Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    Brrr—baby its cold outside! I did not want to get out from underneath my warm comforter this morning; it was 17 degrees driving to work. I cannot believe the number of half-brained people that left their sprinkler systems on, thus creating several accidents and a long commute on the way in. :rage: Everyone stay warm and cozy today.

    @Holly~The haircut is super cute! I love the color too! I’m sorry about the clutch deal with the auto repair place, how frustrating. I hope you get that worked out to your advantage. I remember dreading school starting up again after a nice break, it’s so hard to get into that mode again—you’ll find your rhythm though. I know algebra is your nemesis—try to remain positive and the second you find yourself struggling talk to your prof or find a tutor. You’ll stay current if you get help early. Feel free to PM me too—it’s been a while but I may be able to give you some pointers or tricks from afar. What type of algebra is it? Linear algebra was my favorite. :wink: What other classes are you taking?

    @klp555~First, welcome—glad you found us, you will find tremendous support here. I think the most important thing about this journey, as others have said, is to find what works for you and to be honest with yourself. I think, too, that in order to stay motivated and not overwhelm yourself is to change one thing—let it become a habit and then move on to something else (I think someone else advised this, too). Like Karen said, many on this thread have had success without exercise--I did for the first 75# also, but eventually did have to become active. Personally, I have tried many things—Jenny Craig, WW, counting calories, Atkins, etc. Both WW and counting calories works for me—I lost over 75# on WW and recently returned (but I continue to post here for the support/motivation and because I've made some great friends on this thread).

    @Niki~I’m sorry your cold turned into bronchitis. There was a time where anytime I got a cold it turned into bronchitis, and then if I got bronchitis I eventually ended up with pneumonia—not fun. I haven’t had either since I had my tonsils removed and the pneumonia vaccine (knock on wood). I hope you make a speedy recovery!

    @Kaye~Hope you are feeling better soon too!

    AFM~My Thursday truth is that I know my lack of cardio is slowing down my progress right now--my body is used to it and needs it now. I have got to get back to the gym! :anguished: I’m still keeping up with my trainer and weight training but I know it isn't enough. Hopefully I can get back to working a regular work day soon.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am not getting enough protein in my day. I need to get a plan in place because I know I do better overall when I get the appropriate levels of protein. I think I’ll boil some eggs tonight so I can have those in the morning to start my day off right.

    @Lori…so sorry to hear about all the tough things going on in your family. Positive thoughts are being sent your way. Glad to hear at least positive results for your hubby!
    @Kelley…yikes, hate to think of earthquakes happening for you. And if you are right about the fracking, then earthquakes will be coming to ND in the future. I hope you are wrong .. HA! I think it’s funny that you and I had the same morning temp! I was so happy to see this high temperature  I hope it starts to slow down for you at work so you can get back to the routine that works for you.
    @Karen…the Scarlet Letter was a book that we read in high school. It was actually a book we were suppose to read in HS, but I never did (still passed because I listened in class). I bought the book a few years later with good intentions, but have never actually read it.
    @Laura…I’ve heard that before about discipline…now I just need to actually remember it when I want that cookie!
    @Kaye…I got bruised ribs in High School when I was knocked down in a basketball game and a girl decided she should jump on me. IT WAS AWFUL! We had them x-rayed to make sure no breaks but I remember the doctor saying bruised ribs hurt worse than broken. I didn’t have a cough though and definitely feel for you.
    @Niki…darn viral infections!!!
    @Hansea…my husband will be moving from 3rd shift (3pm to 3am while working OT) to 1st shift (11pm to 7:30am – no OT) this weekend. While he will be sleeping while the kids are in school, we are all very excited to see him every single evening. I think there was a period of 3 weeks that he never saw Emma because of the shift and having to work all days due to the holiday. This will be the first time in 13 years that he will be around in the evenings and we are looking forward to it.
    @klp…Zumba would be great to do with the kids…they’d get a kick out of dancing with mommy until the novelty wears off and then I’d bet they’d just let you do it and find something else to play.
    @Holly…cute cut!!!
    Reminiscing about what we wore in high school…I was of the era when the color changing shirts were the big rage (if you touched them they changed colors in that area). We loved to wear them, but not after discovering the boys like when we wore them more. They definitely got a kick out of trying to get them to change colors in all the wrong places. Of course, that was before kids got kicked out of school for those types of shenanigans.

    AFM…I did a dead lift routine last night that include Good Mornings (new), Straight Legged Dead Lift (new) and Back Extensions (new). Wow! Can tell I need to improve those muscles. I already feel it a bit and I know it’ll just get worse over time. Very good core workout. However, it came late in the day. I left the house at 4:30 and didn’t get to the gym until 9:10 and then not home until after 10:30. No house keeping of any kind for me.

