Robin's 100 Lb Plus Weight Loss Group



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I was just looking for something like this. This group is exactly what I need.
    I'm Sarah. I'm 28, I'm 5'2 and I currently weigh 289 pounds. I've lost and gained the same 11 pounds. I'll do really good, then I'll do bad. It goes back and forth like this. I have Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds For The Week, Leslie Sansone Walk Fast and a Gold's Gym Lose The Baby Weight Fast DVDs. I tried doing the Gold's Gym DVD and failed. I tried doing the Walk Fast and couldn't do it.....I was pretty successful with the Walk Away the Pounds For The Week.....maybe I should stick with that, but I guess I just didn't feel like I was burning enough calories. I can't afford a gym membership and I'd be embarrassed to go anyways.
    Then, when it comes to food, I eat, I count calories, but I get hungry and I eat more. It doesn't help having 3 kids and a husband in the house who all like their sweets. The kids aren't overweight at all, but my husband weighs almost 300 pounds. He keeps saying he will do it with me, but he works and falls off the wagon and doesn't get to workout.
    I just don't know what to do. I'm so SICK of being this big, but I feel like, once I start, I'm just gonna fail again. I'm a stay at home mom with no friends, really. I'd love to be able to go out and workout or go for a walk or something like that, then come home and walk.....I just don't know what to do........

    OK - I'm going to ask you to go back to page 1 and read the article I quoted from WolffEarl. At the end he comments that when we were toddlers learning how to walk, we didn't give up and stick to crawling around the house. We kept at it. We kept trying.
    We kept grabbing ahold of the furniture and pulling ourselves up taking a few steps and falling down. We did it over and over until we could walk from one piece of furniture to the next.

    You are that toddler. You are just extremely frustrated and tired right now. You need to take a great big sigh and sit back and center your mind on the whole situation. You're not in this for your husband. You're in this for yourself. After you lose 60 pounds your husband will probably join you!

    You need to cleanse your self of that sick feeling. You need to forgive yourself for the negativity your feeling. You are a beautiful person about to start on a marvelous journey and a person needs to be prepared. You need the right groceries. you have the exercise videos. Do you have rockin' music? Can you do a little dance step when you clean house? Can you put some extra movement into your day that way? Will you please use this forum as your daily VOICE to tell us your progress or feelings? I think you are ready!
  • jrivera721
    jrivera721 Posts: 9
    Doing good this wed. started a new exercise seems a little difficult but i'm going to keep at it
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Doing good this wed. started a new exercise seems a little difficult but i'm going to keep at it

    Great job! Keep it up! More success to you.

    Hello everyone!
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    Thursday - Meditation or deep thoughts time

    Well, I've never been good at meditation or deep thoughts about myself, but I did have a revelation this week. It has nothing to do with food. My mom passed away in Dec 09....she had been diagnosed with lung cancer in Feb 08 with a prognosis of less than 6 months to live. Having that diagnosis and those 22 months knowing she had a terminal illness gave me 22 months to say everything, ask the questions I needed answered, talking from the heart with my mom. I am an only child and my father passed away in 1982...I was a professed "Momma's girl" even at age 58. Knowing our time was limited was the best gift. None of us know how much time we have left with people we love....take advantage of the time we have.

    Also....after signing off last night, my 'binge monster' arrived and I ate something I shouldn't have. I am going to go back and log it, but as it always has in the past...the 'GUILT monster' arrived, and I almost let it get to me. Actually, it is what got that binge fella started....that 'peep' I ate put my brain in that old thought process of..."well, if I ate that, I might as well eat _______!! Today is a new day and TODDLER"S RULE!!!!
  • MsCracker
    MsCracker Posts: 47 Member
    I'm getting confused. Do we post here or in the other one?
  • janda060708
    janda060708 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in! I have 130lbs to go! I'll just jump in on the Monday posts.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm getting confused. Do we post here or in the other one?

    There is an older group called "Need to lose 100 lbs? Lets start a group" that has over 250 members who are well on their way to success and know each other quite well. I started that last Aug.

    I started this group "Robins 100 LB Plus Weight Loss Group" just a few days ago for all the newbies who are starting out on their journey. My goal was to get a new group of friends together at the beginning of their weight loss journey to share and support each other.

    My advice is to choose one group OR the other and not to post to both or it will get confusing for yourself. Your posts show up on YOUR PROFILE PAGE on the bottom left corner so you can find your way back to the forum your posting to by clicking on the blue header name of the forum above your posting.

