Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    @skinnyjeanz = I think you are my new bff!!!! lol!

    JNettie = are you a therapist by trade? That is exactly what mine said! Start with small, easily attainable goals and reward myself when I reach them. The thing that needs to change is that I used to reward myself with food...didn't work out so well. haha! You are right about me eating my feelings, though. I eat when I'm tired, bored, sad, but then when I'm awake, interested, and happy, I eat to reward myself! Bleh!

    Well, my friends, I did get up and go to water aerobics this morning. I tell you though, I didn't want to! But once I was there, I got to talking to some of my friends there (my "other support group!") and I was happy to be there, and the exercise makes me feel good, like I accomplished something special just for me!

    I'm starting to see exercise as Me Time. I used to dread it, but now, I get out of the house and I am focused on myself and my health and that feels, well, good...

    I have a friend who was born in the same town I was born in and we went to rival schools, but we were really good friends. Then, we went to the same college and were roomies there. She moved to Kansas City after college and I came back home, eventually moving to Iowa to be with my now husband. She's recently gotten married (October) and is moving back to our hometown to start her family (she's also pregnant now!) I don't know how I feel (although I know the decision had NOTHING to do with me!! I'm not that self-centered). I want to be supportive of her, but she's never been supportive of me. She's 6'5" and I', 5'4" and we weigh the same. The thing that bothers me soooo much is that she's never had to exercise or watch her diet and I've been "doing the diet tango" since I was 13. I'm afraid that when she gets here to stay, she'll want to go out to eat all the time, which normally I would love to do because she's a really great gal and I love her very much. We have a lot in common, but every time I talk to her, I want to share with her what exercise I've tried and what nutrition tips work for me. She tunes me out completely and doesn't listen and changes the subject. It's like talking about my weight embarrasses her. Has anyone ever experienced this with their friends? That when you start making changes, they seem uncertain how to talk to you all of the sudden?

    Finally, I'd like to thank all of you for your kind words when I was having my pity party whiny day about screwing up...It helped to know that you understood. Most of the time, I mess up and that's when I just give up, which seems easier and less humiliating. Thanks to your support, I'm back on MFP and logging everything I eat. As of right now (6 p.m. CST) I'm 250 calories UNDER my goal!!!!! YAY!!!!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @hayley--I haven't really experienced that same problem with friends. However, maybe you should just try to take the focus off of food and health. If she wants to go out to eat, suggest some other activity that doesn't involve food--shopping, a movie, etc.. Or if you do discuss nutrition, perhaps shift the focus to what she's changed now that she's pregnant. Maybe she's having trouble talking about nutrition b/c she just can't relate to your struggles. If you shift it to her pregnancy, perhaps she'll understand that you aren't just discussing losing weight (which she's never had to worry about) and that you are just discussing being healthy (which is probably important to her right now due to the pregnancy). If that change in the conversation doesn't work, then I would just drop the subject around her and talk about other interests you both share. I know that might be hard b/c you are so focused on your new healthy changes, but if the friendship is important to you, it's worth a try, right?

    @kaye--I hope the topical anti-inflammatory does the trick. Have fun shopping for jeans--isn't it so much more enjoyable now that you have lost so much weight? I used to dread it, and now I love how many more options I have.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Monday- A day off from school but what did I spend most of my day doing- Grading papers. Only 10 more to go tonight and I want them done at this point. Just need to get motivated to finish them.

    Tomorrow we are expecting snow about 3-6 inches so I will see how that plays havoc with the school schedule. We are starting mid-terms tomorrow and the students have a half day the rest of this week. If we have a snow day then everything gets pushed back a day until all the exams are completed. Just had a nice surprise, the school system has cancelled school tomorrow and I don't need to report to work. They will reevaluate for teachers tomorrow morning but I doubt they will change their minds. Now I can finish the rest of the papers tomorrow instead of tonight- yippeeee. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I guess they learned their lesson from last week with the icy morning.

