beginning running.... how do you get past the embarrasment?

I've recently downloaded the c25k app and was super excited to start trying to run, until this morning when I actually attempted it (somewhere I thought was secluded) and cars kept going past me etc and I couldn't get past the fact that people would be laughing at the fat girl trying to run. I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it made me get to the point I thought I was going to cry with embarrassment and I quit. So for those that have been running for a while, how did you get past that initial embarrassment? I live in a tiny village where everyone knows everything so I can't even tell myself that these are people I'm never going to see again.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    No one is laughing at you. Most people will be too busy going about their own lives to notice you. Those that do notice you will most likely think how good it is that you're looking after your health, and then feel guilty that they're the one sat in a car.

    Just keep going and you'll start to feel great and will care less and less about what others think :smile:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Congratulations for starting this. Are people really laughing at you, or are they in their own world with their own issues? Put a headset on and enjoy the music instead. If you're in a small place, safety is probably less of an issue.

    I dance everywhere and people definitely are staring at me, but I'm actually practicing dance steps for the Zumba classes I teach.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I started running at around 300 pounds and I had this paranoia. In reality most people really don't care and it's your own insecurities and if they did you have one up on them that you are trying something they are not. Sunglasses I found helped my paranoia but in the end you just need to push through it and not let that stop you. Congratulations on starting this
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    If anyone is laughing then they are a-holes, so you can figure they aren't someone you want to be friendly with anyway. Everyone else is not paying attention or they're probably wishing they had the guts to go out running too.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    You have to be resolute in the fact you have made a decision to change and improve, and decide not to give one single solitary f**k.

    Realistically though, people are wrapped up in their own worlds, and you look no sillier than anyone else running. I still run like Phoebe from Friends even though I've had lots of practice. Oh well!
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Just get out there and do it. I admire anyone taking control of their diet and fitness. No one is laughing at you except maybe the odd ahole but you will look back in several months and be so glad you pushed passed the embarrassment and stuck with it. Best of luck!
  • derrickyoung
    derrickyoung Posts: 136 Member
    I was 306lbs when I tried to start running. I would pick odd times in quiet residential areas where there was less traffic. I then found a trail loop that offered privacy and softer ground which helped the knees a little. You will come across a-holes out there. I came across one when riding my bike one morning. I was down to about 260 and feeling good about my progress. As I round the corner a guy driving a Garbage truck starts yelling out his window "keep peddling fat *kitten* it does not appear to be working". I was so angry, hurt and embarrassed. But I eventually absolved myself to the fact that in a given amount of time I would be a my goal weight and he would still be driving a garbage truck.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    This is going to sound harsh… but it's meant with sincerity with hopes it will help. Seriously… we should have gotten past this in 6th grade. The world does not revolve around us. NOBODY (capitalized for emphasis) thinks about you as much as you think about you. Chances are excellent that unless you are in their way… they are not even noticing you at all. I certainly don't notice the morning runners unless they just crossed the street in front of me. And even if I do notice them… it's merely noticing that they are there. I've got other things on my mind… I don't spend any time critiquing their form, their weight, the way the they dress, their speed. And I'm just starting to run myself, so it's something I'm interested in… and I still don't notice those things!

    Seriously… STOP! What would you tell your 12 year old daughter/niece/cousin that is so self-conscious all the time? Tell yourself that! Nobody cares about you that much to waste time judging you! Besides… it's none of your business what other people think about you!
  • rrowdiness
    rrowdiness Posts: 119 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hey some quick solutions
    • Wear army surplus camo, it's designed to make it harder for people to see you.
    • Run at night; be sure to wear pure black from head to toe, wraparound sunglasses and a hat for that additional anonymity
    • Find places where there are no other people, and run there. You know, middle of the woods at midnight, that kinda stuff.
    • Consult this video. Specifically at 1:02. This is all that matters about running.
    • Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. They're not. They're thinking about them.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I started C25 for the first time weighing 120kg. That's a lot of fat girl. I shared your concerns, but really they were unfounded. Especially in the early days of running, nobody seemed to notice or care. Just get out and get on with it. In 6 weeks time, you'll be running a continuous 30minutes, and that's more than most people in the cars driving past can say.
  • spally2
    spally2 Posts: 22
    Like the others say, no-one is going to be laughing at you. Take a set of headphones out if going out makes you self-conscious - well done on getting out there and just think about the fact that you are one of the few who actually get off their couches in order to get fit and healthy. Keep going - you'll be grand.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Yeah mate it's all in your head. And if someone does have snide thoughts about you running, screw those bozos. Lock out the world and zone out, that's what running is all about!

    I run pretty slow, even after a few years of running. People over take me all the time and sometimes I feel a little down that I still can't run very fast. But at the end of the day, no one has ever made fun of me or given me a hard time for being slow. They know everyone starts somewhere and that if you run then you're in the unspoken running club.

