Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    New profile picture for a few days. Aren't they cute? Forgive a grandma's bragging.:blushing: Kaye

    Kaye, They are adorable! YOu are truly blessed!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    WOW! Thanks everyone for the feedback on my Exercise Diary dilemma! Very good advice. I have been pondering a HRM because I have seen so many people are using them. I am just not sure if I want to get one to ADD to my Fitbit Zip or save my pennies and get a Fitbit Force or Flex. If I am not mistaken, the Flex and Force both can calculate calories burned for activities other than walking/stairs. I believe one of them is even waterproof where you can wear it in the pool.

    @Jnettie - which Fitbit are you using?

    @Hayley - sorry, I didn't see your question yesterday about the Fitbit. I got the Zip, the low end ($60) of their gadgets. So far, I LOVE it! I clip it on my clothes 24/7! It syncs with MFP and your phone. Given what I said before though, I am not sure I made the right decision with the Zip. :grumble:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Did y'all know that Burger King hash browns have over 600 calories? More than an entire breakfast sandwich. :noway: Who knew? That's why logging is so important, I guess. Even after years, I'm still surprised by the calories in some of the stuff I don't eat very often.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Someone was asking about snacks the other day, I just ran across this article – a few of these surprised me. I'm sure you can figure out which. :wink:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Did y'all know that Burger King hash browns have over 600 calories? More than an entire breakfast sandwich. :noway: Who knew? That's why logging is so important, I guess. Even after years, I'm still surprised by the calories in some of the stuff I don't eat very often.

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Dang it! I hate this computer. Just lost a LONG post. Let's try again.........

    @kaye - Adorable grands! Hope your knee is feeling better and way to go on the size 12s.

    @robin - Glad your energy is returning. Hope it continues to do so and you'll be ready to go when Spring comes.

    @jtconst - How exciting to see so many whales! I've seen humpbacks off the coast of Massachusetts and am hoping to see grays in Cabo in March. They are fascinating and magnificent creatures.

    @bjcamp - Glad they found no fybroids. Like many others, I had a hysterectomy due to them. Prayers that you find a non-surgical solution.

    @susan - Sorry you've been feeling low. It was certainly insensitive of your exes GF to say such a thing to your son, not to mention none of her business. I know how hard it is to visit family/friends and then have to say goodbye. I go through it every time I see my girls. I hope you'll be back to your normal self soon.

    AFM - Good news all around on the annual physical. I usually have somewhat elevated BP when I see a doctor, especially if I know they're going to weigh me. This time it was 110/70. My doctor was thrilled with my progress. It's nice to get a pat on the back when I used to get a stern lecture. (Or at least as stern as my early 40ish doctor was capable of giving his elder).

    In other news, I lost 4.6 lbs last week. Clearly some of that must have been water, but I'll take it. I have now exceeded (by a whopping .2 lbs) my goal for January. A number that starts with one on the scale seems within reach......
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks for the kind words on grandkids. They are fun.
    L2T. Great loss.
    My wish today is that we could somehow share in the snow that is blanketing the eastern US again. We are on the way to a severe drought. This area relies heavily on irrigation for our farms. If there isn't enough snow to fill the reservoirs during the winter, there isn't enough water for irrigation in the summer.
    I have had a hard time this week getting in my walks. I hope I can schedule things better today.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a quick check-in to catch up on posts. I've finished 24 essays so I'm a third of the way done. I have an hour left of school, so I plan to finish a few more before leaving for the day. Will check back and do personals later tonight. :smile:

    Grading goals:
    1. 24/72 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3.rec letter for my student teacher

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (HIIT + more cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Thurs--donating blood so rest day
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • SeeLShrink
    Hey everyone!!

    Man, I have been not so great about checking in lately! I need to get back into it!

    I'm so happy to ready about all the successes in here, you all are working so hard!

    As for me, I have been staying in my calorie goals and have been working out when I can. I missed Monday because of bad weather, but I did get in yesterday for spin class and circuit class. Ooo I'm sore today! I'm planning on getting to water aerobics tonight, and then tomorrow will be cardio and circuit again. I also have my doc appt tomorrow night, so hopefully I can get some of this anxiety taken care of, and I'm hoping she can give me some insight into what to do for my cholesterol levels.

    Wednesday - My wish is that there was more time in the day!! Maybe I'd get everything done if there were!

    Have a great night!

