OMG I ate a donut and was up 80 pounds the next day!



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MireyGal76 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Thanks. Now I want a donut.


    take your pick :smiley:

    I'm going to report you to the owners of MFP for being unsupportive.

    Hehe... As long as you fit it in to your calorie budget, one won't kill you. I'm helping. :wink:
  • MsBrandylove
    MsBrandylove Posts: 15 Member
    I ate three pounds of food and now I am three pounds heavier! W.T. H?

    You should have eaten clean.

    ...How does showering beforehand stop weight gain? ;)

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I ate three pounds of food and now I am three pounds heavier! W.T. H?

    You should have eaten clean.

    ...How does showering beforehand stop weight gain? ;)

    Less oil! :wink:
  • ducati45
    ducati45 Posts: 54 Member
    This is why I don't even way myself at all...I have such a problem with water retention and the like every weight seems meaningless!
  • Delilahhhhhh
    Delilahhhhhh Posts: 477 Member
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    ducati45 wrote: »
    This is why I don't even way myself at all...I have such a problem with water retention and the like every weight seems meaningless!

    Really, I look for trending... upwards, downwards and spikes. I do weigh myself daily, but I don't really freak about the number unless it hangs around for a long time. (i.e. I hover around 163-168... 165 is my goal.

    If I am at 170 (or closer to 160) for more than a week, then I start to watch my food more closely.

    But in a week, I can see numbers like:

    M 168
    T 167
    W 172
    T 167
    F 164

    And that can change by 5 pounds from morning to night.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    Ahhhh just read this while eating lunch and listening to my coworker talk about chapped nipples... Not only do I want a donut now, but I think I burned off some of my hummus & green peppers from laughing so hard. Success!!

  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Save your health. Give all the donuts to me!! o:)
  • vannie9210
    vannie9210 Posts: 15 Member

    That was mean!... really mean...
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    My boyfriend has a coupon for a free dozen from Krispy Kreme. How many pounds can I expect to gain from that?

    Jokes set aside, this is a great reminder!
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    crap i ate a donut AND a cookie today........

    thatll learn me.....

    I mean i have to balance out the weight loss universe and eat another tomorrow right?

    there is simply no ..... other..... option........

    I have long held a conspiracy theory point of view :) There is a finite amount of fat in the world... It cannot be made less or more, we share it. So when I lose weight, it has to go somewhere and someone gains it.

    THat means all the fat americans are why there are people emaciated in other countries. Lose weight America! Send them your fat! j/k...

    Honestly though, every pound I lose I pick a mean person and "will" it to them :)
  • samanthannepstein
    samanthannepstein Posts: 53 Member
    MireyGal76 wrote: »
    How many times do you read on the forums that someone ate a huge dinner and gained 3, 5 or even 10 pounds the next day?


    I just wanted to take a moment to say...
    Unless you ate a 10,000 calorie dinner, then it is pretty safe to say it wasn't a fat gain because of what you ate!!!

    It may be that you've gained weight because...
    - you are retaining water (did you have a lot of salt yesterday)
    - you did a particularly hard workout the day before and the muscles are repairing themselves
    - you may not have finished digesting the food yet (watch out, poop coming! lol)
    - have you peed yet?
    - is it that time of the month? (YES - BLAME TOM IT'S ALL HIS FAULT)

    Weight gain and weight loss is not a daily thing... it is a cumulative result of behaviors. Work to change your behaviors for the good and your cumulative result will be a favorable one.

    I liken it to a credit card, as opposed to a debit card.

    A credit card... you can choose to spend like crazy, and you won't see the effects until the statement comes at the end of the month. Or you can save your money, spend wisely, and start paying down the debt and be pleasantly surprised.

    Weight loss / gain is NOT a debit card.. what you take out or put in today is NOT instantly reflected in your balance.

    Unless of course, you lift 3lb pink weights. Then you'll become huge and bulky overnight. :wink:

    Love this! Life style.. Not good and bad days!