Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I am having a short lived love affair with carbs and soda the rest of the week. We know we aren't good for each other so we have decided to have this last little love affair before we draw that line of hate. They love to go straight to my stomach, and honestly I love to eat them. But I just can't do this anymore after this weekend. I need a healthy life. I need to be here for 80 more years. I need to say good bye after this week. Starting the New Atkins on Monday. So I may not be logging in for the weekend...this is going to be an extreme love affair. Wish me luck :)
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    yes dave of course you can join

    Its my birthday on sunday : ) so we are most likely going out to eat with my husbands mom and aunt because we have to go pick his mom up from his aunts house. so that will be fun im hoping for olive garden or chuckarama! : ) My weight is the same so far and will see what my weight is sunday morning before i go crazy for my birthday lol
  • I'm starting a little late... just joined MFP three days ago and this is my first chance to read some of the message boards. I guess I'm jumping with both feet and will give this challenge a shot! Thanks for giving me something extra to work toward! :smile:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Quick Update:

    I am doing well with my 30 min exercise challenge. Mon/Tues I walked on my lunch break, Wed I went for a C25k style walk/jog outside after the kids were in bed (and got caught in the rain!) and tonight, I went on the treadmill for a speed/incline interval workout.

    I have taken my vitamins daily, and my breakfasts / lunches have been pretty good. That leaves my dinners which have basically been "eat what the family is eating" which has not been very good. Monday is a free-for-all in our house: eat quick because of dance lessons at 6pm, so I had a smoked meat sandwich. Tuesday, hubby made a nice pork tenderloin with roasted potatoes. But then, hubby decided on Burger King last night (eek!), and tonight he made chicken burgers and homemade fries. As poor as some of these choices may be, I find it hard to complain about any food that I don't have to cook!

    TOM is packing his bags, and my scale is looking better ~152. I'm off to bed! :yawn:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I went out for lunch today and am regretting the decision. Group chose Qdoba - NOT enough healthly options on their menu!! I went with the street tacos w/pulled pork but didn't eat the tortillas. I saved myself on calories & carbs but the sodium killed me. 4oz of pulled pork = 600mg sodium. Nasty!! And, surprise, surprise, I've been thirsty all afternoon.

    I've been working on my May goals of 20 min meals, sit while eating (I added no TV watching) and putting the fork down between bites. These have been more challenging than I thought they would be and are confirming the fact that I'm rushing thru my meals.
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    My week has gone okay, not as well as I would like, but better then I have been doing. I haven't been able to get to the gym to work out, (car problems), but I have been doing some exercise at home. Well I started the week off with it. As for food I was under my calorie goal all week until yesterday, finally got the car drivable, not fully fixed but driveable and did some much needed running around, my husband and I got a little hungry while doing this and went to Jack Asters, for the most part I was good, I had chicken, and very little fries, what killed me is their Garlic Bread. Love their garlic bread, but I figured its okay, sometimes we give in, and well today is another day. Todays goal, now that my car is driveable, hit the gym, and stay under my calories, tomorrows goal, well to stay under calories, not sure if I will be able to hit the gym, cause the car will be pulled apart again. lol. And of course the rest of this week, my goal, to drop at least 1.5 lbs.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    hey everyone-
    this past week has been pretty good. i've eaten great & exercised hard. I am looking forward to tomorrows weigh in to see if it all paid off!

    you all are doing awesome! keep it up!!!

  • dnpamorgan
    dnpamorgan Posts: 29 Member
    I forgot to post my first weight last week but I weighed in today and I'm 139.8 :)
  • JeanHaynes
    JeanHaynes Posts: 55 Member
    My starting weight for May is 178.5. My goal is 173.5 by 5/31 :)

    For my first weigh in I have lost .5 a pound. I am now at 178. Just 4.5 to go!
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    Sorry, better late than never, right?

    My weight on May 1 was 169. So lets see where we go from there! My goal is 165 right now by 5/31. That is 4 lbs, but I'll take the extra if I can get past my plateau.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I weigh in on Fridays- so here's week 1!!!
    SW 143lbs
    Week 1 5/6:140lbs

    Down 3lbs!!!!!!!
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    WOW!! 3 pounds..first week in..how did you do that? I am also in this challenge--I weigh in on Mondays.
    But, I dont think I will make 3 lbs. Great!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    WOW!! 3 pounds..first week in..how did you do that?

    I can't take all the credit- TOM has respectfully left his host :wink: so that always helps.
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    I know I'm a week late buuuut

    here's my starting weight of may 7 - 178.5 (i have to use my wii scale to weigh myself and some days it says 177 and other days 180...so i might as well put it in between)

    goal weight by june 1- 173! :)
  • warcado
    warcado Posts: 7
    My starting weight for may 7th is 124 pounds lost two pounds this month/week (might be wrong the scales always yo yo throughout the day). But anyway, feeling a tad guilty! Had a massive lunch of pasta, pasta sauce, cheese, and tomato. And apparently the meal was 1300 calories?? crazy!! (hoping it's wrong) I can't believe a cup of cheese is 500kcals, is this wrong???

    Anyway, my target is 119, which would be lovely! :)

    Good luck everyone.
  • I feel really pathetic! I worked out four times this week and walked at least 2.5 miles everyday. I ate pretty well. I did have pizza one night, but I only had 2 slices of thin crust veggie pizza. I had Chinese last night, but only ate the vegetables out of the moo goo gai pan and one piece of sesame chicken. My sodium was in check all week and my calories were great. I pushed myself extra hard on the elliptical. Please tell me why my SW was 128.2 and now I am 129.6? I'm so confused! I did everything right. I doubt I gained a pound of muscle in a week, I doubt it was sodium, and I Know I didn't eat 700 calories over matinence everyday.

    Total weight loss: 0
    Total weight gain: 1.4 lbs
  • carobert95
    carobert95 Posts: 26
    HEY im up for it. Little late but whatever.
    My starting weight is 150 lb this monrning. :D
    See you next at the end of this week.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Weigh In Day!!

    SW : 128
    5/7 : 127.2

    Total Loss This Month : 0.8 pounds
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in for another month. It helps me to stay focused: Starting weight 201.2. Good luck to everyone. Let's lose some weight in May so that we are looking good for the Summer.
    5/01 - 201.2
    5/07 - 199.4
    5/14 -
    5/21 -
    5/31 -
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    5/01 - 201.2
    5/07 - 199.4

    @ Nanberube - You've reached ONEderland!!!!! WhooooHoooo!!!! Excellent work! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
    Keep up the great effort!!!
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