Are You Insane???



  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Peachtree- GOOD JOB! Keep it up girl, I know it sucks and I know its hard and I KNOW McDonald's sounds so much better than cod, but keep sticking with it! You already have come so far and congratulations for getting back up and finishing the workout! You are really motivating me and I appreciate it so keep it going!

    I finished Plyo Circuit today and realized that tomorrow is my "off" day and then next week is Core Cardio and Balance week. F!! That means that I don't ever have to do plyo, pure cardio, power and resistance, or recovery again-INSTEAD I AM ABOUT TO START MAX INSANE CRAZY BULLS***! F F F F F. So yeah, I will definitely need all of your support! :) I have done this before, I can do it again.

    ....but I remember the pain, the heart attacks (haha not really) and the MAN sweat that comes from me. OK- It is ALL worth it in the end!

    My boss noticed I've lost weight ( I am back to what I was when I moved here which was my goal-YAY!!!!) and it made me feel so good. Then TODAY a coworker also said I was looking good and asked if I'd lost weight. It made me so happy! It is comments like that which keep me to stick with a healthier diet and do things like Insanity.

    So everyone out there-no matter where you are, how much you weigh, what day of INSANITY you are on, how many inches are on your waist-KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! It all pays off in the end. I have had so much energy lately, I have been SO happy which feels great, and I am starting to look like what I always WANTED to look like! My life just feels good right now and yours can too.

    Talk about inspiration!!!! It's you!

    Did Day 3 today Cardio Power & Resistance. I really love this work out. It left me totally spent, but I really got a great full body work out.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Thanks ya'll for the shout outs :) Casey don't feel bad girl...I can do the stretches but I can't stand the Recovery day.

    So yesterday I did Max Cardio Conditioning and it really wasn't that bad....on my body. I thought I was going to cough up a lung! That last squat/speed bag thing had the Boy screaming but I hung in there and the quads burned so much they wen't numb. LOL After that we went to baseball practice and I started my first day of C25k. That was a walk in the park compared to what I had done the hour before :smokin:

    I'm so glad you guys are in this too. Everyone is doing so well. It's funny to watch the infomercials and see these people doing it just right and then come here and read about us crazies not being able to balance, cats rubbing up against us, quitting, pulling/hurting muscles, and so on. I love it! Keep it up ya'll.

    Only 3 days and 3 weeks left until this Insanity journey is D-O-N-E....wonder if I should order Asylum? :huh: Anyone brave enough to touch THAT one? :devil:
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    So call me wierd but the recovery workout is like my least favorite workout. Yes, I would rather do an extra pure cardio than do this lol. It's all about core and balance, neither of which I actually have. I spend half of the time cussing as I topple over from the cat rubbing up against my one leg that's on the floor. I can honestly say that no matter how small I get, I will never be a yoga girl.

    I'm sooooo with you.
    Last night was cardio recovery.
    When do my quads get to recover??? Those squats are the DEVIL!!!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Thanks ya'll for the shout outs :) Casey don't feel bad girl...I can do the stretches but I can't stand the Recovery day.

    So yesterday I did Max Cardio Conditioning and it really wasn't that bad....on my body. I thought I was going to cough up a lung! That last squat/speed bag thing had the Boy screaming but I hung in there and the quads burned so much they wen't numb. LOL After that we went to baseball practice and I started my first day of C25k. That was a walk in the park compared to what I had done the hour before :smokin:

    I'm so glad you guys are in this too. Everyone is doing so well. It's funny to watch the infomercials and see these people doing it just right and then come here and read about us crazies not being able to balance, cats rubbing up against us, quitting, pulling/hurting muscles, and so on. I love it! Keep it up ya'll.

    Only 3 days and 3 weeks left until this Insanity journey is D-O-N-E....wonder if I should order Asylum? :huh: Anyone brave enough to touch THAT one? :devil:

    Um maybe after I drop 50lbs I'll try to tackle Asylum lol. I plan to continue to do the Insanity, just start over once I'm done but after this round I think I'll start doing C25k as well.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member

    I just watched the "Asylum" trailer type video online. WTF HOLY F SON OF A *kitten*! That looks RIDICULOUS! Tonya was in there, as was the blonde lady and the brunette "who never wore a sports bra before insanity!" and they are all EVEN MORE RIPPED! That is ridiculous. There is MORE after Insanity?! AHH!

