Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Skinnyjeans: I did see some awful pileup on the news last night and wondered where it was...1-95 How awful! We've had a real, horrific , tragedy happen here recently. I doubt if anyone in the States saw it. (when it comes to Canada, all the American newscasters care about is Rob Ford). There was a fire in an old folks home in Quebec in a small town....over 30 elderly people in wheelchairs were trapped and died. I think about 8 people escaped. They're trying to break through the ice to find the's truly horrific and brings tears to my eyes. One lady called her son and he came with a ladder to try to help her. The ladder was too short to take her out, so he covered her with a blanket to make her comfortable and told her he was going to get a taller ladder. By the time he got back it was too late. I'm sorry to bring such bad news on this thread...but couldn't get it out of my head and felt the need to write. Quebec doesn't require sprinkler systems in their retirement homes.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    The news is so sad with house fires (a couple here in the last couple of days killing all inside) and deaths from the bitter cold and accidents due to weather. Not to mention the number of people losing their lives from the flu. :cry:

    We've been really cold the last couple of days but today its supposed to be back in the mid-60s and then 70s tomorrow - only to bring another cold snap next week. Luckily we have no bad weather in the forecast, but we seriously need rain.

    AFM~Had a great time out with friends last night, I haven't seen them for several months so it was nice to catch up. Perhaps I had too much fun, because I drank beer like it was water. :embarassed: Ugh, going to have to hit the gym hard today to make up for that indiscretion. Later today its back to to the furniture store with a pricing strategy and if I have time go look at tablets - seems to be on my list every Saturday and I never get to it. I'd like to get grocery shopping done today too. Guess I better get busy.

    Have a great day and stay warm!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday Success - I have been right on track with my foods and calories. I wish I could say the same for my protein though. It's been low all week. I have to get to the store and pick up some more Greek yogurt so I can up my protein.

    I've had the cooking bug the past two days. I made a 16 bean soup with lots of veggies, black bean and veggie burritos, guacamole and kale chips. YUMMY!!!

    Robin - My brother actually picked the name bruiser. He was blue with black spots, sort of looked like a bruise. We were young and had a different creativity back then. LOL

    cleoleigh - Welcome to the group.

    Missmanda - Happy 30th! I hope you have a great time at your party and have a fabulous birthday!

    Skinnyjeanz - Yes, my aides have subs. Usually I receive an email from the secretary letting my know if I have a staffing change, my boss receives them as well. Neither one of use received notification that the aides would not be in. It is not like them not to show either. My boss try reaching the secretary to see what was going on but could not get hold of her. My boss thought maybe the woman who normally takes care of these things was out on Thursday so it was not taken care of. But we are not 100% sure. I suppose I will find out next week what happened.

    I hope you have a great time this weekend! =)

    Mel- Oh my goodness, how sad. :cry: Those poor elderly residents. My heart goes out to them and their families.

    Kah - Wahoo to a fun night out with friends. I love nights like that.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @Kah- Thanks. I try to check in...just feeling guilty for avoiding. Had to be honest. :)

    @Jeanette- <3 that we're at the same weight. I feel like we're definitely in this together!

    @Naomi - Thanks for the reassurance! :)

    @hayley - I went to a football party/birthday party last week and I made a salad to bring because I knew there would be pizza. I successfully made it through without eating any junk! :) You can do it!

    @karen and kaye - how have I not heard about these?! Hope you guys are staying safe!

    Saturday success--not a very successful week, but I plan to try a new recipe for cauliflower wings (cauliflower in bbq sauce) tonight for dinner. Hopefully it's delicious! :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I heard about the accident out by you, but I can't remember if it was on the news or if one of my friends posted the story on FB. As kelley said, all of these weather related tragedies are just terrible.

    @mel--I saw something about that Quebec fire, but only b/c I follow BBC news. I didn't hear all of those heart-wrenching details though--how awful! You are so right about American media---it's just terrible sensationalism. I tend to get most of my news from BBC or Al-Jazeera America--much better global coverage and I don't have to hear about Miley's twerking or Justin's drinking.

