5ft 3.5 - 5ft 4 ladies - goal weight?



  • kaylaleigh19
    kaylaleigh19 Posts: 3 Member
    In the last few years my weight has fluctuated big time. I started off at around 160, got as low as 97lbs, maintained that for a few years (I was actually eating 1800 cals a day and exercising lots to get to that weight, as well as following a healthy diet), but binge eating has led me to 140 lbs again (Think I got back up to 150 at one point...). Anyway, I'd like to get down to 130, then perhaps 120-125.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    height: 5' 3.75''

    SW: 20st / 280lbs
    CW: 13st 1.5lb / 183.5lbs
    GW: 10st / 140lbs

    That is my initial goal weight - puts me nicely into the 'normal' bmi category (although I know that system can be flawed) and is half my original weight, although I'm going to assess when I get there - may end up going down to 9st / 126lbs, may end up focussing less on weight and more on body comp, may end up happy at 10st, we'll see...
  • bstetson1
    bstetson1 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 41 years young. My CW hovers at 128. I have gone lower but it looks really emaciated on me. I think it may be a result of having 3 kids. Our hips spread. My daughter is 5'4" and 115. She looks great but thankfully has no kids yet. Me at 115, no way.
  • RainDrops930
    RainDrops930 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'4, and I weigh around 136.

    My goal is 130. 125 is even better, but 130 is a healthy weight that I feel confident at
  • lynndot1
    lynndot1 Posts: 114 Member
    At just under 5'4" I hover between 128-130 pounds. This tends to be the weight I "sit at" when I don't really pay attention to what I eat, although I do cook 3 meals a day and am pretty poor at the moment so even if I don't "pay attention" to my food I know I'm not overeating because, well, I can't haha. If I had access to whatever I wanted all the time I'd probably have a harder time staying there.

    But anyway, my goal weight is around 120 pounds. I am by no means overweight at 130 and fit in my clothes fine, but I would like to get my body fat % lower. Right now I would estimate it's between 22-25% and would like it to be closer to 18-20% which is what I stayed at eons ago as a high school athlete, and back then I was closer to 120.

    But I'm not being too stressed about it. As long as I'm not going up I don't care how slow it takes to go down.
  • leilatwo
    leilatwo Posts: 4 Member
    5'4" currently weighing 168 and 150 would be optimum for me although I would still be classed as overweight.
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    GW: It was 150, but the doctor said shoot for 155

    What I'd love to get to? Somewhere in the 130's someday. I think I can make it happen, just gotta take the time and realize it isn't going to happen overnight.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    bstetson1 wrote: »
    I'm 5'4" and 41 years young. My CW hovers at 128. I have gone lower but it looks really emaciated on me. I think it may be a result of having 3 kids. Our hips spread. My daughter is 5'4" and 115. She looks great but thankfully has no kids yet. Me at 115, no way.

    Is that you or your daughter in the pic? :)

  • jenndiddy
    jenndiddy Posts: 9 Member
    SW. 191
    CW. 124
    GW. 120

    Still have lots of belly fat from 3 babies in 4 years, it's not going anywhere. I rarely exercise, mostly just calorie deficit. When Summer comes I'll be more active.
  • mavers1
    mavers1 Posts: 39 Member
    I am currently 270, I disliked my body immensely when I was in the 130s, so I'm aiming for 150s. BMI doesn't really work for me, as it never took into account muscle, I was fit and healthy at 150, so that's the goal right now.
  • jbeth2292
    jbeth2292 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Current GW-140 (maximum weight in healthy range of BMI)
    Ultimate GW-125
  • projecthotbel
    projecthotbel Posts: 32 Member

    CW 128
    Gw 110
  • KBmoments
    KBmoments Posts: 193 Member

    SW: 130 lbs
    CW: 127 lbs
    GW: 110 lbs

    Though I'm almost always consistently stuck once I hit 125 lbs.

    Same here...
  • 5'3''
    SW 171
    GW ???

    During my teen years, I used to be around 100 and had issues gaining weight. I always felt myself too skinny. I know that is something a lot of people DON'T want to hear, but it is an issue being underweight too. As I got older, I gained weight. My most happiest was when I was between 110-120, because I didn't look "super thin" or emaciated. I felt good and looked good. I am aiming between 110-120, but I am older now. So, I may feel more comfortable at 120-130. I won't know until I get there.
  • jc501
    jc501 Posts: 129 Member
    I am 5'4...

    SW - 258
    CW - 210
    GW - 155
  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    I don't really have a goal anymore.
    Focusing on muscle (: