Do you still see a fat person in the mirror?



  • richmondsmith6385
    Yes I used to weigh 196lbs. now I weigh 178lbs. yet I still look fat
  • HAS415
    HAS415 Posts: 48 Member
    Yes. Yes I do and apparently that is a problem for some people and I'm not supposed to lose any more weight. I've lost 130 lbs since April 2013. Now I am supposed to be stopping. Not fun. I'd rather keep losing. :(
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    I have my good and bad days but not so many bad days anymore. It took me a while to stop seeing myself as the fat chick when I stopped worrying about the numbers on the scales and started concentrating more about my fitness levels. Setting my goals more around fitness rather than numbers has defenintley helped.
  • Lindsay_the_great
    Lindsay_the_great Posts: 209 Member
    Miffylou wrote: »
    I have my good and bad days but not so many bad days anymore. It took me a while to stop seeing myself as the fat chick when I stopped worrying about the numbers on the scales and started concentrating more about my fitness levels. Setting my goals more around fitness rather than numbers has defenintley helped.

    That is smart. And I am sure that's what I need to be doing now. That's what my husband says too.
  • cassiehughes74
    cassiehughes74 Posts: 1 Member
    OMG! I thought I was crazy when I was trying to explain this to my husband. But it seems I am not alone.
    I have recently lost 12 kilos (26.5 pounds) and I just cannot see it. I look and I look and I still see the same unhealthy 'fat' person I was when I started. Even though I know that my dress size has gone down and my husband can see it, I just can't!
    It makes me feel like I need to lose another 30 just to be able to see it myself.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    It's been three years since I took off nearly one hundred pounds. I know I am much thinner but I will never see skinny. I wear clothes from the kids department and don't weigh much on the scale but I still feel like I don't look good. I don't think I ever will.
  • Servannes
    Servannes Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, I've lost 24 pounds so far and it has been tough, I started in September 2014 and have been averaging about a pound a week. I know I'm losing weight, but when I look in the mirror, I feel like I look larger. I've been weighed on different scales, my weight loss so far is confirmed.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Sdemirel wrote: »
    Also, it's normal to still look at the imperfections. That's how you continue growth when you're fine tuning.
    There's a fine line, though, between targeting a problem area by being aware of it, and looking at it every day like it's going to change day to day, or even week to week.

    Stay realistic, stay positive.

    Sdemirel, Thank you! It is really normal to set new goals - but make them realistic, and be positive about your approach to them. Great post.

  • kershaann
    kershaann Posts: 1,824 Member
    I still struggle with this everyday. I have lost a total of 85lbs overall. Went from a size 19 to a 9, and still only see my problem areas!
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    I've lost 70 pounds and have maintained for 6 months. When I look in the mirror and see my stomach, I think I need to lose more weight. Then I look at my skinny neck, chest and forearms, remember that I'm wearing a US size 6 and medium tops, and realize that it's all in my head. I just keep doing strength training at the gym, eating what I'm supposed to and hoping that someday this will all seem normal. You are not alone, lol.

    This EXACTLY. Although I've maintained 2 years now and this feeling is gone. I know KNOW I'm one of the smallest people in the room, know that I can wear a size small in almost any dress or shirt and a size 6/8 in pants. I know I'm one of the fittest people in any room and I'm no longer that fat girl.

    My stomach isn't flat, but it never will be. I lost 70# and had two kids. Any time I get down under 150#, my stomach looks a little better, but the rest of me? EW. I start seeing ribs and bones way more than I'd like to and it grosses me out beyond belief. 150 is my lowest I'm comfy with for sure.

    You'll get takes some time. If you find it's NOT getting better after a year, I'd talk to a counselor about it. I'm sure they could be of some help! :)
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    Some days I do some days I don't, it probably depends on what I'm wearing to be honest! If it's flattering I feel very slim, if it's slightly too tight I feel even bigger than I used to be!

