New Couch to 5K (C25k) - Challenge Starting May 2



  • misspamyla
    misspamyla Posts: 46 Member
    Is it too late to add my name to that list??

    I've been wanting to get back into's been quite a while.

    I can do it on Mon, Wed and Friday nites after work because my son goes elsewhere those nights.

    When I used to run before, everything used to have to be perfect, I couldn't run without music (so I wouldn't get bored and time would go faster) and gum (so my mouth didn't get dry) and a cap (so my hair would be kept in place) and sunglasses (so I wouldn't have to look anyone in the eye as I wheezed by). Whenever I have wanted to get back into it, I find the perfectionist in myself shutting myself down because I don't have everything in place.

    So...for this effort, I'm gonna get out there and get it one, even if absolutely every little thing isn't necessarily in place. It's just an excuse.
    So, for this week, I will do it tomorrow, Wed and Fri.

    All the best everyone!:happy:
  • sheismith
    sheismith Posts: 111 Member
    OMG! It was brutal! I've been walking/running on the treadmill for about a month or two. It also probably made a big difference that I have been walking four to five minutes between each one to two minute run. I've been wishy washy about training on the treadmill vs. outside. I figure since the race is going to be on the road it's best to train under similar conditions.

    The walking trail I chose has a pretty good mix of inclines. I was good until the fifth and sixth run. I couldn't even finish them. I stopped after 30 seconds on the fifth run and after 50 seconds on the sixth run. I'm not sure if it was a good idea or not but I repeated both of them. Running up an incline was pretty challenging but I know in the long run it will be worth it.

    Duration: 35 mins
    Calories burned: 265
  • iowagirl09
    iowagirl09 Posts: 23
    D1W1 done. I didn't feel like I wanted to die. Granted after everything I've read about the program I wasn't moving real fast but hopefully I'll get there. Going to have to play with my schedule to figure out exactly what I want to do but.

    Also if anyone's interested my roommate showed me this website. You put in how fast you run, and it gives you a list of songs that have a beat around that speed. It worked great for me cause I can't listen to music and not run in time with it. I just went and pulled the songs I already had, put them in a play list and hit the gym.
  • mskon
    mskon Posts: 64
    Great job everyone!

    Finished W1D1 {I'm repeating W1 again to get used to running again} today. I felt amazing afterwards! I also noticed that my breathing is getting more controlled. When the bell chimed I said, 'ALREADY!?'.

    I have the android app {freeware} and it allows me to run music and the chime just breaks into my playlist and then it continues.

    Happy running y'all!

  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Felt fine today after last night's run, going to enjoy my rest day today though!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Day1Week1 was pretty good. I felt great.Didn't want to push the knee though. Hope everyone else is having a good time!
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    W1D2 done! It was a little harder for me this time. I felt tired about halfway through. Then I got my second wind. I feel great now and so full of energy!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm going to try these out on my run tonight! I've got an Evo though, so I don't know if I can play them.
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    OMG my W1D1 was totally horrible yesterday. I had pain so bad in my shins I couldn't walk & was in tears. I had to stop running and walk as much as I could until I jut couldn't take it anymore. I'm going to see a friend tonight who happens to be a PT & ask her is she knows what's up. I don't know if I didn't stretch enough or what. If anyone has any advice please let me know.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    OMG my W1D1 was totally horrible yesterday. I had pain so bad in my shins I couldn't walk & was in tears. I had to stop running and walk as much as I could until I jut couldn't take it anymore. I'm going to see a friend tonight who happens to be a PT & ask her is she knows what's up. I don't know if I didn't stretch enough or what. If anyone has any advice please let me know.

    Do you have good running sneakers? I've heard that can make all the difference....
  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100

    By the way. What do you all do with your house keys when you run? I need three big ones, and the didn't fit in the pocket on my running pants, and fell out of the jacket pocket, so I ended up running with them in my hand. Not ideal... Any tips?

    Take them off the key ring and tie them to your shoelaces.
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    OMG my W1D1 was totally horrible yesterday. I had pain so bad in my shins I couldn't walk & was in tears. I had to stop running and walk as much as I could until I jut couldn't take it anymore. I'm going to see a friend tonight who happens to be a PT & ask her is she knows what's up. I don't know if I didn't stretch enough or what. If anyone has any advice please let me know.
    First, do you have good shoes and did you get fitted at a running store? Stretches are good. Anything that stretches your calves. The best one is pointing your toes and writing the alphabet in the air. The biggest thing that helped me this week was improving my form. Check out
    My shins felt a lot better than last week, but I found week 2 much harder than week 1 so far. Week 2 day 2 tomorrow!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Week 1 - Day 2 completed earlier today...

    I'm not sure if it was because I was tired (worked overtime all last night - till 11:30pm..!), but... those minutes sure did seem long.....! I couldn't wait for the minute to end....!

    I don't think I'm ever going to be able to run for 30 minutes straight....!

    347 cals burned
    Avg HR - 150
    Highest HR - 173

    Walk speed: 3.8 - 4mph
    Run speed: 5.5mph - runs 3, 6 & 9 @ 6mph
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Oops, was supposed to run today and didn't! Trapped at work too late and now it's nearly midnight. WIll have to get up early and do it then, don't like missing one in my first week though! Hope everyone else's doing better than me!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    WK1D1 Now COMPLETE! I ran yesterday afternoon. At first I thought I wasn't going to make it (especially b/c the way I ran turned out to be mostly uphill!) but after my first run I got into it. Day 2 set for tomorrow! =)

    Calories burned = ? (not sure, I have to buy an HRM)
    Avg HR = 160 (taken manually)
  • IngeborgB
    IngeborgB Posts: 27
    Just did W1D2. It was raining outside, so did the best I could runing on the spot inside. Not perfekt, but at least something!
  • sheismith
    sheismith Posts: 111 Member
    Keep up the good work, everyone!

    I just finished W1 D2...much better than D1. I was on the treadmill today. It was much easier for me to control my pace. Not sure if I'll complete D3 inside or out. We'll see!

    Calories burned: 272

    Avg HR: 149
    Max: 168
  • kimkimchi
    kimkimchi Posts: 58
    I actually started last week! :) So I'll be joining!
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    Week 1 Day 2 DONE!!!

    2.5 walk
    6.0 run

    Felt much better today than I did after Monday's run.
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    Wk 2 day 2 complete. Much easier than Monday's run. :)