2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • UmmSqueaky wrote: »
    I would be happy to mentor a few newbies, especially if you're fellow geeks (or even better, cosplayers). Bonus points if you're a short geek (cuz short people have lower calorie limits and our own special problems).

    I'm 33 years old and have spent my entire adult life trying and failing to lose weight and get healthy. I was on sparkpeople for years, would lose 10-15 lbs, and then gain back 20. I yo yo-ed my way from the 150s all the way up to 205 lbs. I finally hit rock bottom a year ago - after avoiding pictures of myself for years, I had taken up cosplay. And you can't avoid pictures of yourself if you dress up in costume. I logged onto MFP (which I had tried the previous year and fallen away), and have been logging every day since.

    In the last year, I've lost 85 lbs through good old fashion eat less, move more. In general, I eat healthier than I did before, but I don't eat "clean" (however you define that). I eat out at least once a week. I love McDonalds. I love cookies. I love fried chicken. I love chocolate. The big difference is now I know how much my body needs (which is sadly not much), so I'm all about the portion control. Also planning and not giving in to cravings. If I want McDonalds, I'm not going to get in the car and get it right now. I plan to have it on the weekend, when I know that I can fit it into my calorie limit. I am not big on giving anything up, be it gluten or carbs or soda or whatever.

    I also exercise. A lot. Well, not so much now that I can't bike commute, but I am a big proponent of working exercise into your daily life (walk on your lunch hour, bike to work if possible) as well as going to the gym regularly.

    And finally, I believe that good friends are essential to success on MFP. An active friends list, interacting with said friends, cheering them on, asking for advice, has been what keeps me coming back here every day for the last 392 days.

    Hi, I'm a short geek of sorts, but not the cosplay kind. If you're still able to mentor, I would love to work with you. I have Lost 20lbs doing the same eat less move more, but I struggle with the last 10lbs and the constant love call of sweets
  • dimasj
    dimasj Posts: 164 Member
    13vespa13 wrote: »
    I can take one or two people.

    I'm still fairly new to this stuff myself, but in the last 4 months I've learned a lot. I don't do any real special diets, and mostly adhere to the "proper portions of the things I love" mentality. Exercise is hit or miss with me, but I am hoping that before long I will be able to being lifting (be it with a bar and weights at home, or caving and going to a gym).

    I started September 1st at 198 pounds and am down to 176 as of this morning. I have a GI disease (diverticulosis) which is rare for a 33 year old. I was also recently diagnosed with PCOS, and if what my endocrinologist said was accurate I am also at the start of Hashimoto's disease. So my choice to lose weight couldn't have come at a better time as it has enabled me to stay medication free for the time being.

    Those on very low calorie diets need not "apply". If sarcasm and colorful metaphors are not your thing, I'm not a good match for you. My dairy is open to friends, and I'd kind of like the same in return if I'm going to mentor you. :smile:

    Hi, Are you still able to take on a noob?

    I am also still looking for a mentor as I am also new and need some help staying on track!
  • Sleeper1962
    Sleeper1962 Posts: 8 Member
    gr8tfulm wrote: »
    How is all the newbies doing? We are here if anyone needs help!!! We all started here too.

    So far, I am doing fairly well and am still on my own. I have messaged two different people with the reasons why I would like for them to be my mentor, but did not hear back. I have a couple more names of folks who seem like a good match, so I will keep trying.
  • Withcyhoe
    Withcyhoe Posts: 6 Member
    cklbrown wrote: »
    I will be a mentor. I joined here March of 2011 weighing almost 200 pounds. I was ready to lose the weight and took over 80 pounds off in less then eight months. I struggle with keeping the weight off. I will be 48 very soon. Although I haven't checked in here everyday for the last almost four years, I have checked in daily for almost a year and intend on being here daily. I appreciate the importance of having supportive friends who will hold me accountable and therefore in turn try to be a good friend.