    If I'm not wearing anything though I'm finally seeing myself as not so big anymore :) although I can still see the bits that will hopefully improve/go as I lose more and get to goal! I'm definitely not slim now, but I also don't see myself as overly fat, I think my mind has adjusted to seeing exactly what my reflection is in the mirror for the most part :) sometimes I feel bigger though even if I don't see it anymore in the mirror, for example I'll see a gap between a chair and a wall and I'll think "there's no way I'll fit around there..." but I have to so I try and I fit through! That always surprises me! Or I think there's no way near enough room left on a sofa/bench for me, but squeeze on when invited and find there's plenty!

    Not sure why or when or how I managed to adjust my mindset though, if I figure it out I'll let everyone else know so they can join in! My mind isn't completely there, but it's on the way!
  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    Yes, but I am still fat. I don't see much difference at all in the mirror but I do in pictures.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I lost 80 lbs and have maintained it for almost 2 years. I have been chunky, chubby, big, overweight or obese my whole life. Currently I am the smallest I have ever been and sometimes forget how much smaller I am.

    For example, I would go to a clothing store and browse at clothes in size L and XL when I should be looking in M. Looking at old photos can be weird too since my face/neck area looks completely different now. Oh here's another example...I went out to a place last night I haven't gone to in years. I had so much more room in the restroom stall compared to before. Little things like that I'm still getting used to.

    The weird thing is I'm tight, in great shape, my stomach is pretty flat and I feel great. Sometimes though when I catch my reflection in a mirror etc., I have to do a double take. It's so crazy. Things are slowly getting better, but I hope my brain fully catches up to reality soon!
  • susie7172
    I still see a fat person in the mirror. I think I look no different than I did many pounds ago. People tell me I look different and I have the pics to prove it, but I look like the same person to me. Losing weight is the easy part. Having a reasonable body image is hard. Very hard.
  • cjames010
    cjames010 Posts: 91 Member
    I've been maintaining since June
    I still feel big, especially when I sit and see my thighs spread.
    When I walk down stairs, I still "waddle" as if I'm bigger.

    The weird part is, when I was overweight, I thought I looked fine. I was actually offended when my husband suggested we start losing weight last year.
    I started thinking I looked fine. When I lost 5-10 pounds, I thought I looked great.
    Now, in maintenance, after losing about 30 pounds, I don't see myself correctly.
    It's messed up.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    ive lost 160 pounds and i still sometimes feel fat when i look in the mirror yeah

    but i know im tiny in comparison to before and thats cool
  • Solkre2
    Solkre2 Posts: 29 Member
    Nope. But I do see a guy with extra skin that needs to go away lol.
  • MeowMix66
    MeowMix66 Posts: 14 Member
    I felt really good about myself when I went to a Korean day spa/bath house. The hot baths were only allowed for use if you didn't have clothes. It gave me a chance to look at other women and think "Oh, she has bigger thighs/hips/tummy, but it looks nice" and kind of seeing "flaws" and realizing that they can be aesthetically pleasing on someone else made me realize that maybe my "flaws" actually attract other people.
  • elansc
    elansc Posts: 24 Member
    Lost 84 pounds -- 12.5 to go -- and yes sometimes I still feel like the fat chick.... Better now than it was 6 months ago and I guess I knew it would take time but sometimes when I go to put on a pair of pants I think "how will ever fit into those tiny things.." And then the pants are too baggy (which is exactly what happened this morning). Crazy making but I wore size 18-20 for 16 years so of course it is going to take a bit of time to get used to wearing size 12 (soon to be size 10!!). Give me a few years and I will be used to being a size 10 cause I ain't going back
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm at maintenance, but trying to lose 2lb to get to the bottom of my range. I lost about 30lb. After reaching maintenance, I dropped 2 additional sizes in the next year to my current size 4.

    Some days I look in the mirror and think I look really slim and muscular, some days, all I see is that my stomach isn't as tight as it was 20 years ago.