    I don't have time for more personals right now b/c I need to get packed for Milwaukee. Finished the last of my papers this morning which is such a weight off my shoulders!

    Hope everyone has a happy Saturday and I will "see" you all tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys. Hope all goes well with all of you. I am doing alrighty. We have a bit of a cold in the house at the moment but nothing to terribly serious. My exercising has gone really well this week but my food has been hit and miss. I am going down but very slowly. Anyway gtg and get the house ready since we are apparently having people over for food this evening. I hope you all have a great day.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:

    Jnettie I like the one I bought it is the honey cinnamon and goes great with apples. The calories are only slightly lower then regular pb but I am ok with that.

    Robin I hope you are having a great time with your friends this weekend. I am happy you are feeling up to getting up and about again.

    Mow mow happy to hear you are back in the environment that you so enjoyed. You will get the food back under control. I have complete faith in you.

    Mel that is one of the most tragic things I have heard. My heart goes out to that community and those families.

    Someone was asking how I decide on the number of calories I claim from what my hrm records. Generally I go fairly close to the median number between what MFP says and my HRM says. So far as long as I am eating right it seems to be working.

    Todays workout per HRM:

    74 min
    1267 cals of which I claimed 800
    3.08 miles
    8281 steps

    20 ball crunches
    20 wall situps
    15 squats (my knees were sore)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Saturday Success: I made it to the gym every day that I planned on it! Yesterday I only got in the water aerobics class, but it was a different instructor and she got us on cardio for sure.

    I don't feel very good. My husband was sick for the last three days and today I woke up with a sore throat, headache and body chills. I've taken some medicine and feel a bit better, but plan on spending most of my day in bed or on the couch. I was suppose to go over and take my Mom's Christmas tree down, but she has a compromised immune system, so that won't be happening. My other two sisters are going to do it tomorrow now. I do still plan on lifting today - we'll see how it goes. I got up this morning and did get my Bountiful Baskets (it's pre-paid). I got 38 pounds of oranges (I'll have to share that :heart: ) and the rest is a really good mix. I even got a bag of potatos and that was good timing as I just used up my last ones.

    Friday Fitness:

    Friday - C25K and Aqua Aerobics (NOT DONE - DONE)
    Saturday - Lift
    Sunday - rest
    Monday - Lift
    Tuesday - C25K
    Wednesday - Lift
    Thursday - C25K
    Friday - Lift

    I'll be back later for some personals. Have a great Saturday.
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Short on time today, tell you why in a minute so sorry, will be back to do personals tonight. Guess my Sunday Share will fill in the details...

    Australia Day today, so we are taking the kids out to join in the local festivities. Then at 2 my (American) brother in law is taking up Australian citizenship (dual), so we are off to join in the ceremony. I think its a great opportunity for the kids, I've never been to one before. After that there's a big party to celebrate with all things Australian. Hope you all have a fun (and safe) Australia Day.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Mel, Kaye and Karen- I saw all three stories in our local papers. All of them are very tragic. My heart goes out to all those impacted by these events.

    I am sure many of you saw the news today about the Mall shooting in Columbia, MD. I was safe at home but I have been to that mall before and it is not to far from where I go rock climbing. It is so scary that people can be so cruel to go on a shooting rampage at the mall or any other location. I really hope that something can be done to help all these people in distress so these shootings don't happen anymore.

    Kelley- I had to laugh about your story of going out last night. I also did the same thing last night but my drink of choice was coke/pepsi. I must I am sad that did not have my favorite liquor but it was most likely for the best as I would downed a couple of drinks without thinking. I did enough damage with the soda. We all need nights like this.

    Naomi-Happy Australia Day! Enjoy all the celebrations today.

    tlh- Congrats on getting to the gym everyday this week. I love water aerobics. Today, my instructor had a heavy arm workout, just what I needed considering my upper body is still stiff from some other workouts this week. Hope you feel better soon.

