
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Pat ... thanks for the article link. Very timely as we've been talking to my son about his late night eating ... he sometimes eats at 2 and 3 am!

    To those dealing with the flu and colds ... rest and get well!

    Can't remember who was looking for the decluttering link ... can be found on Facebook under "Decluttering 365" or the following blog at Home Storage Solutions 101. http://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/declutter.html

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.36min 14amph, 3mi = 112cal.
    expresso machine-challenging trail-odessy- 35.56min, 112aw, 12.9amph, 7.60mi - beat last time by 20sec = 410cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.55min, 10.7amph 1.4mi = 96cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.43min 8.9amph 2.7mi = 190cal
    total 808cal
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Going to the deep water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do some more of the Butt Bible DVD

    pipcd - on the elliptical, what does 10-3/10-10 stand for? I usually exercise when I'm not feeling well, too. Not real intense. But I need to get something in, maybe I'm so afraid of getting out of the habit of exercise or using "not feeling well" as an excuse. Do you do something special when you burn 1000 calories? If so, what -- I'd LOVE to burn that much. How do you know your calorie burn when you exercise? Do you have a certain piece of equipment that you use?

    Oh, about that cake with the avacado, I didn't tell Vince that there was avocado in it. He had some last night so I asked him how the cake was. He said "it's good". Admitted, I used a box mix so that I knew if something didn't turn out right, it was the avocado. But you couldn't tell it was in there.

    Rori - so sorry about the bad things, glad for you for the great things (weight loss, birthday) Lovely pic. Happy anniversary!

    After the deep water class, Vince wants me to come home and help finish bringing in the Christmas decorations. I want to leave early, go to the Humane Society and stop at Bi-Lo, they have clementines on sale

    Went to a show at the Hickory Community Theater. It was about this couple who broke up and she was having a big yard sale getting rid of everything. Then the guy comes with his new gf. It was quite funny. Just had water to drink.

    Meg - sorry to hear about the torn meniscus and "advanced" arthritis. When do you think you'll be having the surgery? Your bp was probably up because you were thinking about your report

    Been thinking a lot about Bryan lately. I'm determined that I will not binge. We sent Diana a gift for her birthday (money in Bryan's PayPal account). I would have thought that at least I would have gotten a "thank you"

    We got the rest of the Christmas decorations in the garage. Now our front lawn looks so bare! We still have some work to do in the house and then put everything away.

    - SCORE at Nordstrom's. In a way I prefer to tell people exactly what to get me, saves me from having to exchange things. I hate having to do that. Lynette got me this coverup for Christmas. Every year I have to return what she gets. One year it was this stretch outfit. She (probably rightly so) figured I could wear it when I was exercising. Only I absolutely needed a petite for the pants. I could have gotten away with the top, but no way with the pants. Last year she got me this turtleneck. I never wear a turtleneck, makes my neck look invisible. Did exchange it for a really nice sweater. This year she got me this thing you wear on the outside on top, but the bottom was too tight for me. It fit me under the arms, but not around the hips. When I went to return it, everything that they had was summer stuff and I don't need summer stuff, I really wanted a sweater. Oh well..... I think next year what I'll do is send her a link of exactly what it is that I'd like (maybe something to do with cooking/baking since I do baking for her) I do wish there were some meetup groups around here, the closest to me is in Charlotte

    - I really wish I could find a place that did the hydrostatic testing. From what I understand, that's the top way to determine bf. I have no idea how much that would cost, either.

    - I never knew that there was an extender to change light bulbs! We have quite a few ceiling fans and in one one of the bulbs burned out. It's been burned out for quite a while. I was saying to Vince that while we have the ladder in the house for the Christmas tree, we should change the light bulb.

    I had a SMALL piece of the cake that I made yesterday (the one with avocado instead of oil). Do you know that my stomach was hurting? I think it was from all the sweet in the icing. I do plan to make another one today, this time a spice cake. I'll give some to the place where I take the extremepump class, some to the other Y, some when I go to play mahjongg Monday night and some to the bowling alley when we go this Thus. There.....I got rid of it all....lol

    Heather - I find that even if I eat back my exercise calories, if I'm eating in the evening, I can be guaranteed of a gain the next day. Like I had that SMALL piece of cake, sure enough, the Wii today showed a gain. Not much, but a gain just the same. I know that if I have the tofu/cocoa tonight, I'm pretty sure I'll see a loss tomorrow.

    - what great news that there no serious damage to Ashley's head!

    katla - I like to bold the names of people and I see you do, too. So far the only way I can figure out to bold the name is highlight each name individually and go to the top and hit "bold". Is there some way that you can do multiple names?

