Would anyone like to join me for a "Just for Today" goals for the month of January



  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Just for Today
    1. I will NOT eat any crap Christmas chocolate.
    2. I will not eat anything else bad to replace the crap Christmas chocolate !
  • emilyeatsanddrinks
    emilyeatsanddrinks Posts: 624 Member
    Just for today I will:

    1. Stay within my calories
    2. Drink 100 ounces of water
  • Karen_135
    Karen_135 Posts: 2 Member
    Just for today, I will:

    1. Remind myself that peer pressure can be a good thing. When I attend a holiday dinner with my friends tonight, I will stay close to friends who don't overindulge. I will tell them my goals and ask for their support.
    2. Drink extra water, especially right before dinner. If my tummy is full of water, there'll be less room for turkey gravy!
    3. I will head outside for a walk today.
  • Squem8
    Squem8 Posts: 6 Member
    Just for today, I will:
    1. Learn to like coffee with no sugar
    2. Drink lots of water
    3. Start tracking
    4. Not have my usual Friday night glass of wine
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    Just for Today January 1 I will

    1. log everything I eat :)
    2. take a walk. Anything is better than staying on the couch all day :) Not very far, but a walk anyway.
    3. come back here and report how I did :) Yep, here I am.

    Now for January 2. Just for today I will

    1. Really enjoy being with my family
    2. take a walk
    3. log everything I eat

    Today is the day my family is getting together to exchange gifts and spend the day together. It is at my house, so I need to focus on visiting and enjoying, not trying to make everything perfect. Even though I want everything to be perfect, I know that focus is how I make myself crazy and miserable. Enjoyable, comfortable and good enough is the plan.

  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    JUST FOR TODAY, January 2, 2015
    1. Walk 10,000 steps today.
    2. Log everything I eat.
    3. Drink 4 glasses of water

    JUST FOR TODAY, January 1st, 2015
    1. Get my Fitbit set up and complete at least 5000 steps :)
    2. Log everything I eat. :)
    3. Read other inspirational ideas :)
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    Just for today I will:
    1)Complete my morning yoga
    2) Log in everything honestly
    3) I will avoid alcohol, soda, sugar, and artificial sweeteners
    4) I will not step on the scale (this, believe it or not, is actually the most difficult!)
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    Just for today I will up my water intake and stay within my calories
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I'm IN!

    Just for today, I will:
    1. drink a lot of water (I don't think I've been drinking enough, resulting in headaches)
    2. eat more vegetables
    3. enjoy the ice skating with my kids, and going out dancing with hubby tonight (haven't done that in ages!!!)

    Have a great day!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    01/02 Just for today:

    1. log everything I eat
    2. do 5 minutes meditation
    3. "let it go" - not being able to keep a spotless house does not make me a bad person. I am not the only person living in this house and the only one working full time, I cannot do it all.
  • dailywip
    dailywip Posts: 410 Member

    I will exercise 120 mins
    I will:
    <550 Sodium (mg):
    <24 Sugars (g):
  • 1americangirl
    1americangirl Posts: 6 Member
    1/2/15 Just for today:

    1. I will log every food that goes into my mouth.
    2. I will walk my dog 4 x prior to leaving work. (Yes, he's here with me today.)
    3. I will complete day 1 of Yoga with Adriene's 30 day yoga challenge.
  • Just_say_jess
    Just_say_jess Posts: 19 Member
    Good morning! So, how did everyone do yesterday?
    Just today:
    I will log everything
    Attend restorative yoga class
    Run/walk 30 min
    Prepare healthy meals for my 12 hour shifts on Sat & Sun

    Haven't taken a pic yet. Feel too gross :-(
  • I love this idea! So glad to have found this thread!

    Just for today:
    I will drink 8 glasses of water
    I will log every morsel that goes into my mouth
    I stay within my calorie goal
    I will go to Crossfit

    Good luck to all on today's goals! See you tomorrow!
  • denisewhite324
    denisewhite324 Posts: 8 Member
    Just for today is a great idea! I'm trying to take this new lifestyle change one day at a time.

    1) Log everything I eat.
    2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    3) Exercise at least 30 minutes
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Just for today:
    -Stay within my calorie limit
    -30 minutes of activity
    -don't feel guilty about what I eat at the wedding tonight :smile:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited January 2015
    What a great idea! Just for today, I will...

    1. Stay within my calorie goal
    2. Do cardio for 1 hour
    3. Watch Les Miserables with my son
    4. Declutter my toiletries
  • JDownie91
    JDownie91 Posts: 78 Member
    What a great idea- I tried to do something like this with my husband, just verbal accountability but it got overlooked on many occasions and eventually was forgotten about.

    Just for today-
    I will drink 100oz of water
    I will minimize my snacking (not have any of the candy on the "freebie" table near my desk)
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    Just for today I will...
    1. Log everything.
    2. Remain below my calories.
    3. Not eat out (going into the city today with friends, so this'll be quite a feat!)
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    Just for today I will stick with the food I have planned and prelogged.