Would anyone like to join me for a "Just for Today" goals for the month of January



  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    Count me in! It's almost bedtime, so I'll start tomorrow...
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    01/02 Just for today:

    1. log everything I eat :)
    2. do 5 minutes meditation :)
    3. "let it go" - not being able to keep a spotless house does not make me a bad person. I am not the only person living in this house and the only one working full time, I cannot do it all. :)

  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    This is for tomorrow....but just for today I'm..
    1. going to do some exercise (and get in my 10K steps)
    2. log everything
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    Squem8 wrote: »
    Just for today, I will:
    1. Learn to like coffee with no sugar
    2. Drink lots of water
    3. Start tracking
    4. Not have my usual Friday night glass of wine

    I switched to real cream in my coffee. I only need one tablespoon which calorie wise is as much as the multiple servings of half and half or milk. It is more favorable and I learned after a few cups, now enjoy my coffee without sweetener or sugar.
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    Wow, you are right. Biting at this one day at a time is mentally less exhausting then looking down that seemingly huge distance to the finish line. I completed January 1 and yesterday successfully, Here is what I am going to do, just for today, January 3:

    1)Walk 45 mins on treadmill
    2) Log in everything honestly and stay under calorie goal
    3) I will abstain from alcohol, soda, sugar, and artificial sweeteners
    4) I will not step on the scale

  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    This is great! I wish I had found it yesterday!
    Just for today 1/2/15:
    1. Do today's workout, and yesterdays (because life got in the way yesterday)
    2. Stay in my goals
    3. Log -everything-!

    I find that trying to make up for something done or not done from day before doesn't work. Forgive yourself and move forward. If you work extra hard the day after you missed a workout, or the day after you went over calories, you should just be proud of the workout you did and not consider it the punishment for the missed one from the day previously or the "bad" you might have eaten. Good luck and keep focusing on the day at hand!
  • skjones0323
    skjones0323 Posts: 53 Member

    Just for today I am going to 1) Stay under mt calorie goal; 2) take a walk and get all my steps in and 3) avoid refined sugar.
  • JeanMBK
    JeanMBK Posts: 728 Member
    Just for today I'm going to:
    1. Run a minimum of 5 miles and enjoy it!
    2. Drink at least 8 cups of water.
    3. Log my calories in as well as out. I have no problem logging exercise, I am not consistent with food.
  • Just_say_jess
    Just_say_jess Posts: 19 Member
    I'm working 12 hour shifts today and tomorrow with a 50 minute commute each way. Just for today, I'm not going to let that be an excuse to not stick to my plan!

    Drink water!
    Eat the healthy meals and snacks I brought instead of ordering pizza &/or Jimmy Johns like I usually do. (Usually it's one for lunch and the other for dinner!!! YIKES)
    Walk from my office to the front of the hospital twice. (about 15 min roundtrip)
    Log what I eat.
    5 minutes of yoga before bed
  • Just for today I will:
    1. Do my torso exercises
    2. Log my water intake
    3. Keep within my calories
  • twyliatepeka
    twyliatepeka Posts: 28 Member
    Just for today I will :
    1. drink my water
    2. log all the food (even the embarrassing stuff)
    3. hula hoop (it is weighted & great fun but I never get around to it)
  • golgoroo
    golgoroo Posts: 69 Member
    Just for today - love this idea!
    1) Officially weigh in for the 6-month dietbet I signed up for (done)
    2) Have only one cup of coffee in the AM
    3) Focus on positive thoughts & make those "I've done this sooo many times, why can't I get this done?" thoughts just pop right back out of my head
  • susanp15
    susanp15 Posts: 25 Member
    Just for today I will:

