May-Day by Day Challenge-Part 9 OPEN GROUP



  • SweetLe
    SweetLe Posts: 157 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Shanda
    I've been apart of MFP since September 2010. About a month ago I hit rock bottom and quit on myself. So I deactivated my account and started fresh again. Maybe it was a stupid way of doing things, but it gave me that boost i needed. Since September i lost 22 pounds, gained 7 back, lost 5, gained 5 know how it goes. Im a food addict and its an everyday struggle to stay away.
    These daily goals are what I need!

    1) To stay off MFP today during work, to get all my paperwork logged in
    2) Drink at least 10 cups of water today
    3) 30 minutes of cardio

    Mondays Goals
    1) To stay off MFP today during work, to get all my paperwork logged in ~~ Somewhat done lol
    2) Drink at least 10 cups of water today ~~ Done!
    3) 30 minutes of cardio ~~ Walking count? Then done

    Tuesdays Goals
    1) Clean up the house before my daughters tball practice
    2) Stay under calories
    3) Try and get some cardio in today, even if its 15 minutes worth

    Good Luck everyone!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi all,

    This is a great challenge! It's good to keep your eye on day to day goals, not just the big picture. My name is Katherine and I want to make lifestyle changes to slim down for my wedding in March next year.

    My challenges for Tuesday 3/5 are:

    1) Day 2 Level 2 30 Day shred Done
    2) Climb 400 stairs Done
    3) Walk at least 3 miles Done - 4.95 miles:)
    4) 50 crunches - Done
    5) Eat more of my exercise calories kinda done

    Feel free to friend me, I could use all the motivation I can muster :)

    Wednesday 4/5 challenges:

    1) Day 3 Level 2 30 Day Shred
    2) Drink more water - 6 pints
    3) walk at least 3 miles
    4) 50 crunches
    5) Climb 300 stairs - the 400 nearly killed my thighs!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    5-2-2011 goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups - Not so great.... Not quite sure why, either. I did a great job of this on Sunday!
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Yep!
    3. Take vitamins - Yep!
    4. Bed by 9:30, sleep by 10 - Not quite. Boyfriend came over and was in a cuddly mood which made it really hard to kick him out. lol
    I'd love to catch up and meet all the new people, but since it's so late tonight I'm going to have to stick with just posting goals for tomorrow:

    5-4-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Take vitamins
    4. Week 1, Day 2 of Sit-Up challenge
    5. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30

    5-4-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. BE ON TIME TO SUBBING. Better yet, BE EARLY!
    2. Clean out my car so it will be ready come time to trade it in for the new one
    3. Catch up with all you lovely people!
    4. Post goals for Thursday
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    1. Project finished!
    2. Exercised for an hour!
    3. Took my vitamins!

    Accomplished all my goals yesterday! I even did a jack knife challenge on the wii, boy my abs hurt!

    Goals for today, May 3

    1. Kill it on my final presentation-Yep! Did awesome!
    2. Eat more color, eat less beige -Breakfast and lunch weren't the greatest, but I did come through the rest of the day. Dinner was roasted veggies (a huge variety of color) and am having a slice of cantaloupe and blueberries for desert!
    3. Get my grocery shopping done without killing anyone :drinker:-Barely made this one! Grocery shopping is done though!

    Goals for 5/4

    1. 60 minutes of exercise
    2. Keep sodium down under 2,000mg
    3. 2 Fruits and 3 veggies
    4. Pick out rose bushes!
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    Goals for Tuesday, May 3rd:
    1. Make mini quiches for dinner (COMPLETE! They were soooooooo delicious.)
    2. Do not snack until at least 3:45PM... (tomorrow is my rest day as far as workouts go so I can't say "until you work out") (COMPLETE!)

    Even though I met my goals I still went over my calories by a long shot! Maybe my bad eating habits are linked to days I don't exercise....

    Goals for Wedenesday, May 4th:
    1. Workout!
    2. Stay under cals for the day
    3. Make another healthy dinner... I'm thinking veggie tex-mex wraps.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning! I can't believe it's taken me so long to post on this thread given that I love it!

    Welcome to all the newbies! Thanks Jess for starting us up this month!! Hi to the vets!

    Everyone looks like they are off to a great start this month! Keep it up!!

    Wednesday goals:
    1. Water all day.
    2. Healthy lunch choice.
    3. Try to rest because of my poor aching legs but if I really feel in the mood then some light cardio.
    4. Deep breaths at work. Don't let the plonkers get on my nerves. Had a shocking first day back at work yesterday.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day today!!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Tuesdays goals:
    1. Under on calories. With out fail. - Yes!
    2. Shred, walk & something else -Yes
    3. Plan meals for the week.- Um no forgot about this one :blushing:
    4. Early night. - Yes!

