Low carb, high fat! Need buddies to follow for support, motivation and ideas!



  • AJ63736
    AJ63736 Posts: 18 Member
    nakizzie wrote: »

    Congrats on the weight loss. I'm just starting out. Would love to see how u did it and what was your particular low carb/ high fat diet that first two weeks. Thxs.

    Hi! Thank you! I'm sorry but I don't have record of the foods I ate during that time. I just drink loads of water. I ate lots of chicken/salmon/turkey bacon and veggies or eggs. Stayed very low cal during that time. No white breads, no drink besides water, no chips, no chocolate, no candy, no fast food, no cookies, biscuits, muffins or pastries. Feel free to add me to see my current diet as I plan to keep track here!
  • AJ63736
    AJ63736 Posts: 18 Member
    kashara_d wrote: »
    Hi..I'm Amy I am currently border line diabetic and I need to lose 50 pounds...need support...

    I'll add you now! We can support eachother :)
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    90 lbs? Seems a bit low unless you are 4'10" or shorter.

    She said she wanted to lose between 90-120 lbs. Yes, weighing 90lbs is a bit too little.

    AJ63736 wrote: »
    I've been doing low carb high fat for 2 weeks and I've lost 15lbs so far :) my goal is to lose somewhere between 90-120 lbs. im not sure of what ratios I should be using for my fat/protein/carbs and I'd be so excited to have help! And of course motivation on my journey! Add me and I'm very open to tips or anything :)

    Low-carber/keto here. I second Reddit r/keto. That's what got me started.

    There is a Low-Carber Daily Forum group that you might want to check out as well. We are working on getting some FAQs up right now, but you'll find all kinds of low-carbers there should you have specific questions that they do not yet address.

    Feel free to add me.

    I am reading up on it in the Forum, thanks!
  • erikgoya
    erikgoya Posts: 77 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi, not doing keto or LCHF myself, but I'm considering doing it in a few months if I'm not getting the results I want (carbs are too delicious). But I am following IIFYM and I'm pretty good about tracking my food, so feel free to add me if you want.

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but while on keto aren't you supposed to have one or two days a week of high carb food to "reset" your body?Since the point of the low carb high fat is too trick your body into using your fat as energy rather than carbs?
  • ashleyadeline
    ashleyadeline Posts: 20 Member
    Hello! I took a couple nutrition classes in university and the first thing we learned (sorry to burst your bubble) is that low carb high fat diets are quite bad. Carbohydrates should be the staple of your diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) because they are what provide your body with energy. Your brain especially needs carbohydrates to functions because it's the only macronutrient that can be broken down efficiently to use. If you do not have enough carbohydrates to use for energy to your brain, you body starts breaking down protein. The problem with this is that a byproduct of breaking down protein and converting it to glucose is a thing called ketones. You've probably heard good things about ketones and weight loss but sadly they are lies ): Ketones make your blood more acidic which is awful for your brain. It causes fatigue, more cognitive functioning, and sometimes, if following a low carb diet long enough, illness. You should look into credible sources when deciding to go on a low carb diet and truly understand it because you only have one body and generally low carb diets are only successful for short periods of time. Good luck!
  • kokopelli505
    AJ63736 wrote: »
    I am doing this as well. However, I am doing something wrong cause I have only lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks? I haven't had any wheat since 1/10/15. I know that I don't drink enough water, but what could I be doing wrong?

    Are you tracking how many carbs your taking in? Because there are certain foods that are surprisingly carb-y besides grains and stuff.

    No, I have been just working on not eating wheat. I have started up with MyFitnessPal again and I will work on it going forward.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Hello! I took a couple nutrition classes in university and the first thing we learned (sorry to burst your bubble) is that low carb high fat diets are quite bad. Carbohydrates should be the staple of your diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) because they are what provide your body with energy. Your brain especially needs carbohydrates to functions because it's the only macronutrient that can be broken down efficiently to use. If you do not have enough carbohydrates to use for energy to your brain, you body starts breaking down protein. The problem with this is that a byproduct of breaking down protein and converting it to glucose is a thing called ketones. You've probably heard good things about ketones and weight loss but sadly they are lies ): Ketones make your blood more acidic which is awful for your brain. It causes fatigue, more cognitive functioning, and sometimes, if following a low carb diet long enough, illness. You should look into credible sources when deciding to go on a low carb diet and truly understand it because you only have one body and generally low carb diets are only successful for short periods of time. Good luck!

    Do you honestly feel "a couple classes" makes you more knowledgeable on the subject than people with actual degrees in the subject?