    1. Weigh in
    2. Log all of my food
    3. Drink at least 6 glasses of water (not enough, but this will be a step up for me)
  • quiltlady77
    quiltlady77 Posts: 93 Member
    Jan 2nd- Stayed within my calorie allotment but over on my sugar. Did 60 min. of aqualates then lifted weights for 45 min. so guess I got my exercise in. Did not get enough water in but was close
    - Jan3rd Just for today I will:
    - Do better on my water; keep the sugar grams down to within my allotment; get 30+ min. of exercise; TRY to get in 7-8000 steps. I seem to have trouble getting in more most days.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited January 2015
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    January 2. Just for today I will

    1. Really enjoy being with my family :D
    2. take a walk :)
    3. log everything I eat :(

    Yesterday was one of the best family visits in years, even with the inevitable hiccups. Yes, I still have some dishes to wash and small messes to pick up, but I'm glad I let that go so I could really enjoy the company. Unfortunately, logging my food fell apart too, but I am willing to take that trade off for one day.

    Now for January 3. Just for today

    1. log everything I eat
    2. drink lots of water/hot tea (I think I may be catching my husbands cold :( )
    3. take a walk

    Thank you everyone for the support and reminders that 1. yes we can do this and 2. If we slip up, we can try again tomorrow. Have a Fun Saturday!

  • slindsey137
    slindsey137 Posts: 214 Member
    edited January 2015

    I find that trying to make up for something done or not done from day before doesn't work. Forgive yourself and move forward. If you work extra hard the day after you missed a workout, or the day after you went over calories, you should just be proud of the workout you did and not consider it the punishment for the missed one from the day previously or the "bad" you might have eaten. Good luck and keep focusing on the day at hand!
    I appreciate the advice, and normally, that is what I would do, but I am trying a 30 day challenge, and I really want to get all the days in. I also tend to have a "well I already missed one..." kind of mentality, so I am hoping this will help. I got it all done, and I am glad (and blissfully sore) for it now :D
  • slindsey137
    slindsey137 Posts: 214 Member
    This is great! I wish I had found it yesterday!
    Just for today 1/2/15:
    1. Do today's workout, and yesterdays (because life got in the way yesterday)
    2. Stay in my goals
    3. Log -everything-!
    Done, done, and done!!
    Just for today 1/3/15:
    1. Enjoy movie night with my family, and not hate myself if I have a second slice of pizza
    2. Complete my day three workout
    3. Drink all my water (normally this isn't a problem, but the last few days I have been bad about it.)
  • Just for today 1/2:
    I will drink 8 glasses of water :)
    I will log every morsel that goes into my mouth :)
    I stay within my calorie goal (close ... -55)
    I will go to Crossfit :)

    Just For Today 1/3:
    I will drink 8 glasses of water
    I will log every morsel that goes into my mouth
    I will stay within my calorie goal
    I will WALK the Christmas tree down to Recycle Center
    I will go to Crossfit

    One day at a time ... Now to go drink a glass of water!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    just for today 1/3

    1. i will get in 8 glasses of water (this is a challenge on weekends, when I'm not stuck at a desk with a glass sitting next to me)
    2. do 5 minutes of meditation
    3. log everything I eat.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Yesterday, 1/2/15

    1. I will remember that sometimes I mistake THIRST for HUNGER. Drink a large glass of water, and wait 10 minutes before I go and get something to eat. :):):) Hubby wanted popcorn, which I made for him. I really was not hungry, but boy, it sure sounded good, But, I drank water, and made it through the evening without additional popcorn!
    2. Still not feeling all that great, but I will try and do at least 20 minutes on the ellipitical :'( Hubby wanted to run errands, so we went to Lowes, Home Depot, Office Depot, etc etc etc!! Does walking, killing time waiting for him count !!
    3. Concentrate on drinking WATER WATER WATER!!! :):) YES!

    Today, 1/3/15
    1. 1. I will remember that sometimes I mistake THIRST for HUNGER. Drink a large glass of water, and wait 10 minutes before I go and get something to eat
    2. 20 minutes on the ellipitical
    3. Log EVERYBITE I eat!!

    It is a rainy day today, so I have to work on not wanting to just "graze" all day!!