    Carol - it is so strange to see a blue sky!!!!!

    drkatiebug - good luck to you at that lunch

    Tina - how cool is it that your treadmills have programs that would "take" you places. Bet Heather would just love them!!!! I've never heard of this, but it would really get me to walk a lot more.

    Robin - have fun at the hockey game. Vince is a BIG time hockey fan. I'm glad that it isn't as violent as it used to be. It still is somewhat but not as bad.

    renee - welcome! Come in often for lots of support.

    terri - wouldn't surprise me one bit if ds didn't let his grades slip any more. I, too, find it very unappealing when someone wears something too tight and you can see their stomach completely or their backside.

    - now that you mention it, I do remember somewhere hearing about using tomatoes in cake. But I would think you'd get a hint of a tomato flavoring. That seems to be why tofu or avacado work well. I made a spice cake today substituting avacado for the oil. The only thing I can say about using avacado is that the cake doesn't seem to rise as much. It still has good flavor, and it's not real heavy (like it is when you use greek yogurt), it just doesn't seem to rise a whole lot

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, I have a freind here that does a lot of bird watching in her back yard. They have done a lot to encourage the birds. Anyway, they have noticed wood peckers.Now she has a huge hole in her tree. It's big enough she can put her head in it and it is low to the ground. She is afraid she will have to have the tree cut down.

    When it came time for me to get rid of my first large group of 2X clothes, my mIL had jsut died and I have always bought her clothes for ehr and I enjoyed buying nice things for her. The nursing home enjoyed it also since it kept her spending account down to the level they were comfortable with. So my sister mentioned their churches clothing bank was really needing some 2X clothes. That's what I was buying for both my MIL and myself. So they got quite a large amount of clothes. If they had not been needing that at that particular time I don't know when I would have gotten rid of them. I know I would have donated dear MIL's things but not mine. Now when ever I drop another size I donate them tot he clothing bank or give them to my sister or my daughter. My DD took home several bags of size 14s at Christmas. I doubt she will wear them since my style is different than hers but if it is hanging in her closet and can be an encouragement to her then I am ok with that.

    i had a wonderful talk with DD today. Trinity, her oldest, is a typical teenager now and where her grades had always been straight A then mostly A and a couple of B then was As and mostly Bs and then a couple of Cs, now they are just Bs and Cs. So the cell phone and Ipad have some pretty strict rules to them now. Her phone was an old one and she couldn't talk on it but could text, play games and take pictures. So the texting is cut out. Ipad is for home work only and 30 minutes of recreation, in the same room with parents then left with parents until the next day. Youngest daughter has decided that with some of the new things she has gotten for Christmas that she doesn't to take ballet right now. They will take that money that is saved and apply it to some big thing she wants (not a material thing but some kind of educational experience or church camp).

    Allison please be careful going to the nursing home if you don't feel good. Do they offer free masks for the public? That would be really bad for FIL.

    Joyce, in warmer Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Alison - Stay Strong . You have to do what makes you happy. Lunch with a friend sounds delightful. Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well and won't be able to do the volunteering. There's always next year.

    Beth - I will continue to pray for Ashley on her journey back to health. Baby steps. She is young and our bodies have amazing resilience so that is all on her side.

    Sue from TN - Look at it as losing almost a pound. Congrats on the loss and the better food choices.

    Linda, Northern Ontario - I hope your weather is improving. 1.6 down, that is fantastic.

    yanniejannie -It must feel nice to have met your month goal and now you can shoot even higher. Way to Go!

    Terri - I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like you have had a tough go of it.

    dstirratt - Gluten free has helped my husband quite a bit. The psoriasis that has plagued him since his teen years is cleared right up, his feet no longer hurt, the achy, flu-like symptoms have disappeared and so much more.

    DS and I at the YWCA gym last night. He was concerned there might be no men but there were just as many as women. He got comfortable and we both had a good workout.

    Tomorrow I am keeping DGD overnight while her Mom and Dad attend the big Monster Party in Calgary. We will all have fun.

    I am finding it difficult to go without caffeine or carbonated drinks. I am just cutting it back slowly.

    Tonight DH decided he wanted pizza. We got his GF pizzas an they were delicious! I tried for something healthier but at that restaurant it's pizza and pasta.

    Tomorrow /today is a new day.
    Good night all
    Sharon from Southern Alberta where the chinook is giving me a headache but taking away the ice and snow.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Oh No I've just lost my post arggghhhh

    Think I said
    Beth thanks for the link to the declutter website I've saved it for later.

