10 pounds lighter and tighter by April - Support thread!

Hey everyone! I'm here to rally some peeps together who want real positivity and accountability in losing 10 POUNDS by April 1st! This means you can take up to 10 weeks (1 lb/week) to do it. Let's support each other. :)

~ ~ ~
Here's where I'm at:
Current weight: 139lb Goal weight: 129lb
Current estimated body fat: 25% Goal body fat: 18-20%

My Goal calories: 1300/day (an approx. deficit of 500 based on the Harris Benedict Equation and Katch-McArdle Formula - http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/CalRequire.html).
My Goal exercise: 30 min. of bodyweight intervals at home (to start), 6 days/week. I love heavy lifting but don't have access to a gym right now.
My Goal food: whole food-based, vegetarian, light on the dairy, and eating not out of boredom or loneliness, but rather for optimal health! These are really important goals for me.

I estimated my body fat and realize that gaining muscle will throw off weight loss/goal weight numbers. That's all okay, I'm not looking to be perfect in calculating this journey. I DO however want to be stronger, leaner, and healthier!! :) So that is my focus. If anything else, I hope to show peeps that we don't have to be obsessive to make great transformations - we can be positive and still move in the right direction, making adjustments along the way.
~ ~ ~

And for your handy information:

1 lb/week = 10 weeks from today - Wed. April 1st, 2015.
2 lb/week = 5 weeks from today - Wed. February 25, 2015.

Post your stats or at least your goals below if you're in!
Let's do this!!!!!! (*) B) (*)


  • I'm in. I'd like to lose 10 lbs. Lost 12 so far.
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    I would love to do this! I am rather new to MFP, so still learning it all--diary, staying in range etc. I have also just been informed that I am not able to do much cardio other than walking right now and little things with little to no weight for strength training due to a bad knee.

    I am 5'1", so definitely on the way too big side for my height. Current weight 161. My dream would be 130, but for the moment, I would be pumped if I could even reach to 155! According to MFP, if I loose 1lb/wk, my calorie intake should be 1650. I also have my FitBit synced to the program. I will be walking 5 days a week (until told I can do more) and then physical therapy that includes leg lifts with resistance band every other day.

    I would love to become your "friends" in MFP!
  • faelight
    faelight Posts: 58 Member
    Awesome you two!! We can do it!

    Bperry congrats!

    Sellerskennington thanks for sharing all that you did!
  • minesta
    minesta Posts: 3 Member
    I gained a few pounds over the holidays after a 20+ lbs loss. This is the perfect motivator to get past my last low of 135. Right now I'm just trying to get under 140 and its proving pretty hard with all the eating at night and dreading the scale in the morning.

    SW 163
    CW 142.8
    GW 132.8

    I'm really looking forward to some accountability and support.
  • garnetann2014
    garnetann2014 Posts: 13 Member
    I am in too. Hoping to take off the holiday weight. Need some accountability, thinking this may be just what I need.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    (Sorry I wrote such a long book)

    I am joining so that I can get the push to make it/lose these last 10 pounds.
    Because I'm really near my goal, every last pound is that much harder to shed.

    SW: 129
    CW (2 weeks ago): 125.2
    GW: 115 (I haven't been under 116 since teenage years)
    UGW: 114

    guess CBF = 30% (even though my scale says 26%)
    GBF = 24%

    Note: I will not be weighing myself frequently.
    I find that the number on the scale really hurts my progress:
    - if the number is high, I feel defeated and want to eat.
    - if the number is low, I feel so great that I want to celebrate and let loose a little and eat more

    I'm going to do weekly progress pictures (will not be posting them) and measurements.

    I've been totally committed since 1/1/15 with:
    - food logging/staying near my macros and calories
    - no night-time snacking: today is day 22!!!! yay!
    - working out every other day; having fun/keeping moving
    Example: I don't sit while I wait during my kids' lessons anymore. At ice skating yesterday, I walked up and down the big stairs for 45minutes. Nothing intense, but I kept moving; and yesterday was my REST day.