    Ok ok, freakout is over. BUt really. I am terrified of month two and you crazies are talking about asylum!? EEEK times 987598.

    BTW-a little "honesty moment #2" for me: The blonde lady is the one in pure cardio that while doing the "pedal runs" where you sprint and then lunge, Shaun T asks her how old she is. She says something like over 40 and then keeps going....yeah. I AM 22 YEARS OLD and so I gotta admit, when I see her skinny butt lunging and sprinting like a madman, it makes me keep going. Just a little food for thought.

    But really, SHE IS IN ASYLUM!? Geeeeeeez
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Getting REALLY close to month 2 time. :sad:
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272

    I just watched the "Asylum" trailer type video online. WTF HOLY F SON OF A *kitten*! That looks RIDICULOUS! Tonya was in there, as was the blonde lady and the brunette "who never wore a sports bra before insanity!" and they are all EVEN MORE RIPPED! That is ridiculous. There is MORE after Insanity?! AHH!

    Ok ok, freakout is over. BUt really. I am terrified of month two and you crazies are talking about asylum!? EEEK times 987598.

    BTW-a little "honesty moment #2" for me: The blonde lady is the one in pure cardio that while doing the "pedal runs" where you sprint and then lunge, Shaun T asks her how old she is. She says something like over 40 and then keeps going....yeah. I AM 22 YEARS OLD and so I gotta admit, when I see her skinny butt lunging and sprinting like a madman, it makes me keep going. Just a little food for thought.

    But really, SHE IS IN ASYLUM!? Geeeeeeez

    lol I think about that every time I watch that part, I'm 29 and I think...well good for you and your smiling *kitten* kissing friend Tonya. lol
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member

    BTW-a little "honesty moment #2" for me: The blonde lady is the one in pure cardio that while doing the "pedal runs" where you sprint and then lunge, Shaun T asks her how old she is. She says something like over 40 and then keeps going....yeah. I AM 22 YEARS OLD and so I gotta admit, when I see her skinny butt lunging and sprinting like a madman, it makes me keep going. Just a little food for thought.

    But really, SHE IS IN ASYLUM!? Geeeeeeez

    lol I think about that every time I watch that part, I'm 29 and I think...well good for you and your smiling *kitten* kissing friend Tonya. lol

    LMAO!!!!! You guys are funny!

    Finished...kinda...Max Interval today. I had to cut out about 10min early because I had to get the girl ready for her slumber party tonight, but I was kinda glad...just sayin. LOL I am also doing C25k and I gotta say--I can't wait until one of them is over. LOL Either Insanity or C25k. It's kinda tiring.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Hahah Sabers fan- COULDN'T AGREE MORE! By the way- I am from Olean New York so I am a pretty big sabers fan myself. They were lookin good for awhile...

    Back to INSANITY. Good job peachtree! I am really, REALLY nervous about the max stuff but also am getting a little excited.

    I started recovery week today. EEK! I dunno about recovery but I still burned 500+ calories! That is ridiculous. I didn't feel as good today and my heart was beating pretty fast through all of it-so I think that is why I burned so much but it definitely isn't a "lite" workout. I guess compared to the rest of insanity it is, but I was thinking I'd burn WAY less today. I also had my heart monitor on the entire time and paused for 10 min in between to get a package from the mailwoman. She looked at me funny cause I was completely soaked, but I am used to sweating like a man during these workouts now so no big deal. :)

    I wish I had bought a measuring tape. I can see the difference in my abs when I am doing the knee up workouts and I wish I knew exactly how many inches i'd lost. Oh well, I am getting really happy with my body.

    On the bad side- I think I tweaked something in my lower back. There is a dull pain and I can't figure out if its muscle or something in the bone...hope it goes away soon. I am taking it easy though.

    HAPPY INSANENESS EVERYONE! Keep diggin deeper!
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    Everyone is doing great!!! You all are funny as hell!!!

    Just finished up Week 6!!! I can't believe there are only 3 more torturous weeks to go....:noway:

    I am sitting on the couch...a sweaty mess....good lord!!! Never knew i could sweat this much. My shirt is literally drenched!!! My legs are toast as normal...but then again, what should I expect when doing Insanity??? And Plyo!!!!!!!