    Morning Everyone,

    Nam- Sorry to hear your first day back was rubbish. Hope today is better.

    Just a quick post today, it looks like everyone's doing really well, hope today goes as well for you all.

    Wednesday's Goal's:
    1. Under on calories
    2. No sweets
    3. Plan meals
    4. Go to supermarket
    5. Run

    Have a great day!
  • SweetLe
    SweetLe Posts: 157 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Shanda
    I've been apart of MFP since September 2010. About a month ago I hit rock bottom and quit on myself. So I deactivated my account and started fresh again. Maybe it was a stupid way of doing things, but it gave me that boost i needed. Since September i lost 22 pounds, gained 7 back, lost 5, gained 5 know how it goes. Im a food addict and its an everyday struggle to stay away.
    These daily goals are what I need!

    1) To stay off MFP today during work, to get all my paperwork logged in
    2) Drink at least 10 cups of water today
    3) 30 minutes of cardio

    Mondays Goals
    1) To stay off MFP today during work, to get all my paperwork logged in ~~ Somewhat done lol
    2) Drink at least 10 cups of water today ~~ Done!
    3) 30 minutes of cardio ~~ Walking count? Then done

    Tuesdays Goals
    1) Clean up the house before my daughters tball practice
    2) Stay under calories
    3) Try and get some cardio in today, even if its 15 minutes worth

    Good Luck everyone!

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Tuesdays Goals
    1) Clean up the house before my daughters tball practice ~~ Not done, I had to leave for pratice right when I got home...oh well
    2) Stay under calories ~~ Nope, was a bad day for me :cry:
    3) Try and get some cardio in today, even if its 15 minutes worth ~~ done, got some speed walking in, but forgot to log it in last night

    Here's to a new day! :drinker:

    Wednesdays Goals:
    1) 10 cups of water
    2) Stay under calories!
    3) Get to bed early

    Have a wonderful day everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • Tuesday May 3:
    1.) water --yay
    2.) make up some calories, and dont freak if I'm over at the end of the day just for this reason. Want to give my body something to burn and keep it guessing. ---- I did good!!!
    3.) stress free and productive day at work ---Yep
    4.) find another workout to do tonight. --- I did not. I cleaned!

    Kathy, you need a dog to get all those crumbs!!!! Saves your back from doing the work. My husband wanted to get a dyson, I said no lets get a chihuahua!!!! lololololololol

    Nam!!! Glad you are here!!!!

    Wednesday May 4th!
    1.) Water
    2.) today is my TurboFire rest day but I really need to find something else to do workout wise.
    3.) clean the living room and vacuum.
    4.)Get everything I can done at work.
  • fosterks
    fosterks Posts: 93 Member
    Tuesday 3 May...

    Rest Day so these are limited. And I am out for my tea as one last hurrah!

    1) Drink water and green tea - DONE!!
    2) Get eight hours sleep tonight - Seven, oops... Things on my mind!!
    3) Be positive and have a good day - despite said things on my mind I remained in a good mood all day!

    Back to it from tomorrow, got a good day planned then!
  • fosterks
    fosterks Posts: 93 Member
    Wednesday 4 May.....

    1) Drink plenty of water and green tea
    2) Circuits and spin this evening
    3) Stay under my calories
    4) Ignore the people that say nasty things!
  • rmeadows71
    rmeadows71 Posts: 99

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011
    1) Watch calorie/carb intake-Not so good!
    2) Water, Water, Water!-Didn't get it all in
    3) Excercise-I did get a good walk in

    Yesterday wasn't so good, gonna make today BETTER!

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011
    1) Keep cals down
    2) Keep carbs under
    3) Excercise
    4) Water & more water!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 3:
    1. Water.--Yes, but should drink more.
    2. Log ALL my food.--Yes.
    3. AM workout.--Done.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Goals for May 4:
    1. Water.
    2. Log all my food.
    3. Bed by 9:30.

    No AM workout today. I am sore from lifting all the hanging baskets that have arrived for the Mother's Day sale this weekend. We received almost 300 of them as well as other plants, color bowls, etc. My shoulders ACHE!

