January Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats to all the birthdays and goals!

    I did not run yesterday as planned. My runs are supposed to all be easy this week (rest week) and had 20mph sustained winds with over 40mph gusts in the morning so I was waiting for it to settle down. Later never came yesterday, it was all NOW, NOW, NOW all day.

    Oh well, Saturday is still January and I should be able to hit my goal then.
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @autumnblade75‌ - so glad your husband is taking his responsibility seriously! :)

    Well, we both know the limits. I only asked for 3 days worth of help, and he only agreed to 2 of them, anyway. He works on Saturday, so he has already told me that I am my own problem, then.

    LOL! This is sounding so familiar!!!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 Jan - 6mi, easy
    2 Jan - 6.2mi, easy
    3 Jan - 10mi trail
    4 Jan - 7mi trail w/girl
    5 Jan - 8.1mi, easy
    6 Jan - 8mi, easy, snow!
    7 Jan - 6mi, easy, -10°, +4mi w/girl
    8 Jan - 7mi, 6x Yasso 800s @6:40, treddy
    9 Jan - 10mi, easy, treddy
    10 Jan - 6mi trail race, 2mi cooldown, 6th overall, 2nd AG
    11 Jan - 3.7mi easy w/girl
    12 Jan - 8mi easy, treddy
    13 Jan - 8.2mi, easy
    14 Jan - 8mi, easy
    15 Jan - 7.5mi, intervals
    16 Jan - 9.1mi, easy
    17 Jan - 7mi, easy
    18 Jan - 14mi, easy
    19 Jan - 6mi, easy
    20 Jan - 8mi, easy
    21 Jan - 9mi, easy
    22 Jan - 20mi, bike
    23 Jan - 8mi, easy w/strides
    24 Jan - 8mi, easy
    25 Jan - 6.2mi, easy w/girl
    26 Jan - 18mi, fast finish last 2@MP (7:35avg)
    27 Jan - 7mi, easy
    28 Jan - 8.1mi, easy, doubles
    29 Jan - 13.2mi, fast finish, doubles

    Total: 237.5mi
    Goal: 230mi

    Goal met - will probably bust 250
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I hope everyone who is not feeling well feel better soon!

    I ran 2 miles this morning. I am a big baby about running in the dark but I got it done.
  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    Happy Birthday January People!

    1/1: 4 miles outside
    1/2: Nada
    1/3: 7 miles outside
    1/4: 1 mile treadmill… every mile counts, right?
    1/5: 4 miles treadmill… brrrr cold and windy outside today in New England
    1/6: 1 mile treadmill…
    1/7: zippo
    1/8: 4 miles treadmill- 1 degree outside (not including windchill), drove passed a runner on my way to the gym… rock on guy!
    1/9: 4.3 treadmill
    1/10: nada
    1/11: nada
    1/12: 6.7 miles- first time outside in a while and it was AWESOME!!
    1/13: No run
    1/14: 4.5 treadmill
    1/15: No run
    1/16: Nothing
    1/17: No run (ski day!)
    1/18: No run (ditto)
    1/19: No run
    1/20:No run
    1/21: 5.5 outside cold but beautiful
    1/22: no run
    1/23: 4.25 neighborhood run
    1/24: My Birthday… no run
    1/25: no run
    1/26: 5 miles on the treadmill… too lazy to get dressed for the weather!
    1/27: no run
    1/28: 4 miles on the treadmill… then went skiing, fabulous conditions!
    1/29: 1.25.. treadmill after body pump… love these one milers
    1/30: 3.5 miles on the treadmill….DONE!!! GOAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!! Not a inch of a mile over. I'm going skiing with the kids this weekend so I'm out until February.

    Total miles in January: 60
    Miles to goal: 0 :-)
    Goal: 60 miles

    Reflexion of goal: This challenge made me run when I didn't want to, but I think I can do more, especially seeing that I have a 6 day no run streak, so I am upping my milage next month.

    Congratulations to everyone who completed their goal or came close, or just ran more than they normally do. On to February. I hope I see all you there. I haven't been good at calling people out personally, but you all have motivated me so much. Thank you!

    Stay warm New Englanders!! Go Pats!
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    Broke another PR. Wow this has been a good month. I have a 15k race coming up on the 7th. It's a pretty big one around these parts. I'm really looking forward to it.

