January walking challenge 2015



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Jan 2, 2015 8,084
    Jan 3, 2015 7,233
    Jan 4, 2015 6,399
    Jan 5, 2015 12,225
    Jan 6, 2015 10,539
    Jan 7, 2015 10,145
    Jan 8, 2015 13,520
    Jan 9, 2015 10,767
    Jan 10, 2015 11,632
  • Gwennie60
    Gwennie60 Posts: 19 Member
    We have been here prepping for the football games and a house full of people so I didn't get much of a walk in but I did get a little walk in today. I only logged about 1.5 miles but it is 1.5 more miles than I would have walked otherwise!! =) At then end of today I logged about 3.5 miles with all the other stuff I had been doing and that isn't too shabby for a day that I notoriously would have been mostly on my behind! I hope you all had a great walk today!! arsc02, I should really up my game next week too! Maybe I will aim for more steps next week, overall. I will need to think about what is realistic. I did weigh in today, down 5.2 lbs and 2 inches off my waist and 2.75 off my hips! Not too shabby for a few miles a day and eating well! My body fat went down 4.3%!!! THAT was super exciting!! Walking makes a big difference!!
  • BIImama
    BIImama Posts: 1 Member
    Im in, my goal is to walk 3-4 miles a day.

  • arsc02
    arsc02 Posts: 21 Member
    Gwennie60 wrote: »
    I did weigh in today, down 5.2 lbs and 2 inches off my waist and 2.75 off my hips! Not too shabby for a few miles a day and eating well! My body fat went down 4.3%!!! THAT was super exciting!! Walking makes a big difference!!

    That is great results!!! keep it up. I lost 2 lb this week isn't much but I am happy with a loss and not a gain :-) still to retake measurements. Go us!!!
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    1/1 - 10,955
    1/2 - 10,899
    1/3 - 11,078
    1/4 - 10,828
    1/5 - 10,705
    1/6 - 10,443
    1/7 - 10,849
    1/8 - 7,295
    1/9 - 10,258
    1/10 - 12,670
  • nataeron4
    nataeron4 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been going on short walks for the past week. I can't walk far because of my knee but I'm trying to get healthy
  • jodigoike
    jodigoike Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Just walked 45 mins with my Jack Russell, Freckles. It's been very cold and wet here for last few days, so we've both had cabin fever. Got tired of watching football, which is all my husband has done all weekend! It really felt great to get out!! :-)
  • Nahray
    Nahray Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all
    thanks for the challenge-

    I would like to start this challenge tomorrow with my Leslie Sansone's "Walk at Home DVD." It has 1,2,3 and 4 miles and a short session with the toning bands. I'm just getting started again and need to take it easy but it's a good 4-mile walk.

    you guys have nice numbers!!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2015
    1/1 Walking + Steps 10,075 - 5.1 mi
    1/2 Biking + Steps 4,753 - 2.4 mi
    1/3 Steps 3,858 - 2 mi
    1/4 Steps 5,000 - 2.5 mi
    1/5 Yoga + Steps 6,397 - 3.2 mi
    1/6 Steps 4,714 - 2.4 mi
    1/7 Steps 4,978 - 2.5 mi
    1/8 Walking w/Leslie + Steps 5,578 - 2.8mi
    1/9 Wii Fit exercise + Steps 4,367 - 2.2 mi
    1/10 Walking 12,434 - 6.3 mi
  • laperegrina18
    laperegrina18 Posts: 18 Member
    1/8 10766
    1/9 14313
    1/10 2870 travelling a lot very little stepping time :s
    1/11 11639
  • Gwennie60
    Gwennie60 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you, arsc02! Congrats on your 2lb drop, as well! We shall see what next week brings ... the first week always allows a big drop!! LOL But, results are results no matter what! I got a 3 mile walk in first thing this morning! It felt good to relax and watch the football games knowing I did a good round of exercising first thing! Even with all the company and football I managed to stay on plan with my eating and getting my walks in ... so I can't complain. But, week 1 is the easy week. Bring on week 2! I feel ready! Happy walking, everyone!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Jan 2, 2015 8,084
    Jan 3, 2015 7,233
    Jan 4, 2015 6,399
    Jan 5, 2015 12,225
    Jan 6, 2015 10,539
    Jan 7, 2015 10,145
    Jan 8, 2015 13,520
    Jan 9, 2015 10,767
    Jan 10, 2015 11,632
    Jan 11, 2015 11,928
    Jan 12, 2015 10,477
    Jan 13, 2015
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    1/1 - 10,955
    1/2 - 10,899
    1/3 - 11,078
    1/4 - 10,828
    1/5 - 10,705
    1/6 - 10,443
    1/7 - 10,849
    1/8 - 7,295
    1/9 - 10,258
    1/10 - 12,670
    1/11 - 11,111 (all 1's...pretty cool, huh?)
    1/12 - 12,415
  • dbltrbl1976
    dbltrbl1976 Posts: 15 Member
    I would love to join this group. I have recently started the 10,000 steps diet and I am really enjoying it. Because my life is so busy when I am not at work I am able to do a large portion of my required 10,000 while at work..lol

