2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,145 MFP Staff
    Giant thanks to everyone who is offering to help Adopt a Noob! I have added your names to our volunteer list. We will continue to check this discussion and keep adding volunteers every few days.
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    Hi y'all! I would be happy to mentor a couple of people.

    I'm Linda (duh) and in the past 9-10 months I've lost about 55 lbs and really changed my food outlook. I love to eat (actually got a gym tank for Christmas that says: I RUN for FOOD.). I try to stick with what I consider a *clean* diet. Lots of fresh veggies and good fats and protein. Some weeks I cook all week and have some really wonderful recipes I can share. Some weeks, I decimate a rotisserie chicken from Kroger for 4 days because my schedule is too hectic to shop and cook. I'm diligent about tracking (215 day streak!) though if you look at my diary for the past holiday week, all of the above may seem like BS. I don't believe in denying myself any of the food I really want. I just watch my portions and track the calories so I know where I am.

    I exercise and am a proponent of getting some mood lifting movement in. It doesn't need to be running or exercising just like I do, just move some. It can really affect your outlook, energy and can give out some great endorphins! I try to run at least 5 days a week and I've just started lifting with a trainer. After my weight loss I love clothes again and I love (mostly) the way my body feels. I want to really tighten it up though and be as strong and healthy as I can be. With the least jiggle possible.

    Fair warning: I am a *You can do it!* cheerleader Pollyanna who almost always is positive. I'm told that can be super annoying at times. ;)

    Hit me up with a friend request and a little message about your goals if you want to connect!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    I'm up for a "pro bono" client. With my current schedule and commitments, I'm only taking one. So submit your reason to me and I'll pick one.

    Just a note: if you're a Raiders or Cowboys fan, you need not apply...................I kid.

    I'll let the person know on the 31st via PM.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    edited January 2015
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants. :)

    I'm game to take on a couple of women.

    I'm 51, have two teenage boys and a husband. I've been on MFP since August 2010. Hit my initial goal weight in April of 2011, maintained it until life threw some big *kitten* curve balls my way in 2013. I gained back 10 and I'm trying to lose that while upping my weight lifting and focusing more on body fat so when the scale doesn't move downwards I don't freak out anymore.

    I'm a firm believer in moderation but also know that a diet high in protein, fruit and veggies and limited junk is better for me health wise. I rarely use my food scale and I like to eat so I exercise a lot- Spin, Zumba, golf and lifting.

    I've indulged a lot recently (especially over the past week) so don't go by my recent diary!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,145 MFP Staff
    edited December 2014
    I have removed posts that aren't uber relevant to Adopt a Noob. Got forum feedback? We'd love to hear it here. Got general feedback? We'd love to hear it here.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I can take on a few newbies who need some help.

    I'm 25 and just graduated from college. All of the choices I make when it comes to nutrition and fitness are based in research and science. I follow the IIFYM approach and believe that restrictive diets are unhealthy. All that is required for weight loss is knowing how to control caloric intake and energy expenditure. I've never been obese, but I have been well overweight. I've lost 30 lbs from my heaviest and made large strength increases in the gym, but I do have more weight I'd like to lose.

    All I ask for those seeking help from me is that you have an open mind and you don't seek advice from me if you're not willing to follow it. Stay classy folks
  • Aniwani1
    Aniwani1 Posts: 45 Member
    Oh this is awesome I need a mentor =) I am back after a long time and I really want to focus on weight loss and healthy eating ... Anyone interested ?
  • ArchyRunner
    ArchyRunner Posts: 58 Member
    I'm interested in being a mentor, provided the mentee (?) realizes I'm only human. I came to MFP maybe five years ago, got Uber fit, got pregnant, dropped off for 18 months or so, have been back for a while now. I run (mostly marathons) and I lift (when I can afford a trainer). Mom of a 3 year old toddler, work full time. My stated goal is to eat whole foods when possible but, well, life happens. I'll be 40 next year.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'll gladly mentor! I'm 46, 5'2", and have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I've logged for two years straight and have successfully maintained my loss for six months. I use two activity trackers: a Fitbit Flex and a Jawbone UP24.

    I'm no help regarding exercise—I walk & do yoga. I eat "good" 80% of the time, and fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into my calorie goal. I don't eat mammals. I'm an atheist. And an Anglophile.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    What a wonderful idea and so interesting to read about all the different approaches.

