Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Friday!

    @Tammy~Great b’fast send off for the kiddos – you could have given your niece Mini Wheats (at least the ads say its boost brain power)! :laugh: I would have saved my calories for a steak dinner too!

    @Alupinsk~Check back here daily, if time allows, especially if you aren’t 100%. No need to avoid it – we all go through periods where we avoid the gym or just don’t want to track anything, we cannot be at this 100% all the time. The fact that you’ve been logging is great and partly why you are still losing, so kudos for doing that. :flowerforyou: Checking in here can help you see that you aren’t alone – I think several of us are struggling to some degree.

    @RobinB~Some people don’t log activity at all, others like to see it. Remember, if you are allowing MFP to adjust Fitbit calories it will make adjustments based on the activity you log from other sources (i.e. your HRM). I even allow negative adjustments (not recommended if you don’t sync your Fitbit until late in the day). By the way if you want to friend me on Fitbit, here is my link:

    @RobinsEgg~Luggage is an eggplant color (my favorite color), I think it will stand out in baggage claim. :wink: Cheesecake Factory has an enormous menu, so I could not say for sure if they have a chili bowl – I’m sure they do though, they have everything else!

    @Laurie~I’m sorry about the confusion with your trainer, I’d be out of sorts too. She shouldn’t assume that a later time would just “work” for you, you do have a life and other responsibilities. Like you, I need for my work out to be over by 6 – I go to work super early, so bed time for me is early. I need to be done with everything and relaxing by 7-8pm since I get up at 4:45. My trainer and I have a set time on Sunday afternoon, but he always texts me if we need to deviate from it – she should show you the same respect and not assume you can make a different time/day. I wouldn’t want to break up into two 30-minute segments either – just about the time you get into a rhythm the session is over. :grumble:

    AFM~Well, racquetball fell through yesterday. :grumble: My trainer set aside the equipment and then someone took off with it, didn’t get this news until I got the gym (may go buy my own racquet this weekend). So I got on the arc trainer instead and did the hill intervals program. I was looking forward to a different activity (haven’t played racquetball in years), so workout was hard at first since it wasn’t what I wanted to do. Luckily, my headphones were in my purse so I could have my own music (hate the music they play at the gym). The hill intervals program was challenging so I was able to take out my frustration over the whole deal and get in a decent workout. Tonight is happy hour with some long-time friends and former co-workers, tomorrow it's back to Bassett Furniture for some price negotiations (fingers crossed) and try to check a house project off my list.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, elliptical DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day (late meeting)
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, racquetball (arc trainer instead) DONE!
    Friday~None (HH with friends)
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @Robin-- Thanks. I've been worried about irritating it more. I can't run because that's the HUGE trigger, but I'm nervous to lift because what if that's doing it too? Still losing, but I'll be very happy when I can get back into my groove.
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    HI all!

    So I woke up in a very good mood today. I made a spinach protein shake, but didn't drink it. I logged it, realized it was more calories than I wanted to spend on breakfast, and stuck it in the fridge for later. It also had PB and a banana in it, and really, that was all I could taste: delish!

    Well, just thought I'd put it out there, but does anyone (everyone) have facebook? Since I announced on there that I'm trying to lose weight and get healthier, my timeline is full of ads for diet pills and "flatten your tummy" gimmicks. I'm so sick of it. I don't want to take another pill, and I know from being on here that you don't flatten just your tummy, you lose weight all over, evenly, and at a slow pace so it's easier to maintain. I'm not a stupid person, nor am I gullible, so why, oh, why are these ads targeting me?! I'm sooooo sick of it!

    Don't remember who said it, but I have a friend who lost 60 lbs. on Body by Vi. (Visalus). She's lower now than she was when she got married!

    It's stinkin' cold here, people! (We're in Iowa) and Monday night, our high will be -18, with a wind chill of -40. We're in for 36 hours of below-zero temps this weekend and early next week. I gotta admit, I had the opportunity to go to water aerobics, but it is so cold, I don't want to leave the house. Send a few words up to the Big Man Upstairs that I actually get on the treadmill today. I just don't feel like exercising, which sounds whiny, even to me! I know I'll feel better if I do. I just gotta suck it up and DO IT!!!!! How do you motivate yourself when you have absolutely no interest in doing something. (Speak of which, I also need to vacuum and also HATE that chore!)

    I made a friend on here who is from a neighboring town, but when I asked my hubby if he would be okay with me going to the gym with this guy to be my exercise buddy, my hubby kinda freaked out. I think he's scared I'm gonna find someone "better". Not a chance! My husband has been with me through three trips to the psych ward, multiple doctor's visits, over 300 lb. weigh, acne, and glasses. He's seen me at my worst. I think it's time for him to see me at my best! SOOOO: if anyone knows anyone in southeast Iowa, who happens to be a WOMAN, and wants an exercise buddy, get the word out that I'm looking!!!!

    Okay, this is getting longer and longer and I know the reason...if I don't quit typing, I have an excuse to not get on the treadmill! haha!!! Off I go....wish me luck and endurance!

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm thinking of you!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Friday Fitness - So far my first week with the new routine is going ok. Naturally, I am happy with this.

    Yesterday wasn't a terrible first day back with the kids. I had a full class yesterday. For the most part they were all really good. I usually have 3 aides on Thursdays however only 1 showed up to work. Thank goodness my boss was in yesterday. She usually comes in on Tuesdays but missed this week and last. She decided to come yesterday instead to make up the time. She ended up having to jump in and help out in my classroom instead. My class is low function and they need a lot of 1:1 assistance hence why I receive so much staff. If she was not there I don't know how my aide and I would have gotten through the day.

    Welcome Newbies.

    BJCamp - So sorry to hear about your experience with the doctor yesterday. I think it would be wise to ask for someone different next time you go. I am also sorry to hear about what is going on with you. I hope everything works out for you.

    Skinny - Yippie for being almost done! I hope you get them completed so you can enjoy your fun-filled weekend!

    Mnwalking - I hope you feel better soon. Get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.

    hayley - sorry to hear you are feeling so down. Good luck with the detox water. I don't know anything about it so I cannot advise. My best friend has looked into them though. I am not sure if she went through and tried them or not.

    hansea - I love watching My Cat From Hell.

    jtconst - How do you like the whipped peanut butter? How do the calories compare to regular PB? I saw a commercial for it a while ago and was curious.

    Alupinsk - I had to google Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Yikes that sounds really uncomfortable. I hope you get some answers soon. Congrats on being in the 220's. Yesterday and today I weighed in at 230.8. I am almost there too. Isn't it exciting?!!!

    Laurie - Do you have another storm headed your way? They are predicting another one headed our way for Sunday into Monday. I would be frustrated too. That is your regular workout time with her. She knows you are reliable. That was crummy of her to schedule someone else.

    Robin - I love the names you had for your furbabies. I had a dog name Chance. My others were Pepper - a German Sheppard Airedale Terrier mix. My other dogs have all been collies; Joker, Chance (Chancellor) and Max (Maximillion). I also had a few birds growing up. Polly, Bruiser, Sparky, Snowball, and Prince were parakeets. Then there was Clover my love bird and Chrissy my moms cockatiel. I had a ton of fish growing up too but I don't remember all their names.

    The field mice story in the laundry room made me chuckle. That is something I would do. My mom caught me one time giving an earth worm a bath in the bathroom sink because I thought it was dirty. :laugh:

    Tracy - I don't mind vacuuming but I despise cleaning bathrooms. My cats are both long haired so they shed a lot, even though they are petite (7 and 8 lbs). I am always vacuuming the rugs and couches. I get some of my walking in while vacuuming. :wink:

    I loved the story of your sister and the duck. I was always finding baby birds that fell out of their nest when I was little and bringing them inside. My mother used to get so mad at me. I was the same way - if I could catch it, it was mine. Ok, so things have not changed much. That is exactly how I got my cat, Harvest Moon.

    Kah - Sorry to hear the plans for racquet ball didn't work out. I love racquet ball, I remember it being so much fun. Like you, I have not played in years.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    JNettie - I loved your animals stories too - made me LOL really outloud! Makes the world go around - Nettie a bird named Bruiser, really?

