Am I doomed to be overwight forever? Why am I not normal



  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    gianna, great job reviving a post from last year.

    The op obviously has not tried going to a hormone specialist (doctor), and would rather complain online.

    Like less than a month ago? So?

    Seriously. And who cares? Maybe it'll help someone else who needed to see this, but didn't feel comfortable typing it out.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Hily93 wrote: »
    gianna729 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    kiera1995 wrote: »
    It's just, I see these people who wake up every morning. Don't have to give an hour thought of what they are gonna eat or if it will make them fat.

    Eat what you want, as long as you remain in your calorie deficit. I eat ice cream, chocolate, fast food, and pizza all the time, and I've lost 55 pounds in a year.

    Oh heck no! What you eat does matter! Sure a person can lose weight on these foods but at the cost of good health. Even skinny people can have heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune responses and a myriad of other health problems related to poor diet.

    I cringe every time someone in the FitnessPal community posts that all you need to do is take in fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight. That may be true but the goal is good health and a lower weight is just one component of good health.

    and vegan's and vegetarians and paleo eating people can have those diseases as well.... so obviously your point is now gone...

    People here want to lose weight - period. THAT is calories - period.

    You need to think a bit further then just calories if your aim is to be healthy. Just because you are a vegan och vegetarian doesn't mean you only eat healthy. If you only eat junk food like chocolate and coke, sure your calorie count will be below, but that food does so much damage to your body. I am in medical school and we read about this, it's shocking!! I have seen loads of people on this forum say you can eat junk food and still lose weight, but for one moment think of why you want to lose weight and you'll see that you are counteracting that behavior with your lifestyle. You want to lose weight, then stop thinking of it as a diet. Try and eat healthy, switch the white bread with brown. Try to avoid eating outside or eating junk food like chocolate. You can treat yourself every now and then, the point of it being a lifestyle is so that you can eat what you like every now and then. Try working out, count calories and you'll see that sometimes what you think is healthy is the opposite of healthy. Eventually the weight loss will come and you will feel better, your body will feel better!

    WTF seriously LOL.... I am not vegan, vegetarian or anything. I EAT and EAT what I damn well please.. Of course everyone wants to get on a high horse about nutrition crap but let me just say that when WE say "you can eat what you want" it is because you can eat what you want - JUST NOT OUT OF CONTROL. That goes without saying so .. good luck in med school... apparently logic isn't the strong suit.

    To enforce, I don't believe I have EVER seen anyone on here say "eat crap all day every day" and lose weight... what they do say is stop demonizing food as there is nothing wrong with eating chocolate every day if it fits in with the REST of your macros and that includes *gasp* alcohol...
  • mspiggy1178
    mspiggy1178 Posts: 12 Member
    I can relate but don't get discouraged! I've been actively trying to lose weight for the past 6 years with little success and can feel your frustration. I've had many ups and downs, but keep at it and work on consistency. Don't let the negatives get you down. Keep pushing and keep positive thoughts. You can do this! Dig deep, and be confident that you can and will succeed.
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    gianna, great job reviving a post from last year.

    The op obviously has not tried going to a hormone specialist (doctor), and would rather complain online.

    A month ago....
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hily93 wrote: »
    gianna729 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    kiera1995 wrote: »
    It's just, I see these people who wake up every morning. Don't have to give an hour thought of what they are gonna eat or if it will make them fat.

    Eat what you want, as long as you remain in your calorie deficit. I eat ice cream, chocolate, fast food, and pizza all the time, and I've lost 55 pounds in a year.

    Oh heck no! What you eat does matter! Sure a person can lose weight on these foods but at the cost of good health. Even skinny people can have heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune responses and a myriad of other health problems related to poor diet.

    I cringe every time someone in the FitnessPal community posts that all you need to do is take in fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight. That may be true but the goal is good health and a lower weight is just one component of good health.

    and vegan's and vegetarians and paleo eating people can have those diseases as well.... so obviously your point is now gone...

    People here want to lose weight - period. THAT is calories - period.

    You need to think a bit further then just calories if your aim is to be healthy. Just because you are a vegan och vegetarian doesn't mean you only eat healthy. If you only eat junk food like chocolate and coke, sure your calorie count will be below, but that food does so much damage to your body. I am in medical school and we read about this, it's shocking!! I have seen loads of people on this forum say you can eat junk food and still lose weight, but for one moment think of why you want to lose weight and you'll see that you are counteracting that behavior with your lifestyle. You want to lose weight, then stop thinking of it as a diet. Try and eat healthy, switch the white bread with brown. Try to avoid eating outside or eating junk food like chocolate. You can treat yourself every now and then, the point of it being a lifestyle is so that you can eat what you like every now and then. Try working out, count calories and you'll see that sometimes what you think is healthy is the opposite of healthy. Eventually the weight loss will come and you will feel better, your body will feel better!

    See the two statements I bolded? Put them together. Now you come close to what people on the forums might say.

    Go ahead and find me the person who recommends all junk food all the time.

    Hint: there isn't one.

    ETA: There is no such thing as "junk" food in the context of a well-balanced diet. Moderation is key.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    According to system -- acceann has deactivated their account.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    AnnisHD wrote: »
    Here are THE FACTS about consistent and long lasting weight loss. EAT properly, eat in moderation, eat regularly (none of this restrict to severe you know...they do not last). Our bodies are still designed for the days of hunter/gatherers. Our bodies have thousands of years of survival...Modern day living has ruined our eating habits and exercise habits. WE rarely walk long distances. I look at pictures of my mom/sister who were raised during the Depression and WW II. THEY were all very was RARE, RARE, RARE to see an overweight person, much less OBESE people. They walked. They worked in gardens. They chopped wood. THEY ate regular meals made from whole foods not over processed by some huge food giant. BACK TO BASICS....

    This post was flagged as spam, just because the post is contrary to what some other people think doesn't make it spam. It's just a different point of view.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    edited January 2015