everyone who needs to loose 50 or more pounds



  • I would love to loose 50 pounds , Not sure though how much after that. I will be in for that.
  • I would love to be a member of this group! I am about 90 lbs over weight. I am very depressed and am finding it very hard to find the motivation and could really use some support. I was 137 lbs 5 years ago...then had 4 kids and am now 217....I would give anything to get back down to anything under 175...it just seems so impossible....I dont know how to be healthy. I am going to really try though!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    So how is everyone? I am struggling right now, I have major sweet craving! Its weigh in day tomorrow so I won't indulge!!!

    I am just starting up on this thread. I have lost 9 of the 60 pounds I need to loose.
    I struggle with chips... I love salt... That is probably why I have super high blood pressure. I have been watching my sodium on my food log. It is really helping my go lighter on the sodium rich products.

    Try to watch your carb count when the sweets are calling your name.

    My husband tells me to drink a big huge glass of water when I crave anything.... Then he says to wait 10-15 minutes and if I still want it, I can have it. He told me when you are craving something your really dehydrated and need water. I have a 20+ oz glass that I drink out of so it usually takes me a good 5-10 minutes to drink it. So I think about my choice for 20 - 30 minutes before I indulge of refrain.

    Try it, it doesn't always work but it gets you really thinking.
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    I am needing to loose close to about 100 pounds. I am trying really hard and would like to have a good that could keep me going!!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    woo hoo....located this thread again!:laugh: :drinker:

    How's everyone doing?:smile:
  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    Well its wiegh in day, and I am down .8kg. Thats like 1.5 lbs I think. I didn't give into my craving lastnight, I had some plain popcorn instead.
  • rklein71
    rklein71 Posts: 112 Member
    I am 5'0 and weigh almost 200 pounds. That is what got me motivated again... closing in on that 200 mark. It was a pretty good day for me. I stayed away from the soda, logged my food all day, and really felt pretty good. After a delicious and healthy dinner, I totally freaked out and ate a brownie and a rice krispy bar. It was as if I couldn't help myself! I started to beat myself up, but realized that ti woudl do me no good anyway. I am still proud of what I DID accomplish today and am looking forward to a new day tomorrow. It has been 609 days since I quit smoking, and I figure if I can give up cigarettes, I can give up being the lazy and unhealthy person that I have been. I am looking forward to spending time with everyone and reaching our goals together.
  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    Rklein, I know how you feel, I am a compulsive eater. It goes in my mouth without me even noticing it! I have been following this for a week now, and the extra energy and motivation I get from here is fantastic!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I got up to 170 and my health went to heck. My blood pressure shot up into stroke range. One night my hubby found me lying on the bathroom floor unable to get up and unable to move the left side of my body. It was the scariest thing I have ever went through. My blood pressure was 191/ 124 when the EMT's got here to take me to the hospital.
    I was okay, but I think it was the wake up call I needed. I have three children and a husband that would be lost without me. I can't leave them yet.... I have to torment them for many more years yet. LOL. But seriously, I joined SNAP fitness and this website all within 2 weeks of my ordeal. I have started seeing I dietitian and everything. I am really going at this from all sides. I have even told waitresses what they can never let me order again. I am also trying to change my drinking habits. As of this up coming February I will have been off of cigarettes for four years.
    Hang in there and use everything you can to get the pounds off for you and your health. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

    We can all do this!!! We are strong, even when we think we are weak we can muster up the strength to press on and keep trying!!!!
  • Kateeliz
    Kateeliz Posts: 147 Member
    I forgot to weigh in :ohwell:

    I am weighing once every two weeks on Monday morning...
    I have lost 4 lbs in the last 2 weeks, for a total weight loss of 8 lbs!

    :flowerforyou: We need more people to weigh in!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    yeah, I lost 2 pounds! I am still trying to loose 9 more pounds by New Years, but we shall see if that is doable. My measurements are going down too. I think even my face is starting to thin out.
  • I'd like to join in! I have about 130-140 to lose. I am 5'5'' and weigh 273ish. A few years ago I got down to 205 but then I got married and we ate out all the time and here I am.

    I'm worried about my health as well - I have NO energy at all ever, I am extremely depressed even on medication, and I have severe social anxiety disorder that I think losing weight would really help with. When I was pregnant, my blood pressure got scary high (210/140!) and now I am on blood pressure medication. I feel so stupid, being 22 years old and on BLOOD PRESSURE meds.

    Anyway, I'm working on eating healthier and less portions - tonight I had a yummy salad with only a Tbsp of dressing (which is nothing compared to what I used to have!) for dinner. I drink lots of water, quit Diet Coke/soda last month which almost killed me!! I am starting a yoga class in January and need to figure out something else I can do to exercise every day, since Yoga is only once a week.

    Congrats on your loss wlhanisch!! I love it when the face starts to thin out... it's very gratifying :)
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Darn it anyway, I gained those 2 lbs back... I don't think I can make my New Years goal to be 150lbs... I am still going to try like heck though. I am even more determined now.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Darn it anyway, I gained those 2 lbs back... I don't think I can make my New Years goal to be 150lbs... I am still going to try like heck though. I am even more determined now.

    There is always the Chinese New Year! :happy:
    Anyway you are doing great!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I checked my measurements to make myself feel better.
    -2.5 on waist and chest
    -1.5 on hips
    -2.5 on thighs
    but I have + .25 on my biceps.

    I started in the beginning of November on this site and on loosing weight period. I had a big scare and I don't ever want that to happen again.
  • I joined this site in July and it is only now I feel ready to lose the weight. There was a lot of starting and stopping. This is the last day of my first week, I am ready.

    I bought my self a digital scale to weigh food and turn on the computer each morning to record everything and make sure I am on track.

    My first goal is be 199 lbs. Right now I am 214.6.

  • I need to lose 66 pounds.
  • tabbiekaye23
    tabbiekaye23 Posts: 61 Member
    i have 127 pounds to go!!!
  • :smile:

    Hi! I am new to this - I just joined yesterday.I have more than 50 lbs to lose - more like 150 lbs. and I am excited to be taking firm steps toward achieving my goals. I am here to get smart (learn proper nutrition), get busy (consistently exercise), encourage & be encouraged (on message boards) & keep moving forward.

    Let's do this! :happy:


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Journal

    Grace - a way to live.
  • Goal #1=300 Jan 1
    Gaol #2=290 Feb 14
    Goal #3=280 March 20
    Goal #4=270 May 1
    Goal #5=260 July 14
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