    AFM - I'm going to be off the rest of today through Sunday night - am going to a friends for the weekend and no I-net access. But a LOT of relaxation, no phone calls, and I'm quite looking forward to it. See y'all sunday nite!
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member

    I totally understand how you can gain weight in the winter. I read your profile. I used to have a cottage further north in Dorset, Ontario (on Algonquin Park), and if you spent much time up there, you pretty much gained weight. Any woman I ever met who actually lived there, told me it was a constant battle, not to just stay inside, bake, and eat away the winter months!

    I have the same goal as weigh less than my DH.

    It is a constant battle being in the cold.. seems your body just wants to store that extra fat for the winter I think! :noway: I do great with weight loss in the summer but just get it back in the winter the yo-yoing is brutal! But love where we live! Thanks for the support!

  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Had the OB-GYN appointment yesterday. I thought I was just going in to discuss the results from the ultrasounds, but they done a biopsy also. Turns out I have a polyp (don't know if I'm spelling that right, but you get the idea) and with the heavy bleeding and my thick uterus wall and the extensive family history of cancer, they said I'm a high risk candidate for uterine cancer. LOVELY...just what I wanted to hear. So now we wait until next week for those results. If the biopsy comes back with no cancerous or precancerous cells, I have two options - an ablation or a hysterectomy. I'm really torn between the two. My mom had a breakdown when I tried to discuss it with her and would like for me to go ahead with the hysterectomy so that I don't have to go through what she's been through with the after effects from her cancer treatments. I see her view point. I didn't really care for the dr either. She had a problem with my weight as soon as she walked in. I tried explaining to her how much I had lost and that I was working on it but she wouldn't even discuss that with me. She said I was probably bound to have issues anyway but that I caused them for myself earlier by being over weight. Then she proceeded to tell me that the hysterectomy wouldn't be a good choice for me because of my weight. She asked me if I remembered the recovery for my two c-sections (this is a new doctor, so she has no idea what my recoveries were like) and said it would be similar. To be honest, the first recovery was very hard I guess because I didn't have any idea of what to expect. The second one wasn't too bad. She just made me feel like I was nothing because I was overweight. I don't know. She did in the end tell me that it would be my decision as long as there was no cancer. No matter what decision I make, I believe I will ask for a different doctor in the group when I go back. I know a few of you have had the ablation - feel free to give your opinon here and also anyone that's had the hysterectomy. I'm a little lost :frown:

    Gosh.. I have the EXACT same story... just had a polyp removed, was not cancerous or precancerous, but have innumerable fibroids, enlarged uterus and very thick endometrium. They will not do albration they want to do a hysterectomy... but went on and on about my weight and how I was high risk for the surgery.

    Made me so peeved it motivated to lose the weight, which is what brought me back to MFP. I live in Canada so long wait for the surgery anyways about 14 months. They have me booked for a full abdominal hysterectomy because it is to difficult to do it laproscopic due to my weight I was told. So I am on a mission to lose the weight to get to a low enough BMI to get the surgery done laproscopicly.

    Tough with when you have a family history, and I am sure your mom is full of such concern for you. Fingers crossed that your biopsy comes back negative.
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Friday Fitness

    Still sticking with the walking, going up to +8 (Celsius) today so I hope to go for an hour walk over lunch. This weekend treadmill in the morning then helping DH insulate a shop he is building. I see a lot of calories being burned in my future LOL!

    Hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend!

  • cleoleigh
    cleoleigh Posts: 76 Member
    Howdy Ya'll! It is my first time visiting this group. I took some time to read a few pages of posts and love what I see...positive women with big goals supporting each other and sharing in each others lives! Sign me up!

    Friday Fitness: I have been off the wagon of work out this week. I am current'y in PT 2x weekly for a bad lower back that has caused nerve compression and pain in my leg and heel. Tuesday my Ortho cleared me to resume all gym work (except jogging, squatting and leg lifts which I will likely never do due to my knee & back) Unfortunately on Tuesday I was also fitted iwth a 72hr Holter Monitor (I have heart rhythm issues) and since you can not shower for three days and a sponge bath really doesn't cut it...I didn't want to get all sweaty this week. Monitor comes off today and I am hitting the gym tonight with my handsome hubby!!!

