Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?



  • lpostma77
    lpostma77 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 209 and want to get down to 150. I have 4 kids, my youngest is 7 months. I am DONE having babies! LOL. It's time to get healthy and take care of ME so I can be around for many many years for them. Also, I'm 37 years old and have hereditary PCOS. Add me if you'd like. Thanks and good luck to you all.
  • katrinaterrell1
    katrinaterrell1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am currently at 227lbs and would love to loae about 60lbs. I know this will not be an easy journey so all motivation is encouraged. I plan to start working on this weight loss tmrw.
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    Hi... I started MFP at a weight of 264 lbs around Jan 2014. To date I weigh 198lbs. I have around 65lbs to loose. So feel free to add me :)
    For Newbies: Please make sure that your diary is 'viewable' by friends and log in regularly. You can do this!
  • tracyheartsrob
    tracyheartsrob Posts: 10 Member
    Right there with you! I am a little over 200 & am definitely at my highest weight. I want to get down 150. I used to be hot! haha. Anyway, I am hoping to feel better about myself & I want my husband & I to be healthy so we can lead long, awesome lives! I am also in search of people who can relate.
  • melissacorey88
    melissacorey88 Posts: 2 Member
    Right with you guys, need to lose about 60 pounds. Starting weight is 228 goal weight is 160. Feel free to add me for motivation! I need encouragement! :)
  • I'm looking foward to losing 60-100 pounds! I weight 250 right now and started fitness pal today! Well yesterday, since it's 12:45 in the morning.
  • This is my second go with my fitness pal. Last time I lost about 20 pounds. Looking to get 2015 back in shape. I'm looking for new people to help motivate me and for me to help you. Hope you will add me to your friends list.
    I am 37 yrs old. I work long works at a desk all day. I have a great family. My daughter is 6 years old. She is my inspiration for getting myself back in shape. I'm looking to drop at least 55 pounds before this time next year. then in 2016, another 50. Then I should be back to my normal weight for my height.
  • swiftiesbuddies
    swiftiesbuddies Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone , I think I top the weight at 292 and my goal is 250, after that everything is a bonus, I know my problem is alcohol, its empty calories pile on pounds , so I am doing Dry Athlon in the UK which means no alcohol for 2 months, that combined with a diet plan of 1800 calories per day should see me lose 2lbs a week, after that anything else is the icing on my proverbial cake. Anyone got any good upper body exercises to help me firm up

    Cheers Marcus
  • I recently just started again also, from being on on depression meds I went up to 236 which what I weighed 15 years ago when I had my baby. I am now 219, looking to get down to 155-160 I have never been under 185 so I'm excited!
  • dianed45
    dianed45 Posts: 1 Member
    Have just started again I am 199 lbs, aiming to get to around 150
  • livingatthelake
    livingatthelake Posts: 3 Member
    I turn 60 later this and would like to accomplish losing 50# by then..... Sure could use some support
  • Taveon
    Taveon Posts: 4 Member
    I am 206lb my short term goal is 181lb, long goal 156lb. training for a mud run in june. i have zero discipline when it comes down to eating habits. Lets keep each other motivated. yaaaay!!
  • SamT0824
    SamT0824 Posts: 14 Member
    Add me to this list! I'm 210 my ultimate goal is 130-145 but for the year it's 170! Anyone, feel free to add me!
  • ThinByThanksgiving
    ThinByThanksgiving Posts: 115 Member
    5'4" 215 looking to get down to about 130. Feel free to add me.
  • LOL 250 lbs. as of today (1/5/14) my goal for now is just to get under 200 lbs. :) Please add me
  • SexyMaganda
    SexyMaganda Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I want to get down to 140.
  • 5'4" and 210, my ultimate goal is 130, but I would love to get down to 160 by the end of this year!
  • toric89
    toric89 Posts: 2 Member
    I definitely need some motivation! A few years ago I went from 189 to 146.. and unfortunately gained most of it back. I am currently at 181 and my goal is 140. Feel free to add me, it's helpful to have people trying to complete the same journey as you.
  • CrystalT155
    CrystalT155 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'6" 216 lbs and I'm wanting to lose 50-70 lbs. I have been struggling all year to lose weight. I have some health issues that are making it an issue, hopefully I can overcome them this year!
  • herrmacm
    herrmacm Posts: 5 Member
    I am starting today, I lost (fairly easily) 50+ pounds about 15 years ago... now I'm back in the same boat. If I am honest with myself I should drop 70 pounds to be mid-range of the bmi index. I've decided to make smaller goals so it doesn't sound so overwhelming. Any encouragement would be helpful.