    I had a good day. Went to the pool in the cold today (24 degree C), the water felt good but the air was chilly inside the pool. It was so cold that they cancelled the polar bear plunge today. The Chesapeake Bay was frozen and the water temp was actually warmer than the air temp. I am happy that I did not sign up for the plunge due to the frigid temp. We even had a few flurries today, thankfully, it was just flurries.

    EXERCISE plans
    Sunday- Rest day DONE
    Monday- trainer workout Endurance run DONE
    Tuesday- Gym NOT DONE Shoveling snow
    Wednesday- Trainer workout Endurance run or drills NOT DONE-Shoveling Snow
    Thursday- Trainer workout instead of rest day Done
    Friday- Climbing DONE
    Saturday-Swim and water aerobics DONE

    Grading goals- Caught up :bigsmile: until Monday after mid-terms:sad:
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all!

    Quick note this time: I went to a training meeting at the gym where I teach gymnastics and the girl leading it mentioned she just got her Master's in kinesiology (which she described as a big word for exercise science) :) I asked her if she'd like to make a (very) little bit of money as my personal trainer. Since we both work at the YMCA, she wasn't sure if she could be my trainer, but she would be my exercise buddy and teach me things. We start this Thursday!!!! She's going to teach me how to use the machines and the free weights, which I will admit seems like a lot to learn and is a little scary and a lot exciting! I'm also going to try my "detox water". I got all the ingredients on Friday and I'm also excited about that. It takes me two days to drink a gallon of tea, but you're supposed to drink the whole gallon in one day to cleanse your system. (I was warned to stay close to the bathroom! haha!) So, things are looking up! I'll try to write some personals tomorrow. Gonna hit the hay now.

    loves :love:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sunday Share: Here is the brief version for the newbies. I'm Jeanette, will turn 41 next month. Married to Brian. We don't have children but I have a house full of animals. I am vegetarian. I am a special ed teacher, work 2 part-time jobs (Hoping to land a FT one). I have many hobbies. Enjoy all things nature related.

    Today's goals is to get my workout started by 8 am. After my workout I will go out and shovel, it ended up snowing last night and we got a few inches. (Not enough to use the snow blower today.) When I come in I will get started on cleaning my turtle's tank. I am hoping to be finished by noon so I will have the rest of the day to lounge around relaxing with Brian.

    Alupinsk - I love it too. I get so excited when I read your posts and see your weight. I can truly relate. I have been weighing in at 230.4 for the past two days so I am fairly certain that will be my weigh in tomorrow morning. The Fitbit app tells me how many more lbs I have to lose before reaching my goal weight. I just looked at that number the other day and was discussing it with Brian. I think it said 107.6 lbs to go. I was blown away at the fact that a little over 7 more lbs to lose and I have less than 100 lbs to go. I know it isn't that much of a difference but to me having to lose a number that is double digits rather than triple digits psychologically seems like I am almost there. I know, I is still 99 more lbs to go which is A LOT but let me have my own personal beliefs ok?!!! :laugh:

    Laurie - Glad to hear you were safe. I heard briefly about the shooting but was busy so I didn't pay too much attention to the details.

    Have to cut this short. It's almost 8 am and I promised myself to get started by then. Have to go change and set up. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm back. Not going to bore any one with why I have been MIA but I have removed my head from my butt and am ready to start again. I am back to 262 and need to update my page. I doubt I am on here nightly because I am overwhelmed right now but I am back. Miss so many of you. Hope everyone is doing well. I need to sit down and do some reading.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good afternoon MFPers!

    I have been reading all your posts. I am glad to hear of the progress you have made and want to send out best wishes for continued success.

    I was doing pretty well but Mrs. Morgori needed a night out. We went to the MGM because there is a new Mexican restaurant there called Hecho en Vegas Mexican Grill & Cantina. She likes Mexican food (she even eats Taco Bell :embarassed: ) and we have not found a real good place for it here in Vegas. It was the best Mexican food we have ever had. The table side made guacamole was the best we ever had. She had enchiladas I had a chimichanga. The chicken enchilada was awesome (she gave me a taste and I gave her a taste of my carne asada chimi.)