    Barbie I need to take a leaf out of your book and limit my time on the computer. I can get carried away especially if I go on facebook I end up playing games - think I'm an addict.

    During the week when I'm at work I have to limit my time on the computer but on a weekend I make myself log off at 8:30 a.m. to get on with chores etc otherwise I could spend hours just sitting here.

    I need lots of willpower sending to me today as I'm going to a garden centre with friends this morning. We are mainly going for a coffee and a chat but I'd like to buy some artificial flowers (if they sell them in a garden centre?) but they have lovely cakes in their cafe - hence the willpower.

    Better make a start.

    Take care everyone

    Viv from cold cold York UK

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    morning ladies~
    1 little short snort of nyquil does wonders, slept 10 hrs, and feel much better..
    yes they have masks and hand sanitizer.. so I am all set..
    all the residents down at the nursing home love me lol, I chat with them all, at least on my DFIL wing,
    this weekend is my weekend off of work, so Tom and I will go down to the nursing home, told him I am usually there an Hour so be prepared... then we are moving all our banking to a credit union near us.. as the branch we use that is DH place is closing.. and the next nearest one is more than an hour away..
    then I have to make a list to grocery shop. tomorrow is the cooking , baking etc... day
    Monday before work I will be going up to the bird store and meet with the manager for an interview... wish me luck..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Good morning all!

    Terri - do you have to go and watch your son bowl, or do you just choose to do so? It seems a huge investment of your time and energy. I guess most successful sports people have their mum or dad behind them. :flowerforyou: Takes a lot of dedication. Feel better soon and hope your DH recovers fast, :flowerforyou:

    DH off at football. He has had to go all by himself as his old companion has exiled himself after DH gave him a moral lecture and his son, the one who rescued his child from the Philippines, has not replied to his text messages, though he ssid he might come. Young people, eh! I don't think DH will renew his season ticket next year unless he can find a regular partner. It is 2 hours drive each way to North London, just to sit by himself. :ohwell:

    Sunny, cold morning here. Very frosty.
    Joyce - the green woodpecker here just digs holes in our lawn.! :ohwell: We love to see them though. Last year they raised young and fed the fledglings in front of our windows.

    I'm going to make myself a veggie curry for lunch. For dinner I'm making turkey burgers. I like to add some well squeezed frozen leaf spinach which makes them very moist. You could also grate zucchini and sqeeze it out. I make six and have the last two for lunch the next day. Of course I have chilli sauce with mine! ! ! ! :laugh:

    DDIL sent me some lovely new photos today, but they are taking their time to download. I will post one when they appear.

    Pip - you are getting some great burns! ! ! !

    Love Heather in sunny Hampshire UK

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Jane: you’ve had a heavy week. Hope you’re doing OK.
    Sylvia, Katla: I never need extra warmth in the gym, lol. But I do around the house. I sometimes wear thin thermal underwear meant for joggers.
    Allison: hope your cold is over quickly. Who *wouldn’t* love you?
    Meg: I’ve always understood that they treat the patient, not the x-ray, since the symptoms don’t necessarily correspond. In your case that’s a good thing (you haven’t had trouble until now). What kind of surgery is in the cards?
    Kim: glad you got such a beautiful sweater!
    Viv: still thinking of you.

    Taking a break from the genealogy work on my father’s side to work on my mother’s side. It’s easier (more info available). Also cataloged/photographed a few more rows of the cemetery near here for Find A Grave; have to process them. And I have a lot of editing work. So I’m sitting a lot. I break it up with household work.

    Hope we all have a good day! :flowerforyou:

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Kim in CA - good for you on the meet up group. Eventually I realized there were a number of 'friends' that really weren't and finally let them go. Two friends are really my sisters-from-other-mothers and we know we can count on each other no matter what. What a joy that is! (And plenty to keep up with, too!)

    I hope all those who are sick / recovering are feeling better today.

    Happy Birthday and Anniversary - I think that was Rori. I should have started a document!

    It has been a wild month getting ready, but a bit after 9p last night I finished up the list of items at work that had to be done before my medical leave. YAY! Actually feel really good about where everything was left. The part-time person is going to feel really overwhelmed while I'm out, but they'll get through it. Surgery is Monday, then 6 weeks at home.

    I'll be going to a women's retreat in the spring that will be based on the book Choosing Joy, by Kay Warren. Need to pick that up this weekend and read it while I'm home - looking forward to that.

    The weekend is full of errands, housework and getting things set up around here for the 'outage', so I need to get going.