    01/01/2015 - 5.02 Miles - Cumulative 5.02 Miles
    01/04/2015 - 6.53 Miles - Cumulative 11.55 Miles
    01/06/2015 - 6.70 Miles - Cumulative 18.25 Miles
    01/08/2015 - 4.50 Miles - Cumulative 22.75 Miles (Brrrrr...it was cold!)
    01/11/2015 - 7.35 Miles - Cumulative 30.10 Miles (Big dog scared the crap out of me)
    01/13/2015 - 7.55 Miles - Cumulative 37.65 Miles (New route with actual hills)
    01/15/2015 - 3.26 Miles - Cumulative 40.91 Miles
    01/16/2015 - 3.21 Miles - Cumulative 44.12 Miles
    01/18/2015 - 8.01 Miles - Cumulative 52.13 Miles
    01/20/2015 - 7.00 Miles - Cumulative 59.13 Miles
    01/22/2015 - 4.15 Miles - Cumulative 63.28 Miles
    01/23/2015 - 3.16 Miles - Cumulative 66.44 Miles (New 5K PR of 26:03)
    01/25/2015 - 8.76 Miles - Cumulative 75.20 Miles (Lots of fellow runners out today)
    01/27/2015 - 4.02 Miles - Cumulative 79.22 Miles (Running with a cold coming on - Yuk)
    01/29/2015 - 6.64 Miles - Cumulative 85.86 Miles (New 10K PR of 53:23)

  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    I'm at 53.27 out of my goal of 60. Tomorrow should put me over, or just barely under.
  • Wendy1Fl
    Wendy1Fl Posts: 102 Member
    6 more miles last Saturday. I am hoping to get in another 6 tomorrow, but will be so short of my goal. I have been recovering nicely from the aggravation to my spinal injury, so hoping I can make the February goal of 38.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    1/1/2015: 3.94 miles outside
    1/2/2015: 3.46 miles treadmill
    1/3/2015: 1.95 miles outside, because I was too lazy to drive to the gym (?!)
    1/4/2015: 4.34 miles treadmill, driving to the gym was terrifying (ask me about my POS car.)
    1/5/2015: Rest (replaced car and dealt with insurance)
    1/6/2015: Rest (still dealing with insurance - switching to new agency)
    1/7/2015: 3.52 miles treadmill (and running around with old insurance agency, some more!)
    1/9/2015: 4.21 miles treadmill
    1/12/2015: 3.5 miles treadmill
    1/14/2015: 6.99 miles treadmill (I did 2 Zombies, Run! missions, one with hills and one flat, and added the mileage when I got home, or that would be an even 7.)
    1/16/2015: 3 treadmill and 3 treadmill - competing against my brother. I failed in the morning and went back to try again in the afternoon. Beat his time by 27 seconds.
    1/19/2015: 1 mile on the treadmill in my brother's gym about 10 seconds slower than his. My lungs finally feel a bit better. That was the dustiest nasty treadmill I hope to ever use. There are ruts worn into the platform that made my run feel like I was running in an icy wheel rut. But the rock salt and dust was worse than the bumpy ride. Ugh.
    1/20/2015: 3 miles treadmill
    1/26/2015: 6.04 miles treadmill 27 miles left, in 5 days. That seems a tiny bit ambitious, for me.
    1/27/2015: 6.09 miles treadmill
    1/28/2015: 5.34 miles treadmill - I have asked my husband to help me in these last 3 days to be accountable for my mileage. He understands that it is all his fault if I do not reach my goal (j/k).
    1/29/2015: 5.29 miles treadmill
    1/30/2015: 4.74 miles treadmill

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Goal for January: 75 miles
    1/1 rest
    1/2 unplanned but very productive rest
    1/3 5 miles
    1/4 3.18
    1/5 rest
    1/6 6.25
    1/7 very unsatisfying snorkeling day +2.1
    1/8 3.12
    1/9 4.4
    1/10 bike
    1/11 3.12
    1/12 leisurely 3.45 walk (not counted in total)
    1/13 2 hours of snorkeling in rough water=leg workout!
    1/14 6.51
    1/15 3.15
    1/16 rest
    1/17 3.08
    1/18 4.51
    1/19 rest
    1/20 3 hours of snorkeling+ 2.47 run
    1/21 3.20
    1/22 6.33
    1/23 rest
    1/24 3.94
    1/25 3.15
    1/26-28 ill
    1/29 3.82
    1/30 3.3

    Total 70.56miles

    (ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)

