Females wanting to lose 20-30lbs?



  • I'm 5'7 and would like to lose around 30lbs. Have lost 10lbs during the summer but gained it all back due to bad eating habits during my last semester in school and the recent holidays.
    Have been going to the gym for the last 5 days and rotating between strength and cardio.
    For me it works best if I record everything (weight, meals, steps, exercises etc..) and I am able to look back and see improvements. As long as I keep doing that I'll be fine. If I don't keep track I'll get back to my old habits...
    So far so good :)
    Add me if you like
  • trking86
    trking86 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 28, 5'4", 164lbs looking to lose about 40lbs. Been MIA since May, just got back at it and I'm going full force.
  • avatarrules123
    avatarrules123 Posts: 66 Member
    I was 5' 6", 165, and wanting to lose 35 lbs. Now I'm at 138 and close to my goal! Only 8 lbs. left!!!!!
  • I'm 5 ft 4. Weigh about 154. Put on weight after a.c.l. knee surgery. All recovered but i can't seem to lose or maintain to stay at my goal weight around 132-135. Have handles I've never had before and jeans too tight to wear :( goal is to lose 25. Please add me.
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5'4 and around 170 lbs right now. Hoping to lose at least another 25. Would love to have more friends with similar goals!
  • riegrac
    riegrac Posts: 12 Member
    I have just started again. I am 5'8" and weigh 164 pounds looking to loose about 40 pounds. Feel very intimidated!! Friend request always welcome ;) motivation is always a great help.....
  • sdostu
    sdostu Posts: 2 Member
    5'7, hit 80kg over Christmas! Back under 80 (thank goodness) but want to get back under 70, where I was up until a few years back... add me! Also trying to think + blog positive for the year.
  • avocados9
    avocados9 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5'6 148lbs looking to lose 20-30 also. Add me up!
  • I've just started trying to create a healthier lifestyle for myself in order to lose some weight. I'm 5'3 and 190 pounds. Anyone is more then welcome to add me as a friend on here!
  • smreid88 wrote: »
    Looking to find some females that are fairly close to their weight loss goal by 20-30lbs.

    I'm 5'7" and fluctuate between 165 & 170lbs.

    Anyone in the same boat?

    Hello! I am 5'4 currently 165lbs.. my goal weight is 130lbs. So 35lbs to lose. I log on regularly. If any ladies want to add me. :)
  • Just had my second child 3 months ago, want to tone up and lose the weight ASAP this time. With my first child I was lazy and let it come off over the course of almost two years before I decided to get motivated. Now with the birth of my daughter I am much more active and motivated, but my body is in a little bit rougher shape, hoping I can restore the tone and lose 25 lbs. currently 5'5'', 150lbs, wanting to lose 25-30 lbs... Also just started the Fitkini challenge on Monday jan 5th, through fitgirls.com, hoping for some good results!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 5'6 and need to lose about 30lbs to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. My baby is 8 months. I've been at the gym 5 or 6 times a week since she was 6.5 weeks old. I lose weight sooo slowly!
  • beachlover83
    beachlover83 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm trying to lose close to 30 too! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi

    I am 5ft 4 and have 36poubds to loose..had a baby 11 months ago and weight is not coming off...good luck folks...we can do this
  • mcc4r90
    mcc4r90 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,
    Good luck to everyone on their weightloss journey! I adopted healthier eating and exercising habits almost a year a and a half ago and have lost 60 lbs so far. BUT I'm in your range now, I'm 170 right now looking to lose 15 lbs - this will be the hardest part of my journey so far, but I'm motivated to do it! If I reach this goal, I'm determined to wear a bikini on the beach this summer. Add me as a friend if you like! I've been using myfitnesspal to track, and my fitbit for the past year and a half, HIIT and weight training have worked for me too.
  • rosieeh89
    rosieeh89 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I'm 5'7" and 156, looking to get down to 115-120ish. If you have similar goals then add me :)
  • 30 yr old, 5'9 weighing in at 190. Had sweet baby boy 10 months ago (can't say "just had a baby" anymore) and getting married in less than 8 months. Goal is 160..first dress fitting next Thursday...
  • I am 5'1 and want to lose 38 lbs. I have 3 boys and want to have more energy for them.
  • AshliElle
    AshliElle Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5' 6" and 190. I need to lose a little more than you, but I actually 'hide' my weight very well. So getting to 125 (which is my goal in my head) might be a bit much to me. When I was 170, I was actually a nice size 6/8. I would like to get back there. My initial goal is to try to lose 30-40 lbs. All friend requests welcome :)
  • Vic8893
    Vic8893 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'7 and fluctuate between 180-182 lbs, I'm trying to get down to 150. Feel free to add me!
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I am 5'5'' and I started at 182lbs. Now I am 172lbs and would like to go down to 130lbs.
  • jessica_120214
    jessica_120214 Posts: 68 Member
    5'7, 172, would love to lose 20-30.
  • amylynn82784
    amylynn82784 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I'm 5 feet and 140 lbs. I need to lose 25 lbs! Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other!
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    I am 5'7" currently 152 lbs but goal weight is around 135-140. I started off at 185
  • Lazz5k
    Lazz5k Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 27. 5'0 & still have about 18 lbs till my first goal weight - - - only down 7 lbs so far... wahwahwah....
  • jbreilly
    jbreilly Posts: 53 Member
    I am right there with everyone else. I am 5'4" and starting at 150 after just having my daughter 3 months ago. My goal weight is 130 (which is where I started before getting pregnant with my son 5 years ago). Friend requests are definitely welcome. Good luck to everyone!
  • vabchgirls
    vabchgirls Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'7" and weight 184. Need to lose at least 30 pounds. Please add me and we can support each other!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    5' 75" - 174.2 this morning, would love to lose about 30. I'm guessing this is a pretty common group here :)
  • rosebuds_78
    rosebuds_78 Posts: 6 Member
    I need to lose 20 to 30 pounds as well! Hoping this is the year I stay on track and get healthy! Please add me too!
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I am 5'3" and 140. My goal is 120. I will be turning 50 next month.