WEIGHT LOSS ROCK STAR COMPETITION!! (Sign up by 11:59 5/2/11



  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Team DMB Roll Call:

    I've seen Tdgee today, but I can't really say I have seen the rest of the crew, dream little darling, humble monkey, thisisabbie, beccala18, maggie5050,mandyash, butters, kykykenna, how are you all doing? Are you all still on this challenge? I know some of you are, but there are a few of you that I haven't heard anything from since we started. Of course, you could all be out exercising and loosing the weight, while I sit here and message people all day. That would show me, huh? Wishing you all the best. Remember, Monday is the Team Roll call, on the thread, to post your weight. Let's rock this!!

    You know I am missing two of my fav MFPs.. you know who you are... it gets slow and even a lil boring without you. Tdgee and I can't do it all. LOL..

    Looks like we may all be on different schedules today.

    Hiiiiii!!! I'm over here!

    Yes, i've been MIA today (apart from tracking food!) ..Thought I better actually do some work, so I can slack off tomorrow!! Then I went for a run... And now i'm here! Brief visit though... Pilates and then bed. I need an early night so this cycle can continue tomorrow... And well into my friday night.... :drinker:

    (Don't worry team DMB. I'm doing an extra session tomorrow to make up for the alcohol I may or may not consume :tongue: )

    Hope everyone had a great day!!

  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    Hey Guys!
    No more forums for me tonight, off to go be social and what not.
    I'm gonna post updated teams lists tomorrow with the new team names, and the add-ons/team switches. Please take one more look at the original roster and make sure all the information is correct, especially your starting weight. If you see any typos or mistakes please send me a PM so I can correct it.

    The Updates that I already know about are:
    Team 1 is now Team Dave Matthews Band
    Team 2 is now Team Paramore
    Team 3 is now LMFAO - Party Rockers
    Team 4 is now Team Drop it Like It's Hot
    Team 5 is now Team Foo(d) Fighters
    Team 6 is now Team Black Eyed Peas
    TDGEE's weight
    thisisabbie moving to Team DMB
    moonbunny is on Team LMFAO
    ImmortalWings17 is on Team Black Eyed Peas

    Did I miss anything?
  • DJ31
    DJ31 Posts: 64 Member
    Misery Business! I also like The Only Exception, and I count Airplanes as a Paramore song :)
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    OMG - you all are hillarious!! I just got home from work and it took an hour to catch up on everything. Thanks for the entertaining read everyone & good luck to all while I'm away! Watch out next week though - bring it on!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I'm here!

    ok, ok... please, everyone, stop applauding! I know you're excited, but this is too much! YOu love me, you REALLY love me!

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... I have been CRAZY busy all day! I don't think I sat down AT ALL, until just now! And got in 2 really great workouts.

  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Tami, This is only the rockstar challenge. you really aren't a rock star and I don't think you stayed in a Holiday Inn last night. (or DID you???smiley-shocked007.gif) Please try to keep up with us. We have an obligation to the others in this challenge to exemplify awesomeness and dedication to our role as leaders in the MFP community smiley-laughing014.gifsmiley-laughing021.gif
    I kill me! The other teams are looking to us to see how it's done..... Please try to remember this in the future. smiley-angry009.gif
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Tami, This is only the rockstar challenge. you really aren't a rock star and I don't think you stayed in a Holiday Inn last night. (or DID you???smiley-shocked007.gif) Please try to keep up with us. We have an obligation to the others in this challenge to exemplify awesomeness and dedication to our role as leaders in the MFP community smiley-laughing014.gifsmiley-laughing021.gif
    I kill me! The other teams are looking to us to see how it's done..... Please try to remember this in the future. smiley-angry009.gif

    I worked out twice today! And I drank all my water and then some! And I ate GREAT today! And I was active all day!

    And I AM a rock star. You already know this!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Wow, so anti climatic. I mean Team DMB has this in the bag. It's a sure thing, I would almost think the fix is in, but LJ is not on our team.

    Well team, let's at east try not to make it look soo darn easy. I mean, it's hard work looking this good but we do it with such ease.