  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    Woo hoooooo. I am done! What a wonderful month of running! Thanks January Running Challenge for helping keep me motivated :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    01/01.... 0.00....... 0.00
    01/02.... 6.98....... 6.98
    01/03.... 0.00....... 6.98
    01/04...10.75......17.73 - went out for 8 and just kept going!
    01/05.... 4.27......22.00 - strength training too
    01/06.... 4.33......26.33 - too hot and my legs felt like logs
    01/07.... 0.00......26.33 - rest day
    01/08.... 6.50......32.83 - strength training too
    01/09.... 5.11......37.94
    01/10.... 7.18......45.12 - rain run!
    01/11.... 0.00......45.12 - taper
    01/12.... 4.38......49.50
    01/13.... 0.00......49.50 - taper, Strength training
    01/14.... 4.09......53.59
    01/15.... 0.00......53.59 - taper, Strength training
    01/16.... 3.81......57.40
    01/17.... 0.00......57.40 - taper
    01/18...13.10......70.50 - Disney Star Wars Half
    01/19.... 4.22......74.72 - Recovery run
    01/20.... 0.00......74.72 - Rest, Strength training
    01/21.... 4.89......79.61
    01/22.... 0.00......79.61 - Rest, Strength training
    01/23.... 5.35......84.96 - Sluggish run after hard work out last night
    01/24.... 8.35......93.31 - hard fought run against the wind!
    01/25.... 2.92......96.23 - Beautiful barefoot run on the beach - doesn't get much better than this!
    01/26.... 7.05....103.28 - GOAL!!
    01/27.... 5.05....108.33 - strength training too
    01/28.... 0.00....108.33 - much needed rest day
    01/29.... 6.65....114.98 - strength training too
    01/30.... 4.57....119.55

  • VintageMatch
    VintageMatch Posts: 49 Member
    Haven't posted on here in a while, life gets busy. But my goal was 19 miles this month as I wasn't a runner before and would go to the gym randomly and only with a buddy. Happy to say I made it to 23 miles I now run for the most part everyother day and it doesn't matter if I go with anyone or not now. While I may not have posted I remembered that I made a commitment to a goal and it kept me going. Hoping the will be a February challenge. :)
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member

    1/1 = 6 miles
    1/2 = 4 miles + strength training
    1/3 = 6.5 miles
    1/4 = 3 miles + strength training
    1/5 = 6.5 miles
    1/6 = 0 miles, strength training
    1/7 = 6.5 miles
    1/8 = 0 miles, strength training
    1/9 = Rest day
    1/10 = 6.5 miles
    1/11 = 3 miles + strength training
    1/19 = 3 miles
    1/20 = 0 miles, strength training
    1/21 = 6.5 miles
    1/22 = 0 miles, strength training
    1/24 = 6.5 miles
    1/25 = 6.5 miles
    1/28 = 5.5 miles
    1/29 =0 miles, strength training
    1/31 =6.5 miles

    Excellent running, everyone! Bring it, February! :) We are ready!!!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    Excellent running, everyone! Bring it, February! :) We are ready!!!

    Wait up just a second - I'm not ready for February yet - Don't RUSH me!!!

    Seriously. We're not done here, yet. I've still got a run to go do. I'm gonna make goal, here.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Goal! With not much month to spare, but I made it :-)

    Congratulations to everyone on the great running this month!

    1.1.15 - 3.7km
    3.1.15 - 5.4km
    4.1.15 - 13.3km
    6.1.15 - 3.5km
    9.1.15 - 6.4km
    11.1.15 - 11.0km
    13.1.15 - 4.4km
    16.1.15 - 5km
    18.1.15 - 14.7km
    22.1.15 - 4km
    24.1.15 - 6km
    28.1.15 - 3.2km
    31.1.15 - 5.1km
    101 km (of 100km) done


  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    1/1, 2.0 miles, outside
    1/4, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    1/5, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    1/10, 5.2 miles, outside, cold but sunny!
    1/12, 3.37 miles, treadmill
    1/13, Zumba
    1/14, unplanned rest day - life (work) got in the way
    1/15, 4.0 miles, treadmill
    1/16, 6.22 miles, treadmill
    1/17, 3.2 miles, treadmill
    1/18, 7.2 miles, outside!!!!!!!!!!! 34 and freezing rain - but was awesome to be out there!!
    1/19, 3.0 miles, outside! 43 degrees! Felt like spring!
    1/20, XT - Zumba and a walk
    1/21, 5.0 miles, outside!!
    1/22, rest
    1/23, 5.0 miles, outside!!
    1/24, rest
    1/25, rest
    1/26, 2.09 miles, treadmill (&Zumba)
    1/27, 6.27 miles, treadmill
    1/28, XT - Zumba
    1/29, 5.02 miles, treadmill
    1/30, rest
    1/31, 4.34 miles, treadmill