    Keep at it. Think of us, your MFP pals, when you run :)
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    rrowdiness wrote: »
    Hey some quick solutions
    • Wear army surplus camo, it's designed to make it harder for people to see you.
    • Run at night; be sure to wear pure black from head to toe, wraparound sunglasses and a hat for that additional anonymity
    • Find places where there are no other people, and run there. You know, middle of the woods at midnight, that kinda stuff.
    • Consult this video. Specifically at 1:02. This is all that matters about running.
    • Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. They're not. They're thinking about them.

    Run at night and wear pitch black clothing!!!! Recipe for getting knocked down that and getting injured. Poster who asked initial question ignore this.

  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    There is the occasional idiot who is going to yell or honk at you.

    They are not yelling because you are slow or don't fit their idea of a runner. They are yelling or honking because they are an idiot. And, in my experiences as a not-entirely-slow not-entirely-non-runner-looking runner, very likely because they are a car full of teenagers, and teenagers...see above.

    I also wear sunglasses, always, so I can stare at things and people without it looking like I'm staring. That's a superpower. It gives me courage.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    rrowdiness wrote: »
    Hey some quick solutions
    • Wear army surplus camo, it's designed to make it harder for people to see you.
    • Run at night; be sure to wear pure black from head to toe, wraparound sunglasses and a hat for that additional anonymity
    • Find places where there are no other people, and run there. You know, middle of the woods at midnight, that kinda stuff.
    • Consult this video. Specifically at 1:02. This is all that matters about running.
    • Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. They're not. They're thinking about them.

    Run at night and wear pitch black clothing!!!! Recipe for getting knocked down that and getting injured. Poster who asked initial question ignore this.

    Ever heard of reflective materials to put on top of black clothing? What a non-creative response.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    You know, none of us can make you change how you view yourself, so maybe take this experience as even more valuable than what you see in the mirror. No matter how much advice you will get, ultimately you will have to find a way that works for you how you learn to love yourself regardless of shape and size.
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    rrowdiness wrote: »
    Hey some quick solutions
    • Wear army surplus camo, it's designed to make it harder for people to see you.
    • Run at night; be sure to wear pure black from head to toe, wraparound sunglasses and a hat for that additional anonymity
    • Find places where there are no other people, and run there. You know, middle of the woods at midnight, that kinda stuff.
    • Consult this video. Specifically at 1:02. This is all that matters about running.
    • Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. They're not. They're thinking about them.

    Run at night and wear pitch black clothing!!!! Recipe for getting knocked down that and getting injured. Poster who asked initial question ignore this.

    Ever heard of reflective materials to put on top of black clothing? What a non-creative response.

    Yes but the above person didn't include that. If they had, great advice. As they have not, dangerous advice.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    rrowdiness wrote: »
    Hey some quick solutions
    • Wear army surplus camo, it's designed to make it harder for people to see you.
    • Run at night; be sure to wear pure black from head to toe, wraparound sunglasses and a hat for that additional anonymity
    • Find places where there are no other people, and run there. You know, middle of the woods at midnight, that kinda stuff.
    • Consult this video. Specifically at 1:02. This is all that matters about running.
    • Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. They're not. They're thinking about them.

    Run at night and wear pitch black clothing!!!! Recipe for getting knocked down that and getting injured. Poster who asked initial question ignore this.

    Ever heard of reflective materials to put on top of black clothing? What a non-creative response.

    Yes but the above person didn't include that. If they had, great advice. As they have not, dangerous advice.

    I was quoting you, not the earlier poster...
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    rrowdiness wrote: »
    Hey some quick solutions
    • Wear army surplus camo, it's designed to make it harder for people to see you.
    • Run at night; be sure to wear pure black from head to toe, wraparound sunglasses and a hat for that additional anonymity
    • Find places where there are no other people, and run there. You know, middle of the woods at midnight, that kinda stuff.
    • Consult this video. Specifically at 1:02. This is all that matters about running.
    • Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. They're not. They're thinking about them.

    Run at night and wear pitch black clothing!!!! Recipe for getting knocked down that and getting injured. Poster who asked initial question ignore this.

    Ever heard of reflective materials to put on top of black clothing? What a non-creative response.

    Yes but the above person didn't include that. If they had, great advice. As they have not, dangerous advice.

    I was quoting you, not the earlier poster...

    Now I know why I don't comment in the threads.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    rrowdiness wrote: »
    Hey some quick solutions
    • Wear army surplus camo, it's designed to make it harder for people to see you.
    • Run at night; be sure to wear pure black from head to toe, wraparound sunglasses and a hat for that additional anonymity
    • Find places where there are no other people, and run there. You know, middle of the woods at midnight, that kinda stuff.
    • Consult this video. Specifically at 1:02. This is all that matters about running.
    • Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. They're not. They're thinking about them.

    Run at night and wear pitch black clothing!!!! Recipe for getting knocked down that and getting injured. Poster who asked initial question ignore this.

    Ever heard of reflective materials to put on top of black clothing? What a non-creative response.

    Yes but the above person didn't include that. If they had, great advice. As they have not, dangerous advice.

    I was quoting you, not the earlier poster...

    Now I know why I don't comment in the threads.

    Ah so I'm the bad guy for pointing out that you were shooting down instead of lifting up. Right.