aiming for body fat below 10%



  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    Guys i am totally ashamed of myself, since the day i decide to bulk up, i end up binge for 4 days (inculde today). I am a person who loves/crazy on food. During the first day afternoon i eat and tracking all the calories to stay within my maintain but everything happen since that night when i smells pies! I end up eating like madman for 4 days!!! My weight now is 67-68kg. I dont dare to touch my tummy, dont even dare to look into the mirror. As a former fatty and cut for 1 year to archieve what i am (last week). Now i lost all my discipline and feel like piece of ****. Chinese new year coming soon FYI it is a festival that last for 1 week where we will visiting relatives houses and eat a lot of food that i cant even track the calories.

    Is this the end of me? End up with the old fat me? What should i do now? I really sad and frustrating. What i wan is just a visible abs (muscular is not necessary). These few days i eat with tears. :'(
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Guys i am totally ashamed of myself, since the day i decide to bulk up, i end up binge for 4 days (inculde today). I am a person who loves/crazy on food. During the first day afternoon i eat and tracking all the calories to stay within my maintain but everything happen since that night when i smells pies! I end up eating like madman for 4 days!!! My weight now is 67-68kg. I dont dare to touch my tummy, dont even dare to look into the mirror. As a former fatty and cut for 1 year to archieve what i am (last week). Now i lost all my discipline and feel like piece of ****. Chinese new year coming soon FYI it is a festival that last for 1 week where we will visiting relatives houses and eat a lot of food that i cant even track the calories.

    Is this the end of me? End up with the old fat me? What should i do now? I really sad and frustrating. What i wan is just a visible abs (muscular is not necessary). These few days i eat with tears. :'(

    You need this:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Let's see a photo of when you were fat.

    As for building size and getting that V taper you mentioned, do something like 5x5. Don't make up your own thing. You did that before and are now here.

    And your new plan of eating 2000 cals should be fine. I'll bet you could probably eat 2500 without any problems if you lift heavy.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Guys i am totally ashamed of myself, since the day i decide to bulk up, i end up binge for 4 days (inculde today). I am a person who loves/crazy on food. During the first day afternoon i eat and tracking all the calories to stay within my maintain but everything happen since that night when i smells pies! I end up eating like madman for 4 days!!! My weight now is 67-68kg. I dont dare to touch my tummy, dont even dare to look into the mirror. As a former fatty and cut for 1 year to archieve what i am (last week). Now i lost all my discipline and feel like piece of ****. Chinese new year coming soon FYI it is a festival that last for 1 week where we will visiting relatives houses and eat a lot of food that i cant even track the calories.

    Is this the end of me? End up with the old fat me? What should i do now? I really sad and frustrating. What i wan is just a visible abs (muscular is not necessary). These few days i eat with tears. :'(

    What you need to do now is speak to a therapist to help you deal with the emotional issues. You won't have the visible abs you want because you lack the muscle.

    Actually i can touch my abs last week when i started this post. I can touch the ripples of the abs under the fat. But not anymore. I cant find any therapist here.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    Let's see a photo of when you were fat.

    As for building size and getting that V taper you mentioned, do something like 5x5. Don't make up your own thing. You did that before and are now here.

    And your new plan of eating 2000 cals should be fine. I'll bet you could probably eat 2500 without any problems if you lift heavy.

    Im not hurry in getting V tamper now, i just want to have a visible abs and i already can feel the ripple under the fat last week, but after these 4 days binging, my tummy become round again. I have no idea how to upload my photo from my phone.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    How is your weight training going - ignoring your quite obvious food issues - have you settled into a progressive weigh lifting routine?
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    How is your weight training going - ignoring your quite obvious food issues - have you settled into a progressive weigh lifting routine?

    Im following stronglift 5x5 as adviced
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I can understand that moon pies will be a killer for you if you haven't addressed your binge behaviour. I would recommend speaking to a professional, at least your family doctor, about it. Part of the binging is likely due to you starving yourself for so long, and this is why I always suggest maintenance and reverse dieting before a bulk when you have been cutting first. You have altered your hormone balance etc as part of adaptive thermogenesis. This means your body wants to eat and has adapted to a lower caloric intake -- note this isn't the mythical "starvation mode" that makes you "gain weight in a deficit" but something that has been shown and makes weight loss harder and weight regain easier. You are now less sensitive to satiety signas like leptin, but if you do a reverse diet this will help overcome most of the effects rather quickly.

