Exercise but no weight loss



  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    This thread has been cleaned up to remove some posts that were in violation of community guidelines, and to get it back on track.

  • Huppdiwupp
    Huppdiwupp Posts: 50 Member
    In those two weeks, you did a total of 10 runs of 30 mins at 5 mph - that's 25 miles or about 40 km in total. Great, but assuming you weigh about 70 kg (no weight in your profile), that's a total calorie burn of between 2500-3000 kcal.

    If you ate none of it back (which is difficult to do), you should have expected a loss of body fat of a little under 0.5 kg (1lbs) - that's easily within the margin of error between consecutive weigh-ins, so it's no surprise that you haven't seen any results on the scales yet.

    However, if you keep this up, in three months, you should have lost about 2-3 kg, or 5-7 lbs - and then, you will most definitely see it, too.

    tldr; keep up the good work, you're getting there!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Oh, god - muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. It takes up less room than fat. 2 weeks is not a lot of time to lose weight if you are also developing muscle. Think about it - if you develope a pound of muscle and reduce a pound of your fat cells so they take up less space, you've replaced one pound of weight with another. Just the new pound takes up less space than the original pound.

    If you are accurate in your food logging and are really in a calorie deficit, you will also lose weight because you will be burning up more fat and your fat cells will continue to get smaller (p.s. they never go away).
  • zerometersrunning
    I found it best to ignore the scale. I would agree that two weeks is not enough time to judge anything. Are you feeling better? Is your body starting to look better? Sometimes the mirror can be the best judge.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Aemely wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    It's only been two weeks. Give it some time. Are you weighing your food or are you measuring? Get a digital food scale, life will be so much better. Also, have you taken your measurements? The scale takes everything into consideration, hair, water, blood, organs, etc. You could be losing inches, but not weight.

    Darnit! I bet I still have those 2 extra lbs. because of my hair and blood! Stupid hair and blood! :wink:

    IKR. It's a rough world that we live in, but if you really want to lose those 2 pounds, you're going to have to go bald! :p
  • aggproject33
    aggproject33 Posts: 4 Member
    Two weeks is not long enough. Keep logging. Weigh your food as much as possible. Keep exercising. Give it at least 30 days. Be encouraged.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Also, FTR, I do not think 1200-1300 gross calories is appropriate for a person who is doing intense exercise like running unless there's some kind of underlying medical condition.


    OP~ Just for reference, it doesn't matter if you are eating "healthy" or "junk" or a combination. It all comes down to are you eating more calories than you burn.

    If in fact you are using a food scale, I would also point toward water retention.