    Today's workout was great. I ran 2.5 miles in about 30 minutes with the best part that I still had enough energy left to run a full 5K. Trainer would not let me run any further, the goal was met and conquered today. Last week was 2 miles so excited. This was the endurance run tonight and not up to race pace. It just good to know that I can still run a 5K without being out of breath. Part of this experience is learning how to pace myself throughout a race.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I am late getting on here but wanted to touch base for the day. It started off a little shaky as I cut my walk short because I forgot to put on my knee brace and it started hurting fairly quickly. I told myself that was ok because I am all about focusing on food for the next couple of weeks. Then my daughter comes bouncing out of her room and suggested we grab my neice and nephew and go to fort warden for the day (an old navy base that has been turned into a state park). We had a great time running through the bunkers with flashlights and jumping out and scaring each other. After climbing up the huge hill in the middle of the fort we played in the bunkers up there and then sat on the roof over looking the sound. While we were sitting there I saw something in the water but couldnt decide what it was. My son finally figured out where I was pointing and after looking for a minute he said he thought it was whales. I was super excited so we went down the path to the cliff edge and sure enough there were three of them out there. They were pretty far out and couldnt see them well but it was still awesome. Then my daughter and son (who might be crazy) were laying on the ground looking over the edge of the cliff and my daughter saw some more coming in and closer to shore so we could really see them. There was a whole pod of them at this point. My son at one point counted 10 fins sticking up. Needless to say it was a pretty perfect day. Well on that note I am going to sign off for the night. Sleep tight and I will cya all tomorrow:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:

    Todays workout per HRM:
    20 min
    423 calories of which I claimed 200
    .76 miles
    2249 steps

    Todays Hike per HRM:
    2hrs and 20 min
    2108 calories of which I claimed 1650
    2.23 miles
    8392 steps

    A great day:bigsmile:
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    This is the first time I've stumbled across this thread. Is there room for another Robin?? :wink:

    I am a 47 year old single mom of two. My son is 22 and a college athlete. My daughter is 20 and studying to be a teacher. Very proud of them both!

    I joined MFP several months ago, but only started taking it seriously this month.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone! :smile:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @jtconst: Ahhh! Whale sighting! How awesome. My family and I took a road trip this past fall and saw whales...a mama and baby sunning themselves and a few others.

    @Laurie: 1100 days?!? You MFP ANIMAL! Nice commitment!

    @Hayley: skinnyjeanz made a good point about your friend maybe not knowing what to say because she's not had to deal with the same weight issues. And probably good to consider that she's going through her own "stuff" right now with the pregnancy. As for things to do, definitely shopping. Eventually, you'll need new, smaller clothes, and she'll want to get baby stuff! Fun!
    I haven't had the exact same issues with friends, but I do know what it's like when old friends start to go off in different directions. I have one old friend like that, and we still have plenty to talk about when we're together even though our worlds have grown apart. Try not to worry too much about it. It sounds like she's one of those "life-long" friends. She might not have much to say about your weight loss journey, but I bet she's happy to see you happy and getting healthy. :)

    AFM: My Monday is almost over! I managed to cook ahead for most of the week on Sunday, and I have our dinner meal plan for the week posted on the fridge. So, my husband can still heat things up, but I've made it easy for him and healthier for us all. Pretty excited about that. Tonight, I was able to meet my friend for a work out after work, and came home to salmon, a salad and potato chowder.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Oofda! Lots of catching up to do, hope you are all well and things are going smoothly for you -- I'll do some personals tomorrow. Just got back from our Christmas celebration in the Black Hills of SD. Spent a lot of time sitting around playing games and catching up with family that I haven't seen since last March (and one that I haven't seen since August 2011). I didn't log anything but my only 'bad" day was Sunday. Ate too much weird/crappy/strange combination things on Sunday and I felt sick/bloated/gassy. I just need to remember how that food made me feel. :laugh: I did a C25K workout while there (although I had to go a bit slower because their treadmill "slipped" under my feet quite a bit and I almost biffed it).

    I am 4 weeks to my vacation and I had my last soda today in the car on the way home. I have vowed not to touch it again until February 15th (I think I might treat myself on the plane ride to Florida). Gotta kick it in gear baby!!