    As someone else stated in their post, I think about all the women here all the time, even if I don't post so much.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    I joined myfitnesspal two days ago, and just found you! What a wonderful, supportive group you are, and I am so happy to see all the great advice and uplifting friendship from everyone.

    I am 56 and have been trying to lose weight without success - life and stress gets the best of me. I need to lose 30 pounds or so to be at a healthy weight, and wear all the lovely clothes in my closet that are waiting for me :smile: so far I have lost almost a pound, and am searching for ideas and recipes that will keep me going in the right direction.

    Happy Saturday everyone, and I look forward to keeping up with all of your successes!

    Belinda in snowy white Michigan
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Welcome, Belinda. We are so happy you have joined us. MFP is a great site and this is a great group of supportive ladies. My best advice for success is to log everything that goes in your mouth. I was surprised at just how many calories were in some of the things I used to eat. Knowing that, I usually chose not to eat those things any longer.
    I have done many diets in the past, but never counted calories. This is a life journey for me and I have found it so much easier than any diet I have ever tried. Come in often and post as much as you'd like. Best of luck with your journey.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Hi everyone, I joined a few years ago but was never able (or willing??) to get into this. I am a 50 year old with three kids grown and gone. I have lots of weight to loss and am trying very hard to do that. I joined a gym this week and have gone twice now, but I have NO idea what I am doing there. I just kind of follow what others are doing. I am a stress eater and have LOTS of stressers right now. BUT, I am determined to get things done. I look fwd to seeing all of our successes!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2015
    Terri in Milwaukee: I’m so happy to know that you’re feeling better. It sounds like something really nasty caught you.

    Jane Hadji in CO: It is so good to see you here again. You have been missed!

    Lesley in Tasmania: It sounds like you have a good advisor in Brian and you are making progress.

    Meg: It appears that knee surgery is in your future. I know two people who’ve had knees replaced and both surgeries went well. I wish you best luck. My teaching friend had both knees done at once just after school was out for the summer and was back at work for the beginning of the next school year.

    Patceoh: I took Heather’s test, too, and didn’t match the divisions. That gave me a big hint that I may have changed since I’ve been hanging out with this group. I know I’ve changed the way I look at my health, and that includes thinking of food differently. I’m more inclined to think of how I’ll feel after I eat something rather than how it will taste than I was before. Thanks for sharing the NYTimes article on mouse eating schedules. It was an eye opener.

    Kim: Thank you so much for the strategies to kill germs in the house and help prevent sharing a virus. Toothbrushes are notorious. Congratulations on the lovely new sweater, courtesy of your clueless friend and your own savvy. Friendship has always been a challenge for me. I’ve got a few dear friends from work who don’t live nearby, and friends nearby who share an interest in sailing, but there is plenty of room for more. I may have found the spark of friendship at my new gym with people in my Friday morning yoga class. We’ll see how it develops.

    Michele: I just read your questions for pipcd and I have many of the very same questions. I am amazed that your friend buys clothes for you. I would never do that unless I went shopping with my friend and knew just exactly what he/she would appreciate and what size to buy. I don’t even buy clothes for DH without him being with me. I’m getting names to appear in boldface the exact same way you do. Bolding things in the word document I use to compose my posts didn’t seem to work the last time I tried it, but I’ll try again. Okay, I tried and it didn't work. I'll use the bold feature that MFP offers.

    Joyce: I’ve donated most of my too big clothes to the Senior Center thrift store here in town. They use the proceeds of the store to help seniors in the community and the shoppers get a good deal. I did send my DD a pretty top that she loves. It is hard for us to share most things because she is short and I am tall. I’ve never worn smaller sizes than her before and never imagined it could happen.

    Heather: I hope your DH finds a new person to go to sporting events with or, even better, his usual friend gets over his hurt feelings about being lectured.

    Belinda in MI: Welcome.

    I woke up with sore muscles in many places today. Step aerobics, & machines are likely causes. I had a wonderful yoga class yesterday with a teacher who is in our age group and seems to be a bit older than me. I’ll look forward to her classes every Friday. My riding lesson was a blast. Bareback trotting, using no hands. (Well, I managed the no hands part for a while.) I’m making progress with my balance, but I still have a long way to go. The teacher was controlling the horse on a longe line.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I already have a question. Yesterday I had to search for the thread, as it had been a long time since I last posted. It used to come up under "My Topics." I posted a quick note yesterday, so that it would add the thread back onto my list (I see that it now seems to be called "My Discussions") and I'd be able to get here easily, but nothing came up this morning and I had to do another search. Is there something else I have to do besides posting?

