20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wonderful hearing from all you especially how you are losing I am on a plateau and it is driving me crazy. Sunny it would be nice to get some recipes. I need a lesson on how to break a plateau.
    It used to be easy to lose weight When I was younger but getting into the 80's a difference story.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Happy Sunday!
    I am just checking in before heading to church. I hope you all have a wonderful, productive, and mindful day.
    Stay strong just for today; tomorrow will take care of itself.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This is going on my third week of not losings I\ m staying the same weight. I am almost ready to thow in the towel. is it my age, is 1200 calories to many for an 84 year old lady. or what?
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    edited January 2015
    Momma- throwing in the towel is NOT an option! You will have your fitbit today and it will give you some idea of how many calories you are burning so that will help you decide if 1200 is the right number for you. After all we all know that to lose weight on any program you need to burn more calories than you take in. To use your team's motivational words " Finish The Fight".
    You may not be getting where you want to be as quickly as you want to be but if you quit - where will you be? It is true that as we age it is harder to lose but it does not make it impossible. You can do it, don't compare yourself to others - your body will respond to different things and at different times.

    See you in a couple of hours!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :D Alice I love your quote

    :D Marie, quitting is not going to make anything better. Continue to look at what you are eating and consider adding more veggies or eliminating "treats".....look at your day and get out of your chair more often to burn a few extra calories. Alice is right about the fitbit....it will tell you about your exercise and motivate you to be a bit more active.

    Good luck to your Cowboys today

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Marie, maybe if you up your calories to say 1400 for two days then 1200 for a day then 1300, etc. you will see a change. I agree with Barbie about getting in lots more vegetables. Volumizing is a great way to eat plenty, get tons of vitamins and minerals and stay in calorie goals. Think of the plate as mostly full of lower carb, vitamin packed veggies, with a small portion of protein and high-fiber carb.

    As a nurse, I don't see many folks our age even trying anymore to be healthy and increase activity. Especially with all the different health conditions you have to deal with. You should be VERY proud of your determination and realize you are really in a class very few your age are in! :-) HUGS!

    Hubby and I walked 4 miles yesterday despite the freezing temps and winds. Today we are shooting for an afternoon walk that's more than 4 miles! Still have to take down outside Christmas decorations, but the walk will still take priority!

    Even though it was a GREAT playoff game, our the Pats still beat our Ravens. Good luck to those of you with teams still in the running!! LOVE football! Time to start looking forward to Orioles baseball now. :-)

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    This is going on my third week of not losings I\ m staying the same weight. I am almost ready to thow in the towel. is it my age, is 1200 calories to many for an 84 year old lady. or what?

    Marie, fearless leader, you cannot throw in the towel!
    Like others have said, you need more veggies in addition to your protein, carb, and fat. Volume is key. Also, once you get the Fitbit, you'll have an idea of your calorie burn so let that guide you.

    Most importantly, we just cannot expect to lose like we did in the past. I know it is discouraging to not lose anything for several weeks. That is why I am still lugging all this weight after all these years...I quit when I was not seeing the numbers move. We cannot be ruled by the scale! We have to eat right and move more to feel better. It may take a while, but the numbers will eventually move in the right direction.

    Quitting is not an option; it will not make you feel better.

    Stay strong, Marie, we can do this!
  • lululovebaby
    Just checking in didn't lose last week just up a pounds so here's to week 3. Hope everyone enjoying there sunday.
  • caresshudson
    caresshudson Posts: 31 Member
    Hey everyone! Just checking in on everybody! This last week was great! I logged on every day and made a commitment to have my protein shakes without juice this week. At the end of the week, I'll reward myself with some Low-carb cheesecake.
  • msjohnson426
    msjohnson426 Posts: 40 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    good morning
    msjohnson Welcome to our thread glad to have you here among us. All together maybe we can help each other lets welcome Msjohnaon lets all give MsJohnain a great big welcome.
    <3 Marie

    Thank you darling. I am also glad that I can access the thread through my app now. :)

    WHITEBEARS1966 Posts: 9 Member
    Having a very relaxing Sunday watching football. Went out last night with a friend who likes to eat. Should not have weighed myself this morning. Trying to get motivated to get on the treadmill .
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Having a very relaxing Sunday watching football. Went out last night with a friend who likes to eat. Should not have weighed myself this morning. Trying to get motivated to get on the treadmill .

    forget last night new week tomorrow. Just Get back on your Plan. you can do it.
    marie <3

    WHITEBEARS1966 Posts: 9 Member
    Will do. Thank you, for the encouragement.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :D A day of dog walking, laundry, and watching football. I did some riding on my exercise bike while watching football and did some knitting on the hat I'm making in the colors of our local NFL team. Jake made great chili for lunch and I logged every bit along with the rest of my food for the day.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Do hope you all had a very nice Sunday. I did although the Cowboys lost today I enjoy the game Enjoy My daughter coming out today too.She helps me a lot in understanding my diet Plan. I think I am on the right track. now. I was able to log in on My doctor web page and get my lab work. results But still have to see her next week, We did not find my A1C so will find out what happen next week. My cholesterol was elevated so need to work on that
    I am very fortunate to be as healthy as I am for I had lots of friends who did not make it this long..
    Thank you all for joing tis group. You 'all have help me so vey much.
    hus to all and keep up the good work.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello to all the gang,

    Everyone seems to be on point and doing well. Marie, good advice given as far as being on your plateau. Try the change of calories, one day 1200, one day 1300 and so on.
    It may restart the metabolism and get you going again. A roller coaster ride of calories may help move the scale.

    I was away this weekend at the boat show which was very enjoyable. Nice to our friends from the summer. Of course calories were challenging but I think I did pretty good.
    We brought our lunch for Saturday and ate out for dinner and breakfast.
    The other thing I am trying is brushing my teeth after dinner. Kitchen is closed and no more eating for the night. I am hoping I can keep this up and maybe see a change.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening,

    Ontario, Canada
  • Jacquedebo
    I am in. I started working out 3 weeks ago for weight loss before my daughter's wedding in September....but I'd love to join your challenge. I'm an RD to-be (currently in school) and I'm diabetic. I'm wrote out my fitness plan goals and met with my doctor and RD. I'm motivated and ready to lose weight!! Let's go!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jacquedebo wrote: »
    I am in. I started working out 3 weeks ago for weight loss before my daughter's wedding in September....but I'd love to join your challenge. I'm an RD to-be (currently in school) and I'm diabetic. I'm wrote out my fitness plan goals and met with my doctor and RD. I'm motivated and ready to lose weight!! Let's go!!!

    <3 (*) <3
    Welcome to this thread. so glad to have you join us . And wish you all the luck in the world.What diet plan are you following? Where are you from.?
    sorry to be so nosy But really just want to know you better.
    Marie <3

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning folks. I woke up at 2 AM and could not get back to sleep So here I am. I did go to bed early like8 pm made me a cup of coffee Jump on the scales and had a lost. I did follow my plan and ate all of my foods as suggested by Connie except Left out 1 snack. I was not hungry Yippee
    Be back later after a another nap.
    Stick with your plan. today it will pay off.
    Marie <3