    Here's my plan for the rest of the week:

    Tuesday -- Lift
    Wednesday -- C25K
    Thursday - Lift
    Friday -- C25K and swim
    Saturday -- Lift
    Sunday -- Rest (possibly a C25K)

    I'm going to try to really work on getting more protein in during my days. I know it helps with feeling fuller, so I will figure out some options for me. I have to go grocery shopping, so tomorrow during my break, gotta work on my supper plans for the week so I can get my grocery list together.

    Good night!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    It was so much fun shopping for jeans. DD thought that I should try some size 12s. One pair was too small, but the other one fit! I bought one pair of size 14 and the size 12. I was size 24 when I started this less than 18 months ago. The journey continues. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - congrats on your 1100 days! What endurance and consistancy! I have to agree with you - I am a sock obsessed person. If they don't match or one is on the loose it drives me crazy. I finally started buying all one brand, in 4 colors, and absolutely nothing else was allowed in my sock drawer - and these socks are so good they last several years, so over the years I have a NICE sock drawer - :blushing: isn't it funny how these small things give us pleasure?
    Congrats on your other clothes as well - end of year sales are the best!

    Kaye - the brownies must have been super tempting that day to have eaten 3 of them, and yet your daily intake must have been in great shape to allow for them- or did you have to forgo dinner? This is probably your first stumble into the area people talk about when the zig-zag their calories over a weeks time rather than try to control it within a days time. I'm glad you were able to make it up, but don't panic when it happens. Your a great cook. I'd expect your calories to be higher on days baked goods were hot and available!

    Alumpinsk - I don't think, IMHO, that more calories, at this point, will help you lose weight. A change-up in your normal food intake at the same caloric level might work, as well as a week of rest from exercise. Then kick the exercise back in gear and eat your same caloric level, or 100 cal less, and make sure your keeping macro's at 40-30-30 . Give that 3 weeks of honest logging and 1 week of rest, then 2 weeks of exercise, and you should lose 1-2 lbs.

    Look who I'm talking to! You're a champ at it. All I'm saying is it may be time to mix it up, and don't expect to lose it very fast :laugh:

    MelWillBe - Congrats on the weight loss - see? Holidays are managable. There's a little uptick and we just put in some effort and off it comes! Great example for the rest of us. :flowerforyou:

    JNettie - glad you liked the walk-thru of my condo. I find the colors in the LR very calming. (Just needs a cat :wink: )

    Queen - sorry you're ill - do you have any chicken soup you can take? Be good to yourself!

    BJCamp - Thats the attitude - don't get scared about this journey - its a life-long trip and we're your sorority sisters and fraternity brothers here. We''re always returning to check in and and renew our journey.

    missmandamon - boy I admire your dedication - You've got a lot of great plans ahead, and I hope that new scale arrives soon and I think it will become your friend after a short while. ! I get a thrill from mine every time I lose a 1/2 lb or a whole pound.

    Skinny - I can't imagine you not having any acting talent - that just never occurred to me that a school teacher wouldn't have tons of acting skills just to fool her class into doing what she wants! :love:

    Kaye - so sorry to hear about the inflammation in your knee - I'm not going to try and spell it - but I do hope the topical medication helps you!

    Haley - don't react too strongly to your friends behavior. She is going through major changes in her life and that is reflecting in her actions - just flow with it Don't be a door mat or take abusive talk, but other than that, consider yourself lucky to have a friend. She's got the major, # 1, event - a baby, happening,and that's going to occupy her attention for years, so you might as well plan how you want to be a part of all that.

    Laurie - glad you got more time off from school so you can catch up on grading. Hows your dad doing these days? Is your mom showing any signs of getting tired or worn out?

    jtconst - whale watching - what more can I say - I'm green with envy! :sick:

    RobinB - welcome, sure there's always room for another Robin. I'm in Omaha. Where do you hail from?

    hansea - looks like your plan on sunday for cooking ahead for the week has already paid off - wow - salmon - yum!

    AFM - I logged my calories and it was consitently over, same as yesterday. got some errands done More energy today - nice feeling.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~What a fun afternoon! One of my favorite things when I went to Alaska a couple of years ago was whale watching – saw around 15-20 humpbacks. :happy:

    @Hayley~I have similar problems with my sister, somehow she has managed to stay extremely thin compared to the rest of the family – she always changes the subject when my mom and I discuss different things. She just doesn’t get it, so I quit talking about that kind of stuff around her – just isn’t worth it. I think you got some great advice though, find another activity that you can enjoy with your friend – shopping is great! Whenever I get together with a close friend of mine, we go to the mall – we don’t always buy something but just enjoy the walk, window shopping and just spending the day catching up.

    @Robin~Glad you’re energy is up and you’re feeling better.

    @Laurie~My trainer cuts me off sometimes too when I feel like I can go longer on something – does that to me with kettle bells and battle ropes. What a great run!

    @Nettie~Hooray for your 2# loss!!! Good luck on your final phase of Gilad.

    AFM~Even though I was late to work yesterday, I managed to get out on time and get my workout in. Did HIIT on elliptical, had a few hang-ups with a pain in my side occasionally throughout the workout – trainer suggested it was musculature in nature but I suspect it was the yogurt I ate pre-workout (not a typical pre-workout snack). Anyway I pushed through and got my workout done. Lunch out today with co-workers at Cheesecake Factory – always a challenge, but looked at the menu last night so I have a plan.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, elliptical DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day (late meeting)
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Gym, racquetball with trainer
    Friday~None (Meeting friends for HH)
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • amandafauxpas
    @skinnyjeanzbo – I went to school for musical theatre and founded a local semi-professional company with two other actors with whom I went to college. I grew up in Chicago before we moved to Wisconsin and my parents always loved watching old movie musicals and every ounce of Shakespeare we could possibly get our hands on, so I came by my love for the art through them. Anyway, after school, DH and I talked about moving to Chicago, but found it more fulfilling to work with people here that we know and love, thus our own company. We’re working on our first mainstage production right now: Les Misérables. :)

    @jtconst – Whales?! That is so cool! Someday my husband and I want to take a trip to go whale watching. I think they’re fascinating. Also sounds like you got in loads of extra activity hiking around the fort. Very cool.

    @Kaye – Congrats on the size 12! That’s so exciting! I’m a 28/30 right now, which is very frustrating to me; I hope to eventually get back down to an 18/20. One day at a time…

    @Robin – I don’t know if it’s dedication or just sheer stubbornness, but I keep trying ;) Thanks for the support!

    AFM… I got a little bit of activity at rehearsal last night. This show is weird for me since I’m assistant directing (a lot of sitting and button pushing and note taking) *and* acting (a lot of running around on stage), so some nights I get a lot of activity, and some not at all. Last night was a half and half as my AD hat had me running up and down to and from the dressing rooms to help with some costume fittings. My stage time was pretty minimal, so after all those stairs, not much activity for the rest of the night. If only it weren’t so cold here, DH and I would go for a walk after dinner/before rehearsal, but it’s awfully chilly. I’m trying to make deliberate activity a goal, but it’s not something I’ve ever been very good at focusing on. Still. I have those darn DVDs that I haven’t tried yet, so I think my goal for this week has to be to give them a shot. I’m hoping getting some activity will help loosen up my back stiffness and also give me some more energy. All I want to do in winter is sleep!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Tues Goals: stay on my healthy eating and logging plan even though I'm sick with a cold.
    OMG is it ever bitterly cold out (-30 with wind)...the lake is steaming as it freezes behind my house. I've never actually seen it look that way. I took a picture of it as it was so unusual.
    I am going to try to do 10 minutes on my new stationary bike. I'm sick, but scared I'll gain as I've been laying in bed all day. I finally lost weight and don't want to gain my 1lb. loss back!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Tuesday! My goals - keep doing what I am doing and try a little bit harder each day.

    Yesterday I worked out hard. Used my 8lb weights until I could no longer tolerate them. I went even longer with them than before. Today I feel a slight tenderness when I move certain ways. I know I am a work in progress but if you told me 3 months ago where I would physically be today I would never have believed you. I am amazed at how far I have come in such a short period of time.

