
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Lesley – you are so good about figuring everything out, and sticking with a program… I am always impressed! Sending good thoughts to Mildred, and a bark from Levi.

    Toni – very neat to hear about your water routine, all of the pools are outside here, and the older I get the more of a wimp I get… the pools are heated, but you have to get from the locker room into the pool and back…

    Meg – hang in there!

    MNMargaret – I don’t see the picture 

    Well, had a late lunch so am getting hungry for dinner, but did not plan… hope there is something in my freezer too!!! I am thinking most of what is in the freezer is stuff to make into something…not anything to just eat…off I go to see what I can find…

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Kim I was trying to add it when you read my post. I was having some technical difficulties.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Margaret, GREAT picture! o:)

    Meg, I hope you can stay warm. Our college is still on break this week, but the kids went back today.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited January 2015
    Greetings all you wonderful ladies. When I took DH for his procedure today, they were so on top of things that I don't think I was there even an hour. All went well so home we came.

    *Leslie, I'm glad Mildred seems to be doing better. It sounds like you are doing great with your journey. Keep up the good work.

    *Sylvia, your DH sounds like mine. lol Always something funny to say about everything. I thought he was going to say it was the route for husbands that don't want to go near the Ikea store.

    *Toni, I am one of the group with back problems. After my back surgery, we lived near a new YMCA and the arthritis classes in the pool were so helpful. I have looked here, because I know a water workout would be the best thing for me, but there aren't any nearby. :( In a Southern resort town, it's all about Hotels and Resorts with pools and they don't let the locals use them. :(

    *Sylvia, I loved your joke. Thanks. A good laugh is good for the body and soul.

    *Terri, we lived in Milwaukee for 10 years, many years ago. I see you are having some really cold weather and my heart goes out to you and all the ladies in the Frozen North.

    *Margaret, the pictures are precious. I love the Halloween costumes!!!!

    Welcome to all the new additions. Feel free to tell us about yourself so we can get to know you. We are happy to have you join us.

    Hope you all have great Health and Happiness.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Another one of the fantastic things about this place is that it's always open. I'm, in a sense, afraid to go to sleep. About every 15 minutes I seem to have to go to the bathroom. I don't think there's anything more to come out! Anyway, here I sit, bored. Need to get my mind off the fact that I'm hungry and I don't want to eat because then I'd have to go thru this prep again.

    Update: went to bed around 3:30, had to be up at 5:30. But it's OVER Got home around 10, slept until 1. When I first got up, I went to the bathroom thinking "oh, there's nothing more to come out" WRONG!!!!! They did remove 5 polyps and depending on the results of the biopsy will determine if I'm on the 3 yr plan or the 5 year plan. I hope it's the 5 year one. I really would have preferred the 10 year one, but I'll take what I can get. To me the most interesting thing was even tho I was really hungry, what did I crave? A piece of cheese or some oatmeal. Not the fudge that was sitting here, not the lemon muffin that was sitting here. But a piece of fruit

    trish - you're doing so well, congrats. Know that you'll get below 200 this year, probably in the next few months.

    yanniejannie - that's just great that your daughter was called to the vet school.

    britlw - welcome! I haven't had experience with fibro but I know others have so I'm sure you'll get advice.

    I felt so bad, I didn't help Vince very much with the Christmas decorations today. I mostly slept. Am feeling a bit on the bloated side right now so I'm going to close my diary.

    Exercise for tomorrow is planned that I'll go to yoga and then take the deep water class. Gotta get back into my regular routine.

    Sylvia - did you have altos or sopranos??

    Diana - welcome! Log everything -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Add in exercise and you'll be on your way!

    Jane - happy birthday to your mom. So sorry about your friend, honestly, doesn't sound real good. They usually don't call the family unless it's something

    Janet - was today the day for colonoscopies???

    Cindy - I, too, don't know where I'd be without all of you. This is such a safe, understanding group of women

    Terri - I LOVE those butt warmers in the cars

    Rita - I can hardly imagine what was going thru your mind when you got your sons's text!

    peachystategal - going off track is so worth it to see your mom happy!

    toni --- mmmm...sardines. Actually, every time I have them I MUST give the sardine juice to our cats, they just love it. I found your listing of what you do in the water to be very interesting. I always have trouble going backward, especially in the deep end. "Football jogging"...is that like where you go out..out..in..in with your feet? You're so right, there are ladies in my deep water class (I just never seem to have the time to go to the shallow water class) who have had back problems and their doctors have recommended water exercise. There's another lady who has problems with her knee, she almost always wears a knee brace, we would LOVE to have an aqua zumba class. But it's not going to happen. I'm not sure why, my guess is because an aqua zumba class would require an instructor that they'd have to pay whereas if they had more swimming lessons they charge for they could increase their revenue. At least, that's the reason I'm thinking.

    katla - I'm so sorry your yoga teacher won't start until Feb. It's interesting, the place where I go for the extremepump class, in previous years they were super crowded after the first of the year. For some reason, not this year. Maybe it'll just be a delayed reaction????

