How often do you go to gym or exercise?



  • tonyprz
    tonyprz Posts: 1 Member
    I guess circuit training is good if you only workout few days a week cause it high intensity exercise that will show results without putting in a whole week.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    prisky780 wrote: »
    I feel guilty for not going to gym everyday. I go 3 days a week and I do circuit training for about an hour with a training. The other 2 days of weekdays, I tell myself to do yoga but never get to it. On weekends I feel even more lazy.

    I "try" my best to eat right. Since I'm not trying to lose a lot, I'm trying 1200 calories small meals through out the days. Of course I go over 1200 cals some days but my question would be is that okay to have only 3 days a week to workout?

    It makes me feel extremely guilty when I hear my coworkers talk about going to gym everyday or run everyday, eating all healthy food while they are way slimmer than me.
    I don't think you should feel guilty - you should do what is right for YOUR body - no one else's. For me, I work out 6 days a weel; 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes; 2 days a week of 10-20 minutes of stretching, yoga etc. 1 day a week of doing nothing I don't feel like. I don't do this because I'm so crazy committed, but because I know my body. If I miss 1 day, I'll miss the next day and the next... so for me, having a schedule that I stick to each and every day is really important.
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I go 5x a week in the AM before work, 2x karate and sometimes a few lunch workouts if I'm not booked for anything. I'm also looking at adding a Sunday morning bikram class.

    My reasons for what might seem like an "extreme" amount of working out are the following:
    • At 5' 1" and female, this is one of the only ways I can eat near 2,000cals a day without gaining weight (and I want to lose weight right now, so I welcome any way to have a bit more space in my daily deficit)
    • Daily weekday workouts are my stress-relief in my fast-paced job and help me stay alert and productive during the day. I also avoid a half-hour long traffic jam by leaving from home an hour earlier.
    • My morning training (3/weights, 2/HIIT) helps me in karate, especially the HIIT cardio.
    • Sunday bikram would help my back

    I'd say don't feel guilty. If 3x a week is giving you what you want in terms of generating enough of a deficit and it's what you want for physical conditioning, then don't feel bad. Maybe your coworkers are training for specific events or genuinely enjoy working out. Stick to your goals, you're doing fine.
    don't mean to be rude but are you a model??? 104 lbs? and your coworkers..
    It could be that she's a shorter person, too. At my height, my ideal weight range is 101-127lbs (according to BMI). BF% could impact this, too. Everyone's goals are different and will be for different reasons.

    My goal is 105lbs. I'm sure to be quite trim at that weight, but that's why I want it. I need agility and speed to fight well being so small - excess weight won't help that for me. Plus, the smaller I am, the less target I present, ha ha!
  • ckmnacln
    ckmnacln Posts: 370 Member
    Everyday and sometimes twice a day but no one ever said I was sane. :smiley:
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,424 Member
    I don't go to a gym. I do try to do around 30 minutes of some exercise daily. Some days I do more.Walking, dancing, workout videos off of you tube.
    My goal with exercise is to increase my fitness. My goal with logging food and reducing portions of high calorie foods is to lose weight. I can lose weight without exercise. I will not improve my fitness level without exercise.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I've never been to a gym.

    Of the people I know who do go...just for the sake of reference...half are super fit and dedicated, the other half are there to gossip/chat with people they know, sit on the equipment and talk about Paleo eating.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm a gym rat. I go to group exercise classes about 4 - 5x a week. I take 1 or 2 classes in a row. And I ride my bike for transportation. I'm also a Zumba instructor so I have workouts based on developing my classes or actually teaching them.

    But it's important to have days off so you don't overtrain and get burned out. If you're doing 3x a week of vigorous exercise, you're ahead of over 50% of the population. If you don't make it to a yoga class, just make sure you get at least a half hour of walking in on those day.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ckmnacln wrote: »
    Everyday and sometimes twice a day but no one ever said I was sane. :smiley:

    This! It's a rare day when I don't do something, even if it is just walking, a leisurely swim or social dancing. Generally I get an hour a day of intense workout time, plus another 30-60 minutes of walking or other more casual activity.

    When I am sick, severely injured or under doctor's orders to rest (such as after surgery) I do, but that's about it. My body needs to be this active and it makes me feel good.

    You should do what you need to do for your body and worry less about other people. That having been said, only working out 3 times a week might not be enough for general cardiovascular health--it depends on exactly what you are doing and for how long.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Five days...three of strength training, two walking/cardio. Mondays and Saturdays rest days (though I took a 3.5-mile walk today as I was off work).
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    5 or 6 days depending on meeting cardio goal per week. Workout at home though. Just not a gym guy. Too many mirrors :o
  • Spedangie
    Spedangie Posts: 108 Member
    I am almost always at the gym 6 days a week. I do 60 minutes minimum of cardio work at a fairly good intensity. I have started (since the start of the year; you know those New Year resolutions!) to hopefully stay faithful to weight work twice weekly, using free weights, therapy bands/cords, and weight machines. I enjoy being at the gym, it's a time to myself; and I don't have to worry about kids at home, etc, so this is easy for me to do. I am an "easy weight gainer", if I slack off I know I'll regret it!
  • SarahHowells1
    SarahHowells1 Posts: 132 Member
    Don't feel guilty - that's a waste of your life!! Going once is fine, so is twice, three times is great and will keep you fit!!!! Maybe you could add in some walking to work or something on days you don't go, if you want to add in more exercises! =)
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    It's all depending on your goals! I do 5 days a week only because i want to. I lift 4 out of the 5 with one day of HIIT.
  • Roes3656
    Three days a week is fine as long as you are supporting it with proper diet. Recovery is as just as important as the workout itself. Push yourself and make the gym addictive and you will instinctively want to go more once you see the results.
  • ninayoungdog617
    ninayoungdog617 Posts: 55 Member
    6 days a week without fall. Hit it hard on the weekends especially!