    I walk during my lunch hour and while my co-worker is out on hers as it is just the 2 of us in our office.

    Now, I don't feel that this is an actual diet as I eat what I want but just smaller portion sizes. Only about 1/4 smaller.. So far I have walked 7,000-10,000+ plus steps each day sense 12/29. I feel more energized and I am much happier. You should ask my kids as they agree!!

    I also added in some wall-squats and vertical push-ups for a little veriety.

    Good Luck to everyone!
  • Gwennie60
    Gwennie60 Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2015
    I was so busy yesterday I forgot to check in! I did a mile and half walk. The dog is limping, so I went without her yesterday. I think I will be solo for awhile as she is having some issues with her back hind leg (which when we rescued her she had had multiple surgeries on and her ball joint removed) -- I am suspecting because of the weather and maybe those initial hilly walks that my vet told me to stop taking her on! So, she will be sitting it out awhile. A lot harder to go it alone, I must admit! I did do some Tabata style mobility and stability training yesterday to supplement my walk and, I am sore as heck today!! We will see what we get done today but I am ALMOST thinking I need a little bit of a rest today ... I will let you know what happens when I check in this evening! Happy walking!!

    OH if we are suppose to be reporting steps (maybe I am doing this all wrong) ... then my 6,424 steps, 35 flights of stairs, 2.4 miles total (only 1.5 of that is my walk though).

    dbltrbl1976, wall squats and vertical push ups and standing crunchs are my go to to add variety and strength training that is not too rigorous ... some times I do them during commercials while I am watching TV! Gets me up and out of my chair instead of sitting through an hour long TV program. =)
  • I am in also. I have been going strong since Jan. 1, walking and am starting to jog (turtle status) but its a walk jog walk jog walk kinda routine. I am up to 2miles a day now. :smiley:
  • Gwennie60
    Gwennie60 Posts: 19 Member
    I got in 6,745 steps and a 2 mile walk with a 20 minute core exercise video. I feel like that was pretty good today for me!
  • veronicakncd
    veronicakncd Posts: 2 Member
    Hoe do you join the group? I have 150 pounds to lose and need help and support.
  • Phoebeg1723
    Phoebeg1723 Posts: 88 Member
    1/12 5 km walk -6820 steps
    1/13 9.3 km - 11308
  • This is a wonderful thread! I'm determined to make a lifestyle change that will leave me healthy, fit, and happy. I aim to lose 53-60 pounds, I'm 5'3" and 189lbs. I started eating more nutritionally on January 1st, but started going for walks on the 6th. I almost got to 10,000 steps! Since then I've reached about 7,000-8,000 steps a day, but I'm still working hard! I love that this thread exists because I didn't really have anywhere to go for support and motivation, but here is chock full of people working hard doing the same as me :) and that feels great. I'll drop in everyday henceforth with an update (or question if I have one). Thanks everyone, and great work! Don't give up!