    70.59 miles total; 70 miles goal - GOAL MET - happy dance!!! :smile:


    Excellent work everyone!!! Cheers to all of you, like me, who are finishing up today! @autumnblade75 - you got this!!
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    DATE...................... MILES...............TOTAL
    1/7.............................6.00...............23.50 (Cold one... -7F windchill)
    1/8.............................7.00...............30.50 (Colder one... -17F windchill)
    1/10...........................5.00...............35.50 (Even colder... -2F, -19F windchill)
    1/13...........................7.00...............47.50 (10F, 0F windchill)
    1/15.........................10.00...............57.50 (9F, 4F windchill)
    1/17...........................7.50...............71.00 (15F, 3F windchill)
    1/27...........................5.00..............121.50 (16F, 8F windchill)
    1/28...........................6.00..............127.50 (8F, -4F windchill)
    1/30...........................6.25..............136.75 (18F, 3F windchill)
    1/31...........................7.25..............144.00 (7F, 0F windchill)

    Goal failure.

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    1/1/2015: 3.94 miles outside
    1/2/2015: 3.46 miles treadmill
    1/3/2015: 1.95 miles outside, because I was too lazy to drive to the gym (?!)
    1/4/2015: 4.34 miles treadmill, driving to the gym was terrifying (ask me about my POS car.)
    1/5/2015: Rest (replaced car and dealt with insurance)
    1/6/2015: Rest (still dealing with insurance - switching to new agency)
    1/7/2015: 3.52 miles treadmill (and running around with old insurance agency, some more!)
    1/9/2015: 4.21 miles treadmill
    1/12/2015: 3.5 miles treadmill
    1/14/2015: 6.99 miles treadmill (I did 2 Zombies, Run! missions, one with hills and one flat, and added the mileage when I got home, or that would be an even 7.)
    1/16/2015: 3 treadmill and 3 treadmill - competing against my brother. I failed in the morning and went back to try again in the afternoon. Beat his time by 27 seconds.
    1/19/2015: 1 mile on the treadmill in my brother's gym about 10 seconds slower than his. My lungs finally feel a bit better. That was the dustiest nasty treadmill I hope to ever use. There are ruts worn into the platform that made my run feel like I was running in an icy wheel rut. But the rock salt and dust was worse than the bumpy ride. Ugh.
    1/20/2015: 3 miles treadmill
    1/26/2015: 6.04 miles treadmill 27 miles left, in 5 days. That seems a tiny bit ambitious, for me.
    1/27/2015: 6.09 miles treadmill
    1/28/2015: 5.34 miles treadmill - I have asked my husband to help me in these last 3 days to be accountable for my mileage. He understands that it is all his fault if I do not reach my goal (j/k).
    1/29/2015: 5.29 miles treadmill
    1/30/2015: 4.74 miles treadmill
    1/31/2015: 5.91 miles treadmill
    Excellent work everyone!!! Cheers to all of you, like me, who are finishing up today! @autumnblade75 - you got this!!

    I absolutely got this. Goal achieved. NOW I'm ready for February. Congratulations to everyone who participated - whether you got there or not. If you can get there today, go do it! No rush, but from where I'm standing, you've got about 11 hours to make it happen...

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Goal for January: 75 miles
    1/1 rest
    1/2 unplanned but very productive rest
    1/3 5 miles
    1/4 3.18
    1/5 rest
    1/6 6.25
    1/7 very unsatisfying snorkeling day +2.1
    1/8 3.12
    1/9 4.4
    1/10 bike
    1/11 3.12
    1/12 leisurely 3.45 walk (not counted in total)
    1/13 2 hours of snorkeling in rough water=leg workout!
    1/14 6.51
    1/15 3.15
    1/16 rest
    1/17 3.08
    1/18 4.51
    1/19 rest
    1/20 3 hours of snorkeling+ 2.47 run
    1/21 3.20
    1/22 6.33
    1/23 rest
    1/24 3.94
    1/25 3.15
    1/26-28 ill
    1/29 3.82
    1/30 3.3
    1/31 5.05

    Total 75.61miles: goal, by the skin of my teeth!!
    Congrats to all who participated and met, or tried to, or exceeded their goals!

    (ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)

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