    Margaret - your great niece is so absolutely cute. I couldn't help looking at her eyes and those two teeth. I didn't even notice something on her eyebrow until you mentioned it.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Yes, Michelle, I guess it was. I hope yours went as smoothly as his did. The funny thing was that he wasn't even hungry when we got home. I don't think he ate for about 3 hours. I know he probably lost 10 pounds while "I" am the one working to lose. But I don't want to do it that way. lol
    Try to get some rest.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannie: I totally missed the important news that your DD was called for a Vet School interview. I will keep her in my prayers and good thoughts. I hope this time is the charm and applaud her for not giving up on her dreams. Thank you, Michelle, for commenting on this news.
  • Hi Kate B. here. I am 72 years old, have had both my hips replaced, refuse to have my knees done because no one I know--who has had knee replacement--has been able to not have to go back in for more work on their knees; I have arthritis in my knees, neck, and lower back; I am unemployed and looking for permanent part-time work; I am married (2nd husband) & have 3 grown sons; and I am also 69 pounds overweight. This is my second time working with MyFitnessPal, and I am hopeful I will stick with it this time and achieve my goal. My Goal: go from 219 to 150 pounds--no time limit set, just want to do it as best I can and do it in a healthy way. It hurts me to exercise because of my arthritis and some other body parts that don't work fully, but as soon as I lose about 10 pounds I will begin exercising slowly, one to three times a week. I'll keep posting my progress--so far I've lost 4 1/2 pounds in the past 1 1/2 weeks. Pray for me and I will do the same for all of us.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Kate B. check in with us and we will cheer you on! we're a really supportive group.

    All with colonoscopies - glad everyone was fine...

    it is so good to be back in the fold...I really missed you all.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Michele - When I football jog I do out-out, in-in, and also just a wide jog. I would love to do a deep water class. We had one several summers ago in the outside pool. Great workout!

    Welcome Kate B. - I wish you well on your journey. I had a knee replaced in 2010 and it is doing great. I am avoiding having a second one done by losing weight and water exercise. I am absolutely glad I had mine done. My therapist said I had such a good recovery because I didn't wait until I was nearly imobile. My muscles and ligaments were strong.

    MNMargaret - darling picture

    Some of you may remember me writing about the family member who was having a baby this month after 10 years of infertility. She is due this week. Little "Blueberry" will be here on the 9th if not sooner. Please pray for baby and momma. We are so excited. The family participated in a baby watch "pool". I guessed - girl, born Jan. 9 at 8:30 pm, weight 7lbs10oz. I was one of 3 people who guessed the 9th. My time is the latest. Momma will be induced that day. Blueberry's sweet parents are giving a $25 gift card to the winner of the "Pool". Fingers crossed it will be me!

    Goodnight all
  • pgordon65
    pgordon65 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good evening everyone, from Wild & Wonderful West Virginia. I've used MFP in the past and I'm back at it again. I'm working toward a 10-12 lb drop in weight and getting physically fit again. I need help getting past the 2week mark, the 4 week mark, you get the idea. I need friends to do this with!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hi everyone! This seems like a very lively site. I'm new to this but enjoy reading the posts. I'm from Northern Minnesota and with the cold I was dealing with frozen pipes yesterday. It took 4 hours to unthaw them but glad that they did.
    I finally broke the plateau I was stuck at
  • pcrist467
    pcrist467 Posts: 4 Member
    Phyllis from central Indiana
  • heathermach
    heathermach Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning

    Thank you for all the tips on exercise with a bad back I will definitely go on youtube for the dead bug exercise.

    I also appreciate the tips about my hubby and his depression. He has been to the docs once and due to go back in a couple of weeks so hopefully he can ask about counseling.

    I hope everyone has a good day today and stays fit and healthy.