    Hers was Enchiladas Banderas
    • A trio of beef, chicken and shrimp enchiladas served with verde, blanca and rojo mole sauces which represent the colors of the Mexican flag. (Except she had a cheese one instead of the shrimp one.)
    Mine was carne asada, Chimichanga Banderas
    • A dish that the Flores family is credited with inventing

    We drank water instead of adult drinks. It cost us $56.00 total ($10 was for guacamole) and it was worth it! So my problem is the food is not in the MFP database so logging it was an estimate. I looked at other Mexican places and very few are listed. They have way different values for the same type of dish at most places that are listed. The point of this is I would like a way to be accurate on places that do not list their nutrition. Any ideas?
    I will have to try and come up with a way of logging that kind of stuff.

    This week will be tough on Friday because of a trip to the Irish Pub before the hockey game. Hopefully I’ll be able to eat light on Thursday and Saturday to make up for it.

    “If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.”
    ― Deepak Chopra

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Mine is trucking right along. I had a good day yesterday and today is off to a good start. I am making beef stew, cheddar herb biscuits, and brownies.and then taking it all over to my parents for dinner tonight. It should be pretty good:happy: Other then that not a whole lot going on just relaxing around the house today.

    Sunday share: My name is Tammy and and I am a wife and mother of three grown children though two still live at home. I have been somewhat overweight since puberty but the last five years or so I had some health problems and it escalated out of control. About a year and half ago I finally hit the enough is enough point and took control of a lot of different aspects of my life that I had kinda just let slide along. I have had some ups and downs but the overall trend is losing and even better then the weight loss is the overall feeling of fitness I have developed. I dont feel like I cant do things anymore because I am to fat or it is to hard. I just figure out ways now to make it work:smile:

    Well got to get going if I am going to get my dads stew made. I hope you all stay safe and warm and have a great day:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:

    Todays walk per HRM:

    58 min
    burned 1044 of which I claimed 650
    2.61 miles
    6866 steps
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    @missmanda - happy birthday, I hope you had a great celebration.

    @skinny - we seem to be having inverse weather, LOL. You are heading for -15F, and I'm heading for another week of 44C'ish! Pity we can't average it out and share some of the cold/heat around a bit better. I appreciate how hard it must be to get out to excercise in the cold - surely a few days off won't hurt? Hope you had a great weekend away.

    @hayley - this isn't about beating ourselves up when we make a bad choice, it's about learning from them. You have the rest of your life to get this 'right'. Love your solution of freezing the bread so you can get out just one serving, well done! Also, great choice on taking a salad to your meetings, hope that worked well for you. Great to have found an excercise buddy, especially one who understands all those scary things you find at a gym!

    @Kaye - glad you were able to get out for a walk. Stay safe in the cold.

    @Mel - that is a truly dreadful story about the old folks home. Perhaps after such a tragedy there will be laws brought in about sprinkler systems. Unfortunately humanity seems to have to suffer something like this before anything is done to improve safety (thinking Titanic & lifeboats!).

    @Kah - since (re-)commencing this journey I have found that a night out like that actually works in my favour, I don't feel like i'm on a diet because I schedule in enough calories to 'enjoy' myself. It's planning ahead that really makes a difference, even if that is to 'hit the gym' the next day, LOL. Glad you had a great night.

    @Alupinsk - if you liked that recipe I'd love to give it a go - can you message it to me, or post on here please?

    @tlh - that's a great saturday success! Hope you are feeling better. Lovely sisters that you can all share looking after your mum.

    @Laurie - I'm with you, I can't understand why some people do such dreadful things to others. The mall is one place you do expect to be safe. The Australia Day party was a lot of fun (with way too much great Aussie food (picture TimTams and Pavlova)) thanks.

    @JNettie - I know what you mean about those double digits! It's a bit different 'cause I work in kilograms, but I haven't been less than 100kg since I was 18. I've got a long way to go before hitting 99, but those double digits are going to cause quite a celebration. I plan on getting there by my 42nd birthday in June. Wish me luck!

    @michelleb - nice to meet you :flowerforyou: I'm not sure how it converts, but I think it's close, I was 122.5 kg a few weeks ago, so I have loved joining this group!

    @Tom - nothing wrong with a night out. I sometimes struggle with the calories when eating out too, it's really hard to know sometimes. I tend to go with the average if I can find something on mfp, but make sure I'm under for the week overall, rather than worrying about each day individually. Planning ahead makes all the difference. Glad you had a great night out.

    AFM - it's Monday already, and we are very lucky here and have a public holiday for Australia Day (yes, it was yesterday, but a day off is a day off & I don't complain). We've got to take the (too small) aircon out of the wall so a new one can be installed next week, so our day will be full.

    I was really pleased with myself yesterday at the party for not going all out on all the yummy food. If you've never tried a TimTam find an Australian food store (I know there's one in San Antonio) and get a packet. There's 11 in there and it is very easy to eat them all at once. Maybe you shouldn't, I know I don't need to find another food I love! It was great to see lots of family, and to know that I really didn't have to eat everything I could see.

    January challenge: Had set this but not noted it down for you guys - to settle into a comfortable routine of 'stop & think' before putting food in my mouth.

  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    I have had some ups and downs but the overall trend is losing and even better then the weight loss is the overall feeling of fitness I have developed. I dont feel like I cant do things anymore because I am to fat or it is to hard. I just figure out ways now to make it work:smile:

    FAB!!! These are some of the most inspiring words i have seen. I am so pleased for you jtconst. I too have missed out on things i would otherwise have wanted to do because I feel like I can't do them because I am too fat, or too unfit. Congratulations!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Tom: one way you can try to be more accurate is to list each individual ingredient and find it in the data base (more foods available) in your meal plan, then click on 'quick tools' and make a meal of it to remember. That way if you eat there again at the same restaurant, you may be able to use the same meal. I don't really know if this addresses the problem of getting all the macros correct, but it would probably help with the calories.

    Namoi: yes, it's a horrible incident in Quebec. The only reason we have 'sprinkler laws' here in Ontario is because it happened here once too. They put the law into effect soon after. It's particularly difficult to get to some of these old folkshomes as they can be out of the way (in the sticks), and harder to get at.

    Sunday Share: I am a retired English teacher and have only been overweight since I quit teaching and married my second husband..I have 5 grandchildren....3 are one year olds, 1, 2 yr. old, and 1, 3 yr. old. I spend a fair bit of time babysitting and when my kids call to ask..I go! Yesterday and today, I planned on going to the gym, but didn't as I spent time babysitting. All 5 babies and most of the parents are sick with nasty colds right now. I'm just getting over mine and hoping I don't ' get reinfected '. Last winter when the 3 babies were born, I hardly saw them as the family kept an illness going constantly for most of Jan. and Feb.!
    I am blessed and lucky that my 2 daughters only live about 10 min. from me and my son has moved here from Ottawa, which is only 1 hr. away.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Yesterday an acquaintance with whom I don't get to visit often asked me what my motivation was to make such a huge change. It really made me think about it. I think it might be good to share it here. We each have to figure out what our motivation is. Perhaps by sharing mine I can help someone here who is struggling to keep going. In September of 2012 I was facing knee replacement surgery. My surgeon commented, almost in passing, that my new knees would last longer if I could lose some weight. I knew he was right. I told my family that I wanted to see how much I could lose in the 6 weeks before the surgery. One of my daughters said, "You need a plan." She knew about My Fitness Pal and helped me get signed up. I set my first goal at 25#. I started that day and have never looked back. I was surprisingly successful and that success became my motivation to keep going. I also had a new grandbaby coming in February that I wanted to be able to take care of. I knew I couldn't do it if I didn't get a handle on my health.
    Another friend told me today that she has signed up on MFP. I now know of several people who are currently losing weight because of my success. That is quite a motivation to keep going because I don't want to let them down.
    Yesterday and today have been so cold and dreary that I lost my motivation to get out and walk. The pedaller has had to substitute. I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.
    Have great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hayley- That is awesome you have found a workout partner, especially one who will be able to teach you a few things along the way.