    I am so proud of my son. Frustrated with him at the same time. Between his band teacher and myself (or should that be band teacher and me???), we finally convinced him to try for the All State band (last year he refused). Yesterday, he received the news that he was awarded the 3rd chair for Alto Saxophone. His comment was “see I didn’t have to practice.” UGH Geez Jacob. If you practiced more, you could have possibly been 1st Chair!!!!

    Hope you all have a great Thursday!!
  • Rozie1019
    Yesterday was stressful. My mom is in the hospital. She's not doing too great right now. If you all could keep her in your thoughts and prayers I would greatly appreciate it.

    I did not eat well yesterday. I was just kind of in a fog all day after I heard my mom wasn't doing well. I did do my hair and makeup and that gave me more confidence in myself. Exercising has been impossible this week. I've beet working late, except yesterday when I visited my mom, so getting home late and being exhausted has made my motivation for exercise dismal. Things should get better about my time at home Friday.

    I haven't caught up on posts yet. I will shortly.

    Have a great day!
  • kristinak48
    kristinak48 Posts: 110 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thursday Truth: I'm back. REALLY hoping this is the time I can stick to it and get it right. My boyfriend is finally on board to at least work out with me... he's a very picky eater which makes it super hard. I'm hoping with his support we can both do it this time around and keep it off. I need to lose 75-80 lbs to be at a healthy weight and I know it might take a year to get there, but I really want to do it....I really hope I can and won't fall off track in a few months. If anyone has similar goals as me or just wants to help support me, I'd greatly appreciate anyone's help!!
  • klp555
    klp555 Posts: 10 Member
    @skinnyjeansbound - Thanks for the tips! I have been trying to eat more protein too. I'll have to look into the Target protein bar, I really need something like 3pm when the kids seem to start going crazy and I start to get really slowwwww. Although I'm trying to cut back on sugar so maybe a protein shake would be a better choice?

    @NK1112 - OH! What you said makes me think of what I started doing lately! There is this Weight Watchers Cabbage soup recipe, it's like 30 calories per cup or something I can't remember exactly, but it's basically broth, cabbage and whatever veggies you like. It's super filling and really low calorie, the only problem is, I've been experiencing bad bloating after eating it, I'm suspecting the cabbage, but it could just be I'm not used to eating so many veggies. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is you're right about the broth-based soups, really filling snack or meal and super low calories.

    @mnwalkingqueen - I too ate out too much or got the quick food from the grocery stores, it was just easier in so many ways... fast, little clean up, etc. But the food is just too high calorie and fattening for me. So I'm right there with you. Except I let it get so far out of control that I have a long way to go to get to my prepregnancy weight which was still probably considered obese. Sigh! Cute haircut by the way!

    @kah68 - Thanks for the welcome. :) 75# without exercise is good to hear! I hope that is something I can accomplish - but at the same time I would like to move more when I can, but more importantly is seeing the numbers on the scale go down to keep me motivated. When I don't visually see something is working I tend to give up on it. :( And to be totally honest, I hate sweating.

    @tlh0407 - I will have to try and see what happens getting them involved. My son has a real problem of not being able to play with toys by himself. And he's 4, ugh, daily struggle with him! It makes for really hard long days let me tell you! He just likes to jump and climb and run... maybe that's just boys? But I think he should be able to play by himself by now. Who knows maybe he'll just keep dancing with me.

    @Rozie1019 - Hope your mom gets well. Keeping you both in my thoughts.

    AFM Today: I did alright yesterday food-wise, over by 200 calories, which considering I'm just starting is good for me. Today i'll do better. Each day I'll do better! And more importantly I logged the food. Usually I'd give up by 4:00pm and just log breakfast and dinner... but I did it. Now to keep it up! Like 10 years ago I used "Calorie King" and logged my food daily and lost 75 pounds, so I know it works. Doing it is the hard part!