    On a side note, I took my first Yoga class on Monday and LOVED IT!! What a work out!!! I felt feeling like so much stress had been lifted too. So I am going back for a beginners class this Saturday morning.

    @BJ (to the woman waiting on the biopsy results) My husband and I will be praying for no malignancy. If you already have children and can reduce your risk with the hysterectomy I personally would do it. I would have a total, ovaries, tubes and uterus. I will spare you the stories of two of my friends and say only you know what is right for you :-)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome to the new faces and welcome back to the old faces (not to imply ya'all look old!)!

    I've been busy beyond belief. Work has been crazy trying to fix the mess this doofus created. My co workers, customers, and vendors have all been extremely ...appreciative.. of my return. I really feel the love. It's definitely mutual, the guys had me laughing so hard yesterday I was actually crying and twice this week I was able to go the entire day without eating antacids/pepcid like candy.

    Food is GREAT during the day. Eating the way (and amounts) I should (OK, with the exception of the FOUR granola bar spaz yesterday at lunch time)... then on the drive home/when I get home it becomes a freaking free for all. I don't know what's wrong with me, I jsut cant seem to stop. I'll be scarfing down food and thinking, "I should NOT be doing this!" or when I'll start to log something before I eat it I'll decide NOT to log it because I know it'll blow my day up and then I won't want to eat it... so I don't log it. WTH!?
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for all the positive words, thoughts and prayers. Been a stressful week and eating hasn't been great and exercise pretty much non-existent. I will get back on track and appreciate everything!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    I've been reading all the posts here...good luck to those of you struggling with eating right
    To everyone who is in the 'deep freeze'...I totally understand, who wants to go outside?? You'd have to be out of your mind! The wind is fierce today and I barely made it from the car to the, I went to the gym and worked up a sweat. It's a good way to warm up your body.
    Have furnace men coming to the house today (they're late), as the venting pipe outside is forming icicles on it and ice on the house from the condensation. They need to re-direct the pipe, to help prevent the ice. We just finished with the last (ice damning on the roof) damage 1 week ago today and don't want any more damage to the house because of this cold weather.
    Also, congratulations to many of you who (though you may have bad days) have already lost significant weight. You all inspire me.
  • amandafauxpas
    Just wanted to check in and say hi. Having a really rough week, personal crap and work crap.

    My 30th birthday is Monday, so I'm planning ahead for the big birthday dinner party on Saturday night. We'll be cleaning (woohoo.) Saturday morning, so I'm gonna make sure to throw some dance party mix on to boost my calorie burn with the floor washing and box carrying and whatnot to give myself a wide margin for dinner.

    Anyway. I will hopefully check back in tomorrow, but if not, wishing everyone a happy weekend! xoxox
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    To all of you suffering from the severe cold in the US, please stay safe. If you can't get out to excercise that's ok, it won't be the end of the world if you miss a day, but at least you'll be safe from accident. I'd never really thought about the daily impact of severe cold, so you guys are really opening my eyes to the struggles of it. The idea of having to shovel snow every day is so completely out of my experience range I'd never even thought of it. Wow you guys are amazing.

    @BJCamp - I'm with everyone else here. Dr's like that are not worth your time. Second opinions are always worthwhile, and especially if you get a dr like that. I've no experience of what you are going through, so I can only send you my love. Stay positive, keep on with your weight loss journey & be kind to yourself.

    @Alupinsk - great results on the scales! Avoiding the gym until you know what's what with your body makes sense. Getting test results before going back is intelligent, not avoidance. You don't want to do real damage because you didn't know what was wrong. Good decision.

    @RobinB - hope the scales were kind when you weighed in. Love your ticker pic.

    @Skinny - another weekend away, yay - ENJOY!

    @Lauriek - Can't blame you being cross about the workout! Really, i'd have thought you'd be able to make a permanent booking and be done with it. Having to confirm every week seems like a waste of time to me.

    @tlh - i hate vacuuming too! Good to find a new recipe that fits in the plan.

