20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    Well I am shattered now. Just walking today taking the kids to school, going to the shops ect I have walked over 5 miles, and I did a short workout video earlier which was mainly lunges (which I hate) so I am sooooo achey right now. Im going to have a nice long bath once I've put the kids to bed I think!
  • littlelatina19
    littlelatina19 Posts: 42 Member
    I wanna join! I'm 134lbs and want to be at 120lbs - it's not a full 20lbs loss but it's close :)
  • Lpstockman
    Lpstockman Posts: 5 Member
    I just stumbled across this blog and I am in.
    SW 193
    CW 146.2
    GW 125 (but will be glad to get to 135)
    I started with mfp3 years ago and still have not made goal. Last year I only lost about 12 lbs. mainly because I didn't log in like I should, I am committed now. I did start eating cleaner last year following the Daniel plan, so that was a non scale victory. I feel I need more accountability so this is going to work for me.
    I will be 50 in March and plan to run my first 5k so to be down 10+lbs. would help a lot.
  • terpluver
    terpluver Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi All! I have never ever done something like this but I love the tone of this group. Count me in. I have declared this the year of ME! I am 46 and the heaviest I have been. Made a huge life changes in the last year so I am ready for the next chapter. I just want to feel GOOD, you know what I mean. Not the scale, just feel good!

    SW 192
    CW 189 (just this week, patting myself on the back!)
    GW1 172 (at Easter)
    GW2 145 (whenever I get there!)

    Just started MFP recently and love how easy it is. Have a fantastic week!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    terpluver wrote: »
    Hi All! I have never ever done something like this but I love the tone of this group. Count me in. I have declared this the year of ME! I am 46 and the heaviest I have been. Made a huge life changes in the last year so I am ready for the next chapter. I just want to feel GOOD, you know what I mean. Not the scale, just feel good!

    SW 192
    CW 189 (just this week, patting myself on the back!)
    GW1 172 (at Easter)
    GW2 145 (whenever I get there!)

    Just started MFP recently and love how easy it is. Have a fantastic week!

    So glad you decided to join us in this challenge . We can do it.We will do it lets get it rolling
    <3 MARIE

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Lpstockman wrote: »
    I just stumbled across this blog and I am in.
    SW 193
    CW 146.2
    GW 125 (but will be glad to get to 135)
    I started with mfp3 years ago and still have not made goal. Last year I only lost about 12 lbs. mainly because I didn't log in like I should, I am committed now. I did start eating cleaner last year following the Daniel plan, so that was a non scale victory. I feel I need more accountability so this is going to work for me.
    I will be 50 in March and plan to run my first 5k so to be down 10+lbs. would help a lot.

    YOU WONT BE SORRY There is going to be some Happy dancing going on here week after weeks. till Easter.So glad you join in with us Welcome

    <3 Marie

  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Calicat this is a recipe I plan to try tonight. I've read that quinoa is a good source of of all three macro nutrients. 10g of Fat 109g og Carbs and 24g of Protein for one cup

  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Ladies~ I love this group. Hope you don't mind if I climb aboard? This is my 2nd time on MFP, and I've done WW and South Beach in the past with good results, but I've slipped again. Regained 7 of the 11 # I lost last year so it's time to just get' er done LOL.
    SW 147 (1/05/15)
    CW 144 (1/12/15)-3 Woohoo!
    GW 120

    I'm more in this for life change~ so I'm not worried about how quick I get it done because keeping it off long term is my ultimate goal
  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    Sunnyfarm wrote: »
    Calicat this is a recipe I plan to try tonight. I've read that quinoa is a good source of of all three macro nutrients. 10g of Fat 109g og Carbs and 24g of Protein for one cup


    I've used a recipe very similar to this, delicious!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Ladies~ I love this group. Hope you don't mind if I climb aboard? This is my 2nd time on MFP, and I've done WW and South Beach in the past with good results, but I've slipped again. Regained 7 of the 11 # I lost last year so it's time to just get' er done LOL.
    SW 147 (1/05/15)
    CW 144 (1/12/15)-3 Woohoo!
    GW 120

    I'm more in this for life change~ so I'm not worried about how quick I get it done because keeping it off long term is my ultimate goal
    Welcome to this thread. So glad you join us


    <3 marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sunny thanks for the recipe I must try it for I just love Mexican food. looks utterly fantastic,

    <3 marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015

    arkie you got good taste buds. I just love Mexican food.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :D I am happy to see so many familiar faces coming back day after day to report progress and encourage others. I have been on challenges in the past where dozens of people post "I'm in" and then never post again. This journey is a daily event and sharing with others is one of the keys to success.

    :D My friend that I like to walk with called me yesterday to make a date to walk this morning so I rearranged my schedule to have time for her. I was concerned that since we had just walked and talked on Saturday that she a big problem to talk about. Instead she said that her back had been bothering her and she decided that starting a daily walking plan would help and she thought that walking with me would help her get her plan going. Her cell phone has a pedometer on it and I suggested that she use that as a motivator.

    :D We're going to stay up late and watch the Ohio State vs Oregon football game. Jake was born in Ohio and now we live on the west coast so we don't know who to cheer for.

    <3 Barbie
  • insanitystudent
    is it too late to join? i want to take part in this too! im confident i can lose at least 10 pounds with will power
  • ldystraz
    ldystraz Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    I have used MFP in the past and tracked everything. I lost 30lbs almost 2 years ago. I put 12 back on and currently want to loose another 40lbs. I'm sure this is attainable but need to find my motivation. My husband and I are planning a get away after Easter so it would be awesome to loose 20 by Easter. So tonight I joined this group and logged everything that I ate today. Now I need to get my motivation to get moving. My husband works night shift so I will do some exercising after I get my children to bed. I can do this!!! Can't wait to read everyone's progress and get excited when I see what I am capable of! One question how do you all stay motivated? I do get discouraged easily when I slip up


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    ldystraz wrote: »
    I have used MFP in the past and tracked everything. I lost 30lbs almost 2 years ago. I put 12 back on and currently <3 want to loose another 40lbs. I'm sure this is attainable but need to find my motivation. My husband and I are planning a get away after Easter so it would be awesome to loose 20 by Easter. So tonight I joined this group and logged everything that I ate today. Now I need to get my motivation to get moving. My husband works night shift so I will do some exercising after I get my children to bed. I can do this!!! Can't wait to read everyone's progress and get excited when I see what I am capable of! One question how do you all stay motivated? I do get discouraged easily when I slip up


    <3 (*) <3
    Welcome dear. this is an very informal thread But so many are getting the job done. so happy about that. it is never too late to get started. we all have a problem or we would not be here .I stay motivated by reading all of the post and making so many new friends.


  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    Just started my T25 videos again tonight (never finished the program before). I'm worn out, but now I feel so much better after a long day!
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited January 2015
    I havent lost any weight since the end of December, during holidays I did indulge alittle, I guess I shouldn't be to upset, at least I weigh the same. Maybe later this week I will show a lose.
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Oh yea...Buckeyes!
    I just met my step goal for today...5,322!
  • ola130
    ola130 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi,I am Vickie I would like to join
    SW: 240
    CW: 238
    GW: 220