Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?



  • gemagguevara
    gemagguevara Posts: 2 Member
    I just started on 01/05/15, current weight 183lbs, want to lose 50, my plan is walking 3-4 miles Monday to Friday, started several 30 day challenge workouts for legs, abs, back & arms, tomorrow is my rest day from the 30 day challenges (looking forward to that) I will rest from walking on the weekend. Good luck to all of us
  • Yeah me to, tried this a while ago but couldn't stick at it.. Tried too much all at once I think. Have about 50-60 to lose.... I'm at 227 (The highest i've ever been) but I want to get down to 167. So this time I'm gonna try and make small changes everyday and see how it builds :smiley:
  • Rabblehey
    Rabblehey Posts: 5 Member
    181 and aiming for 135. I've been off and on for the last year and I'm really hoping I stick with it this time. There is a voice in the back of my head that keeps telling me I can't do it, but I'm going to try to keep moving and eating healthy and cross my fingers that I finally start seeing some results!

    Good luck to you and everyone else!
  • mcsweetie2
    mcsweetie2 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh gosh I am 248lbs and goal weight preferably 140lbs, need all the support I can get :smile:
  • I'm 5'3 and 200lb. Also looking for friends:)
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Afternoon all! I started last year (1/5ish) at 215 and am now at 168-170 (5'8") and my goal is 150. I've had a couple slow downs but I'm still chugging away so if you'll still have me... Add me if you'd like!
  • kickingitup
    kickingitup Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been on MFP for awhile now, but I have not really pay attention to it, but this year I will like to get serious with my healthy and I need to lose about 50 pounds, so if you are in need of friends like I am please add me or let me know and I'll add you.
  • Flacyta
    Flacyta Posts: 3 Member
    I need motivation started a year ago and stopped !
    Today is the begging of the rest of my life
  • michelle_howe
    michelle_howe Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2015
    Last time I was on the scale (last year) I was about 185. I'm afraid to see what I am at now. I just got engaged (yayy!) so I'd like to (have to!) lose weight for my wedding. Id love to lose 40+lbs (that number seems impossible!!) I don't know how I am going to get off the chicken wings, fast food & beer though :( (vegetables suck!)
  • sonystonie
    sonystonie Posts: 14 Member
    I am restarting my goal to loose 40-50 lb. I started out at 212 got down to 192 for my wedding and have unfortunately gained half of it back. I would be happy if I was down to 150 again. Just trying to stay motivated to eat right and work out.
  • jlang143
    jlang143 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I want to lose about 70 lbs! Please add me because I could use a support network of people! thanks! :)
  • Hi I am just getting started. I am at 214 ( down from 234) and my goal is 125. Add me please!

    We have very similar stats! I started at 233, last weigh in at nutritionist was 217. Shooting for.....something. Not sure yet.

  • healthyinpink
    healthyinpink Posts: 87 Member
    Same story here! I'm very motivated to track everyday and workout everyday now haha! To get to my first goal I have to lose 60! I'm sending out a few friend requests! And feel free to add me as well :smile:
  • jennifermi
    jennifermi Posts: 50 Member
    This really gives me hope. I am 110 and looking to be 150. Could use as much support as I could. Need to stop the excuses and get healthy to be able to keep up with my kids.
  • jennifermi
    jennifermi Posts: 50 Member
    Sorry. That was 210 and goal of 150
  • Hey! I'm B. Looking to loose 40-50lbs. Also looking for friends to help motivate me etc.
  • savila311
    savila311 Posts: 9 Member
    Today is my 5th day at the Gym I am/was 222 when started, add me! Im trying to go everyday my goal is to lose 50lbs by june.
  • katiebrigid2
    katiebrigid2 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me too! I just started and need to lose 50-60 pounds as well. I'm starting at 204 and ideal weight is 145-150. I could use all the motivation I could get!!
  • bananna30
    bananna30 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me I am always looking for friends who are active users:)
  • bethouiseevans
    bethouiseevans Posts: 41 Member
    Hey! I'm 5ft 7 and 202lbs - looking to get down to 147lbs ish! I went from 180 to 140lbs a few years ago so its just a case of doing it and actually maintaining this time haha Please anyone feel free to add me etc! I always find a team of people makes things more doable!