How does anyone get motivated to go to the gym?



  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I agree with going right after work. I know if I come home first, I'll sit down or find a million other things to do instead.

    I find that I just have to get dressed, put my shoes on and go. Some times I drag my feet, but I always go and I never regret it!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited January 2015
    I tell people my plans, and then I know I have to do it b/c they will ask me how everything went. For example, I signed up for a set of pole fitness classes, and I told my friend, so I wouldn't chicken out of it.

    I've also joined a FB group, and I post every workout I do in it. So when I fall into a lazy rut and didn't workout for 2 weeks, someone called me out on the board. It wasn't rude, but more like we haven't seen you in a while type thing. It got me off of my butt. For the most part, I don't need others to motivate me to workout, but there are times when the lazy bug bites me.

    But it will become a habit. And you will enjoy it. I look forward to working out. I can't wait for my first pole class tomorrow. I am genuinely looking forward to my spin class on Tuesday and my yoga class on Thursday. And everything that falls in-between. Just take it a day at a time.
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    I have never said "I wish I didn't go to the gym" and have said "I wish I would have gone to the gym". It all begins in what you really have to find what works for you. It all works if you work it.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I love the gym and go every day after work (and on weekends). My strategy for not missing when I've had a long day is to change at work and drive directly there. I make sure to have a snack an hour or so before I leave. I also drink a protein shake during my workout.

    I also like the fact that i set a good example for my staff, by changing and work and heading out to my workout. We need more wellness and they see me making it a priority.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    Caffeine, vitamin B supplements, and music. Those are my motivators. Put them all together and I get enough energy up to get my butt to the gym. :D
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I ended up using the gym time as my alone time, break time and even when I needed time to think things through. You have to enjoy what you are doing. So find an exercise activity that you like and stick to it. Whether it's walking, running, zumba, yoga or lifting...just get up and go do it. :) Good luck!
  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    I love the gym. Getting started is the hard part but building up strength doesn't have to be like biggest loser or anything. I start on the lowest setting for everything and build up. i need to go in the morning or i don't end up going.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited January 2015
    Do something you enjoy doing! I'm a somewhat competitive person and always want to see improvement. I'm mainly doing bodyweight exercises because the gym belonging to my flat is terrible. So I have a spreadsheet that records the number of proper pushups I can do for example, or other things. And I'm doing Convict Conditioning which has a natural progression. I really want to be able to do a proper handstand, or a one-legged squat, or just one pullup. That keeps me going.

    If I went to the gym I would lift heavy and tried to improve there as well. I also bought a stopwatch to record lap times when swimming. I guess I reached my speed limit for breastswimming now (under 24 minutes for 1000m) and need to improve on technique before I see any improvement there. The wish to improve is what keeps me going. Though I'm not disappointed if I don't see any progression.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Make it easy on yourself with the packing clothes etc, and pick a gym that's on the way home.

    I like thinking about nothing except what I'm doing when I'm working out, it's almost like a meditation. And I always feel better for the workout.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I don't go to the gym because I just hate it. I found exercise that I don't hate and do that instead. I go swimming, or for a jog, or my absolute favourite is a dance class if I can find one. You could try rock-climbing or cycling or all sorts of things that might not fill you with quite so much dread.
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I have a hard time going after a day of work too. Which is why I go in the morning. It starts the day off right and then there are no excuses.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You go to the gym and workout whether you feel like it or not, whether you're tired or get the picture.

    Do you really think we all workout without some struggles along the way?!
  • lawlifehanna
    lawlifehanna Posts: 90 Member
    Initially, don't think of it as going for a big, tough workout. Choose a small goal, like going to the gym and working out on a cardio machine for 15 minutes. You can surely do that, and while doing it you can familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Next time, add something to that. Just start small, and build up from there. There's a reason people recommend mini goals for weight loss, same goes for starting to work out.

    If the reason you don't want to go after work is that you're tired, just force yourself to go and do 10 minutes. Give yourself full permission to leave after 10 if you really, really don't feel like it. More often than not, it's the getting up part that's hard, not the working out. 4 out of 5 times I end up working out as originally planned, and that 1 in 5 is when I really, honestly just don't feel like it and drop it after the 10 minutes. That's okay, because then I know I actually tried, instead of just thinking I'm too tired.
  • segCO
    segCO Posts: 2
    I always save time to hit the sauna and hot tub. On those days I'm not motivated, I make myself work out for an hour then that is my reward at the end.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    I chose a gym that's situated half way between work and home so I go either before or after work.
  • gmmendenhall
    gmmendenhall Posts: 24 Member
    I have been going for the better part of a year and a half now. At first I had to reward myself. 4 days/week for 8 weeks meant that fitness tracker I had been wanting. At 12 weeks, Bluetooth earbuds, etc. After 6 or 7 months I didn't need to reward myself any longer. Fell out of practice for a couple of months when my best friend moved away, started rewarding myself again. Now I truly do enjoy the gym.
  • itsMcKay
    itsMcKay Posts: 131 Member
    Go before work. Just go for 30 minutes. Try to keep your heart rate between 120 and 160 beats per minute the entire half hour. Then shower, get ready and dress for work and be on your way. If you make a protein shake the night before, just grab it, a bottle of water and your healthy, pre-made lunch out of the fridge on your way to the gym.

    If you force yourself to do it first thing, you're off to a really good start and can't talk yourself out of it by the end of the day. :)
  • itsMcKay
    itsMcKay Posts: 131 Member
    You don't have to go to the gym. You can workout at home!

    I think this is a great suggestion and I have always wanted to be the kind of person who can do this but it's never lasted. I actually LOVE P90X and Insanity but only did them three or four times and only into the first week! I lose steam unless I've bothered to get dressed and drive to the gym.

    Also, my house is really old and the floor is slanted and the rooms are tiny (whole house is 600 sq. ft.) so there's absolutely no room. I have to move chairs to get in and out of the living room. No joke. And we don't have clutter. XD

    Working out at home is great if it works for you. For some of us, it's practically impossible. Especially when we're low on motivation to begin with!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It doesn't take motivation it takes discipline.

    check these out-
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    I agree that going straight from work is fantastic, but then I have a desk job, so getting up and moving around is a great change. You just need to set a schedule you can live with. It's like going to work - you don't always want to, but you have to. Find something to look forward to, like listening to music.