  • Withcyhoe
    Withcyhoe Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Peggy, I've been on MFP for 2 weeks. I've been going to the gym since mid October. I will be 49 Monday. I weighed 265 when I started in October and today am floating between 257 and 260. I've lost alot of inches, but thru weight training I'm gaining muscle. I'm assuming that's why the scale isn't going down much. I DONT CARE!!! I feel better than I have in years! I'm interested in finding new ways to eat and lift. I have this vision of me in two years being a body builder (yes, as in bikini) WHAT???? It's just a vision, I dont think I'll do it, but you never know! If you feel you can offer me some suggestions and guidance, please holla back :) By the way, Im in the USA.
  • shellcatori
    shellcatori Posts: 8 Member
    Hello looking for tips and advice and a mentor would be awesome please add me
  • shaunellejacob22
    shaunellejacob22 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everybody .. I would like to be adopted..I am 18 years of age and have been struggling with my weight since I was six years old. I an currently 304 lb .. I jus want to change my life so I can love myself more and feel good about myself if anybody would like to be my mentor can message me :)
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    In.....I could help a couple of people out. I would be a good fit for someone looking to start lifting. I would be willing to review videos for form check, and steer them in the right direction programing wise.

    I am 38 and have been lifting for about 5 years (give or take a few months). My wife and I started competitive powerlifting this year. We have our second meet coming in a few weeks.

    I can be sarcastic from time to time, so a sense of humor is required.
  • Ericka120
    Ericka120 Posts: 1 Member
    Greetings from chilly Ohio. I am looking for a mentor. I am very new to MFP. I am looking to lose 30 lbs and am struggling with keeping my calorie intake up. I feel as if I am constantly eating and I think over the past week I have only achieved my net calorie goal once.

    When I get on the elliptical, I tend to hit the zone and don't want to stop, thus burning more calories... I believe a mentor might be able to keep me on track and hopefully, avoid pitfalls others have faced.
  • I have been here for a little while but looking to lose down to 195 from 305 and wouldn't mind a mentor at all. I am a teacher and a coach so decently active job that has some weird time constraints but I am trying. I have recently started lifting again and adding cardio. I played football at a small college in Texas until I basically destroyed my shoulder so I am trying to get back into shape. Thanks in advance.
  • I would really love some mentoring, I am a newbie and the encouragement would be awesome. I dnt know how to pm mentors so this is my only option. Thanks a lot!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hi. I mostly part my hair on the left.

    If you want me to mentor you just squinch your eyes real tight while sitting criss-cross applesauce with a votive candle on...and tink happy thawts.

  • cees650
    cees650 Posts: 32 Member
    Don't let my Resting *kitten* Face Syndrome scare you lol. I'm looking for a mentor someone who is willing to stick with me for a long time. Starting from weight loss and going up all the way into lifting, not beefy, but nice and toned, something nice to look at everyday as a reward to remind myself of how far I've come, also to reach goals and know that I have accomplished them.
    I've recently started back to MFP I used it before I got pregnant, and honestly it worked for me.
    I would love to find my own mentor, I figured I could post a little note in which hopefully it can steer me into the correct fit. Anyway... Feel free to message me or add me as a friend.

    Thanks so much.
    RBF CC
  • MallowBrain
    MallowBrain Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I'm looking for a mentor who does or has done the 5:2 diet to help me stick to it and help me lose the weight I desperately need to lose
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Mallow - I don't do the 5.2 but there is a group on MFP that does. or probably several. here's a link to just one of them but if you use the search option you could probably find more.. hope this helps! http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/49-intermittent-fasting
  • GettingConfident
    GettingConfident Posts: 158 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I will be happy to mentor two people. I have been using MPF for over a year now. It's something that i can always rely on to get back on track of dieting! I am a strong believer and follow the low carb approach from which i have lost weight many times. The low carb approach is a diet in which require no starving, allows you to eat till your full and one of the fastest ways to lose weight! And if like me you hate waiting for weight to come off then feel free to drop me a message! I am happy to guide you in your journey and as a team we can get there...afterall what have you got to lose...apart from pounds! <3
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member

    I am willing to take on (2) newbies, I'm sorting out my goals and motivations and basically starting fresh, so what better time to help other people starting out?

