I run and workout but i cant seem to slim down any further



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    Why are you running 8mi every day?
    Why not? I would run more if it wasn't so boring. Is this a bad thing?
    Well, 8 miles a day seems a bit excessive. Do you take rest days in between?

    I take 1 day off I didnt specify that. Honestly though I have been doing it for a year and a half now and I don't really get tired after. I kinda feel 8 isn't that extreme.

    I am not an expert I just do what I believe to be 150 percent is or not at all so... if this is bad in any way I want to know why

    Also I have no time limit on what I can put in work wise each day. So its not an issue

    I'm not sure what you mean by the part you put in bold. Can you please clarify?

    I meant i dont proclaim to be an expert in fitness I just think "i can run more therefore i should" that is my logic.

    If i dont go to bed every day super tired and sore I kinda feel badly about it
    i am not actually Its just something i can do a lot of to burn calories right?

    Read the bold parts above. It sounds like you have some disordered thoughts going on. I think you should speak with your doctor.

    Exercise is supposed to be for health benefits, but overdoing it can have adverse affects.

    ugh... you are reading into it too much I dont have a disorder lol. i just am looking for the right foods to eat and its hard to sift through all the bs... maybe it was a mistake posting....

    8 miles is not a lot.... and im not sure i know many people who are not sore after especially leg day...

    I am an avid runner, and many of my friends are runners.

    Running eight miles a few days a week might not be excessive but running eight miles a day is. Not giving yourself adequate rest days can lead to injury.

    There are no "right" foods to eat. In order to lose weight you have to eat less calories than you burn. However, with all the running you do, it seems eating less would be counterproductive to your energy levels.

    Still, I urge to speak with your doctor.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    The less body fat you have, the more your body will fight you to lose more. Just the body's natural response. It may take more time. Also, I didn't look at your diary, and don't know your portion sizes, but for someone who is as active as you are, it sounds like you may need more calories. If you're not getting enough food, your body slows metabolism to hold on to what energy stores it has left. The problem could also be that you may be eating more than you think. Make sure you're logging everything and weighing your food to be sure. How many calories do you get per day?
  • assuming i have health insurance or a job?
  • BeckiSwim19
    BeckiSwim19 Posts: 22 Member
    My tip would be this. Alter something small each week. That doesn't mean eating less or working out more necessarily, it means doing things at possibly different times. Your body will get used to a certain way of life, especially with a regimented routine with something like what your schedule sounds like. Maybe try having one week where you eat more green veg and then the next week do your runs/gym sessions at different times in the day to normal. That way your body will not adjust and plateau. Hope this helps. Great job so far!!!
  • thestruggles
    thestruggles Posts: 15
    edited January 2015
    NRSPAM wrote: »
    The less body fat you have, the more your body will fight you to lose more. Just the body's natural response. It may take more time. Also, I didn't look at your diary, and don't know your portion sizes, but for someone who is as active as you are, it sounds like you may need more calories. If you're not getting enough food, your body slows metabolism to hold on to what energy stores it has left. The problem could also be that you may be eating more than you think. Make sure you're logging everything and weighing your food to be sure. How many calories do you get per day?

    i think im under a lot. i might not be eating enough. the issues isnt counting calories. the issues what foods should i be eating. i can eat more i just want to make sure im eating the right stuff
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Also, I just wanted to add, that since you're only 27, you may not be feeling the pain now, however, I really do believe that if you continue to run everyday you will likely wind up with joint problems. From someone who has plenty of experience with tons of joint pain, it is no fun, trust me! You really are supposed to take rest days between runs. Especially with that amount of running. You may not feel it yet, like I said, but running really is hard on your joints! Good luck!
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    foods that are delicious that help you hit your macros (protien, fat, carbohydrates, fibre) and other daily nutrients.
  • My tip would be this. Alter something small each week. That doesn't mean eating less or working out more necessarily, it means doing things at possibly different times. Your body will get used to a certain way of life, especially with a regimented routine with something like what your schedule sounds like. Maybe try having one week where you eat more green veg and then the next week do your runs/gym sessions at different times in the day to normal. That way your body will not adjust and plateau. Hope this helps. Great job so far!!!

