Leslie Sansone's "Walk away the pounds"



  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member

    This is a group here on MFP - you may find some support/motivtion - information ... on all the Leslie Sansone DVD's
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I got her 4 Fast Miles DVD and I have both positive and negative reactions - I like that it's a great alternative for days when I'm really sore or just fatigued, but for me it's hard to get a good calorie burn with them and also I really could just punch her (although I'm sure she's a very nice lady).
    If you're enjoying the workout, one of my fave instructors has a walking series on Youtube (maybe on DVD) - I haven't checked it out but here are some of them: http://www.jessicasmithtv.com/videos/walking-workouts/

    Apparently you can buy some hers that she doesn't talk. - I turn the volume down and play my own music.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I got her 4 Fast Miles DVD and I have both positive and negative reactions - I like that it's a great alternative for days when I'm really sore or just fatigued, but for me it's hard to get a good calorie burn with them and also I really could just punch her (although I'm sure she's a very nice lady).
    If you're enjoying the workout, one of my fave instructors has a walking series on Youtube (maybe on DVD) - I haven't checked it out but here are some of them: http://www.jessicasmithtv.com/videos/walking-workouts/

    Apparently you can buy some hers that she doesn't talk. - I turn the volume down and play my own music.

    That's a great idea, thank you! I've *just* (like this week) started playing my own music along with the FitnessBlender videos so I should revisit some of those gems I just can't listen to anymore (Jillian, I'm looking at you).
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    I have lost 78 pounds - Leslie's dvd's got me started and I still use them. Used one today as a matter of fact. She's got one with a resistance band that works arms, back, but, legs- I try to do that one 3-4 times a week. I went from walking to running and have run in two 5 K's this year. I do most of my walking/running outside now, but if it's too hot/cold/rainy, etc - I can burn some calories. If it's working for you and you are enjoying it by all means keep it up!!!!
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    I have used her video's along with taking walks outside and I love her. I recommend her videos to people all the time.
  • 1triciakae
    1triciakae Posts: 41 Member
    I have been using them for the past 3 weeks. I had to work my way up to the 3 mile. I will be honest I was 327 pounds and living a pretty much sedentary life style. I bought her video with the 1, 2, 3 and 4 miles. I love them. I couldn't tell you how much weight I have lost because I refuse to step on my scale only once a month, but I can tell you they work. At first my hip and knee were sore but I pushed through it. I can tell I have lost weight because I had to go today and but a new pair of jeans because my old ones were too big. I have worn a size 20-24 for the past 10 years and I fit a size 18! So they work I love them so much I bought another one. I would highly suggest them for anyone that is just starting out cardio.
  • sssgilber
    sssgilber Posts: 90 Member
    I use her videos when it's too hot (above 90) or too cold (below 30) to walk outside. I have a low tolerance for boredom, so I play her on the laptop at low, music-only volume and watch something else on TV. After one or two run-throughs, you can track her out of the corner of your eye.
  • ancurtis
    ancurtis Posts: 68 Member
    I do her videos regularly. I love them and I add my own twist to them with weights or more jogging, etc. They come in so handy on cold/dark/rainy days.
  • beachchic3030
    beachchic3030 Posts: 28 Member
    KalixRedd wrote: »
    Hey everyone, so I was looking for at home exercise videos and I came across Leslie Sansone's walk away the pounds. Figured I would check it out.
    Oh my, Let me tell you! I love her already she's just the right amount of peppy and she really gets you hyped and moving. I did the 3mile walk it had me sweating and really out of breath but i felt SO GOOD afterwards. Anybody else enjoy her videos? I definitely have to pick up some of her DVD's.

    Really great. Esp if ur just starting out i love them
  • NicaBree
    NicaBree Posts: 4 Member
    I <3 Leslie Sansone she is my favorite! i have tried other videos however she is the perfect amount of everything. i have been doing her walks off and on now for 8 years now. new year new goals so i plan on jumping back on the band wagon and picking up another dvd! (i have 4 already.) between my collection and the library selection i am set for the year. :smiley:
  • RebeccaMaunder
    RebeccaMaunder Posts: 171 Member
    I love the walk away the pounds series. I've used them for years. I love that they are easy but give you a good work out. I've only been able to do I think up to 3 mile but that is more because I kept writing on myself. Right now I am using them sporadically as I go outside or to the gym. I would also love to know which videos or how people got such amazing results.
  • shoff5
    shoff5 Posts: 10
    These DVDs are WONDERFUL! I just started back up with it today. For those that aren't familiar, it's not JUST WALKING! There are knee lifts, side steps, kicks, squats, arm exercises, stretching, etc. It's a walk on steroids! I live in MN and it's currently 14 BELOW ZERO with windchill, so a DVD is just the right thing!
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    I've been doing Leslie Sansone dvds for years.

    I prefer to walk outside now but when it's too cold, even for CA, my go to these days is the 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk just because it gives me the most calorie burn for my time (and it goes so fast!).

    I do admit tho that ever since I got my fitbit (also years ago), that I don't really walk in place or do the other moves since it didn't seem to pick the steps up and I stopped wearing my hrm because it gave me the same calorie burn when walking as the fitbit. I walk back and forth in my apartment to the beat. And it's cool because in the first slower 5 min increment, I can play on my tablet while walking. :)
  • shoff5
    shoff5 Posts: 10
    For those who lost significant weight using her videos, what routine did you use? Did you do any other work outs?

    I just started using one of her videos and am trying to figure out how to fit it into my routine. I try to switch up my workouts every 1-2 months to keep it fresh.

    She has SO many different ones out there! I like to vary the distance, also she has one that has some kickboxing in it and another that is a walk jog. Many also have weights, you could follow her videos for a month and not repeat a workout :)

  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    shoff5 wrote: »
    These DVDs are WONDERFUL! I just started back up with it today. For those that aren't familiar, it's not JUST WALKING! There are knee lifts, side steps, kicks, squats, arm exercises, stretching, etc. It's a walk on steroids! I live in MN and it's currently 14 BELOW ZERO with windchill, so a DVD is just the right thing!

    Wisconsin's crazy cold this week, too! Not the only thing I did today, but her videos have helped me get 12,000+ steps daily this week, despite being home bound. My preschooler likes to do them with me, too (well, he's good for 1-2 miles, but he enjoys the time with me).
  • tropikanagirl
    tropikanagirl Posts: 53 Member
    I love Lesie Sansone! I know YouTube had some free walking videos of her workouts. I don't know if they are still there but it isworth it to check it out.
  • JulieAnneFIU
    JulieAnneFIU Posts: 125 Member
    I do the five mile fat burning walk at noon six days a week and according to my hrm burn over 500 calories in an hour if I add in extra arm movement. I'm at my goal weight because of her.
  • MrsJones1722
    MrsJones1722 Posts: 28 Member
    Yes I love her and her videos. I have several that I alternate through! I always get in a good workout, even if only for 20 minutes.
  • MrsJones1722
    MrsJones1722 Posts: 28 Member
    gshifrin wrote: »
    I don't mean to sound snide but why do you need a DVD to help you go for a walk?

    I use them because it will be soon enough to hot to walk outside here. So thought of better getting used to our gym here, right away. Because its inspirational/motivating to look at people doing the same you do.

    My "walks" i do in our community gym. And i enjoy the motivation and watching while i am busy. I also use other music and Billy Banks video's.
    For Billy Banks i am not fit enough but i pick up things in a slower pace. But it wont be long and i can keep up ;)

    Everybody is different and no matter how you do, how fast how slow, you beat everybody on sitting on the sofa.

    And that's the point!! :smiley: