The last 10 pounds



  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    I just saw your post & I am right there with you! My hubby tells me I look great BUT I know I would look & feel better if I could take off 10-15 more pounds. It seems I am just at a stand still though. I'm also having trouble getting my "baby" pooch to disappear... when I'm standing I look like my tummy is flat but if I bend over there it is :( Yuck!

    I'm with ya there! My tummy is the flattest it's been since before my daughter was born...12 years ago. Then after my son was my heaviest ever. But the pooch! I hate it! It's like it's own separate being, falling out there whenever I bend over. I can feel those ab muscles under there, I want to see them not covered in floppy skin! :laugh:
  • Treed79
    Treed79 Posts: 28 Member
    I need to be in this group. I'm at my last 10. I have plateau'd and just started zig zagging my calories last Friday so hoping for some loss this coming Friday. We shall see.
    How do you Zig Zag your calories?
  • Evjones28
    Evjones28 Posts: 70
    I'm In. In need to lose 13 by June (for the summer) :glasses: Let's do this ...
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I'm in. I've been cutting my carbs out for the last week and a half and have lost a pound, which I'm actually excited since I have been the same for months. I felt lethargic and actually sick to my stomach on 20 grams of carbs after two days. I have been at about 40 to 90 grams of carbs for the last few days and I feel good but don't know if I will lose on it. Not giving up, yet, though.

    Anyway, count me in.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I just saw your post & I am right there with you! My hubby tells me I look great BUT I know I would look & feel better if I could take off 10-15 more pounds. It seems I am just at a stand still though. I'm also having trouble getting my "baby" pooch to disappear... when I'm standing I look like my tummy is flat but if I bend over there it is :( Yuck!

    I'm with ya there! My tummy is the flattest it's been since before my daughter was born...12 years ago. Then after my son was my heaviest ever. But the pooch! I hate it! It's like it's own separate being, falling out there whenever I bend over. I can feel those ab muscles under there, I want to see them not covered in floppy skin! :laugh:

    I KNOW!! After my third kid, my belly just won't go smooth and frankly I wonder if all the stretch marks are signs that it will never be flat because of excess skin. However, I feel that as long as I can pinch a few inches, there must be some fat in there!!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Please tell me you girls are strength training! It is very difficult to lose those "last 10 lbs" by cardio alone. Believe me, I've been there twice. Build muscle, increase your metabolism, burn the fat, and increase muscle definition. Check this out as it is all you need:
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Please tell me you girls are strength training! It is very difficult to lose those "last 10 lbs" by cardio alone. Believe me, I've been there twice. Build muscle, increase your metabolism, burn the fat, and increase muscle definition. Check this out as it is all you need:

    Def. doing strength. I'd be stupid not to.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    10 lbs from happy 15 from I'm on top of the world! well that is if the last 10 to 15 come off my middle!!!!!!
  • ledack
    ledack Posts: 10 Member
    I do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (I'm on the 90 day plan) every morning, I alternate workouts 1 2 and 3. Then 5 days a week I do cardio in the evening or yoga, 4 x's a week I do strength training. Is it tough? Absolutely! I have seen definite results. So now I'll try the Kon-jac root and see if that'll help get rid of these last 10. I will still continue my regular routine though.
  • traceface1788
    traceface1788 Posts: 9 Member
    I'd love to get in on this! I just started Ripped in 30 and I want a nice, flat tummy, a little less booty, and a little less thigh. I'm thinking with lots of toning and five or ten more pounds I might actually be there. I can't wait to see our progress!

    I completely agree! I just started monday and its kicking my butt!

    I have 10lbs which is think is realistic. 15 would be ideal. I don't know about anyone else, but as a recent grad I have been fighting to maintain weekend food and alcohol cravings. I've been going out less to curb the cravings, but I would like to find a happy medium between having my weekend fun and not going off the diet. If anyone has tips, help me out please :)
  • youngtweezy
    youngtweezy Posts: 183
    I've been losing & gaining the last ten pounds for about a year now. I'm ready to get this off for good! :D
  • Brilynn1988
    Brilynn1988 Posts: 14
    I am pretty new to MFP. I was wondering if there is a way to tag or save this thread so I don't have to search for it daily.
  • Brilynn1988
    Brilynn1988 Posts: 14
    HAHA nevermind. I figuered it out. ^_^
  • CarliBez
    CarliBez Posts: 19
    I haven't figured it out yet... Please help?
  • Brilynn1988
    Brilynn1988 Posts: 14
    When you go to *"Community" there will be a list, click on "My Topics" and it shows you page you posted on. I don't know if there is a way to save any page without posting on it though : /
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    For ideas on how to harmonize the social aspect of food with your diet, you could check out my post from a different thread topic:

    "Strategies for dealing with caloric food in social situation"

    Here's the url, but I'm not sure it will work:
  • CarliBez
    CarliBez Posts: 19
    When you go to *"Community" there will be a list, click on "My Topics" and it shows you page you posted on. I don't know if there is a way to save any page without posting on it though : /

    Thank you!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm in! Would defo like to lose 4lb before family wedding in 2.5 that's not going to happen! But overall would like to lose 10-12lbs by August.

    Easy, huh?

    I've just come from a 5-6 week plateau, and although I was losing inches, it got a little disheartening - I just hope there isn't another 5-6 weeks before my next loss!
  • MysticMoon
    MysticMoon Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in!!!! although admittedly i'd rather lose 20lb but i have been losing and gaining the same last 6lb it's driving me nuts, So i'd settle for 10lb as long as it's for good.
    Only just joined 10 days ish ago so new to MFP but not too working out, Do as much as possible as i'm healing from major surgery (Pelvis broke in 3 places and Femur broke and lengthened 2 inches).
    Thank goodness for this site to keep me on track and motivated too xx
  • Evjones28
    Evjones28 Posts: 70
    When you go to *"Community" there will be a list, click on "My Topics" and it shows you page you posted on. I don't know if there is a way to save any page without posting on it though : /

    Thank you!

    Good morning, you can also just put the word "Bump" if you don't have anything specific to post right then and it adds it to "My Topics" :wink:
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