    Also I'm increasing water intake which seems to be helping but I'm also going to the bathroom twice as much. ;)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @klp555~LOL Think of sweating as your fat crying. :wink: We’ve said that around here a time or two. I used to hate sweating too, now if I don’t sweat during a workout I feel like I’m not working out hard enough! :lol: I even get in the sauna after I’m done, its good to sweat—rids your body of toxins and impurities. The protein bars @skinnyjeanz gets are tasty, I’ve had them. I can’t remember how much sugar they have but there are protein bars that have less sugar—my favorite bars are the thinkThin Lean Protein & Fiber bars, they offer 10g of protein with around 5g of sugar per bar. Kind Bars are a good alternative. Larabars are made from fruit and nuts, I can’t remember the amount of sugar in them but they are a good protein source—if they are higher in sugar its fructose sugar which is better for you. Lastly, you can try protein powders—Designer Whey is a good brand, low carb/sugar and soy free. There are so many choices out there, just check your labels and try not to buy anything that contains more than 200 calories and 10g of sugar per serving.
  • dcavazos
    dcavazos Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello, I'm re-starting my MFP adventure for the ...I don't know the 4th time. I need some support. I just kinda stumbled upon this message forum and thought I'd reach out to you all. I know I need to lose about 100lbs but the number sound so daunting I can't even stand to think of it. It seems like such an uphill battle if I think of that number so I try to just think of losing weight period.

    I thought about re-joining weight watchers because of their "support" but thought maybe I can just make use of MFP community.

    I can tell you all that lately what I struggle with is which "diet" to pick. I have done so much research, low carb, very low carb, ketogenic, atkins, south beach, Mediterranean etc. People advocating for one over the other with such vigor. Its confusing. I just wish someone would tell me exactly what to eat - period and have confidence to know that this would be a healthy diet - not fad etc.

    I want to start a family in the next few years but I need to lose weight (I have PCOS). I also want to be healthy when I start a family.

    So these are my struggles and my long term goals. Feel free to give me any feedback or friend me I could use the help of MFP community :).
  • jlbower25
    jlbower25 Posts: 8 Member
    4 years ago I lost 70lbs while using myfitness pal. I gained some of it back after a divorce. Now I'm ready to recommit to my health.
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    Its Thursday, so my Truth for today is that I am a scale junky. I get on the scale every morning and my mood is dependent on whether or not I see a loss. Yesterday, for example, I woke up to a 2 lb gain! Boy was I pissed! I have honestly been working very hard in my perfectionistic way to succeed, and my body betrays me by refusing to not lose weight. On top of which, I was feeling nauseated, headachy, and dizzy. I guess I picked up a stomach bug. So what did I do? I went back to bed. So today, I weighed and it was back down to the previous weight gain. Its a precarious thing for me to be on a diet. Just wish my body would get with the program!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Thursday truth.. I just got home, starving, and ate so many of those peanut butter protein rice krispie balls that I feel sick. Yep... I hate when I do that. No real stress today, just hungry. I wanted carbs. Oh well... tomorrow I will pack an extra snack or 2 so I am not so hungry when I get home.

    I just wish that I could remember the sick feeling I get from overeating BEFORE I binge on crappy food. I think that might help.
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    @nannersp61 - hear ya, fellow scale junkie. I'm a SAHM, so I'm around the damn thing all day to boot. I did a thing a while back though, just said "fine, weigh in half a dozen times a day if you like, BUT you have to write it all down and get it through your thick skull that the random fluctuations happen and have nothing to do with that chocolate you just ate."

    @dcavazos - oh, sweetie *hugs* You're in the right place. I can tell you that no canned "diet" is going to be that magic pill you're looking for. When I started I had tried just about every program, fad diet, and "as seen on TV!!" diet craze out there, and they just do not work long term, am I right? They don't work long term because they're temporary in our heads. Losing the kind of weight that we're all in this group to lose takes a lifestyle change. I can point you at the information for the method I use if you're interested... it's really super simple once it's set up, and it is the ONLY thing I have ever found that allowed me to lose more than that initial 10-15 pounds, and *keep* it off. My original 30lb loss was over 2 years ago, and I've had another baby since then. :)

    Thursday Truth... I keep swearing I'm going to take the kids out to play in the snow (and get some exercise), but it is FRIKKING COLD out there!!! So yeah... no.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Joining Nikki with viral bronchitis. Dr said if it lasts more than 2 weeks, come back. He did give me a prescription for cough medicine so I hope I can get enough rest. Not looking forward to at least another week of this!
    Just want to echo, for the newbies, the advice that has already been given. Those of us who have lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off, have chosen to eat the things we like and that fit into our daily routine. Don't deny yourself anything you truly love, log your calories, and come back here often for accountability and support. Looking for 'the right diet' is futile. Just be sure you are eating fewer calories than you are using each day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    Well so far so good! as I posted before I lost 5 pounds in 7 days and maintaining that loss so far! Have had a couple bumps in the road but doin ok I think. Still kinda short on meal ideas so anything ya'll might want to share would be a big help!
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    @bsracer - Get a crock pot and hit Google. Healthy, delicious, "toss everything in and forget it" recipes abound, and it is the single most useful thing in my kitchen. The chicken taco soup we're eating tonight has less than 300 calories per 1 cup serving.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thursday Truth ...
    Some of the recent posts about habits got me looking back in old records and notes, starting with @RobinsEgg idea to have a Word or Phrase to Live By in 2015.

