Craving Sweets......Help



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    edited January 2015
    No reason. Just trying to stay away from sugar as much as I can, but have those bad cravings sometimes!

    unless you have a medical condition there is no reason to stay away from sugar…

    just make sure you hit your calorie/micro/macro goals for the day and you will be fine...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You may have too many carbs in your meals, which clear the gut quickly and leave you wanting more. I have been at this dieting for about a month now. I am having pretty good luck with keeping craving of sweets under control by keeping my total carbs per meal to 45 grams or less. I also balance each meal (50% carbs, 25% protein and 25% fat) I've lost 18 lbs in the last month without feeling hungry and without craving sweets. Hope this helps.

    wait so you say someone has too much carbs, but then say each of your meals has 50% carbs….ehhhh????????????????
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ice cream

    end thread/
  • I really enjoy low fat cheeses with multigrain bread or crackers with pickles there sweet and fill my cravings
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    I have 2 pieces of Dove dark chocolate after lunch, and a 60 calorie cup of hot chocolate at night. Totally satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • riotwild wrote: »
    When i start craving sweets I turn to dark chocolate. Its slightly sweet but the bitterness prevents me from eating too much

    That's a great idea! I drink lots of water - try and steer away from bottled water (because that's bad for the environment, and can have cancerous properties, all that plastic contact! gross!).
    - If you are drinking your required amount of water each day, your tummy is full and happy. Hunger is sometimes mistaken for thirst, your body is trying to communicate with you.
    - Tea is also what I love to have at hand, herbal teas such as lemon, orange and green. very good for you, 1 or 2 calories (score!) and does help your sweet tooth craving !
  • fuzzydice258
    fuzzydice258 Posts: 2 Member
    Lately I have been craving sweets a lot. Im trying to stay away from them, but fighting the urge is very hard! What are some alternatives to eatings sweets?? Need some help on what else to turn to....

  • fuzzydice258
    fuzzydice258 Posts: 2 Member
    Heat a chocolate chip cookie dough quest bar in the microwave for 12 seconds! YUM! Also try MTS gourmet cookies and cream whey protein, tastes like blended oreos! Finally try two scoops of quest vanilla protein powder, and put a lot of ice, and a little water maybe like 2 tablespoons at first. Most likely need to add more water. TASTES LIKE VANILLA ICECREAM!!
  • thatsyum
    thatsyum Posts: 34 Member
    Chocolate pudding made with avocado ( sounds weird but so good) you can Google it. I also made chocolate covered strawberries, bananas and pretzel rods.
  • kristenlarkin
    kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member
    Pickles are supposed to help with sweet cravings.
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    Brush your teeth. I know its hard to believe but once you brush your teeth the craving goes away.Use minty toothpaste.
  • lgmorgansb
    lgmorgansb Posts: 27 Member
    mtjls wrote: »
    I buy the giant dark chocolate bar and then eat two squares at night. Sometimes it is enough if my sweet tooth isn't in high gear. Lately my sweet tooth has been really bad as well. Could be hormones. I am going to make some sugar free jello with almond milk tonight and see how that works.
    It won't set up with almond milk. I tried.
  • lgmorgansb
    lgmorgansb Posts: 27 Member
    I make my own granola bars and they are awesome. It has natural sugars primarily from Dates and Honey but not so much that it will hinder your goals. They are low in saturated fat and just the right amount if good fats. If you're interested I'll send you my recipe.
  • codychristine
    codychristine Posts: 1 Member
    I like skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. 150 calories and they take care of my sweet tooth!
  • lreaven
    lreaven Posts: 17 Member
    Freeze a banana then put it in the blender and serve in a cake cone. Tastes just like soft ice cream. Even my 4yo daughter loves it! I also find that berries help with my cravings for sweets
  • suburrows
    suburrows Posts: 1 Member
    Try raw cacao and nut brownies, loads of recipes on the net, super sweet and choclatey and so rich you won't pig out I used this one and with a few tweaks worked out 100 calls per serve, yummy
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    I eat a whole grapefruit. It takes awhile to eat and is sweet but not junk food sweet. Or the banana-cocoa "ice cream" mentioned above: 1 cut-up banana, frozen in a little food processor with 1 T cocoa powder, maybe a little vanilla and/or cinnamon. Or any kind of fruit, really.
  • carabelle207
    carabelle207 Posts: 11 Member
    There are several teas that taste sweet without adding anything to them (or eating extra calories). I like Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice tea & Every Day Detox (licorice).
    I have recently discovered 100 calorie pack cocoa roast almonds. They taste like chocolate but only have 1 gram of sugar. Plus it has good protein & healthy fat.
    Dried fruits are good. Many have added sugar. I love dried apples.
    You can always experiment by adding a drizzle of olive oil & a little cinnamon & sugar to popcorn.
    Another of my favorites is toasting a small whole grain tortilla in the oven & brushing on a small amount of honey. Honey helps me when I want something really sweet but it just takes a small amount.
  • evolution328
    evolution328 Posts: 83 Member
    I've made canned pumpkin with artificial sweetner and pumpkin pie spice mixed in topped with greek yogurt. It's tasty and has lots of fiber and protein.
  • ckgus
    ckgus Posts: 1 Member
    When ever I have a sweet craving. I will sometimes pop a chewable vitamin c or a handful of almonds. I also remind myself that it's my hormones talking not my tummy telling me I'm hungry.