    For my part, i can help one or two people. I have been dieting and now in maintenance since January 3 2014. I don't know exactly how much i lost - close on 40pounds i think.

    I am 51 and Australian. I am willing to help women only. I can probably support a variety of types of approach to weightloss. That is to say i can go along with what someone else wants to do even if its not exactly what i have done myself. While my dieting program was self-devised in general, i also experimented with low carb and the fasting diet 5:2 for a while. So i can help people doing those diets if they want. I don't eat red meat myself but can help anyone who does. And i can offer support to people who are either vegetarian or vegan though i may not have all the answers a vegan will need, i can certainly give them plenty that will help.

    I can also help people who struggle with depression and various other mental health issues because i have managed with depression for many years. And have spent a lot of time learning about a range of mental health issues and knowing people with various problems on other forums and real life support groups. I've also had a job in an eating disorders clinic and can offer support to people with those problems as i understand some of the difficulties they face.

    In my diet experience, i have been particularly successful with managing my sugar addiction and binging so i really like to share the approach i've adopted to people with that particular problem.

    Although i do not rely on exercise for my weightloss and maintenance, i have had experience with running, walking and cycling, tennis, team sports and a little bit of yoga. I have no experience with weightlifting and gym stuff and have no interest in it.

    I have also had experience with mindfulness meditation which is useful to help people become more aware of their thoughts, attitudes, feelings and so on.

    I believe that for most people weightloss can and should be quite easy but the reason why so many people find it difficult is mainly due to lack of knowledge about how to make it easy. There are other legitimate reasons such as lifestyle and stress. But all of them can be resolved.

  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Aniwani1 wrote: »
    Oh this is awesome I need a mentor =) I am back after a long time and I really want to focus on weight loss and healthy eating ... Anyone interested ?

    I think the idea is that you read the posts and decide who might be most useful to help you.

  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Posts: 196 MFP Moderator
    edited December 2014
    Very good initiative, just like last year. Keep up the good work everyone and a happy 2015 already! :)
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited January 2015
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants :)

    I volunteer as a mentor

    I joined MFP a couple of years ago and I always kept an eye on what I was eating, but I started this journey about 8 months ago, first losing 25 pounds before my wedding and now being down about 40ish pounds since april. I have plenty more to lose (my goal for 2015 is to shed 45 pounds by the beginning of september), but I have figured a couple of winning strategies to help me lose without getting insane.

    I exercise a lot (4 to 5 times a week), doing aerobics and elliptical in winter and mostly biking and swimming in summer. This year, I will add heavy lifting to my routine, and I will get involved in a running challenge at work, so I'll probably try to complete a Couch to 5k this spring.

    I am a freelance food writer that loves to eat, drink wine and have fun in the kitchen, so I am not following a strict diet, and I would never banish foods from my life. I have learned how to eat everything I want in moderation, and that's the key for me.
  • phulish
    phulish Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2015
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants :)
    I'm available to mentor someone. I'm a 37 year old female who believes in the slow and steady method in order to cement new healthy habits. I feel that no food should be banned so long as it is in moderation and that every day needs a little burst of good activity.

    When I first came to MFP, I tried to go it alone. I told no one and only relied on myself for support. I tried to do all the "good" things and none of the "bad" things. I set my sights too high and the moment life happened, I failed miserably.

    That failure was one of the best things to happen for me. Because I failed, I learned to set achievable goals. I don't have to spend hours in the gym or starve myself. I don't have to avoid social events because there will be food there that I can't resist. I know that if I don't make my calorie or exercise goal for the day, it doesn't mean that I failed. I strive to be a healthier me and each day I get a little closer.

    “We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.”
    ― Richard G. Scott

    "It's the steady, quiet, plodding ones who win in the lifelong race."
    ― Robert W. Service
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    edited January 2015
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants. :)

    I would take on a few people. I recently turned 50 and have lost about 50 pounds so far. I have about 25 more to go. I do pure barre and walk - which I track with a Fitbit. I live in the frozen north but when the weather's niceI like to kayak and bike.

