How often do you weigh yourself?



  • sizesixorbust
    sizesixorbust Posts: 114 Member
    i actually don't have a scale that i trust at home, but there is one at my gym so i weigh in (and record) every time i go to the gym. it keeps me honest :)
  • JackKopCh
    JackKopCh Posts: 8,042 Member
    I actually don't trust any scale haha, it's why I never weigh myself, I was at the doctors for an appointment the last time I weighed myself and used their medical scales, then on the way out I noticed another pair of the exact same medical scales in the doorway of another room, so weighed myself again, and there was a difference of 8 pounds :S

    Even the ones you pay for in the supermarkets, the ones that do your height and stuff, are crazy, I managed to change around 5 pounds in weight and shrink 3 inches in height within 5 minutes....
  • I used to weight everyday. Now, for this year, I plan to do once a month. Trial and error on my part shows it is easier for *me* if I don't obsess over the scale number. Instead focus on trying to eat my best and trying to exercise.
  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all your replies :) I think now to start off with I will weigh each day just to learn how different things can make me fluctuate. I did pretty well today, netted 1340 calories, squeezed in 30 minutes of Wii U Advanced Aerobics (easing myself in gently)... Weighed before bed and I'm up 2lbs... But not fretting as I had 2 pints of water after exercising. I got a little thirsty which is great for me as I don't drink nearly enough! Plus my starting weight was taken in the morning ☺️
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    I weigh myself daily just b/c I think it's mental for me. I log my weight (either gains or loss) usually the same day every week. I hate to stereo type but I think it's a woman thing too though b/c many men I know don't weigh daily vs the women do. For me, if I see the numbers daily it helps me keep myself in check and motive my behind to stay moving.
  • I should add I have a lot of weight to lose! Currently 5ft5, F, 27 & 215lbs
    Every day

  • I have just started this and I shall weigh myself once a week. At the moment,.
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    I weigh every day because I like to accumulate data and see the fluctuations that occur. I feel like I have a better understanding about how my body works. I try to treat the numbers just like the data they are and not as a terrible judgement thing. That all said, I have an "official" weigh day on Fridays with a group I am part of on Facebook, and I generally try to keep my main focus on the Friday numbers to watch for the bigger trend.

    As someone who used to be kind of obsessive in a bad way about it (i.e. getting upset when weight went up), I have found this to be a really useful approach. It keeps me accountable and on track.
  • I weigh everyday
    and consider my scale to be my guide on what I am doing right and wrong....hang in there.....
    Weekly, fortnightly or monthly? I'm wondering how often I should weigh myself since me and the scales have a very unhealthy relationship at the minute.... I seem to be a bit obsessed!
    At the minute I weigh myself every day.... Which I know I shouldn't be doing. The smallest gain sets me on a breakdown binge and then the cycle continues. Is once a week still too much? I need to see great results to keep me motivated. (Great results = 2lbs+ per week for me)

  • catsmeat
    catsmeat Posts: 11 Member
    I weigh daily as well, just once, first thing in the morning after using the toilet. I get the most consistent result that way, with fewer fluctuations. Still, they are there, but I graph the results and watch the trend. I find it helps me keep on track.
  • ebfmfp
    ebfmfp Posts: 13 Member
    Daily. If I am down, it motivates me to keep going. If up, it motivates me to keep going. Excel will overlay a trend line on the graph which I like.
  • jillianedwards
    jillianedwards Posts: 67 Member
    Once a week or once every 2 weeks, if i do it more than that i will go insane and give up
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Weigh daily and use Libra or HappyScale. Ignore the measured weights, and only pay attention to the smoothed trendline.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for all your replies :) I think now to start off with I will weigh each day just to learn how different things can make me fluctuate. I did pretty well today, netted 1340 calories, squeezed in 30 minutes of Wii U Advanced Aerobics (easing myself in gently)... Weighed before bed and I'm up 2lbs... But not fretting as I had 2 pints of water after exercising. I got a little thirsty which is great for me as I don't drink nearly enough! Plus my starting weight was taken in the morning ☺️

    No ...if you're weighing daily then only once a day

    Ideal time the morning, after the bathroom, nekkid :grinning:

    The human body gains weight, naturally over the day..the food you've eaten, rehydrating etc. you will also see your weight fluctuate naturally with sodium intake, exercise increases and hormonal shifts around ovulation / menstruation