    My TDEE is about 1550.
    I can't deprive myself for long before I go nuts and eat everything, so I'm cycling:
    week1: eat avg 1200/day
    week2: eat avg 1500/day
    and cycle that, so that I don't feel like I'm dieting forever. Yes, I know that's like losing less than 0.5 a pound a week, but slow and steady is good.
    I focus on filling real food and lots of protein and water.
    I'm using Myfitnesspal to help track things.

    On my low cals week: I have 2 days of lower calories, almost like a fast where I eat a total of 700 calories, so I can save some calories for the other days so I can still eat at ~1400/day so I don't feel deprived.
    So in the 2-week cycles, I'm only really "limited dieting" 2 days, and the other days, I just choose smarter food.

    Workouts: more fun/keep moving:
    - I'm doing a challenge w/ a friend online: jumping jacks, leg lifts, situps/crunches, squats, mountain climber, pushups, etc.
    - I need to continue my plank challenge, also w/ same friend.
    - I lift heavy weights, but this time at higher reps: 5x8
    - Zumba: so fun, like dancing
    - rowing w/ Power10s
    - interval run/sprints

    I have 3 timeline goals:
    1. look great this weekend (haven't seen few friends in a while)
    2. look great in 10day in my hot pink dress for my 12yr wedding anniversary night out
    3. look great in my 2 slim skirts <-- I bought them last year and I haven't been able to wear them, so they're just hanging in my closets taunting me

    Would appreciate any/all help to keep me on course.
    I'm doing well right now, but all it takes is a little bump in the road, and I can go back to my previous ways.

    This was me in November 2014, near my peak heaviest:

  • I originally lost 26 lbs. a couple years ago from my heaviest at 184 lbs., but have been slowly gaining it back since and and now am back at 173 lbs. from a low of 158. I feel very uncomfortable at this weight and felt great at 158. I am 5'7" and have an ultimate goal of 150. I am an emotional eater and have minor binge eating issues. I've started a book about intuitive eating and have a goal to work out at least 3 times a week at first and gradually move up to 5 times a week once it becomes more of a habit. The biggest thing missing in my plan is accountability and that is where I'm hoping this thread comes in. I weigh myself every Thursday morning and this morning was really rough...
  • MsTracy1972
    MsTracy1972 Posts: 25 Member
    I totally want to do this..

    I have been watching what I put in my mouth (ha), I really dont have an issue with what I eat, I make good choices at work, but it all goes downhill when I get home as I cook for two adult men that eat everything. It doesn't help that I have a sedentary office job and its winter in Chicago, blahhhhh blahhhh.

    I have always been petite, like 120-130 lbs, until I turned 40! Now, 42, I am 4'11 or so, 140 lbs. I would be comfortable losing 5-10 lbs.

    Health isn't great, I'm battling anemia/iron deficiency from uterine fibroids, to which I may soon be having surgery to remove. For those of you that know, this leaves me no energy at all. I take supplements, however, exercising is a day to day battle for me.

    I'm going to do this though, I'm tired of carrying this spare tire and feeling like I weigh 3 times as much as I do....Gotta get my mind right...GAME ON....BEAR DOWN!!!
  • faelight
    faelight Posts: 58 Member
    Like MsTracy said- Game On!!!! We got this!! Thank you everyone for hoppin on here, let's keep up the great focus and sharing!

    Something cool we could do is post our successes and places where we could use a boost.

    my success yesterday: stayed within 100 calories of my goal AND did cardio for 50 minutes!

    where to boost myself: don't let the stress of moving to a new house get to me! Take a minute to relax and don't run to food.

    Have a great day, peeps! :)
  • roberts0719
    roberts0719 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm new to the discussion pages, but could use some support.

    I'm 29 and had 3 strokes. The first in 2008, second 9 days later in 2009, and the late one in the fall of 2010.

    Prior to my strokes, my weight would range between 145 & 154. I was in the best shape I had been right before. I was active and healthy.
    Since my strokes though it is a different story. I was put on a med that made me gain 150# in 6 months!!! I have tried and failed over and over to get the weight off. Between the meds I'm on still, me being limited on the amount of activity I can do or do for any amount of time and the fact that I'm NEVER hungry enough to eat the desired amount of calories.

    Then on top of my strokes, I have occurred several health issues since my second stroke. They range from fibromyalgia like pain on my right side & chronic migraine headaches to double vision & lack of balance.