    @Kaye - I think you are an inspiration, and you do it by just being nice to others & yourself. I can sure believe that a lady at your church has seen what you've achieved and wanted to do it to. Funny how people want to hear that something other than eating less & excercising more makes you lose weight. I think everyone looks for that easy fix first.

    @Kah - Disappointing about the racquetball, i've got friends who play & love it, but i've only played once, about 20 years ago with my now hubby. I'm sure you'll have another opportunity though. I reckon that arc trainer didn't know what hit it, with you 'taking out your frustrations' on it. Made me laugh at the picture of you hitting it with your fist everytime you had to push up another hill.

    @Hayley - can't help you with an excercise buddy, unless you want to pop over to Victoria, Australia for a week or two! Keep at it though you've got this.

    @RobinsEgg - I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    @Donna - Congrats on taking your medical news so positively. Losing weight while you waite for surgery is a great plan.

    @Cleoleigh - other's on here talk about yoga being a great workout too, I've never tried it, so good on you. This is a great group, so welcome from me :-)

    @MyMow - keep on trying, I'm sure you will be able to turn it around, first step is recognising what you are doing, so you're already half way there.

    AFM- Saturday Success is easy. I adjusted my calorie goal (by changing my settings) down by about 360 calories & have stayed under it. I tend to work this as an average over the week, so if I know I'm going to be over one day I make sure to 'save' a few calories from each week to allow for it. So, very happy with that.

    Weather is more pleasant today, only going to be about 25C so lovely, heading back over 40C next week though. Have ordered an air conditioner. There, maybe I had a couple of Saturday Success' to celebrate, LOL.

    Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou: You've found a great group!!

    @naomi--great job staying under the new calorie goal! :drinker: I envy your warm weather right now, as I am one of those suffering the deep freeze from the polar vortex. Today was in the singe digits Fahrenheit and we are headed back down to daytime highs of -15 early next week. :noway: I'm looking forward to another weekend outing, but not excited about how cold it will be. :grumble:

    @amanda--enjoy your birthday party!! :drinker: I will be nearby celebrating a friend's birthday as well. We are staying at the Brewhouse (hotel converted from the old Pabst brewery) and will visit Lakefront Brewery as well as a few other bars/pubs in the area.

    @mel--sorry you have more house repairs to deal with--hope it's all fixed up by now.

    @kris--glad you are feeling the love at work! :heart: I know you will get that night time eating under control. Sometimes when I get into one of those ruts, I just clear out all of the junk and don't give myself the option to make a bad choice. Usually a couple of days with only healthy choices in the fridge/cupboards gets me back on track.

    @cleo--welcome! Yes a lot of great ladies on this thread. We also have a few awesome guys, they just aren't as "talkative." :laugh:

    @donna--I can't wait for temps that I can walk in again--I miss my daily walks almost as much as my dog, but it's just too dangerously cold here. :ohwell:

    @robin--I hope you have a relaxing weekend. :flowerforyou:

    @nettie--thanks! As of 7 pm friday, I have 6 left. Even if I don't get them done tonight, I will be able to finish them in the morning before I leave for Milwaukee. Yay! :happy: Good thing your boss was there today--don't your aides have subs if they can't make it? Our state laws dictate the the ratios of teacher to students in Special Ed. classes, so if someone is absent, our admin has to find someone to fill in.

    @hayley--that stinks that your husband freaked out about you working out with a guy. I know it's common for SOs to feel insecure when the other is losing weight--especially at first. Perhaps he'll calm down about it when he sees you aren't looking to replace him--give him time. :wink:

    @kelley--sorry your workout plans fell through. :grumble: I've never played racquetball, but it looks fun.

    @kaye--I always knew you were an inspiration on this thread--it's good to hear that's true ITRW as well. :flowerforyou:

    @tracy--I bet robin and laurie were posting at the same time as you were. When I do longer posts, I always look back afterward to see if any new messages posted while I was typing.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sorry, I got interrupted by a phone call before I could finish my post earlier.

    @tracy--I also wanted to say that I've just about given up on having a fur-free home. :laugh: All the vacuuming in the world doesn't seem to help, but that's okay b/c he's worth it. :love:

    @robin--glad you talked to the manager about getting your refraction done.