    Let us cover the basic 'about me'


    Tl;dr: I've been here a while, I like to lift, I don't like cardio, I do like food, I eat cookies every day, I'm not into low this or cutting out that. I will give my honest opinion on anything you ask so be ready for that. I am all about IIFYM aka "Hey I eat food like a normal person."

    Things you may find useful to know: I'm dirty mouthed. If you let your kids hang out on your page I am probably not for you. I ain't got nothing to do outside of school and World of Warcraft so sometimes I chatter a lot. I have an afro. I like big butts and I cannot lie. I have tried every Oreo variation available in the U.S. I have more pairs of yoga shorts than I do jeans.

    *announcer voice* Does this appeal to you? Do you promise to never ask me for marathon running advice? (Not even once) Do you also like big butts? Then mayhaps I'm the gal for you. *fireworks* *musical flourish* *strobe lights*
  • hollycaswell12
    hollycaswell12 Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    Hi I'm looking for a mentor who does or has done the 5:2 diet to help me stick to it and help me lose the weight I desperately need to lose
    What is the 5.2 diet thing
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Daiako wrote: »

    I am willing to take on (2) newbies, I'm sorting out my goals and motivations and basically starting fresh, so what better time to help other people starting out?

    Let us cover the basic 'about me'


    Tl;dr: I've been here a while, I like to lift, I don't like cardio, I do like food, I eat cookies every day, I'm not into low this or cutting out that. I will give my honest opinion on anything you ask so be ready for that. I am all about IIFYM aka "Hey I eat food like a normal person."

    Things you may find useful to know: I'm dirty mouthed. If you let your kids hang out on your page I am probably not for you. I ain't got nothing to do outside of school and World of Warcraft so sometimes I chatter a lot. I have an afro. I like big butts and I cannot lie. I have tried every Oreo variation available in the U.S. I have more pairs of yoga shorts than I do jeans.

    *announcer voice* Does this appeal to you? Do you promise to never ask me for marathon running advice? (Not even once) Do you also like big butts? Then mayhaps I'm the gal for you. *fireworks* *musical flourish* *strobe lights*

    Oooooh pick me pick me!! :D
  • jessonsangels
    jessonsangels Posts: 11 Member
    erizzatto wrote: »
    I volunteer to act as a mentor. I've lost 87 lbs on MFP since October 2013, and it hasn't been easy, but I've learned a lot along the way. I recently got a Fitbit, so if you have one, you can add me on there as well. I have a more extensive bio on my profile if you want to know more about me.
    I would like to volunteer to mentor a couple of new members.

    I am 21 and a university student so I know a bit about working to budget, but I also know that if I want something, then I work it in every now and then. A total carb-oholic and carnivore. Meat is lower in calories and keeps me fuller so the carnivore is the side I indulge most often.

    I vary between 1,200-1,500cal depending on my week. Sometimes I'm not hungry after 1,200, sometimes I want a bit more.

    I don't a lot of exercise aside from walking into town and I occasionally skip rope in my room (probably to the annoyance of the person in the flat below me, but I've never had any complaints). I prefer to have a deficit in food.

    I'm an insane foodie who enjoys cooking so am happy to exchange recipes and suggestions. The freezer is my friend!

    Please do not add me as a friend if:

    -You intend to 'diet' on minimum calories per day
    -You're diary is closed to friends, be accountable for what you've eaten. You wanna eat those fifty burgers? Do it and own it, then move on.

    Leave a message in the comment box when adding- the more the merrier.

    Become a healthier, happy you!! :)

This discussion has been closed.