    Start lifting heavy, increase your physical activity, slowly increase your intake and seek professional help for the emotional issues.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    I can understand that moon pies will be a killer for you if you haven't addressed your binge behaviour. I would recommend speaking to a professional, at least your family doctor, about it. Part of the binging is likely due to you starving yourself for so long, and this is why I always suggest maintenance and reverse dieting before a bulk when you have been cutting first. You have altered your hormone balance etc as part of adaptive thermogenesis. This means your body wants to eat and has adapted to a lower caloric intake -- note this isn't the mythical "starvation mode" that makes you "gain weight in a deficit" but something that has been shown and makes weight loss harder and weight regain easier. You are now less sensitive to satiety signas like leptin, but if you do a reverse diet this will help overcome most of the effects rather quickly.

    Start lifting heavy, increase your physical activity, slowly increase your intake and seek professional help for the emotional issues.

    So what i have to do now is eating on 1500kcal to balance out the binge i made these 4 days (high fat & carb) or eat on 2000kcal and lift 5x5?
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I can understand that moon pies will be a killer for you if you haven't addressed your binge behaviour. I would recommend speaking to a professional, at least your family doctor, about it. Part of the binging is likely due to you starving yourself for so long, and this is why I always suggest maintenance and reverse dieting before a bulk when you have been cutting first. You have altered your hormone balance etc as part of adaptive thermogenesis. This means your body wants to eat and has adapted to a lower caloric intake -- note this isn't the mythical "starvation mode" that makes you "gain weight in a deficit" but something that has been shown and makes weight loss harder and weight regain easier. You are now less sensitive to satiety signas like leptin, but if you do a reverse diet this will help overcome most of the effects rather quickly.

    Start lifting heavy, increase your physical activity, slowly increase your intake and seek professional help for the emotional issues.

    So what i have to do now is eating on 1500kcal to balance out the binge i made these 4 days (high fat & carb) or eat on 2000kcal and lift 5x5?

    No, don't worry about balancing out the binge. You'll only cause more issues. Eat at least at maintenance for your TDEE for the next few weeks until your body has a chance to stabalize a bit. So if your TDEE is 2000 eat 2000, it's it's higher eat higher and yes lift but make sure you are eating back those calories as part of you TDEE. The last thing you need right now is to go back into a deficit as you will just start binging again once you go off of it and the cycle starts again.
  • AdorkableMe2015
    AdorkableMe2015 Posts: 16 Member
    I can understand that moon pies will be a killer for you if you haven't addressed your binge behaviour. I would recommend speaking to a professional, at least your family doctor, about it. Part of the binging is likely due to you starving yourself for so long, and this is why I always suggest maintenance and reverse dieting before a bulk when you have been cutting first. You have altered your hormone balance etc as part of adaptive thermogenesis. This means your body wants to eat and has adapted to a lower caloric intake -- note this isn't the mythical "starvation mode" that makes you "gain weight in a deficit" but something that has been shown and makes weight loss harder and weight regain easier. You are now less sensitive to satiety signas like leptin, but if you do a reverse diet this will help overcome most of the effects rather quickly.

    Start lifting heavy, increase your physical activity, slowly increase your intake and seek professional help for the emotional issues.

    So what i have to do now is eating on 1500kcal to balance out the binge i made these 4 days (high fat & carb) or eat on 2000kcal and lift 5x5?

    How come you have not addressed the issue about your eating disordered patterns? You need to be REAL and TRUTHFUL to yourself before you can accomplish anything else. Until you can recognize the real issues surrounding food and your body issues, nothing will change. Get real with and for yourself.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    edited January 2015
    Not trying to be rude, but maybe you should look into how you come across if so many people seem call you a troll.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member

    For all of you here who saying i am troll, who blame me for not listen to any advice, THIS IS ME BACK IN FEB 2014!!! For a former fat *kitten* turn into the result i have today and now ask me to get back into higher calories, it is a big challenge for me but I DID IT i increase from 1000kcal to 1200 then 1500. Do you even know the reason i take 1000kcal as my targeted calories? My lifestyle is sedentary, I am a student who sit in front of computer all the time and i need a lot of rest so most of the time i just sitting and sleeping, according to BMR calculator my daily BMR is 1600kcal so after 500kcal deficit i found it is reasonable to go for 1000kcal. Since most of you advice me to go beyond 1500kcal, or even say im trolling, OK fine i increase my calories to 1500kcal but again you say i do not have muscle and ask me to bulk. Now it's really takes time for me to mentally ready but i accidentally binging on food these few days not because i cut too much calories but because i confuse and stress on bulking. Now i seek for help to heal or reset the damage i have done to myself these 4 days but what i got from all of you? Another TROLL?? I am stress and upset now as i DO NOT HAVE MUSCLE like all you said here meanwhile i add on a huge tummy right now which ended up a failure body and a bunch of people who do not understand my feels and just give a tons of hurting words.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Guys i am totally ashamed of myself, since the day i decide to bulk up, i end up binge for 4 days (inculde today). I am a person who loves/crazy on food. During the first day afternoon i eat and tracking all the calories to stay within my maintain but everything happen since that night when i smells pies! I end up eating like madman for 4 days!!! My weight now is 67-68kg. I dont dare to touch my tummy, dont even dare to look into the mirror. As a former fatty and cut for 1 year to archieve what i am (last week). Now i lost all my discipline and feel like piece of ****. Chinese new year coming soon FYI it is a festival that last for 1 week where we will visiting relatives houses and eat a lot of food that i cant even track the calories.

    Is this the end of me? End up with the old fat me? What should i do now? I really sad and frustrating. What i wan is just a visible abs (muscular is not necessary). These few days i eat with tears. :'(

    What you need to do now is speak to a therapist to help you deal with the emotional issues. You won't have the visible abs you want because you lack the muscle.

    Pretty much this. Your threads on here show very disordered thinking.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member

    For all of you here who saying i am troll, who blame me for not listen to any advice, THIS IS ME BACK IN FEB 2014!!! For a former fat *kitten* turn into the result i have today and now ask me to get back into higher calories, it is a big challenge for me but I DID IT i increase from 1000kcal to 1200 then 1500. Do you even know the reason i take 1000kcal as my targeted calories? My lifestyle is sedentary, I am a student who sit in front of computer all the time and i need a lot of rest so most of the time i just sitting and sleeping, according to BMR calculator my daily BMR is 1600kcal so after 500kcal deficit i found it is reasonable to go for 1000kcal. Since most of you advice me to go beyond 1500kcal, or even say im trolling, OK fine i increase my calories to 1500kcal but again you say i do not have muscle and ask me to bulk. Now it's really takes time for me to mentally ready but i accidentally binging on food these few days not because i cut too much calories but because i confuse and stress on bulking. Now i seek for help to heal or reset the damage i have done to myself these 4 days but what i got from all of you? Another TROLL?? I am stress and upset now as i DO NOT HAVE MUSCLE like all you said here meanwhile i add on a huge tummy right now which ended up a failure body and a bunch of people who do not understand my feels and just give a tons of hurting words.

    You need psychological help that can not be found on an Internet forum.

    Please reach out and get real help:
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Go speak to a medical professional. I'm not even sure what you want us to say a this point. No it was not reasonable for you to eat 1000 calories. Go see a doctor. We aren't going to get you specific answers so you can hear what you want just so you feel good about yourself.

    Absolutely this.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    This post will likely come off as rude and abrasive, but it is clear the "nice" tactics have not worked.

    If you choose to continue down this path and don't seek help now, there may be a point in your future that it is no longer your choice to receive help. All 50 states have some form of mental health law that allows them to put individuals into in-patient, locked, psychiatric facilities if they are deemed to be a risk to themselves or to other people. Continuing to starve yourself does make you a risk to yourself, and if gets too extreme, the likelihood of someone stepping in on your behalf, and taking away your rights, increases significantly.

    Get help NOw before it reaches a strange where you no longer can chose to receive help.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2015
    elphie754 wrote: »
    This post will likely come off as rude and abrasive, but it is clear the "nice" tactics have not worked.

    If you choose to continue down this path and don't seek help now, there may be a point in your future that it is no longer your choice to receive help. All 50 states have some form of mental health law that allows them to put individuals into in-patient, locked, psychiatric facilities if they are deemed to be a risk to themselves or to other people. Continuing to starve yourself does make you a risk to yourself, and if gets too extreme, the likelihood of someone stepping in on your behalf, and taking away your rights, increases significantly.

    Get help NOw before it reaches a strange where you no longer can chose to receive help.
    He's not in the U.S. if memory serves he's in an Asian country, maybe Malaysia...Borneo...something.

    He needs help. He won't listen.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    This post will likely come off as rude and abrasive, but it is clear the "nice" tactics have not worked.

    If you choose to continue down this path and don't seek help now, there may be a point in your future that it is no longer your choice to receive help. All 50 states have some form of mental health law that allows them to put individuals into in-patient, locked, psychiatric facilities if they are deemed to be a risk to themselves or to other people. Continuing to starve yourself does make you a risk to yourself, and if gets too extreme, the likelihood of someone stepping in on your behalf, and taking away your rights, increases significantly.

    Get help NOw before it reaches a strange where you no longer can chose to receive help.
    He's not in the U.S. if memory serves he's in an Asian country, maybe Malaysia...Borneo...something.

    He needs help. He won't listen.

    Many countries have similar laws, some even more strict than the U.S. with fewer rights.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    I do not starve myself. I feel full all the time. I am from Malaysia, anyway i think just close this thread. From your point of view, i am a guy who do not want to listen to any advice, meanwhile no one actually trying to understand my situation and how i feel.