    @laurie--sorry about your trainer just switching things up like that. I agree with others (and you) that it probably wasn't personal, but you should talk to her and just explain that you would like to be on her schedule at that time as a weekly standing appointment. That way there will be no misunderstandings in the future.

    AFM--not even going to try to post Friday Fitness b/c I've had NONE for the past few days. However, I have managed to stay under my calorie goals. Went out to lunch today for sushi and it was delicious! Trying to save a few calories tonight b/c I know the weekend will be a challenge with the Milwaukee trip and my niece's party on Sunday.

    At least I've gotten almost all of the grading done, so I should be able to get back to a regular gym routine next week. Looks like no walks with gunner for a few more days at least--the weather forecast just, plain sucks! :ohwell:

    Grading goals:
    1. 66/72 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3.rec letter for my student teacher

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (HIIT + more cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Thurs--donating blood so rest day
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Okay, so I'm feeling MUCH better now. I went to a job interview (not looking to replace my job as gymnastics coach, but to supplement the income). It went well, but there were start-up costs that kind of made it impossible for me right now. At least I'm getting out there again and trying, right?!

    I did well today eating till suppertime. I had a huge plate of spaghetti and sauce and three pieces of rosemary garlic bread. (I went thru the bakery today....big mistake), However, I think it'll be okay from now on because I divided up the bread in baggies and froze it, so it's going to be a pain to actually thaw it, butter it, and toast it again. I know that doesn't seem like a lot of work, but when I binge, I want something quick and easy, so this won't be my first choice!

    I have meetings on Saturday and Sunday and am NOT excited about that. The one on Saturday is only for 2 hours, but the one on Sunday is for 4, and I'm going to miss supper with my family, They are providing food, which means pizza and pop...HUGE triggers for me, so I'm going to take a couple bottles of water and something healthy to eat. I'm ready to get back on the wagon!

    Wish me luck! I'll be thinking of you and your inspiring stories as I salivate over pizza I'm not going to eat! haha!

    loves! :love:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to all the new people. Hope you will join us often and contribute to our discussions.

    Robin- Thanks for the tips on the snow shovel and pam. I will remember that for the next storm.

    Nettie- We are expecting our next snow tomorrow into Sunday. Hopefully this will only be a couple of inches.

    Amanda- Happy birthday- Enjoy your celebration this weekend.

    Thank you for all the support with my trainer issue. Her reason was based on money and she prefers to schedule weekly much to my frustration. She has had to many clients cancel on her at the last minute and does not have the time to confirm with everyone. She is also a government contractor who make the big bucks sitting at a computer so she does this for "fun". That is still no excuse for turning a blind eye to a sure thing. I will email her about this later and explain my thinking.

    After a stressful drive to work today and a busy work day (graded all the papers that had been turned in) I was went to happy hour for good conversation and food. The drive today took 1.5 hours, there was an accident on 97 that stopped traffic so I took another route but it was slow going. I went rock climbing tonight and it was really nice and relaxing. Tomorrow I hope to hit the pool if I don't freeze with the cold temps. I am so ready for this polar vortex to go away and not to come back.

    Have a great weekend.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Laurie's post about the accident reminded me that I was wondering if our accident on I-94 made the national news. I guess it's not really "our" accident since it was actually on a stretch of the interstate in Indiana, but still very close to home. Over 40 cars that closed the road in both directions for hours and hours. Three people died--one from Chicago and a couple from Michigan--and over 20 more injured; it really looked horrific. The emergency responders worked all night to extract people from their vehicles--the frigid temps and blowing snow complicated their efforts. If any of you saw it on the news, I think you'll agree that it's truly a miracle more people weren't killed.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen, the accident did make the national news. We had a similar one over here, near Boise, about 10 days ago. In heavy fog, 48 vehicles involved. One man was seriously injured, but no one died.
    My fitness reports are all about the same. It is still very cold here, but most of the snow and ice are gone so I have been able to walk. I haven't done anything spectacular, but I am definitely healthier and stronger.
    I hope that all of you have a great weekend, whether you special plans or not.
    Onward and downward. Kaye