    I was only .1 away from being a type 2 diabetic and have high cholesterol, so I try to eat a pretty healthy diet - but splurge on weekends. I have been completely unable to give up wine. :-)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    edited March 2015
    Has found her noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants. :)

    This sounds fun! I'd like to take one or two noobs under my wing.

    I'm 29, married, with a 3 y/o boy and a new baby due in June. I work part-time at my gym, and am a full-time dietetics student at my local community college. My long-term goal is to learn all I can about fitness and weightloss, and help others lose weight and reverse/prevent obesity. So mentoring sound like great practice!

    I've been a member of MFP since early 2012. I joined to shed my 40lbs of baby weight, kept it off, and learned that I loved working out and being fit. I competed in my first bikini competition this summer in July 2014 and took 6th place. I plan to compete again after baby #2.

    For exercise I lift heavy weights, and prefer the stair climber for cardio. I believe fitness is at least 80% diet, so eating right is the first step toward a positive change. I follow a flexible IIFYM approach, and am a fairly strict calorie counter. I realize calorie counting is not for everyone, but I had/have such smashing success with it, and as it's pretty much a guaranteed success if you do it right, I don't really know what to do with you if you are unwilling to commit to it. :blush:

    I've had setbacks, slipups and lazy days, but the important thing is to not give up and get back on the horse as soon as possible. Giving up is the only true failure!

  • yogaveg
    yogaveg Posts: 68 Member
    edited December 2014
    I have never mentored someone before but I would love to help in any way I can. My philosophy is not weight loss focused but getting more in tuned with and honoring your body, mind and spirit. I am a vegetarian who will be transitioning to veganism in the new year and would love to help someone transition to a vegetarian or plant based diet!

    A little bit about me: I'm a yoga student and registered yoga instructor, I am a college student studying exercise science, my main forms of exercise include yoga, rock climbing, and running. I'm young (19) but I'm so passionate about mind, body, spirit wellness and learning to love yourself as you are right here, right now.

    If your new years goals are related to yoga, meditation, mindful/ intuitive eating, or vegetarianism/ veganism I would love to help you out
  • acnoyes
    acnoyes Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'd be happy to mentor someone.

    I am 47 years old and have figured out how to live with a back injury sustained 20 years ago. I ballooned up to 272 at one point in my life, but to date since I started in June 2014, and have remained consistent, I am down almost 40 pounds. Slow and steady on the scale, but happy to have also lost 10% body fat which is really where I am focusing now.

    I exercise 6 days a week with resistance training and mix in some cardio as well, but with all that said I don't consider the gym my second home. I have learned, however, that physical activity is the only thing that works to keep me flexible and uninjured and coupled with using MFP to track my nutrition, the natural byproduct is better body composition.

    If I can help anyone with advice or just sharing experiences, I'm happy to!


  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I would be happy to mentor a few newbies, especially if you're fellow geeks (or even better, cosplayers). Bonus points if you're a short geek (cuz short people have lower calorie limits and our own special problems).

    I'm 33 years old and have spent my entire adult life trying and failing to lose weight and get healthy. I was on sparkpeople for years, would lose 10-15 lbs, and then gain back 20. I yo yo-ed my way from the 150s all the way up to 205 lbs. I finally hit rock bottom a year ago - after avoiding pictures of myself for years, I had taken up cosplay. And you can't avoid pictures of yourself if you dress up in costume. I logged onto MFP (which I had tried the previous year and fallen away), and have been logging every day since.

    In the last year, I've lost 85 lbs through good old fashion eat less, move more. In general, I eat healthier than I did before, but I don't eat "clean" (however you define that). I eat out at least once a week. I love McDonalds. I love cookies. I love fried chicken. I love chocolate. The big difference is now I know how much my body needs (which is sadly not much), so I'm all about the portion control. Also planning and not giving in to cravings. If I want McDonalds, I'm not going to get in the car and get it right now. I plan to have it on the weekend, when I know that I can fit it into my calorie limit. I am not big on giving anything up, be it gluten or carbs or soda or whatever.

    I also exercise. A lot. Well, not so much now that I can't bike commute, but I am a big proponent of working exercise into your daily life (walk on your lunch hour, bike to work if possible) as well as going to the gym regularly.

    And finally, I believe that good friends are essential to success on MFP. An active friends list, interacting with said friends, cheering them on, asking for advice, has been what keeps me coming back here every day for the last 392 days.
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