    Quote ... I read an article the other day that said its a myth that a new habit can be developed in 21 days, or 3 weeks. The scientists proved this wrong, at least among Americans. It actually takes most people about 255 days to really build a new habit. The problem lies in the interruptions in our routines. We have "weekends off", illnesses, other people's needs come up. Just a lot of reasons whereby, in those 21 days we don't get to practice the new habit. So we really need the most part of a whole year to engage our mind and body in the new habit to get it ingrained in our mind/body connection. And for good measure, we need to complete another year of repetition to really build up that habit. ... end quote

    As some of you already know, I'm a number cruncher and statistician by habit, so it's not surprising that I have logs full of stuff from the time I decided to get serious about my weight and health efforts, back when I hit my high weight on 2-Jan 2008. So I looked back to see how long it actually took me to get into a new healthy habit. Guess What, it did take me about 9 months in every case to master one small thing befoe moving on to another. In the meantime, there were losses that were regained for one of 2 reasons: 1) I tired of it and went back to old habits, 2) I let myself become negative about every getting to a healthier place. But one thing I have always done is have some sort of slogan or phrase that was my standard for the time I was replacing an old habit with a better one. In the recent past, I used "Do It Now" to reinforce walking. In 2014 it was "One bite at a time" to reinforce patience. This year it's Follow-Through to help me finish so many projects I have going that are begging to be completed, including getting to below 200 pounds.

    So for everyone that is struggling, I think we all know how you are feeling, in one way or another, and I just want to encourage you to 'Keep at it".

    Calorie Challenge
    8/8 (goal is 28/31) ... I have so many calories left for today that even if I ate something rediclous like an entire Papa John's Pizza I'd come in at goal. :o
    ALL-In ... too sick to venture out again ... yet.

    Follow-Through, Niki
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello everyone!! I'm back!! :D

    Thursday truth: Life at work, church, and home, along with holidays threw me way off my weight loss game. I stopped tracking calories, which is NEVER a good idea for me! I missed this thread but got so behind I just stopped coming. Sorry about that!!

    Anyway, I joined a challenge on the 5th and I'm back to tracking every little morsel. I do miss the support this thread gave me and I look forward to catching up with you and meeting all the new members who have joined the group. :)
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good evening all, welcome to the newbies and welcome back to our returning friends
    @Niki - Your words went straight to my heart tonight. All so true, relevant and exactly what I needed to hear.
    @Tanya949 - I used to keep a granola thin in the car and would eat it (very slowly) on my way home from work. I would fill my water bottle as I was leaving and eat the granola thin. By the time I got home I was no longer starving and could make rational decisions about my evening meal. Just a tip that worked for me.
    Thursday Truth - I am still in the same 3 pounds for 4 weeks now. I know what I have to do to break through and get to my 100 pound loss. One of the motivational phrases I often use is "You'll find a way or find an excuse". I am in the excuse end of this. I have to take Niki's words to heart and find a way.
    Love to all,
    Living Life Gratified
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Options back soon.........

    Welcome Newbies! you are posting to great place -your friends will post back here so come back have your chats here for questions etc
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Truth I am just skimming the post tonight since I can barely keep my eyes open. I did bring home papers to grade but that will not happen due to lack of focus. Today, was also a day of the munchies that included the Milky Way candy bar and yes, I gave into temptation. I did make it to the gym for a workout, which was a hodge podge of exercises but still good. I also realized that it would be best for me to slow down tonight since I will be busy this weekend.

    Kelley- hope you survived the Earth quakes.
    - Rozie- prayers for your mom.
    - Theresa- welcome back.

    Workout goals
    Sunday- gym DONE
    Monday- trainer DONE
    Tuesday- REST or gym REST
    Wednesday- Rest or gym GYM DONE
    Thursday- gym DONE
    Friday- climb
    Sunday- climb

    Hope everyone has a great Friday and you can stay warm.

  • jpnotler
    jpnotler Posts: 23 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: » back soon.........

    Welcome Newbies! you are posting to great place -your friends will post back here so come back have your chats here for questions etc

    Wow how do you guys keep up with all the posts. Amazing. Great thread from a newbie with 100# t lose