    Low carb, including VLC ketosis has been prescribed by doctors and dietitians for decades. Acting like it's some grapefruit juice-type fad makes one woefully ignorant of the subject.
  • JenniferCarter2015
    JenniferCarter2015 Posts: 18 Member
    I am doing low carb, low fat and low salt! Lots of protein and green leafy veggies :) seems to work best for me! Looking for friends with the same goals and diet plans :) would love to share recipes
  • gtmerlino
    gtmerlino Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there you have had some good advise sent to you and yes low carb for long periods is dangerous. Consult your Dr for short periods of no longer than a week. Be careful
  • AJ63736
    AJ63736 Posts: 18 Member
    I am doing low carb, low fat and low salt! Lots of protein and green leafy veggies :) seems to work best for me! Looking for friends with the same goals and diet plans :) would love to share recipes

    Add me! My app won't let me request people
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    gtmerlino wrote: »
    Hi there you have had some good advise sent to you and yes low carb for long periods is dangerous. Consult your Dr for short periods of no longer than a week. Be careful

    I did low carb for many months before, lost weight, and was fit and healthy, so um......NO.

  • care_ahhh
    I am starting soon and have found a lot of websites where people have found substitutions for things I have missed when I did low carb before. cavemanketo.com and uplateanyway.com/keto/ have some awesome recipes. I am so in love with almond flour! I am going to be doing 40-50 carbs and see if I get into ketosis. Before I was extremely strict and I use to dream about bread.
  • AJ63736
    AJ63736 Posts: 18 Member
    care_ahhh wrote: »
    I am starting soon and have found a lot of websites where people have found substitutions for things I have missed when I did low carb before. cavemanketo.com and uplateanyway.com/keto/ have some awesome recipes. I am so in love with almond flour! I am going to be doing 40-50 carbs and see if I get into ketosis. Before I was extremely strict and I use to dream about bread.

    Awesome! Good luck!
  • blubberbutt123
    blubberbutt123 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I'm currently 2 ish weeks into Ketosis. Loving it so far, have lost a few kg but mostly noticing the cms. Also have loads of energy and not quite as hormonal lol. I'm looking at this as a long term diet or way of eating. My husband has also been very successful with it with a loss of 15+ kg! Feel free to add me, my macros are set to 65% fat 30% protein and 5% carbs. Would love to have more keto or low carb friends to share recepies and meal ideas. :)))
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    AJ63736 wrote: »
    I'm going to start tracking my meals on this app so you'll be able to see my diet that way! I just try to stick low carb, usually below 50 but I give myself the option to go as high as 100 a day. I haven't had a cheat meal yet, I'm too worried about the set backs. Plus, I love low carb. I don't crave too many things that I can't eat. I just have trouble getting the fat I need, I think!

    AJ the first two weeks was the hardest for me because I had been a long term carb abuser. I started Oct 2014 and love the low carb eating lifestyle and have lost some weight and inches but a ton of joint pain after 40 years of a losing battle with arthritis until I dieted the carbs and embraced Low Carb High Fat eating lifestyle. I use coconut oil to make up any Fat short fall in my diet but in time you will find more and more good fat sources.

    Keep up the good work and be aware of those who might try to steal your dream for a more healthy life even if they do not mean to do so. Most people do not have the ability to do a LCHF eating lifestyle and some of them will slam the validity of the eating lifestyle.
  • JessFromEngland
    JessFromEngland Posts: 30 Member
    I've been doing LCHF for about a month now! Feel free to add me!
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I did (gp supported) LCHF for about 4 months last year and did really well, lost around 20lbs and got discharged by the diabetic click having "turned it all around". Then for my birthday I decided I could have a couple of treats and BAM 5 months later I'm waking up from carb for, back where I started and a little perplexed with why I did that... I felt amazing on LCHF and as a diabetic my numbers were amazing. Oh well, I sha'n't beat myself up about it. Restarting this week so would love some mfp friends going through the same journey :)
  • AJ63736
    AJ63736 Posts: 18 Member
    nymple wrote: »
    Feel free to add me too. I did (gp supported) LCHF for about 4 months last year and did really well, lost around 20lbs and got discharged by the diabetic click having "turned it all around". Then for my birthday I decided I could have a couple of treats and BAM 5 months later I'm waking up from carb for, back where I started and a little perplexed with why I did that... I felt amazing on LCHF and as a diabetic my numbers were amazing. Oh well, I sha'n't beat myself up about it. Restarting this week so would love some mfp friends going through the same journey :)

    Well, we all slip sometimes, right? Good luck and feel free to reach out to me for support! Added :)
  • west1107
    west1107 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. On lchf now three weeks and 15lb down. Crazy chef and pinterest monster so have lots of recipes....if you need anything holla
  • AJ63736
    AJ63736 Posts: 18 Member
    west1107 wrote: »
    Hi. On lchf now three weeks and 15lb down. Crazy chef and pinterest monster so have lots of recipes....if you need anything holla

    Oh awesome! I'm in need of some fat bomb recipes if you've tried any :) add me! I can't add people on my app.