    Kaye- Congrats on being a role model for others and thank you for sharing your motivation that started you on this journey.

    Not much going on today just a relaxing day, which is a good thing.

    My exercise plan for the week
    Sunday-walking done
    Monday- trainer (1/2 hr) plus my own workout, climbing maybe
    Tuesday- gym maybe or rest
    Wednesday- Trainer
    Thursday- Rest
    Friday-Rock climbing
    Saturday- Swim/ aerobics
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    It's a little late, but here's my Sunday Share:

    My name is Hayley and I live in Iowa. Just in the past six or seven months, I've been working as a gymnastics coach at our local YMCA. I love it, as I was a gymnast in jr. high and high school. It's amazing how much has changed since then. (I'm 30 now) When I was a junior in college, I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. It's taken a really long time not to be ashamed of that. However, it is an illness, like cancer or diabetes. There is no cure, but there are coping strategies for when i'm having symptoms and one of my coping strategies with the depression part of it gets bad USED to be eating my feelings. NOW it is exercising. I have found that with eating when I feel poorly, I eat too much and feel even worse when I'm done. That led to the cycle of, "Well, I know it'll feel sucky when I'm done, so I just won't quit at all." I used to eat so much so often that I would make myself physically ill. SOOO I was also diagnosed with bulimia. It wasn't because I wanted to lose weight or thought I was fat. It was simply because I was eating my pain and I felt so much pain that I thought I couldn't quit eating. Long story short, it led to some very, ummm, interesting (?) thoughts about food and health and overall wellness. When my psychiatrist VERY politely suggested exercise instead of food, I took it personally. (And he was very polite about it...talking about overall health and mental wellness instead of a number on the scale.) I just assumed he looked at me and saw a fat lazy person with no will power and all I had to do was change my mind in order to change my body. I know now that he wasn't saying that at all. There have been extensive studies showing that exercise releases endorphins and serotonin in our brains, which naturally cheer us up. So now, when I feel like I can't get out of bed, I set my alarm for 10 minutes. I know that when my 10 minutes are up, I'm going walking. I can now go about a half mile in 12 minutes! I have a treadmill in my dining room, which just happens to be right outside my bedroom. I can't even recall how many times I walked in just socks and a T-shirt because getting dressed just seemed too damn hard!

    This January, I got on MFP and became "serious" about weight loss and health. I know I will feel physically better at a lower weight, and I know that my mental illness is affected by exercise. Putting it into action required a lot of support and a lot of excuse-busting.

    The other reason I want to lose is for my gymnastics girls. We preach to them every day about being kind to their bodies and being healthy. We make them do conditioning and expect them to do it on their own at home, too. These girls are so STRONG! They inspire me. They do things I will probably never be able to do, just because we asked them to try their hardest. How can I preach something and not practice it myself? What a bad example I am setting!!!! I know that by the time the high schoolers are gone, I'll be just a few pounds lighter and they probably won't even notice. But the six and seven and eight year olds WILL see a change in me. I want to have the energy to keep up with them and I want to be able to show them how to do skills instead of just telling them. (No, I'm not going to be doing backflips or anything, but I should be able to do a cartwheel, at least. Remember? I used to do this stuff for years. There should be some muscle memory left, but I'm too scared to try stuff like that at my weight right now).

    Tomorrow, I'm going to water aerobics, and I'm going to start going three times a week, Mon. Wed. and Fri. On Thursday, I'm meeting with Kelsey, who is going to show me the machines and the (scary) free weights. I'll incorporate that routine on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but as we start, we're just going once a week.

    I don't remember who said it, but it helped me and I hope it helps anyone else who is "scared" to work out or is experiencing "gym-timidation": Sweat is just fat crying!

    Loves :love: