Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • Carbsmakefat
    Carbsmakefat Posts: 89 Member
    I moved out of state and lived in a hotel for while. Once I moved into my house and my household goods arrived, I stepped on the scale and there is was....the truth staring me right back in the face.
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    My aha moment came in the summer of 2013. My husband and I were vacationing in the Poconos and had our portraits taken by one of their photographers. That night I was excited to pick up the photos -- until I actually saw them...I was so unhappy with the very overweight woman sitting on my husband's lap. I tipped the scales at close to 250 lbs. and was wearing a size 22 (but borderline 24) on my height of 5' 4". I made the decision shortly after that to do something about it. After much thinking, I asked one of the gym teachers to be my personal trainer. That was almost 18 months ago. I have dropped almost 30 lbs. down to 215. I still have at least another 30 to go, but have NO plans to go back. EVER.
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    My aha moment came in the summer of 2013. My husband and I were vacationing in the Poconos and had our portraits taken by one of their photographers. That night I was excited to pick up the photos -- until I actually saw them...I was so unhappy with the very overweight woman sitting on my husband's lap. I tipped the scales at close to 250 lbs. and was wearing a size 22 (but borderline 24) on my height of 5' 4". I made the decision shortly after that to do something about it. After much thinking, I asked one of the gym teachers to be my personal trainer. That was almost 18 months ago. I have dropped almost 30 lbs. down to 215. I still have at least another 30 to go, but have NO plans to go
    I'm looking forward to being excited to take pictures once again. I typically prefer head shots nowadays and that's so not my personality. Cheers to being photo ready :smiley:
  • elenacolette
    Happiness and comfort isn't always a good thing, i let myself get to my heaviest i've been since high school and i was having gallbladder problems and was told i could easily get diabetes type 2. That made me want to change things. Along with being in my mid 20s and I can't shop at my favorite stores.
    DSTOOOOOP Posts: 2 Member
    1. When you have size 14 jeans with the tags still on them.
    2. When you have a fat and skinny section in your closet and your fat section gets LARGER AND LARGER.
    3. When you get up, walk or go up/downstairs and your knees hurt.
    4. When you look at yourself in old pictures and you looked phat not fat.
    5. When you are DONE and need to change!
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I had gone for my annual physical and the blood work came back excellent in all areas. However, my weight was 335. I just decided right then and there that enough was enough. I already knew most of the weight loss stuff from previous failed attempts. But, MFP is the key.

    I asked the doc for an appetite suppressant so I could get a start. I only used it for 2 weeks and then didn't need it anymore. I'm down 35 lbs so far, my goal is to take off 50 more this year. I need to drop 115 altogether.

    I don't want to have to go to the big and tall section for clothing anymore.
  • multiflower1234
    multiflower1234 Posts: 39 Member
    mine is kinda funny i guess a lot of people tell me id look good if i exercised, also ive always wanted to lose weight. though i must say dieting is very difficult
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    I just realised that one day I hated my clothes, I felt uncomfortable constantly, I was not confident at all in my skin and my muscles were becoming weak. I had no definition! Now I am slowly dropping the weight, and toning up. It's agonizing how long this takes, but I am determined! After I started all this, I began dating someone amazing and he is very fit and healthy, so it'd be great if we could match! Good luck everyone! :smiley:
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    frostiek wrote: »
    At a certain point the realisation hits that its not baby weight anymore, its cake...
    I love this! :# Good luck!

  • chriszyogi
    chriszyogi Posts: 8 Member
    I am steadily putting weight on and am unsure why. Now I know that it was because I ate too much. This is the first time I ever tried to calorie count. It's working so far. 2 pounds the 1st week, maybe more.
  • fizzleh
    fizzleh Posts: 71 Member
    For my wedding as I know I'll keep looking back at those pictures forever.

    I was at my largest as I graduated and I hate looking back at my graduation pics.
  • hanzibobs931
    hanzibobs931 Posts: 47 Member
    I used to run cross country for my school and county. I would run 4 miles a night and I was a size 6/8 (UK).

    then I hurt my knee caused by being to flexible. my knees pop out and so do my hips.

    I have never had to worry about weight as it always seemed to juts work. I worked in bars and ran around all day at work,

    I have just got a new job and I sit at a desk all day. I noticed weight gain and I became a size 10/12 (mostly 12) (UK)

    my aim is t be a size 8/10 (more likely just be consistently a 10) and just to be healthier i miss the physical activity
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    I don't know what did it for me...nothing spectacular, just one day I woke up and decided I wanted to do it. I've been heavy for years. I used to carry my weight well because of my frame but it has caught up with me. I hurt now. I guess I am sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    For me it is injury and pain.

    I have been pretty trim & in shape for most of life. Then 40 hits and so what I gained a few pounds and did not exercise for 2 yrs...I can jump in and do that Jillian Michael's tape. NOPE. Hurt my back.

    I get some PT (physical therapy) no problem...however something is not right with my foot. I keep telling the PT that something is off. She says it is nothing. Gain a few more lbs and then into the next yr...my feet are screaming in pain. Something is REALLY wrong here!!!

    Saw the 3rd podiatrist (yes 3, the first two really did not give a crap), and she sends me to a sports and injury PT place.

    Well now that was a special moment in my life. They did a physical assessment on me in addition to my problems and I had NEGATIVE range of motion, my core was so weak that I was practically injuring myself WALKING. Yes, I was bad.

    My new PT gave me the tools to help me fix myself (all those evil baby step exercises). In addition she gave me a lot of PAIN getting rid of scar tissue in my calves and feet. It was torture. She is also the one who figured out I had Morton's Neuroma. That was 2yrs ago.

    I did well well after that for the first yr. I exercised and worked my butt off. Then I started slacking a bit and my feet are hurting and then I started gaining. You know, the usual.

    So here I sit on the cusp of being 50 and I will NOT live my 50's a fat, unhealthy, inactive person.

    One day at a time. :)

  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    2 things did it for me - the first was my back, already weakened from an injury, had started giving me more pain, more frequently. I attributed it to the extra weight putting pressure on the disc and the lack of exercise weakening my core and giving my back no support.
    - It was easy to brush that off still though, until my 'fat jeans' suddenly were giving me muffin top, and were really uncomfortably tight to wear. I hadn't even put on my old favorite jeans in like 10 months, they had long ago become too tight. That was when I had enough. I'm now about 3 lbs from goal, back flare ups massively reduced, and back in the favorite jeans.
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    Pretty similar to yours. My jeans started to get a bit tight and I decided I couldn't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    too much jiggle in my wiggle!