Anyone eat over 2000 calories?



  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    In order for me to lose I have to stay at 1200 and lower; in order to maintain I have to stay between 1500 and 1800 otherwise it keeps going up and I'd weigh 300 in two years!
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    I do lose, but I think it's easier for me not to count back my exercise calories because I eat more overall. If I was only eating 1200 I would definitely count them back! Once I started lifting and focusing in intensity rather than duration in my cardio, I found I could eat even more to maintain
  • danielh1234
    danielh1234 Posts: 1 Member
    2700 for me is a minimum but im 6'4 125kg active job and plenty of time in gym often leads to consuming 3000+
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    5'7" 145lbs and holding steady eating around 3000 cal/day, sometimes more.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    I'm currently at 2200 a day as my goal. If I ever get back to counting then I'll probably raise that a touch as I'm still losing (albeit slowly) despite eating terribly lately. Perks of working in a warehouse.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    When I'm physically able to exercise at my fullest, I can eat over 2000 a day and slowly lose. But I'm still working up to that level after an injury, so I'm at 1500 + exercise calories, usually between 1700-1900. I'm 42 years old, 5'5 and currently 148 lbs. I lost more than I expected last month (7 pounds, aiming for about 4) so I can probably up the calories a bit, but I like to have wiggle room for fun on the weekends. Plus, I'm sure some of that last month was just water weight.
  • EricLFC1892
    EricLFC1892 Posts: 85 Member
    I hit around 3000 a day but currently trying to bulk
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    What kind of exercises are you food braggers doing to eat such massive amounts of calories? And the ones eating like horses and losing weight baffle me too. I took a break from dieting because I flat out stopped losing weight eating 2200 calories. So I eat 2700 for a few weeks. Of course I gained weight. Great. Let's waste more time losing. So two weeks ago I go back to 2200. Great 5lbs of water in a couple weeks. Let's follow the "it's just one day, enjoy your life" BS people preach. Goto a birthday party. Have some nachos and beer for the Superbowl. Great. I weigh more this morning then when I cut my calories two weeks ago. Really? Seriously? I'm 5'11" 233lbs and I lift 5-6 days a week. But the chick who's 5'2 105, she eats 100000000 calories and loses 2lbs a week? Really? I think some people flat out lie about their calorie counts.

    You sound bitter.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm at about 2000-2200 per day with exercise counted. 5'2 and 128 pounds. It is what I've been doing for several years now and have kept all the weight off. That said, right now I'm training for another marathon so I have days that are much higher. Sometimes I have days where I'm ok at 1800-1900 and I leave it at that. Then other days I feel like I could eat anything and everything in the house...that could just be boredom and the winter blues though :D It is really about finding the perfect balance for you and we are all so different.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    What kind of exercises are you food braggers doing to eat such massive amounts of calories? And the ones eating like horses and losing weight baffle me too. I took a break from dieting because I flat out stopped losing weight eating 2200 calories. So I eat 2700 for a few weeks. Of course I gained weight. Great. Let's waste more time losing. So two weeks ago I go back to 2200. Great 5lbs of water in a couple weeks. Let's follow the "it's just one day, enjoy your life" BS people preach. Goto a birthday party. Have some nachos and beer for the Superbowl. Great. I weigh more this morning then when I cut my calories two weeks ago. Really? Seriously? I'm 5'11" 233lbs and I lift 5-6 days a week. But the chick who's 5'2 105, she eats 100000000 calories and loses 2lbs a week? Really? I think some people flat out lie about their calorie counts.

    You sound bitter.

    And? If people can brag about their food I can complain about it.

    Lolz. :laugh:
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    Me. I don't know how much I "lose" at the level that I eat, but I have been maintaining my weight logging around 2200-2500 a day on days that I log (although very likely I go a bit over that on days I don't log). If anything, I don't get how people can eat under 1600-1700. I guess maybe different metabolisms? I have always been a foodie and my whole life I had been referred to as "bottom-less pit" or other names, but only for a short period of my life have I ever been overweight.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    edited February 2015
    randomtai wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    What kind of exercises are you food braggers doing to eat such massive amounts of calories? And the ones eating like horses and losing weight baffle me too. I took a break from dieting because I flat out stopped losing weight eating 2200 calories. So I eat 2700 for a few weeks. Of course I gained weight. Great. Let's waste more time losing. So two weeks ago I go back to 2200. Great 5lbs of water in a couple weeks. Let's follow the "it's just one day, enjoy your life" BS people preach. Goto a birthday party. Have some nachos and beer for the Superbowl. Great. I weigh more this morning then when I cut my calories two weeks ago. Really? Seriously? I'm 5'11" 233lbs and I lift 5-6 days a week. But the chick who's 5'2 105, she eats 100000000 calories and loses 2lbs a week? Really? I think some people flat out lie about their calorie counts.

    You sound bitter.

    And? If people can brag about their food I can complain about it.

    Do you lift with the same enthusiasm?
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    What kind of exercises are you food braggers doing to eat such massive amounts of calories? And the ones eating like horses and losing weight baffle me too. I took a break from dieting because I flat out stopped losing weight eating 2200 calories. So I eat 2700 for a few weeks. Of course I gained weight. Great. Let's waste more time losing. So two weeks ago I go back to 2200. Great 5lbs of water in a couple weeks. Let's follow the "it's just one day, enjoy your life" BS people preach. Goto a birthday party. Have some nachos and beer for the Superbowl. Great. I weigh more this morning then when I cut my calories two weeks ago. Really? Seriously? I'm 5'11" 233lbs and I lift 5-6 days a week. But the chick who's 5'2 105, she eats 100000000 calories and loses 2lbs a week? Really? I think some people flat out lie about their calorie counts.