    Katia, thank you for the welcome back -- it's good to see you!

    Jane in Colorado
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I actually got to play golf yesterday! Ate breakfast late so didn't take lunch with me. Unfortunately, we were delayed and I didn't get home until. DH wanted to go to movie to see American Sniper so I just had time to change
    and go. We were too late it was sold out! We saw Unbroken. It was good but it make me tired!
    Katia - Nike Fuel Band is like FitBit. It tells you how many steps you take, calories, energy used and is a watch. You are really active these days. Riding lessons sound like fun.
    - Robin - the mani-pedi party reminded me of my DGD. When she was in pre-school (4 or 5) she had to draw her favorite thing. It was a foot with red toes.
    - Diane - it's amazing what you can do in a short amount of time when you HAVE to.
    - Rori - Happy Belated birthday and anniversary. So glad you got to walk with Jane
    - Anamika - good luck running your 1/2 marathon. Proud of you.
    - Tina - my DH has glasses that are just for computer work. You might check it out.
    - Sylvia - I got a laugh over your legging description.
    - Jane in CO - SO good to see you again. I've been back a couple of weeks and am taking it one thing at a time.
    - Meg - so sorry to hear about your meniscus. That is painful. I think you BP was over the MRI too.
    - Renee and Belinda - welcome to the group. Come back often to "see" us.
    - Gail - good luck on Monday. Will be thinking of you.

    SueBDew in TX
  • Tabasco395
    Tabasco395 Posts: 8
    edited January 2015
    Good Morning everyone. My name is Michele, I'm not 50...yet, I do not have any resolutions, but I sure would like to join the group. I just joined FMP, but am no newbie to exercise and fitness. I do, on occasion, need a little nudge to keep me motivated. Here is what I would like to accomplish this year...or should I say this month...or better yet, this week:

    1. Log all my food intake.
    2. Work out at least 3 days a week, preferably 5.
    3. Make sure that 3 of my workouts include cardio, preferably running.
    4. Up my daily steps to 15,000 (I'm an avid Fitbit user).
    5. Drink more water.
    6. Drink less coffee.
    7. Lose 15 lbs.
    and finally...
    9. Run my first 10K this spring.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Michele from the Sonoran Desert (Tucson, AZ)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    afternoon all,
    im tired... took the DH with me down to see his father, that didnt go to well... we were down there for over an hour.. this is my first week going daily at that time in the morning to feed him, weekends they get breakfast out later as there isnt as many people working..
    so he was huffing and puffing about us coming to early, and to be quite ,he is not a people person( can ya tell?) me I chat with the residents etc... well they got him up and out of bed and to the dining table, and he promptly fell asleep..and he was like one of those bobbing birds he would lean over almost into his plate.. did get his juice,most of his milk, and a bowl of hot cereal into him, gave him some scrambled eggs, but when he has had enough he starts spitting stuff out, so we didn't get alot of eggs into him, Tom was in charge of the coffee, and he only took a few sips of that and wanted to go back to bed...
    we are changing all our banking to another credit union closer to us, so we went over to do that.. gosh it is tiring and time consuming..
    I didnt know my credit card balance was up so high :# and i have 80 dollars a month to pay for it.. hopefully I come into some money this year so I can just pay the darn thing off.. this doesnt come out of joint account so I am sorta stuck..
    well think I might take a nap..
    it is only 22 degrees here, did I say I HATE winter? gosh to be back in florida again
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    To those of you complaining of the weather. Put the long johns on. For those that it's to hot take them off. Because you nor I will change the weather. The man above does not send you anything that you can't handle.

    Right now he is putting me to the test. I lost my bestest friend yesterday. And man is it hard. A husband who don't understand. Oh well I will get through it. Like I had to before. We even shared the same name. I sent dinner to the family a big macaroni and cheese casserole garlic bread meat pies and 2 blueberry cheese cakes. Doing what I can. She took care of me when I lost my parents. Now my turn to do what I can for her. For soon there will be no more to do.

    She got sick last Friday lasted 1 week exactly. Her kidneys closed down. Complications with her diabetes. If nothing else I pray and hope that it will scare me into losing weight. She had a big weight problem.

    Well now for the more positive view got on the scale and wii gave me a 1.1 loss making it 1.7 since my weight in wed. But last night with my upset I got into the poppy *kitten*. Called my friend Juls who is a friend on fitness pal home page. She told me to put it away wouldn't help nothing so I did. Have her to be thankful for.

    So see you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Oops that is longer than I intended you don't have to read all my rant but it sure felt good.