    We are getting snow again. It was supposed to start at noon but it already started and is sticking to the pavement. I am thinking that the schools here today will probably have early dismissal and my program will be cancelled today. I am just waiting for confirmation from my boss. Looks like I will be doing some shoveling today and using the snow blower.

    mnwalking and Mel - I hope you both are feel better soon.

    missmanda - I am an emotional/ stress eater too. One thing I found helped me with this is anything I eat I weight and log before I eat it. Logging it often helps me see how eating that way will effect my day. It helps me to think twice about eating that way. What exercise video did you get? If you have Netflix, you can try a bunch of videos out before purchasing them.

    Skinnyjeanz - I am glad to hear you had a great weekend! Your workouts for the week sound good. I hope the weather and work cooperate for you.

    hayley - LOL No, I am not therapist. I am a special ed teacher. What you wrote brought back a lot of old memories. I was exactly where you were when I started my first MFP journey a year ago. I found my most success when I completely changed my attitude about how I viewed my situation. It is difficult and takes a lot of practice to change your views. But you can do it.
    I loved what you wrote about not wanting to go to water aerobic and once you were there you were glad you went. The best part is the last line " the exercise makes me feel good, like I accomplished something special just for me!" This is pretty great too "I'm starting to see exercise as Me Time. I used to dread it, but now, I get out of the house and I am focused on myself and my health and that feels, well, good... " These feelings are HUGE!!!! Remember those feelings and remind yourself of them the next time you are struggling to get up and exercise. These are the things that you should start to focus on. :smile:

    Laurie - I hope you enjoy the day off. Stay warm!

    RobinB - Welcome. We certainly have room. Jump right in and join us.

    jtconst - What an amazing experience! Did you have a camera on your and take pictures?

    tlh - Glad to hear you had a nice time with your family. Congrats on getting in C25K while you were there too. That is awesome!

    Kaye - Congrats on the new jeans!

    Robin - awe, you know how I love my kitties! :love: Does your condo allow you to have pets? You should adopt one. They are really wonderful. Growing up I always had dogs - collies. I never wanted a cat. I didn't dislike them but never wanted one. It all started that morning I woke up and heard Harvest Moon crying outside. She sucked me in and I have been hooked ever since.

    Kah and Skinny - What is HIIT? I noticed you both mentioned it in your workout routines.

    Kah - I love Cheesecake Factory! I usually get the Incredible Grilled Eggplant Sandwich. Have you ever tried it? It's soooooo good!
  • amandafauxpas
    JNettie - a friend recommended a Jillian Michael's Beginners video and another one called "The Fat Chick Works Out! A Safe, Easy and FUN workout for Klutzes, Wimps, and Absolute Beginners." I want to start with something low impact because of my back injury... every time I even start taking walks, I seem to reinjure myself, so I'm trying to be really careful.

    and re: emotional eating, I used to be a lot better when I tracked WW points by hand instead of on my phone/on the computer, but I'm trying to pre-track as much as possible. I've been good the past couple of days, even after rehearsal last night when I was stressed, so I'm hoping to make eating more mindfully a habit again. :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    So excited to report that I have lost all of the weight that I gained over the holidays, plus a bit. I am at a new low this morning!
    More later. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nettie~I was never a cat person either, I loved and always wanted dogs. You can’t deny the cuteness and antics of kitties though. They are so entertaining and I’ve been lucky that all of mine have been snugglers. Of course, Zoe is a Maine Coon so she is a bit nuttier than the others were – she just keeps me laughing. I haven’t tried that sandwich at Cheesecake Factory, may have to look into that! I try and keep to their skinnylicious menu.

    HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training, my trainer often refers to it as burst training. It involves short bursts of high intensity training for 20-30 seconds followed by less intense recovery periods lasting 1-2 minutes. You start with a 5-minute warm up, then 5-10 HIIT with periods of a medium intensity to recover in between, finally cool down for 5-minutes. The high intensity is supposed to be at your max (feel like you legs will fall off and your lungs will burst – it’s at AT or anaerobic threshold). Typically they are 30-minute workouts but I do it for an hour – you burn a ton of calories and it helps to improve conditioning, fat burning, and glucose metabolism. Great workout if you’re short on time. I sometimes do it as zone training, since I'm trying to improve my VO2 max and fat burning zones - so I can improve my endurance to run long distances.

    @Mel~Hope you feel better.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--that's awesome!! :drinker:

    @amanda--where in WI are you?

    AFM--just a quick check in--my "reward" for finishing 5 more essays. Can you guess my Tuesday goal? :laugh:

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/72 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3.rec letter for my student teacher

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats Kaye! A size 12?!?! I will get there some day...for this minute I will use you for inspiration!

    Robin - Thanks for your encouragement as always!

    Dr. called yesterday and said no definite fybroid tumor, but I need to see the gynocologist for a more in depth follow-up and recommendations for my issues, so that appointment is tomorrow morning at 9am. Wish me luck.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks for the welcome wishes! I look forward to the encouragement that seems to run rampant on this thread :laugh: (and returning it!!) :flowerforyou:

    A little more about me. I was born in Pittsburgh, PA but have lived in south Florida (Ft Lauderdale area) for nearly 35 years.

    I purchased a FitBit Zip about a week or so ago. After the first few days, I realized that the "default" settings were way out of my league right now. I have re-adjusted the settings twice making them more realistic for me, yet still enough to be a challenge.

    My goals are K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Silly) I am on track to hit my FitBit targets everyday this week. I expect to up the ante on Saturday and reset the goals higher to increase my steps and distance.

    I have some physical limitations that force me to ease into exercising. Once I can get some of this weight off, I know that exercising will be much easier. Right now for me, slow and steady wins the race!

    I have both a pool and a gym in my complex that are available 24/7. I plan to make swimming my major cardio activity due to my limitations, at least until I can see how much more I can push myself and the safest way to do more. Unfortunately, it's a little cold for me to take a dip. (I know, I know, I live in FLORIDA! How cold could it be???) Well, when you are 35 years accustom to this climate, the water is COLD this time of year! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Until next time; peace, love and weight loss!! :wink:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    BJ- Good luck, hope the news is good.

    Kaye- Size 12 -Congrats. You have done an amazing job.

    RobinB- Welcome to the group. You will find plenty of encouragement here. I love swimming even if it is 35 degrees outside.

    Kelley- When my trainer has me to HIIT, she takes a different approach more like a ladder. We start building from 30 seconds high, 30 sec rest (slower), 1 min high (1 min slower). We gradually build until we reach 3 minutes then back it back down again. It is a great workout and really does help build endurance. You are great at explaining things in your descriptions. How far do you plan on running for 1 event?

    RobinE- My dad is doing okay and he will continue to have his ups and downs. Right now the blister on his heal is the biggest problem since he is suppose to stay off of it as much as possible. Mom is holding up well, she gets tired at night but that is par for the course. She is a morning person and that is where she puts the majority of her energy. Thank you for asking. I just try to take it one day at a time but there are many times when my Dad gets on my nerves especially at night as well.

    Tuesday- Goals- to shovel snow for my workout today. The snow did not start falling until 10 am and is just now laying on the sidewalks. It is suppose to keep snowing until 11 pm tonight and we could get anywhere between 3 (low end) to 12 inches (high end) most likely 6-8. I could have gone to the gym this morning but decided that the shoveling will be my workout today. That should start within the next couple of hours. I want to stay ahead of it until it gets to cold tonight to shovel. The worst part is that the sidewalk is wet underneath the snow so I hope we are not dealing with ice.

    Grading Goals- Finished grading all the 7th grade Nervous system tests and 8th grade labs.:bigsmile: I really did delay on grading the labs. It feels good to be caught up for a day or two until the exams occur. The snow will play havoc with my schedule for the next week since we will keep pushing back the exams until we get all 4 days in then we have 2 work days to grade the tests. We will now finish some time next week weather dependent.

    I will check back later.