    You sound bitter.

    And? If people can brag about their food I can complain about it.

    ....never mind.
  • maggieneed
    maggieneed Posts: 1 Member
    I net 1500-1600 a day, but gross about 1900-2100 depending on the workout. On long running days I can eat about 3000. I'm maintaining weight but I will occasionally lose. I cut down 40 lbs (over 2 years), so I'm not interested in the loss at this point. I also find I'm not hungry at this range when I remember to eat throughout the day and after a workout. Ultimately it's not really about the calories, but about what you eat. You could potentially eat a lot more calories if they are low in sugar and fat, yet still lose weight. If you eat calories high in sugar and fat (proportionally), then you may manage to gain weight. Not all calories are created equal and not all bodies burn calories at the same speed. Do what works for you! It takes some trial and error to figure it out.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    What kind of exercises are you food braggers doing to eat such massive amounts of calories? And the ones eating like horses and losing weight baffle me too.

    Pretty simple. I am putting in between 13 and 15 hours a week swimming, cycling, and running. And that is just winter base training. Once the warm weather gets back my total weekly hours will push towards 20. It is rare that I go a day where my exercise burn is under 800, usually it's over 1000 total. I lose weight if i eat less than 3000 calories a day.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I take in 2000-2200 calories/day. I'm breastfeeding though (baby is 2 weeks old). When I get the green light to go back to the gym I'm sure I'll be adding more to that. I'm more in 'recovering from childbirth' mode right now than 'losing weight' mode. That'll come after my 6 week checkup.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    What kind of exercises are you food braggers doing to eat such massive amounts of calories? And the ones eating like horses and losing weight baffle me too. I took a break from dieting because I flat out stopped losing weight eating 2200 calories. So I eat 2700 for a few weeks. Of course I gained weight. Great. Let's waste more time losing. So two weeks ago I go back to 2200. Great 5lbs of water in a couple weeks. Let's follow the "it's just one day, enjoy your life" BS people preach. Goto a birthday party. Have some nachos and beer for the Superbowl. Great. I weigh more this morning then when I cut my calories two weeks ago. Really? Seriously? I'm 5'11" 233lbs and I lift 5-6 days a week. But the chick who's 5'2 105, she eats 100000000 calories and loses 2lbs a week? Really? I think some people flat out lie about their calorie counts.

    Well only because you asked so nicely :D I am marathon training right now so my miles have increased. My typical non training mode is from 600-800 per day calorie burn most days of the week. On long run days I can burn upwards of 2000 calories so obviously I need to eat more, other days are a bit less. I vary between running, the Arc trainer at the gym, my spin bike here at home and my treadmill also here at home. I lift weights and do HIIT for strength/cardio. I have a desk job but I work from home so I try to remind myself to get up and move every hour or so. When I had lost about half the weight I actually increased my calorie intake and lost more but that wasn't just about quantity, but also about quality. I'm 5'2 and weigh 128 pounds but most people guess I am around 110 due to my muscle mass. I think in part that helps quite a bit as far as burning calories is concerned. I really do hope the posts here help!
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    I take in 2000-2200 calories/day. I'm breastfeeding though (baby is 2 weeks old). When I get the green light to go back to the gym I'm sure I'll be adding more to that. I'm more in 'recovering from childbirth' mode right now than 'losing weight' mode. That'll come after my 6 week checkup.

    Congrats! I've heard that breastfeeding is not only great for the baby but also for the mom in terms of calories burned. What a win win for you and your baby :)

  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Yeah, I understand when it's an explanation like this. I'm talking about the "I lift a few times a week and never do cardio but I eat 2,500 calories a day to lose weight" gals. OK, so I literally weigh 100lbs more than these chicks but I don't lose an ounce eating 2200? It flat out makes no sense. Like I said, people are lying about their intake or their activity levels to make this look easier than it is.

    I've been staying around 2100 per day. I swim laps at least 30 solid minutes every day and I've been making a bigger effort to walk around more, park further away, get up from my desk & walk a lap around my office, etc. I've been losing about 2-3lb a week. I have a lot to lose yet, but I know people who eat like horses & never seem to gain weight. The woman who sits at the desk next to me at work literally eats 1000 calories for lunch every day & is always posting pics of homemade fried chicken & stuff she makes for dinner on Facebook & she's a stick. She said she doesn't exercise & she can't gain weight no matter what. Her OB/GYN even accused her of trying to diet when she was preggo because she only gained 18lbs for both of her pregnancies. I think some people just have naturally high metabolisms and some have naturally low metabolisms. There are many studies out there that have backed this theory up.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    I take in 2000-2200 calories/day. I'm breastfeeding though (baby is 2 weeks old). When I get the green light to go back to the gym I'm sure I'll be adding more to that. I'm more in 'recovering from childbirth' mode right now than 'losing weight' mode. That'll come after my 6 week checkup.

    Congrats! I've heard that breastfeeding is not only great for the baby but also for the mom in terms of calories burned. What a win win for you and your baby :)

    Thanks :)