    hm ok i can give that a try. i used to do midnight runs so i can throw that time in a few times for a change.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    NRSPAM wrote: »
    The less body fat you have, the more your body will fight you to lose more. Just the body's natural response. It may take more time. Also, I didn't look at your diary, and don't know your portion sizes, but for someone who is as active as you are, it sounds like you may need more calories. If you're not getting enough food, your body slows metabolism to hold on to what energy stores it has left. The problem could also be that you may be eating more than you think. Make sure you're logging everything and weighing your food to be sure. How many calories do you get per day?

    i think im under a lot. i might not be eating enough. the issues isnt counting calories. the issues what foods should i be eating. i can eat more i just want to make sure im eating the right stuff

    Someone can step in here, but I think you're supposed to have 1g of protein for every lb of your weight, so if you're 100lb's, you should have 100g of protein/day. I may not be exactly right on the amount, but it's about that much. Protein from lean meat, like chicken, fish, and turkey. You can also do lean cuts of red meat, like skirt steak, tenderloin, and 93% lean ground beef. I'm sure you could probably afford the calories for the fattier meats, but they are not as healthy, and since they're so fatty, would probably leave you feeling crappy. Get in more fruits and veggies, definately, and try to moderate your carbs. Protein shakes are GREAT for getting in your protein and calories. Also, to meet your calorie requirements, I personally love peanut butter and it's very high in calories, so you can add to protein shakes, or eat with fruits/veggies, like celery, apples, or whatever. You can add me if you like. I used to be into lifting and losing fat until I got hurt. :'(
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    edited January 2015
    NRSPAM wrote: »
    NRSPAM wrote: »
    The less body fat you have, the more your body will fight you to lose more. Just the body's natural response. It may take more time. Also, I didn't look at your diary, and don't know your portion sizes, but for someone who is as active as you are, it sounds like you may need more calories. If you're not getting enough food, your body slows metabolism to hold on to what energy stores it has left. The problem could also be that you may be eating more than you think. Make sure you're logging everything and weighing your food to be sure. How many calories do you get per day?

    i think im under a lot. i might not be eating enough. the issues isnt counting calories. the issues what foods should i be eating. i can eat more i just want to make sure im eating the right stuff

    Someone can step in here, but I think you're supposed to have 1g of protein for every lb of your weight, so if you're 100lb's, you should have 100g of protein/day. I may not be exactly right on the amount, but it's about that much. Protein from lean meat, like chicken, fish, and turkey. You can also do lean cuts of red meat, like skirt steak, tenderloin, and 93% lean ground beef. I'm sure you could probably afford the calories for the fattier meats, but they are not as healthy, and since they're so fatty, would probably leave you feeling crappy. Get in more fruits and veggies, definately, and try to moderate your carbs. Protein shakes are GREAT for getting in your protein and calories. Also, to meet your calorie requirements, I personally love peanut butter and it's very high in calories, so you can add to protein shakes, or eat with fruits/veggies, like celery, apples, or whatever. You can add me if you like. I used to be into lifting and losing fat until I got hurt. :'(

    In a deficit, 1 gm of protien per pound of LEAN body mass is the general recommendation. I believe the recommendations are different for maintenance and bulking...
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    ^Thanks! I knew it was something like that! Lol.
  • i need more green.... def
  • el718
    el718 Posts: 4 Member
    I would try cutting out wheat, I always notice a difference around my abdomen within a week. Read the book Wheat Belly, or the blog of Kym Nonstop (she has the craziest abs I've ever seen)
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    You might check this out since you're beginning to lift. It should also shed some light on the macro thing. I'm not saying do the IIFYM thing but it will at least give you an idea of which nutrients you need particularly when you're lifting.