    thanks again

    Heather in Northampton UK
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Back again. Sleep patterns are not good at all. Drs. are thinking that this is a combination of stress/silent reflux/heart. Will know more on Monday. Well, if I cut out all the things on the What Not To Eat list for reflux that should help with weight. No caffeinated beverages, no carbonated beverage, no alcohol, no chocolate, no mint, no citrus fruits. Oh Columbus, I have not been able to give up my coffee or tea and chocolate surrounded me at Christmas. No, I couldn't find my will power. Trying to figure some things out with DH but now he wants to ditch all his doctors and go the Naturopath route.
    Janet - That is great news about the metformin. You must be so pleased.
    Terri - I love movie popcorn. I can't seem to watch a movie at the theatre without it.
    MN Margaret - Such joyful photos. Thank you for sharing.
    I love all the words - Strength, Today, Now, Determination, Moderation.
    I can use them all.
    January Goals - lose 5 or more pounds
    -Swim at least 3x this month.
    -Continue working on our paper monster.
    - Do a craft/activity (Right now I am knitting a scarf, it's been years)
    - Phone/write/visit one friend each week
    - Get back to writing.
    Sharon in the frozen North (AKA Alberta)
  • trfree1
    trfree1 Posts: 12
    This cold weather makes it so hard to get my exercise in. I have started going to work early this week to get a mile in around the campus medical center complex using the tunnels that connect our different buildings, then another mile at lunch and one more before I leave for the day. I am getting three in, but falling short of my five miles daily (usually do several miles outside after dinner). What tips do you guys have for getting steps in during bad weather?

    Trish in KY
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Michelle, I have never had that procedure done and know I need to bit the bullet and do it. You are brave.

    Margaret, that picture of your niece put a smile on my face. She is darling.

    Jan, so happy news and prayers your daughter gets accepted. Somehow, I missed reading that.

    Carol in GA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jan, congrats to your daughter on the vet school interview! Fingers crossed! My friends daughter, the one going to school in Grenada didn't come home for the holidays because her class went to Honduras or somewhere spaying and neutering stray dogs. (not sure how I feel about letting students practice on strays). Apparently she was having the time of her life.

    Michele, they all sounded the same. Soprano. The butt warmers in hubby's car always make me think I've wet my pants, but today I think I'll welcome them.

    I don't think we will be going to KC today. I just looked at the hourly forecast and it looks horrendous. Starts at 12 and drops to 4 degrees by about 10am with wind hills of -15 or something. Not my cup of tea.

    I just got new eyeglasses. Picked them up on Monday. They seemed to be dirty, with white specks in the bifocal area (progressive lenses), but I could not get them cleaned off. Hubby looked closely at them and saw that it was several little bubbles in the plastic. So, I have to take them back this morning. Those were expensive glasses, you would think somebody would have noticed before they gave them to me. And this is the eye doctor we've used for 20 years. They've always been outstanding in quality. Oh well.

    Gotta go get the kiddies, then to school, then the Y, then the eye doctor, then the grocery store, then home. I'm tired already!



  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning, all. Off to gym shortly for ladies stretch and light aerobics. I am pleased that I have been able to keep up with some form of exercise, even if just a little, every day. Eating going well so far too.
    On the crowded gyms after New Years----people at mine call these "one week wonders"; it clears out by the 15th. But I think we've probably all been there to some extent at one time or another........started and then stopped.

    Hope everyone is (and stays) OK with all the cold......32 here this am; I was expecting colder, but more and colder to come tomorrow. The coldest I've ever seen here is 3; nothing compared to Mi; living there was one long cold winter every year.

    Margaret..........Gorgeous babies!!!

    Kim....Katla......Michele.....Sylvia......Carol....and anyone I might have missed.......Thanks so much for the good wishes and prayers for DD getting in vet school this year; interviews are mid-month and once again, competition is tough.

    I am another one with off and on back pain.......had a rough time of it a couple months ago; my yoga teacher did some manipulation and thankfully whatever it was, she fixed it. We do regularly do those dead bug and superman type poses in class.

    Welcome newbies......wish you all success! Post often, let us get to know you, and please share where you are from----general or specific. Comment on whatever catches your interest.

    Carol (peach).......Been there with the mom illnesses and issues. Mine lived here with me 4yrs.; she was very quiet but watching the dementia gain the upper hand was devastating. My DH didn't object to my caring for her, but I doubt he spoke 100 words to her in that entire time. Add a child in elementary school at that time. I remember I felt sooooooo stretched in every direction. (((((((hugs)))))))) to you.

    Need to shower and get to gym.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • Dkuffer
    Dkuffer Posts: 12
    Good morning - spent yesterday closing up the Florida place and traveling back to NM.

    It's not as cold here as most of you up north are experiencing, but it's still an adjustment.

    First workout with trainer tonight - then
    Tues-Thursday - workout with trainer, then 30 min cardio
    Mon, Wed, Fri - cardio - going to really focus on going to the gym to swim for 30-40 minutes.

    Of course, all of this depends on my schedule. I don't have complete control over my calendar, so if I have an early morning hearing set, I usually don't get the workout in since I live 30 minutes from the city. However, I have asked my staff to try to keep my calendar clear in the early mornings. If I don't get the workout in in the am - forget it! it just doesn't happen.

    Good luck today on meeting your goals -I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow!

    Dorene in New Mexico