one sees?

    Or do you want YOU to look better which everyone sees?