    Keep up the great work everybody!!!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Everyone is doing great!!! You all are funny as hell!!!

    Just finished up Week 6!!! I can't believe there are only 3 more torturous weeks to go....:noway:

    I am sitting on the couch...a sweaty mess....good lord!!! Never knew i could sweat this much. My shirt is literally drenched!!! My legs are toast as normal...but then again, what should I expect when doing Insanity??? And Plyo!!!!!!!

    Keep up the great work everybody!!!

    Ditto dude. Ditto. So glad tomorrow is a rest day. Yesssssssss!
  • Annista
    Annista Posts: 59 Member
    LOL, I was definately intimidated by thought of month 2 but I just finished week 2 of it and it's tough but getting easier!!! It's a love/hate thing for sure. It's such a feeling of accomplishment when you finish and see resulys although i always dread pushing play a bit, lol. I am thinking of doing Asylum too, again intimidated but i know we can all do this !!!
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Finish week 2 yesterday with pure cardio and abs. Whew! i was spent after pure cardio and then going directly into abs work didn't know if i was going to make it. glad today is rest day and then Monday it's on to fit test 2. I've been looking forward to the fit test since the first one. We will see how it goes.

    To all the Mothers out there Happy Mother's Day!!! Enjoy it to the fullest
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Happy Mama's Day!

    So yesterday I realized that I'm a bit sick of Shaun T. So I popped the video in, hit mute and strapped on the iPod. I had sooooo much FUN! I did everything to the beat and danced and clapped my way all the way thru. It was awesome. Can't wait to do it again :) Week 7 here I come!
  • dnjohns
    dnjohns Posts: 2
    So my plan is to start insanity on may 16. I have been doing biggest loser cardio max for about 30 minutes for the las two weeks and i going to do it one more week b/c my friend let me borrow her insanity pack and forgot to put 2 of the discs in their so she is mailing them to me this week. Plus doing an extra week of this will hopefully help me somewhat get into shape for INSANITY!!! Wish me luck!!!
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Hey All! I Posted a week or so ago! I am on my last week of Insanity before my recovery week! So far, so good! LOVE it! Hope you all are doing well!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Finish week 2 yesterday with pure cardio and abs. Whew! i was spent after pure cardio and then going directly into abs work didn't know if i was going to make it. glad today is rest day and then Monday it's on to fit test 2. I've been looking forward to the fit test since the first one. We will see how it goes.

    To all the Mothers out there Happy Mother's Day!!! Enjoy it to the fullest

    We actually do the abs and then the cardio, I find the cardio wipes me out if I do it first....
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Recovery week. dun dun dun
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Hahah Sabers fan- COULDN'T AGREE MORE! By the way- I am from Olean New York so I am a pretty big sabers fan myself. They were lookin good for awhile...

    Back to INSANITY. Good job peachtree! I am really, REALLY nervous about the max stuff but also am getting a little excited.

    I started recovery week today. EEK! I dunno about recovery but I still burned 500+ calories! That is ridiculous. I didn't feel as good today and my heart was beating pretty fast through all of it-so I think that is why I burned so much but it definitely isn't a "lite" workout. I guess compared to the rest of insanity it is, but I was thinking I'd burn WAY less today. I also had my heart monitor on the entire time and paused for 10 min in between to get a package from the mailwoman. She looked at me funny cause I was completely soaked, but I am used to sweating like a man during these workouts now so no big deal. :)

    I wish I had bought a measuring tape. I can see the difference in my abs when I am doing the knee up workouts and I wish I knew exactly how many inches i'd lost. Oh well, I am getting really happy with my body.

    On the bad side- I think I tweaked something in my lower back. There is a dull pain and I can't figure out if its muscle or something in the bone...hope it goes away soon. I am taking it easy though.

    HAPPY INSANENESS EVERYONE! Keep diggin deeper!

    Olean, not too far from us....we're in Clarence. Yes the Sabres had me going for awile, maybe next year is our year since we have an owner that promised to spend some money.

    There have been a few times I injured my back, or thigh during one of the workouts. Probably me messing up the form - but I find it usualy goes away within a couple of days and sometimes I just have to modify the next days workouts.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Um, all I have to say is: Recovery week MY *kitten*. >.< My hip flexors hate me right now.