    I am personally more invested in this new group as I did not lose much weight and fell behind the other people in the "Need to lose " group, but I am posting to both groups as I am founder of both groups and I have a sense of responsibility to the old friends I was encouraging. But I also have a STRONG sense of belonging to this new group as it is here that I hope to meet the friends with which I hope to start my real weight loss journey. :heart: :blushing:
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    I just discovered something....I'm not on a 'diet'! I'm on a "do-it" because I can do it with the support and encouragement of all you wonderful people!!! :bigsmile:
  • Alotless
    Alotless Posts: 5
    Hello everyone and welcome to the new people.

    Im doing good and sticking with food choices could be better at times ..but this is a working progress..right!!
    will be back tomorrow to post in more detail as im running way behind on things today but just wanted to let people know im still here
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I just discovered something....I'm not on a 'diet'! I'm on a "do-it" because I can do it with the support and encouragement of all you wonderful people!!! :bigsmile:

    I love this outlook - we are all on "do-its" what a great attitude adjustment!

    I'll be using that word a lot, girlfriend!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Friday Fitness - will be doing some gardening - wall pushups - and walking . How about the rest of you?
  • MsCracker
    MsCracker Posts: 47 Member
    Fitness Friday:
    Yes I have been doing more this week than I have done in years. Having lived a really sedentary lifestyle for the past few decades (minus ocassionally chasing children or grandchildren ), anything beyond rushing to the bathroom would really be considered movement for me. BUT instead of just doing that I:

    worked hard in my yard, getting it ready for summer
    I walked the dogs
    I cleaned house
    I walked some more
    I moved and lifted things, rearranged things
    I cleaned some more and then I was back outside again....

    At some point, I hope to be more structured, but the idea that I was out and moving around is enough for my first week of trying!
  • MsCracker
    MsCracker Posts: 47 Member
    Friday Fitness - will be doing some gardening - wall pushups - and walking . How about the rest of you?

    I didn't even think of wall pushups!
    Are there other things you do?
  • MsCracker
    MsCracker Posts: 47 Member
    Who has Netflix?
    I was filling my queqe the other day and noticed that there are a ton of exercise programs. Anyone interested in picking a couple and going at it with me?
  • themrs08
    themrs08 Posts: 87
    Friday - Fitness - have you been exercising this week?
    Not as much as I should have been, but I HAVE been exercising, which is good.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MsCracker - you've done a super job of exercising - congrats.

    themrs08 - even a little bit of exercise counts. A Mayo Clinic study says that people who fidget burn more calories than those that sit still. So if we can think of ways to wiggle our feet and move our hands more we'll burn more calories.

    I do wall push ups because I can't get on my knees. My arms were so weak when I started that I started with 5. Now I can do 20 at a time. I just need to do them more religiously.

    Question to the group - I was thinking - shall we change Tuesday from "Bluesday" (such a bummer) to Goals - what are our goals for the week?
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    I haven't incorporated exercise into my routine as of yet. I have enough exercise equipment to open my own gym!!! My intentions were always very good when I would purchase something....but I never followed thru. Now, due to physical limitations, I don't have many choices of what I can do. I may try the wall push ups....if my wrists can take it. I crushed my wrist several years ago and it doesn't bend like it should, but I can give it a try and see what happens. I'm gonna pull out my Gazelle this weekend and attempt to start using that..... Does anyone know of something I can do to stretch my lower back? I had back surgery almost 20 years ago and I have a very stiff lower back that makes it difficult to stand up straight and walk. I'd appreciate any input for lower back pain and muscle tension. I'm on a limited income, so as much as a massage helps, I can't afford one very often. Anybody ever use an exercise ball to stretch their lower back?

    Hope y'all have a great weekend!!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    BayouGal - I don't have any specific back stretches except one - you can do it on you hands and knees. (since I can't kneel I do it laying on my side in bed) In that position raise your back up into a camel shape and stretch your back. Then lower your back til its flat like a table. I don't know how many seconds to hold it. I suppose you start with what you can do and build up. You are supposed to do this several times in a row every day.

    Also Google " back strengthening exercises" and pick and choose those that you are comfortable with.

    Good Luck !!!
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    Thanks, Robin....I'll try that!
    Hope you have a great weekend!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Saturday - have I been true to myself? I'd have to answer yes. I knew I was off my diet the first several days of the week, I was overeating my calories, but I was recording them. However yesterday and today I finally got a grip on them, and have been at goal. My calorie level is 1300 calories a day and I finally kept to it. I think getting to the grocery store yesterday made quite a bit of difference. Having the right kinds of snacks around really helps when I get the "snack attack"
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