    I am so proud of my Team... we are gonna kick butt.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Tami, This is only the rockstar challenge. you really aren't a rock star and I don't think you stayed in a Holiday Inn last night. (or DID you???smiley-shocked007.gif) Please try to keep up with us. We have an obligation to the others in this challenge to exemplify awesomeness and dedication to our role as leaders in the MFP community smiley-laughing014.gifsmiley-laughing021.gif
    I kill me! The other teams are looking to us to see how it's done..... Please try to remember this in the future. smiley-angry009.gif

    I worked out twice today! And I drank all my water and then some! And I ate GREAT today! And I was active all day!

    And I AM a rock star. You already know this!

    You are a rockstar!!! No doubt about it. Did you get your award for being a rockstar today? You know the little cardboard crown from the BK lounge? Yeah, I read your diary.. LOL... Rockstar having it her way.. You know I tease because I care.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    You are a rockstar!!! No doubt about it. Did you get your award for being a rockstar today? You know the little cardboard crown from the BK lounge? Yeah, I read your diary.. LOL... Rockstar having it her way.. You know I tease because I care.

    smiley-char022.gifBLAM POW BUSTED!!! smiley-char039.gif
    Maybe we should change your rockstar name to Burger Princess???

    Loving You!!! smiley-laughing018.gif
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    dude... I had a salad from BK for dinner!

    and HALF of a freakin kids meal at 3 this afternoon because I was staaaarrrrrrrrrving!

    And I was STILL under calories for the day.

    Whats that I hear? The sound of me being amazing!!!

    all of Team DMB is amazing!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Don't be so defensive, princess..... lol... You did god on your menu today, we just have to give you a lil grief.

    Team DMB is going to run a train on this challenge, that's how awesome we are!!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Don't be so defensive, princess..... lol... You did god on your menu today, we just have to give you a lil grief.

    Team DMB is going to run a train on this challenge, that's how awesome we are!!

    I know =) I would expect nothing less from you two!

    Whats everyones rock star plan for today?!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Don't be so defensive, princess..... lol... You did god on your menu today, we just have to give you a lil grief.

    Team DMB is going to run a train on this challenge, that's how awesome we are!!

    I know =) I would expect nothing less from you two!

    Whats everyones rock star plan for today?!

    My immediate goal is to make it through this last day of work, before the weekend, without choking out one of my co-workers. At least that would be some exercise. I will be chained to my desk for the next 9 hours or so.

    Then I will run home, choke down dinner, slam a Redline for some false but needed energy and then off to the gym to hit chest and back and a smattering of cardio. I love Friday nights in the gym. All the people with lives are out doing things, so the gym is pretty dead, which is good for me.

    My goal for the day is to stick to my diet. I am restricting myself a little today. Playing with my diet, a little. Sometimes it’s hard to sit here all day without wanting to snack on junk. Anyways……

    To all my team mates; rock on, we so got this in the bag. To all the other teams, have a good day and keep reaching for the stars… you know… reaching for Team DMB, that is.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    SO, one of my roommates has totally given me the plague, and I feel like crap. But fear not Team Paramore, I'm on my way to my last hard workout for the week.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    SO, one of my roommates has totally given me the plague, and I feel like crap. But fear not Team Paramore, I'm on my way to my last hard workout for the week.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I know Mondays are this groups weigh in, however I officially weigh in at a center on Saturdays, so I will be adding my weight then.

    For this week, I weighed in this morning, I will be at a 5k tomorrow.

    Weight for this week, 242 (down 4 pounds)!!!!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    To all my team mates; rock on, we so got this in the bag. To all the other teams, have a good day and keep reaching for the stars… you know… reaching for Team DMB, that is.

    That's right!!!

    you are on fire today, love it! Hope someone is already prepping to engrave our names on that symbollic rockstar trophy!!!
    Time for some hip-hop abs! Just wish Shawn T would take his shirt OFF! LOL
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    To all my team mates; rock on, we so got this in the bag. To all the other teams, have a good day and keep reaching for the stars… you know… reaching for Team DMB, that is.

    you are on fire today, love it!

    I am the god of hell fire and I bring you...
    Fire, I'll take you to burn.

    That's old rock-n-roll.... lol
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    Kickboxing last night and 4 miles this morning. I WANT TO BE A ROCK STAR!! Let's go Team DILIH! I want to hear from you!