  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Someone was asking about snacks the other day, I just ran across this article – a few of these surprised me. I'm sure you can figure out which. :wink:

    Who knew!! Interesting read, for sure.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope you all are enjoying hump day this week. So far so good for me. I actually did some pre logging today which is a first for me. A local bar makes amazing chicken wings and runs them on special on Wednesdays and my sil invited me to go with her so I planned dinner and logged it and the wings to make sure I would still be good for the day. Still have plenty of calories to spare if I decide I want a little something else first. Okay was going to do personals but mom is coming to pick me up so I just hope you all have a great day and accomplish everything on your lists:bigsmile:

    Todays workout per HRM:

    66 min
    1170 calories of which I claimed 700
    2.83 miles
    7586 steps

    10 min of full body stretching
    20 wall pushups
    20 ball crunches
    20 squats
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I got a couple more papers done, but still have quite a few left. I'm going to skip personals right now and try to do a few more. It's way too cold and snowy to walk gunner--looks like that will be the trend all week. :grumble: I skipped the gym b/c the house was a mess and DH is at work, so I guess it's my turn to clean up. He scrubbed down the kitchen yesterday, so I guess that's only fair. :wink: I also want to bake some fish and roast some asparagus and onions for dinner tonight.

    Grading goals:
    1. 26/72 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3.rec letter for my student teacher

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (HIIT + more cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Thurs--donating blood so rest day
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I did have a snow day today, which was nice. It provided the opportunity to shovel the cars out, clear the sidewalks etc. The downside is that we have used all of our snow days. The bright side is that all the counties in MD closed today. The city did a good job of plowing for a change and some of the roads are completely clear. Tomorrow, we have a 2 hour delay which means the kids get out at regular time. I will need to wear my boots as the parking lots will be mess and not cleared very well.

    My appointment with my trainer was canceled tonight due to weather but I will meet with her tomorrow instead. My exercise today was shoveling/pushing the snow out of the way. At least, I can move the car easily onto the street.

    Kaye- Love the picture of the grands, they are adorable. I would love to send you some snow, but it might be hard to transport. :laugh:

    Nettie- I totally get being cold while shoveling. Today, I put on 3-4 layers of socks, 2 pairs of pants, 3-4 shirts under my coat and my feet still got cold. I basically stayed out for 30 -40 minutes at a time before coming in to warm up. Hope you are toasty warm now.

    Kelley- That is great that you want to run a half. I understand they only do them in the spring and fall. Summer is too hot for that distance.

    Have a great day tomorrow.

    Wish- That Kaye gets the snow she wants.

    cise plans
    Sunday- Rest day DONE
    Monday- trainer workout Endurance run DONE
    Tuesday- Gym NOT DONE Shoveling snow
    Wednesday- Trainer workout Endurance run or drills NOT DONE-Shoveling Snow
    Thursday- Trainer workout instead of rest day
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday-Swim and water aerobics
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Someone was asking about snacks the other day, I just ran across this article – a few of these surprised me. I'm sure you can figure out which. :wink:

    Who knew!! Interesting read, for sure.

    This was an interesting read just make sure you do plenty of exercise to justify some of those snacks. However, some of those food choices were very interesting- ie pop tarts and a few others.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That when I see the eye doctor he can find some contacts that will work better. I got contacts for the first time in probably 15 years and while they don't hurt my eyes, they don't really allow me to read my phone or computer very well. I'm suppose to give them a full week, so we'll see...

    @ didn't register last night, but congrats on having the baby named after you. What an honor!
    @Kelley...sounds like you had a "good" night at Cheesecake Factory. Great self control.
    @Ushkii...nothing like a fun vacation to give some motiviation.
    @Jeanette...that was how I felt yestrday....cold no matter what. I was chilly today too but my workout definitely warmed me up.
    @RobinB...I had a HRM but it doesn't help with lifting and it didn't work for me for the Jillian Michaels workouts I was doing. I now have the Fit One. It's the one that you wear on your pants or bra. I've liked it so far (still need to get the daily number much higher! :blushing: ) My sister had the zip, but upgraded to the one and loves it.
    @Travel...Whoop Whoop on the BP! That's awesome! and then 4.6 pounds -- awesome week!

    AFM: I had German Fleischkeikle tonight for supper and I couldn't find calories for it at all. I saw one from a ND College that showed much smaller and they were calculating at 420 each. YIKES! I threw in 1300 for supper and hope that I got it right. It was really good!!! :love: Picked up Jacob from his basketball practice, went out for supper, had choir and then made it to the gym. I made it through another round of Week 1 for C25K. I had to go pretty slow because that greasy german food was sitting at the bottom of my stomach and didn't agree with being bounced around, but I made it. Then I did another 15 minutes on a bike. By then it was 9:30 and I decided to go home. It was a long day.

    Tuesday -- Lift -- DONE
    Wednesday -- C25K DONE
    Thursday - Lift
    Friday -- C25K and swim
    Saturday -- Lift
    Sunday -- Rest (possibly a C25K)

    Hope you all have a great Wednesday night and Thursday. Til next time!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Did y'all know that Burger King hash browns have over 600 calories? More than an entire breakfast sandwich. :noway: Who knew? That's why logging is so important, I guess. Even after years, I'm still surprised by the calories in some of the stuff I don't eat very often.


    Right? I was so surprised.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday Truth - I was spoiled by the extended weekend. I am a bit sad that I have to get back to work. I truly enjoyed the past two days off.

    p1xyn1xy - Congrats for getting out of the funk. Enjoy your mommy and daughter dance class.

    RobinB - I have the Flex. It does not count floors climbed but the Force does. Mine definitely is waterproof. From what I understand the Force is waterproof too.
    Here is a link to the site that compares all the models.

    Kah - That is an interesting list of snacks. I am sure I was surprised by the same ones you were. Especially the pop tarts and gummy bears.

    Lives2Travel - Congrats to the lower blood pressure and the pat on the back from the doctor. I am happy to hear the scale is moving again for you. It's moving again for me too. Monday I logged in with a 2 lb loss. As of this morning I was down to 230.8 - roughly another 2 lbs. I am hopeful!

    tlh - I had to Google German Fleischkeikle because I had no clue what it was. I've never heard of it before. :blushing:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~I was so surprised by the gummy bears and the pop tarts. Really?! A lot of the snacks they mentioned are good for boosting glucose for instant energy, but highly processed – so definitely enjoy in moderation or on really high activity days. We’re pretty hot here from May-Oct, so we find ourselves running in the heat regardless – but they do hold the big marathons in the cooler months. I do a 5k or 10k run/walk in May and Sept every year. You have a choice of a 5k, 10k, or half – I really want to be ready to run the half by Sept.

    @RobinB~Yes, the Flex and Force calculate calories burned (as does the One) – but you have to look at your calories before you exercise and subtract that number from the number after you exercise to know how many you burned. You can also look at the report and add the calories burned for each 5-minute segment during your workout. At least this is what I have discovered, IMO a HRM is easier – but I realize it’s not in everyone’s budget. I have the Flex, but mostly use it to count my steps (I wear a HRM on cardio days). You can wear the Flex and Force in the shower, but they can’t be submerged in water while swimming – they are water resistant not waterproof.

    @Tracy~Dinner sounded delish, I love German food! Probably a good estimate on calories, since its fried – I know there are healthier recipes out there if you are ever feeling creative. :wink:

    AFM~I wasn’t feeling 100% last night, stomach was bothering me all day (I blame the cheesecake from the night before) so session with my trainer was watered down. Okay every once in a while. Tonight we’re playing racquetball – I can’t wait! :bigsmile: Slowly but surely things for vacation are coming together, two excursions are booked – one in Grand Cayman and one in Cartagena. We decided we’re staying on the ship in Panama but need to figure out Costa Rica and Aruba (longest port so definitely some beach time).

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, elliptical DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day (late meeting)
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, racquetball with trainer
    Friday~Rest Day (HH with friends)
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    I didn't even sign in yesterday, I logged from my phone, but it wasn't pretty. I have a lot of catching up to do on posts and I will, but just wanted to update everyone for now.

    Had the OB-GYN appointment yesterday. I thought I was just going in to discuss the results from the ultrasounds, but they done a biopsy also. Turns out I have a polyp (don't know if I'm spelling that right, but you get the idea) and with the heavy bleeding and my thick uterus wall and the extensive family history of cancer, they said I'm a high risk candidate for uterine cancer. LOVELY...just what I wanted to hear. So now we wait until next week for those results. If the biopsy comes back with no cancerous or precancerous cells, I have two options - an ablation or a hysterectomy. I'm really torn between the two. My mom had a breakdown when I tried to discuss it with her and would like for me to go ahead with the hysterectomy so that I don't have to go through what she's been through with the after effects from her cancer treatments. I see her view point. I didn't really care for the dr either. She had a problem with my weight as soon as she walked in. I tried explaining to her how much I had lost and that I was working on it but she wouldn't even discuss that with me. She said I was probably bound to have issues anyway but that I caused them for myself earlier by being over weight. Then she proceeded to tell me that the hysterectomy wouldn't be a good choice for me because of my weight. She asked me if I remembered the recovery for my two c-sections (this is a new doctor, so she has no idea what my recoveries were like) and said it would be similar. To be honest, the first recovery was very hard I guess because I didn't have any idea of what to expect. The second one wasn't too bad. She just made me feel like I was nothing because I was overweight. I don't know. She did in the end tell me that it would be my decision as long as there was no cancer. No matter what decision I make, I believe I will ask for a different doctor in the group when I go back. I know a few of you have had the ablation - feel free to give your opinon here and also anyone that's had the hysterectomy. I'm a little lost :frown:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Loggind and trying to cut done my serving, got another scale so will try to start using that again. I now this is how it works, just have do to the work. I will get a scale and climb up on that moster again too. yuck!