    Nice to see you again, Nam! Hope today is/was a better day.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    5-4-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups - 1/2 cup short :ohwell:
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Yep! Even with my little splurges.... How that happened, I'm not 100% positive, but I'll take it.
    3. Take vitamins - Yep
    4. Week 1, Day 2 of Sit-Up challenge - Just got to it
    5. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30 - Not quite, but gonna be close.

    5-4-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. BE ON TIME TO SUBBING. Better yet, BE EARLY! - Almost. There were at least other teachers walking in with me!
    2. Clean out my car so it will be ready come time to trade it in for the new one - Not completely, but I also learned this isn't gonna be happening for a while, so it's ok.
    3. Catch up with all you lovely people! - No. :frown: If I can't get to that soon, then I'm not gonna be able to!
    4. Post goals for Thursday - That would be this, lol.
    Again, posting these quickly since it's already after I'd wanted to be in bed:

    5-5-2011 fitness goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Take vitamins
    4. Do some type of exercise (Maybe even hit the gym after work?)
    5. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30

    5-5-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Out the door by 7:30 at the absolute LATEST
    2. Clean up bedroom a bit
    3. Catch up with all you lovely people!
    4. Post goals for Friday
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Wednesday goals:
    1. Water all day. YES
    2. Healthy lunch choice. YES
    3. Try to rest because of my poor aching legs but if I really feel in the mood then some light cardio. YES
    4. Deep breaths at work. Don't let the plonkers get on my nerves. Had a shocking first day back at work yesterday. NO

    I was tempted into going out last night which was probably a good thing because I had been planning on going for a run. As it turned out I really needed to rest my legs so it worked out for the best. Work was ok but I have to say I have been willing the weekend to come along!!

    Thursday goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Combat.
    3. Clean food all day.

    Going to keep it simple for a while.

    Have a great day!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi all,

    This is a great challenge! It's good to keep your eye on day to day goals, not just the big picture. My name is Katherine and I want to make lifestyle changes to slim down for my wedding in March next year.

    My challenges for Tuesday 3/5 are:

    1) Day 2 Level 2 30 Day shred Done
    2) Climb 400 stairs Done
    3) Walk at least 3 miles Done - 4.95 miles:)
    4) 50 crunches - Done
    5) Eat more of my exercise calories kinda done

    Feel free to friend me, I could use all the motivation I can muster :)

    Wednesday 4/5 challenges:

    1) Day 3 Level 2 30 Day Shred DONE
    2) Drink more water - 6 pints DONE
    3) walk at least 3 miles DONE 4 miles
    4) 50 crunches - DONE did 150 :)
    5) Climb 300 stairs - the 400 nearly killed my thighs! DONE

    Thursday Goals:

    1) Day 4 Level 2 30 Day Shre3d
    2) Eat breakfast
    3) walk at least 3 miles
    4) 100 calf raises
    5) 100 crunches
  • SweetLe
    SweetLe Posts: 157 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Happy Cinco de Mayo!
    How did you do with your goals yesterday?

    Wednesdays Goals 5/4:
    1) 10 cups of water --- Done!
    2) Stay under calories! ---- Done!
    3) Get to bed early ---- Semi-done, went to bed around 9:30pm but was hoping to get there round 8:30pm

    Thursdays Goals 5/5:
    1) 10 cups of water
    2) Get at least 15 minutes of cardio in before my daughters tball practice tonight
    3) Stay under calories

    Good Luck to you all! You all are doing so great!!!
  • rmeadows71
    rmeadows71 Posts: 99
    Wednesday, May 4, 2011
    1) Keep cals down-Yes, barely, but yes!
    2) Keep carbs under-Net carbs were good
    3) Excercise-litle bit of walking
    4) Water & more water!-Plenty of H20

    Thursday, May 5, 2011
    1) Low carb/high protein
    2) Lots of water
    3) Some type of excercise
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sorry I have been inconsistent with logging my goals.
    I will go ahead and post today's goals before the day gets away from me.

    May 5's goals:
    1. have a healthy breakfast.
    2. plan my meals around today's events.
    3. carry water with me all day.
    4. go to zumba this evening.
    5. eat something very light afterwards.
  • Wednesday May 4th!
    1.) Water --yes!
    2.) today is my TurboFire rest day but I really need to find something else to do workout wise. ---Leslie Sanson Vid
    3.) clean the living room and vacuum. ----I didn't because I fell asleep earlier and when I woke up I knew I needed to work out
    4.)Get everything I can done at work. ----Yes

    Thursday May 5
    1.)water of course
    2.)up my cals
    3.)already did my turbofire, I'd like to take a walk since the sun will be out though at some point.
    4.)get to the bank early