    Besides the apparent health benefits, my doctors have said that it would be almost impossible for my husband and I to have children until I lose at least 75#. Having a family is the biggest and most important dream/goal in our lives.

    Long-term Goals:
    #1 Lose 150 while also getting healthy
    #2 Start a family

    Short-term Goal
    Lose 5# by February
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    My success yesterday: I remember to log in. Was too far under calorie count, but I began the stomach bug which my two sons so loving passed on to me!

    Where to boost: I really want to make sure I walk today. Due to taking Phenergan to stop the bug, I overslept and missed my walking time. I have physical therapy tomorrow, so want to get two walks in before the apt.

    I also need to have faith than I can loose at least 10 pounds, heck even 5!

    We should all be friends on MFP and help encourage in the app also. For some reason, I am not receiving notices that there are responses here.
  • allthewayk
    allthewayk Posts: 6 Member
    I am in!!! I am focusing on small goals, 5lbs at a time, 5lbs a month. This fits perfectly. I workout regularly and have a very hard time losing weight. I track my food, stay within range, yet still struggle to drop even 5lbs. I really need this motivation to stay with it. I cannot gain ANY more weight.
  • jojomonster
    jojomonster Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! losing 10 lbs always seems to take me forever. My small term goal is to down 5lbs by or around my birthday.(end of feb) (since I don't have a scale I will be tracking via measuring tape.) My way of accomplish this is to keep within my calories and try to eat healthier within my budget. And to exercise everyday. But where I usually screw up is eating all the food... ALL THE FOOD. So yeah. :) Lets do this!!
  • brownies64
    brownies64 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am new to this site but seriously have tried everything else! I need to lose 20 pounds but I need to start somewhere and this seemed like a good place to start. I need the motivation! Wanting to lose the weight and having the mindset to do it is 2 totally different things!
    Any help you all can provide would be appreciated.
    I am 42, 5'4 and weigh 160 pounds
  • I am totally up for this too! I lost about 35 pounds almost 3 years ago and have put it all back on. Between and injury and having 3 kids who are on the go a lot, I put myself on the back burner again. I've tried several times to get back on track but I guess I wasn't ready. This time I am! I am almost 3 weeks back on track and doing good but most important finally feeling better. From my weigh in at my highest 3 weeks ago I want to lose 64 lbs. I am down 12 so I am on my way. It'll take time but goals like this will help. Please feel free to add me!
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    Hey all! So, I will be heading out to happy hour with some office friends. I have already 12 cups of water today. I am getting up and walking around trying to reach my 10,000 steps on FitBit. What would be the safest beverage to have that won't kill my calories?
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    seller: stay away from mixed drinks like margaritas.
    rum and diet coke is good.

    it's the snacking when drinking is what gets you: fries, nachos, etc.
    be sure to eat lots of protein first at home to fill you up before meeting friends.

  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Yesterday, I was supposed to go workout at 9am, then have brunch. But DH had an appt, so I had to stay home w/ sick DD. He said he'd be home before noon. I don't like to eat before working out, so I thought to wait until 1:30pm to eat. ---- BUT he didn't get home until almost 2pm!!!!
    So I hit the gym at 2pm, but had to get groceries (near gym), and due to DH's wonderful timing, I had to head straight to pick up son from school, meaning I didn't get home until 4:30 and eat.
    stupidly I did make a protein/veg/pina-colada smoothie, but left it at home after only 2 sips.
    So I came home, stuffed my face w/ protein.
    Was too tired, so I went to bed. YES, at 7pm! (Love my DH for manning the kids, so that I could crash).

    I know the "if everyday were like today......5 weeks" forecast is not a crystal ball, but I have NEVER seen such a low number for me!!! Screenshot for an inspiration!
    You never know!
    Day 22 w/out night-time snacking: DONE!

  • pinkninja81
    pinkninja81 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in!
    5' 4"
    SW - 147lbs
    CW - 132
    GW - 117
  • minesta
    minesta Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished today's yoga practice. Third day in a row!!! A first for me. I joined a 30 day challenge and having completed the first three makes me feel very proud of myself. Especially being able to ignore the little voice that told me to stay in bed and not workout today. Me 3 little voice 0