What are some of YOUR bizarre food combinations?



  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Ruffles potato chips with grape jelly or just stuff them on a pbj

    That actually sounds so good! I love peanut butter, jelly and potato chip sandwiches! :p

    Yup, delicious!

    Mac & cheese with Catalina dressing
    Peanut butter & cheese sandwiches
    Hot Pockets with Doritos (or any chip, really) stuffed inside
    Mixing bbq sauce & ranch to eat with chicken strips

  • LizinTx1967
    This may sound strange, but I am OBSESSED with shredded green and red cabbage tossed with stevia, cinnamon, cocoa powder and crumbled goat cheese... Weird, I know.

    I also love dried seaweed (nori) spread with peanut butter...

    What are some of YOUR strangest food combos?

    Ive been addicted to texmex foods the past 25 years of my life. I ahnted vegitables for almost my whole life and here at the age of 48 have decided I love all the pepers and onions and mushrooms in stirfry but peppers peppers peppers and Ill put them in barbecue or on any sandwich. Im also a cinnamon hound like you and have discovered I like it in my cereals, so I add splenda and cinnamon to my whole wheat cereals yummy and Ive also decided I like it by itself. So I think Im gonna add it to chicken sometimes without any sweetner and try some cinnamon chicken!
  • bingfit221
    bingfit221 Posts: 105 Member
    Salsa on eggs.
  • InnocentLunatic
    InnocentLunatic Posts: 35 Member
    Mashed banana and cocoa powder... almost like chocolate pudding :D
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    When I was younger I would toast pepperoni to where it was crispy and turned up at the edges with a nice puddle of grease in the center. While still hot I would put Philadelphia cream cheese I the grease and then eat with triscuits - not calorie friendly but tasted great!
  • jenniemariehebert
    ericah971 wrote: »
    As a kid id put lots of chili powder in mac n chesse.. Super yummy.

    I put pb on pancakes/waffles/ french with syrup.. Probably my favorite combo ever. I used to mix pb with syrup and eat it by the spoonful. I Wish i could still do that!

    I second PB & syrup! Now I do it with oatmeal pancakes and sugar free syrup. Totally worth it

  • sugargrammy45
    sugargrammy45 Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2015
    I mix together hummus, guacamole, low-fat cream cheese and then put the mixture on toast with lettuce and tomatoes.
    It may sound weird but when I've convinced my friends to try it, they love it . . . so do my picky-eating grandchildren.
    I'll eat it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and it helps me keep the munchies away.
    My blood sugar stays stable and my blood pressure doesn't go sky-high.
  • sugargrammy45
    sugargrammy45 Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2015
    Oops, I forgot one . . . Mashed bananas mixed with peanut butter and spread on bread. Love it but I have to have the bananas mashed!
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    My boyfriend loves eating strawberry quark with broken up almond paste cookies for breakfast. I think it's disgusting, but he swears by it.

    For me, I'd have to say a blueberry jam, fried egg egg and spinach sandwich is probably the strangest thing I've made and really enjoyed that I can think of.
  • HaggisWhisperer
    HaggisWhisperer Posts: 125 Member
    Cheese scones with apricot jam - I get some very funny looks over that.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Baked beans and cottage cheese
    Mshed potato, peas and tomato sauce on bread
    2 of my favourites
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    I dont know if this is just an indian thing (I say that because i've only ever come across indian people who do this) but buttery toast dipped in tea. Best. Breakfast. Ever.
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    sour cream or unsweetened greek yogurt on bread
    babybel cheeses wrapped in basil leaves
    steamed broccoli and ketchup
    oh and ketchup mixed into cold leftover mashed potatoes...heaven.
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    priyac1987 wrote: »
    I dont know if this is just an indian thing (I say that because i've only ever come across indian people who do this) but buttery toast dipped in tea. Best. Breakfast. Ever.

    I have some french colleagues that dip fresh bread into coffee - similar!

  • kevinindelaware
    kevinindelaware Posts: 127 Member
    Five egg white omelette with two tbs of chunky peanut butter....can't go wrong...beats meat!
  • ValentineNicole
    ValentineNicole Posts: 51 Member
    I'm currently obsessed with whole wheat pitas with lemon pepper tuna, pesto, and feta spread.
  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    Pouring syrup over steak or chicken.

    Syrup over most things really.

    My family likes to put syrup on hot dogs. I've never been able to do it though :)
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    Sliced pickles and mayo in my tomato soup.

    syrup on my eggs (not too crazy, apparently)

    cottage cheese on baked potatoes?
  • girlchemist1
    girlchemist1 Posts: 15 Member
    Cottage cheese with LOTS of black pepper.

    also, Mac and cheese with BBQ sauce
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Cottage cheese with LOTS of black pepper.

    also, Mac and cheese with BBQ sauce
    This is the only way I eat cottage cheese!